AAOS SystemUI Sample RRO's

Each sample demonstrates the effects of overriding some configs in AAOS SystemUI.

How to build and install RRO

# Enable RRO for the user 0
adb shell cmd overlay enable --user 0 com.android.systemui.rro.bottom
adb shell cmd overlay enable --user 0 com.android.systemui.rro.bottom.rounded
adb shell cmd overlay enable --user 0 com.android.systemui.rro.right
adb shell cmd overlay enable --user 0 com.android.systemui.rro.left

# To make system bar persistent, apply com.android.systemui.rro.persistent to both user 10 and user 0
adbemu shell cmd overlay enable --user 0 com.android.systemui.rro.persistent
adbemu shell cmd overlay enable --user 10 com.android.systemui.rro.persistent

# Build all sample RRO's
mmma {path to the samples directory}
# Install one of the sample RRO's
adb install {path to the RRO apk}
# Restart SystemUI
adb shell pkill -TERM -f com.android.systemui