AOSP/Messaging - updated tests target version to 24 to match the Messaing app's targetSdkVersion. All messagingtests tests pass/work.
+ ParticipantRefreshTest - Added UIIntents and FakeDataModel. Fixed the errors in the data verification.
+ GetOrCreateConversationActionTest - changed the blankId assert to assertEquals because 10 conversations were inserted when database was created.
+ ConversationFragmentTest - Return mockDraftMessageData even if createDraftMessageData is called with null argument.

Bug: 119503204

Test: manual - Ran the following CTS tests on Pixel phone. Tested the messaging UI.

$ make -j 40

$ make messagingtests -j

$ ls -l out/target/product/marlin/system/app/messaging/messaging.apk
  -rw-r--r-- 1 rtenneti primarygroup 8974412 Dec  3 17:21 out/target/product/marlin/system/app/messaging/messaging.apk

$ ls -l  out/target/product/marlin/testcases/messagingtests/messagingtests.apk
  -rw-r--r-- 1 rtenneti primarygroup 709233 Dec  3 17:25 out/target/product/marlin/testcases/messagingtests/messagingtests.apk

$ adb install -r -d out/target/product/marlin/system/app/messaging/messaging.apk

$ adb install -r -d out/target/product/marlin/testcases/messagingtests/messagingtests.apk

$ adb shell am instrument -w
  Test results for InstrumentationTestRunner=.........................................
  Time: 13.376
  OK (113 tests)

Change-Id: Ib5784b9ed0b9086f153dd438b2b791ae0bca2621
4 files changed