Update robolectric dependency to v3.6.2.

This is required for support of v53 .class files.

Test: The following tests pass both before and after this CL:
      make RunFrameworksServicesRoboTests RunBluetoothRoboTests \
           RunCarMessengerRoboTests RunKeyChainRoboTests \
Test: The above tests also pass when EXPERIMENTAL_USE_OPENJDK9=true
      (they didn't pass with v3.6.1).
Test: The following tests fail both before and after this CL (error
      trying to mock a final class):
      make RunStorageManagerRoboTests RunEmergencyInfoRoboTests

Bug: 116872534
Change-Id: I087fc2a5176c1e4c5e63baef5b207ea42b026f80
1 file changed
tree: 18f879da9be2257042f7980cf03f4aafb0567445
  1. res/
  2. src/
  3. tests/
  4. Android.mk
  5. AndroidManifest.xml