Improve A2DP autoreconnect policy

In aosp/1211209 A2DP reconnect policy changed the expected
behaviour where A2DP devices reconnect automatically after BT module
abruptly disconnected. This an important use case for TVs where for
example BT chip can be turned off when device is in standby.
With this small fix most of the previous functionality is covered
allowing reconnect for the corner case when BT state goes directly from
Connected to Disconnected state.
This allows for an improved user experience by allowing A2DP reconnects
when the user didn't intentionally disconnect the BT device.
Teested with A2DP connected device autoreconnects after ATV standby.
This was already soaked in R and S for TVs.

Change-Id: I903c3219c5d510bca3584fbf4c5ac32aa6f67e18
Test: atest PhonePolicyTest#testDisconnectNoAutoConnect
Tag: #compatibility
Bug: 168681496
Bug: 185467510
2 files changed