blob: 45b98d1c8e527177578a09c98c444cab10badb1b [file] [log] [blame]
# Specifications for keylines.
# * Any line beginning with a # will be ignored.
# * Empty lines don't matter.
# * Whitespace does not matter, commas are the delimiter. Don't skip commas, even if there is no
# value in the cell. While it is easy to modify the script to handle a skipped comma, it is better
# to enforce and error check rather than silently produce incorrect output.
# * Don't put a comma after the last value, if there is nothing in the last cell, leave it empty.
# * If a cell is left empty, the value for that alternate resource will get skipped. In that
# case Android will use the best matching rule to determine the value. The matching rules
# are specified at:
name, none, w480dp, w720dp, w1024dp, w1024dp-port, w1280dp, w1920dp
keyline_1, 24dp, , , 32dp, , , 48dp
keyline_2, 96dp, , 104dp, 120dp, 140dp, ,
keyline_3, 112dp, , , 128dp, , , 152dp