Fix the bug on CertInstaller changing orientation

User may think CertInstaller have a bug when he changing orientation in CertInstaller.
So, add android:configChanges attribute 'screenSize' on CertInstallerMain activity.

1) User is going to install certificate file using CertInstaller(Settings > Security > Install from storage).
2) User choose a certificate file via DocumentsContract(after KitKat MR1).
3) Password dialog is shown and user change orientation.
4) When orentation changing, CertInstallerMain activity is restarted.
New CertInstallerMain activity calls new DocumentsContract. But, old DocumentsContract is not destroyed.
Therefore, there are two DocumentsContract.
In this situation, User choose a certificate, he can't install certificate file(It just shows DocumentsContract),user think it is a bug.
So, 'screenSize' is necessary attribute on CertInstallerMain activity.

Signed-off-by : Seulhui Lee <>

Change-Id: I98826b3432a5794caf2b7bdb9e477606a788215b