Use a single account color resource table; add convenience methods

* The color chip resource table was duplicated in three files
* Move these into a common location in and add
  convenience method for retrieving color chip resource id based
  on accountId
* Simplifies future changes to account color selection
* Add RGB color information on these resources (provided by
  rfulcher) and add a convenience method for retrieving these

Change-Id: If1c2d22fba91cfce46a2618cd2b73cf7a534ce51
diff --git a/src/com/android/exchange/adapter/ b/src/com/android/exchange/adapter/
index b760dfd..f2e5d61 100644
--- a/src/com/android/exchange/adapter/
+++ b/src/com/android/exchange/adapter/
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
                     cv.put(Calendars.SELECTED, 1);
                     cv.put(Calendars.HIDDEN, 0);
                     // TODO Find out how to set color!!
-                    cv.put(Calendars.COLOR, 0xFF228B22 /*green*/);
+                    cv.put(Calendars.COLOR, Email.getAccountColor(mAccountId));
                     cv.put(Calendars.TIMEZONE, Time.getCurrentTimezone());
                     cv.put(Calendars.ACCESS_LEVEL, Calendars.OWNER_ACCESS);
                     cv.put(Calendars.OWNER_ACCOUNT, mAccount.mEmailAddress);