blob: b81193ad84daaa34419802580e84e9ca67d6e2c3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// This file is a standalone one-header-file library using only C++03.
// It assumes that the program is compiled for the "Itanium" C++ ABI
// (, a common C++ ABI used on many
// CPU architectures and operating systems.
#ifndef RTTI_DUMP
#define RTTI_DUMP
#include <assert.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
#if defined(__ANDROID__) && !defined(RTTI_DUMP_USE_PRINTF)
#include <android/log.h>
#define RTTI_DUMP_LOG(fmt, ...) \
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "rtti_dump", fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__)
#define RTTI_DUMP_LOG(fmt, ...) printf(fmt "\n", ## __VA_ARGS__)
// Avoid compiler warnings.
#define RTTI_DUMP_UNUSED __attribute__((unused))
// Use an anonymous namespace so this header file can be included at the top of
// multiple C++ source files without breaking the One Definition Rule.
namespace rtti_dump {
namespace {
// Returns the type of the current exception object or NULL if the thread is
// not currently in a catch block.
extern "C" const std::type_info *__cxa_current_exception_type();
// Using run-time type information, returns an std::type_info* corresponding to
// the most-derived class of a pointer to an object. The pointed-to type must
// be a polymorphic class. (i.e. The class must have a virtual function or a
// base class with a virtual function.)
// The function can return NULL if the object's vtable comes from an object
// file compiled without -frtti.
template <typename T>
RTTI_DUMP_UNUSED const std::type_info *runtime_typeid(const volatile T *dynptr) {
T *dynptr_unqual = const_cast<T*>(dynptr);
// Use dynamic_cast<void*> to ensure that T is polymorphic. The result is
// discarded just in case the most-derived object vtable and the subobject
// vtable point to different typeinfo objects. (XXX: I *think* that's
// impossible, though.)
void *vptr = *reinterpret_cast<void**>(dynptr_unqual);
void *typeid_void = reinterpret_cast<void**>(vptr)[-1];
return reinterpret_cast<const std::type_info*>(typeid_void);
// Returns the name of the DSO or binary containing the given address.
RTTI_DUMP_UNUSED std::string dladdr_fname(const void *ptr) {
Dl_info info = { 0 };
if (!dladdr(const_cast<void*>(ptr), &info)) {
char buf[64];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "[error: dladdr failed - %d]", errno);
return buf;
} else {
return std::string(info.dli_fname);
// Dump the address of the std::type_info object, its name, and the shared
// object where the type_info object is defined.
void dump_type(const std::type_info *type, const char *label="dump_type", int indent=0) {
const std::string prefix = label + std::string(": ") + std::string(indent, ' ');
if (type == NULL) {
RTTI_DUMP_LOG("%sERROR: dump_type called with type==NULL!", prefix.c_str());
} else {
struct type_info {
virtual ~type_info() {}
const char *type_name;
assert(sizeof(type_info) == sizeof(std::type_info));
const char *const name = type->name();
const char *const raw_name = reinterpret_cast<const type_info*>(type)->type_name;
if (name == raw_name) {
RTTI_DUMP_LOG("%stype %s:", prefix.c_str(), name);
} else if (raw_name + 1 == name) {
RTTI_DUMP_LOG("%stype %s (raw name == '%s' @ %p):", prefix.c_str(), name, raw_name, raw_name);
} else {
RTTI_DUMP_LOG("%stype %s (raw name == %p):", prefix.c_str(), name, raw_name);
RTTI_DUMP_LOG("%s type_info obj: %p (in %s)",
prefix.c_str(), type, dladdr_fname(type).c_str());
RTTI_DUMP_LOG("%s type_info name: %p (in %s)",
prefix.c_str(), name, dladdr_fname(name).c_str());
// Call from a catch block to dump the type of the current exception.
void dump_current_exception(const char *label="dump_current_exception") {
const std::type_info *type = __cxa_current_exception_type();
if (type != NULL) {
dump_type(type, label);
} else {
RTTI_DUMP_LOG("%s: ERROR: dump_current_exception called outside a catch block!", label);
namespace hierarchy_dumper_internals {
// std::type_info has virtual member functions, so the most-derived type of
// a pointer to a std::type_info object can be determined at run-time by
// looking for the std::type_info's own std::type_info. We rely upon this
// property to walk a class's RTTI graph at run-time.
struct __class_type_info : std::type_info {};
struct __si_class_type_info : __class_type_info {
const __class_type_info *__base_type;
struct __base_class_type_info {
const __class_type_info* __base_type;
long __offset_flags;
struct __vmi_class_type_info : __class_type_info {
unsigned int __flags;
unsigned int __base_count;
__base_class_type_info __base_info[1];
class Dumper {
const char *label_;
std::set<const std::type_info*> seen_;
Dumper(const char *label) : label_(label) {}
void dump_type(const std::type_info *info, int indent);
const int kIndent = 4;
void Dumper::dump_type(const std::type_info *info, int indent) {
::rtti_dump::dump_type(info, label_, indent * kIndent);
if (info == NULL) {
const std::type_info *info_type = runtime_typeid(info);
__base_class_type_info lone_base = { 0 };
const __base_class_type_info *base_table = NULL;
unsigned int base_count = 0;
// Determine type equality using a string comparison, because this dumping
// system doesn't trust std::type_info::operator== to work with multiple
// shared objects.
const int sub_indent_sp = (indent + 1) * kIndent;
if (info_type == NULL) {
// I don't think info_type can ever be NULL here.
RTTI_DUMP_LOG("%s: %*sERROR: runtime_typeid(info) was NULL!", label_, sub_indent_sp, "");
} else if (!strcmp(info_type->name(), "N10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE")) {
const __si_class_type_info &infox =
*reinterpret_cast<const __si_class_type_info*>(info);
lone_base.__base_type = infox.__base_type;
base_count = 1;
base_table = &lone_base;
} else if (!strcmp(info_type->name(), "N10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoE")) {
const __vmi_class_type_info &infox =
*reinterpret_cast<const __vmi_class_type_info*>(info);
base_count = infox.__base_count;
base_table = infox.__base_info;
if (base_count > 0) {
if (seen_.find(info) != seen_.end()) {
RTTI_DUMP_LOG("%s: %*sbase classes: ...elided...", label_, sub_indent_sp, "");
} else {
RTTI_DUMP_LOG("%s: %*sbase classes:", label_, sub_indent_sp, "");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < base_count; ++i) {
dump_type(base_table[i].__base_type, indent + 2);
} // namespace hierarchy_dumper_internals
// Dump the std::type_info object, and if it represents a class with base
// classes, then dumps the class hierarchy.
void dump_class_hierarchy(const std::type_info *info, const char *label="dump_class_hierarchy") {
hierarchy_dumper_internals::Dumper dumper(label);
dumper.dump_type(info, 0);
} // anonymous namespace
} // namespace rtti_dump
#endif // RTTI_DUMP