Fix INTERACT_ACROSS_PROFILES appop issue for shared UIDs

CrossProfileApps#setInteractAcrossProfilesAppOp was previously setting
the appop per-package instead of per-UID, causing issues for apps with
shared UIDs. This is now fixed, however we need to apply the fix in the
new OTA update to existing apps that already have the appop set incorrectly.

Test: atest UpdateInteractAcrossProfilesAppOpTaskTest
Test: manual testing by triggering an OTA update manually
Bug: 183188804
Bug: 183730243
Bug: 195630721
Change-Id: I0c826bdc8f0a868cfc7fce3e23c0e124e06b8c95
Merged-In: I0c826bdc8f0a868cfc7fce3e23c0e124e06b8c95
(cherry picked from commit 854dad1bc01e40764cec0e278c04c9b33197a80a)
1 file changed