Android Automotive ‘Chassis’ library

Components and resources designed to increase Automotive UI consistency between GAS (Google Automotive Services) apps, system-apps and OEM developed apps.

See: go/aae-chassis


Components and resources designed to be configured by means of RRO (Runtime Resource Overlays) by OEMs.


This library is developed in Gerrit and copied as source to Google3 using Copybara (go/copybara).

Source: /packages/apps/Car/libs/car-chassis-lib Target: //google3/third_party/java/android_libs/android_car_chassis_lib

Here is the process for updating this library:

  1. Develop, test and create CL in Gerrit with the desired changes
  2. On Google3, run and test your changes
  3. Iterate until your changes look okay on both places.
  4. Back on Gerrit, submit your CL
  5. Back on Google3, run again and submit

TODO: Automate this process using CaaS (in progress)