blob: b35c2e0f55067f7d0a435b5452624225048a3134 [file] [log] [blame]
import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Build;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.text.format.DateUtils;
import android.util.Base64;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpOptions;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.conn.params.ConnManagerPNames;
import org.apache.http.conn.params.ConnPerRoute;
import org.apache.http.conn.routing.HttpRoute;
import org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams;
import java.util.HashMap;
* Base class for communicating with an EAS server. Anything that needs to send messages to the
* server can subclass this to get access to the {@link #sendHttpClientPost} family of functions.
* TODO: This class has a regrettable name. It's not a connection, but rather a task that happens
* to have (and use) a connection to the server.
public abstract class EasServerConnection {
/** Logging tag. */
private static final String TAG = "EasServerConnection";
* Timeout for establishing a connection to the server.
private static final long CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 20 * DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS;
* Timeout for http requests after the connection has been established.
protected static final long COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 30 * DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS;
private static final String DEVICE_TYPE = "Android";
protected static final String USER_AGENT = DEVICE_TYPE + '/' + Build.VERSION.RELEASE + '-' +
/** Message MIME type for EAS version 14 and later. */
private static final String EAS_14_MIME_TYPE = "application/";
private static final ConnPerRoute sConnPerRoute = new ConnPerRoute() {
public int getMaxForRoute(final HttpRoute route) {
return 8;
* Value for {@link #mStoppedReason} when we haven't been stopped.
public static final int STOPPED_REASON_NONE = 0;
* Passed to {@link #stop} to indicate that this stop request should terminate this task.
public static final int STOPPED_REASON_ABORT = 1;
* Passed to {@link #stop} to indicate that this stop request should restart this task (e.g. in
* order to reload parameters).
public static final int STOPPED_REASON_RESTART = 2;
protected final Context mContext;
// TODO: Make this private if possible. Subclasses must be careful about altering the HostAuth
// to not screw up any connection caching (use redirectHostAuth).
protected final HostAuth mHostAuth;
protected final Account mAccount;
// Bookkeeping for interrupting a POST. This is primarily for use by Ping (there's currently
// no mechanism for stopping a sync).
// Access to these variables should be synchronized on this.
private HttpPost mPendingPost = null;
private boolean mStopped = false;
private int mStoppedReason = STOPPED_REASON_NONE;
* The protocol version to use, as a double. This is a cached value based on the protocol
* version in {@link #mAccount}, so whenever that value is changed,
* {@link #uncacheProtocolVersion()} must be called.
private double mProtocolVersionDouble = 0.0d;
* The client for any requests made by this object. This is created lazily, and cleared
* whenever our host auth is redirected.
private HttpClient mClient;
* The connection manager for any requests made by this object. This is created lazily, and
* cleared whenever our host auth is redirected.
private EmailClientConnectionManager mConnectionManager;
* We want to reuse {@link EmailClientConnectionManager} across different requests to the same
* {@link HostAuth}. Since HostAuths have unique ids, we can use that as the cache key.
* All access to the cache must be synchronized in theory, although in practice since we don't
* have concurrent requests to the same account it should never come up.
private static class ConnectionManagerCache {
private final HashMap<Long, EmailClientConnectionManager> mMap =
new HashMap<Long, EmailClientConnectionManager>();
* Get a connection manager from the cache, or create one and add it if needed.
* @param context The {@link Context}.
* @param hostAuth The {@link HostAuth} to which we want to connect.
* @return The connection manager for hostAuth.
public synchronized EmailClientConnectionManager getConnectionManager(
final Context context, final HostAuth hostAuth) {
EmailClientConnectionManager connectionManager = mMap.get(hostAuth.mId);
if (connectionManager == null) {
final HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
params.setIntParameter(ConnManagerPNames.MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS, 25);
params.setParameter(ConnManagerPNames.MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_ROUTE, sConnPerRoute);
final boolean ssl = hostAuth.shouldUseSsl();
final int port = hostAuth.mPort;
LogUtils.i(TAG, "Creating connection manager for port %d (%s)", port,
ssl ? "uses ssl" : "no ssl");
connectionManager =
EmailClientConnectionManager.newInstance(context, params, hostAuth);
// We don't save managers for validation/autodiscover
if (hostAuth.isSaved()) {
mMap.put(hostAuth.mId, connectionManager);
return connectionManager;
* Remove a connection manager from the cache. This is necessary when a {@link HostAuth} is
* redirected or otherwise altered.
* TODO: We should uncache when we delete accounts.
* @param hostAuth The {@link HostAuth} whose connection manager should be deleted.
public synchronized void uncacheConnectionManager(final HostAuth hostAuth) {
private static final ConnectionManagerCache sConnectionManagers = new ConnectionManagerCache();
protected EasServerConnection(final Context context, final Account account,
final HostAuth hostAuth) {
mContext = context;
mHostAuth = hostAuth;
mAccount = account;
protected EasServerConnection(final Context context, final Account account) {
this(context, account, HostAuth.restoreHostAuthWithId(context, account.mHostAuthKeyRecv));
protected EmailClientConnectionManager getClientConnectionManager() {
if (mConnectionManager == null) {
mConnectionManager = sConnectionManagers.getConnectionManager(mContext, mHostAuth);
return mConnectionManager;
protected void redirectHostAuth(final String newAddress) {
mClient = null;
mConnectionManager = null;
mHostAuth.mAddress = newAddress;
if (mHostAuth.isSaved()) {
final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(1);
cv.put(EmailContent.HostAuthColumns.ADDRESS, newAddress);
mHostAuth.update(mContext, cv);
private HttpClient getHttpClient(final long timeout) {
if (mClient == null) {
final HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(params, (int)(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT));
HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(params, (int)(timeout));
HttpConnectionParams.setSocketBufferSize(params, 8192);
mClient = new DefaultHttpClient(getClientConnectionManager(), params);
return mClient;
private String makeAuthString() {
final String cs = mHostAuth.mLogin + ":" + mHostAuth.mPassword;
return "Basic " + Base64.encodeToString(cs.getBytes(), Base64.NO_WRAP);
private String makeUserString() {
String deviceId;
try {
deviceId = Device.getDeviceId(mContext);
} catch (final IOException e) {
// TODO: Make Device.getDeviceId not throw IOException, if possible.
// Otherwise use a better deviceId default.
deviceId = "0";
return "&User=" + Uri.encode(mHostAuth.mLogin) + "&DeviceId=" +
deviceId + "&DeviceType=" + DEVICE_TYPE;
private String makeBaseUriString() {
return EmailClientConnectionManager.makeScheme(mHostAuth.shouldUseSsl(),
mHostAuth.shouldTrustAllServerCerts(), mHostAuth.mClientCertAlias) +
"://" + mHostAuth.mAddress + "/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync";
private String makeUriString(final String cmd, final String extra) {
String uriString = makeBaseUriString();
if (cmd != null) {
uriString += "?Cmd=" + cmd + makeUserString();
if (extra != null) {
uriString += extra;
return uriString;
* Get the protocol version for {@link #mAccount}, or a default if we can't determine it.
* @return The protocol version for {@link #mAccount}, as a String.
private String getProtocolVersionString() {
if (mAccount.mProtocolVersion != null) {
return mAccount.mProtocolVersion;
* If a sync causes us to update our protocol version, this function must be called so that
* subsequent calls to {@link #getProtocolVersion()} will do the right thing.
protected void uncacheProtocolVersion() {
mProtocolVersionDouble = 0.0d;
* Get the protocol version for {@link #mAccount}, as a double. This function caches the result
* of looking up the value so that subsequent calls do not have to repeat that.
* @return The protocol version for {@link #mAccount}, as a double.
protected double getProtocolVersion() {
if (mProtocolVersionDouble == 0.0d) {
mProtocolVersionDouble = Eas.getProtocolVersionDouble(getProtocolVersionString());
return mProtocolVersionDouble;
* Send an http OPTIONS request to server.
* @return The {@link EasResponse} from the Exchange server.
* @throws IOException
protected EasResponse sendHttpClientOptions() throws IOException {
// For OPTIONS, just use the base string and the single header
final HttpOptions method = new HttpOptions(URI.create(makeBaseUriString()));
method.setHeader("Authorization", makeAuthString());
method.setHeader("User-Agent", USER_AGENT);
return EasResponse.fromHttpRequest(getClientConnectionManager(),
getHttpClient(COMMAND_TIMEOUT), method);
protected void resetAuthorization(final HttpPost post) {
post.setHeader("Authorization", makeAuthString());
* Make an {@link HttpPost} for a specific request.
* @param uri The uri for this request, as a {@link String}.
* @param entity The {@link HttpEntity} for this request.
* @param contentType The Content-Type for this request.
* @param usePolicyKey Whether or not a policy key should be sent.
* @return
protected HttpPost makePost(final String uri, final HttpEntity entity, final String contentType,
final boolean usePolicyKey) {
final HttpPost post = new HttpPost(uri);
post.setHeader("Authorization", makeAuthString());
post.setHeader("MS-ASProtocolVersion", getProtocolVersionString());
post.setHeader("User-Agent", USER_AGENT);
post.setHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip");
if (contentType != null) {
post.setHeader("Content-Type", contentType);
if (usePolicyKey) {
// If there's an account in existence, use its key; otherwise (we're creating the
// account), send "0". The server will respond with code 449 if there are policies
// to be enforced
final String key;
final String accountKey = mAccount.mSecuritySyncKey;
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(accountKey)) {
key = accountKey;
} else {
key = "0";
post.setHeader("X-MS-PolicyKey", key);
return post;
* Send a POST request to the server.
* @param cmd The command we're sending to the server.
* @param entity The {@link HttpEntity} containing the payload of the message.
* @param timeout The timeout for this POST.
* @return The response from the Exchange server.
* @throws IOException
protected EasResponse sendHttpClientPost(String cmd, final HttpEntity entity,
final long timeout) throws IOException {
final boolean isPingCommand = cmd.equals("Ping");
// Split the mail sending commands
String extra = null;
boolean msg = false;
if (cmd.startsWith("SmartForward&") || cmd.startsWith("SmartReply&")) {
final int cmdLength = cmd.indexOf('&');
extra = cmd.substring(cmdLength);
cmd = cmd.substring(0, cmdLength);
msg = true;
} else if (cmd.startsWith("SendMail&")) {
msg = true;
// Send the proper Content-Type header; it's always wbxml except for messages when
// the EAS protocol version is < 14.0
// If entity is null (e.g. for attachments), don't set this header
final String contentType;
if (msg && (getProtocolVersion() < Eas.SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_EX2010_DOUBLE)) {
contentType = MimeUtility.MIME_TYPE_RFC822;
} else if (entity != null) {
contentType = EAS_14_MIME_TYPE;
else {
contentType = null;
final HttpPost method = makePost(makeUriString(cmd, extra), entity, contentType,
// The next lines are added at the insistence of $VENDOR, who is seeing inappropriate
// network activity related to the Ping command on some networks with some servers.
// This code should be removed when the underlying issue is resolved
if (isPingCommand) {
method.setHeader("Connection", "close");
return executePost(method, timeout);
protected EasResponse sendHttpClientPost(final String cmd, final byte[] bytes,
final long timeout) throws IOException {
return sendHttpClientPost(cmd, new ByteArrayEntity(bytes), timeout);
protected EasResponse sendHttpClientPost(final String cmd, final byte[] bytes)
throws IOException {
return sendHttpClientPost(cmd, bytes, COMMAND_TIMEOUT);
* Executes an {@link HttpPost}.
* Note: this function must not be called by multiple threads concurrently. Only one thread may
* send server requests from a particular object at a time.
* @param method The post to execute.
* @param timeout The timeout to use.
* @return The response from the Exchange server.
* @throws IOException
protected EasResponse executePost(final HttpPost method, final long timeout)
throws IOException {
// The synchronized blocks are here to support the stop() function, specifically to handle
// when stop() is called first. Notably, they are NOT here in order to guard against
// concurrent access to this function, which is not supported.
synchronized (this) {
if (mStopped) {
mStopped = false;
// If this gets stopped after the POST actually starts, it throws an IOException.
// Therefore if we get stopped here, let's throw the same sort of exception, so
// callers can just equate IOException with the "this POST got killed for some
// reason".
throw new IOException("Command was stopped before POST");
mPendingPost = method;
try {
return EasResponse.fromHttpRequest(getClientConnectionManager(), getHttpClient(timeout),
} finally {
synchronized (this) {
mPendingPost = null;
protected EasResponse executePost(final HttpPost method) throws IOException {
return executePost(method, COMMAND_TIMEOUT);
* If called while this object is executing a POST, interrupt it with an {@link IOException}.
* Otherwise cause the next attempt to execute a POST to be interrupted with an
* {@link IOException}.
* @param reason The reason for requesting a stop. This should be one of the STOPPED_REASON_*
* constants defined in this class, other than {@link #STOPPED_REASON_NONE} which
* is used to signify that no stop has occurred.
* This class simply stores the value; subclasses are responsible for checking
* this value when catching the {@link IOException} and responding appropriately.
* @return Whether we were in the middle of a POST.
public synchronized boolean stop(final int reason) {
final boolean isMidPost = (mPendingPost != null);
LogUtils.i(TAG, "%s with reason %d", (isMidPost ? "Interrupt" : "Stop next"), reason);
mStoppedReason = reason;
if (isMidPost) {
} else {
mStopped = true;
return isMidPost;
* Check the reason of the last {@link #stop} request.
* @return The reason supplied to the last call to {@link #stop}, or
* {@link #STOPPED_REASON_NONE} if we haven't been stopped since the last successful POST.
protected int getStoppedReason() {
return mStoppedReason;
* Convenience method for adding a Message to an account's outbox
* @param msg the message to send
protected void sendMessage(final EmailContent.Message msg) {
final Mailbox mailbox =
Mailbox.restoreMailboxOfType(mContext, mAccount.mId, Mailbox.TYPE_OUTBOX);
if (mailbox != null) {
msg.mMailboxKey = mailbox.mId;
msg.mAccountKey = mAccount.mId;;