AOSP/Calendar - EventInfoFragment fully converted with bp file

This is the fully converted and touched-up Kotlin
file after the converter was run once. All import
statements were properly imported form the original
Java file; however, there was one static import from
the CalendarController class that did not translate
correctly. Since CalendarController has already been
converted to Kotlin, all static members are within a
companion object, thus we must import "CalendarController.Companion"
in order to have access to the static members of the
class. Moreover, it seems that the "findViewById()"
method was causing Kotlin build errors because the
compiler could not infer generic type 'T', which is
the return type of the aforementioned method according
to android documentation. To solve this, the method must
be called as: "findViewById<View>()" where "View" may
be replaced with the type of the variable invoking the
method. Apart from these issues, the "override" modifier
had to be manually added, and certain object references
had to be made nullable.

Test: manual - build tests, unit tests, and
    CTS tests were conducted using the following
    $ make Calendar
    $ make CalendarTests -j
    $ adb install -r -t -d out/target/product/bonito/

    $ adb shell am instrument -w
	Test results for InstrumentationTestRunner=......................
	Time: 0.164

	OK (22 tests)

    General CTS Tests:
    $ tools/cts-tradefed
    cts-tf > run cts -m CtsProviderTestCases

================= Results ==================
=============== Consumed Time ==============
    arm64-v8a CtsProviderTestCases: 8m 30s
Total aggregated tests run time: 8m 30s
============== TOP 1 Slow Modules ==============
    arm64-v8a CtsProviderTestCases: 0.74 tests/sec [376 tests / 510540 msec]
============== Modules Preparation Times ==============
    arm64-v8a CtsProviderTestCases => prep = 6766 ms || clean = 2089 ms
Total preparation time: 6s  ||  Total tear down time: 2s
=============== Summary ===============
Total Run time: 10m 10s
1/1 modules completed
Total Tests       : 376
PASSED            : 362
FAILED            : 0
IGNORED           : 6
============== End of Results ==============

Change-Id: Ia71f2cd9d30d38b4b1882c07b4fc2e380d457062
2 files changed