Use getLocationOnScreen() to determine home bounds

This correctly accounts for device cutouts in landscape.

Bug: 76220728
Change-Id: I34f022d92957caeffae49b21a89acaf13e188076
diff --git a/quickstep/src/com/android/quickstep/ b/quickstep/src/com/android/quickstep/
index c94174b..cb13625 100644
--- a/quickstep/src/com/android/quickstep/
+++ b/quickstep/src/com/android/quickstep/
@@ -589,7 +589,15 @@
                     new Point(minimizedHomeBounds.width(), minimizedHomeBounds.height()));
         } else {
-            overviewStackBounds = new Rect(0, 0, dp.widthPx, dp.heightPx);
+            if (mActivity != null) {
+                int loc[] = new int[2];
+                View rootView = mActivity.getRootView();
+                rootView.getLocationOnScreen(loc);
+                overviewStackBounds = new Rect(loc[0], loc[1], loc[0] + rootView.getWidth(),
+                        loc[1] + rootView.getHeight());
+            } else {
+                overviewStackBounds = new Rect(0, 0, dp.widthPx, dp.heightPx);
+            }
             // If we are not in multi-window mode, home insets should be same as system insets.
             Rect insets = new Rect();