Correcting technotes and platform documentation links

Correcting all the links of the form
`{@docRoot}/../(platform|technote)` from the ojluni Java

The links were automatically rewritten before javadoc
compilation, however after merging the Change
I1bebc40e4de78eccf92b055ee24beff76511a25a the rewriting stopped

Until a fix that avoids changing the documentation in the sources
is available, this should be used to avoid having broken links on
the documentation pages.

(cherry picked from commit 8b115484682149f0427e2190323d90a0dd8cddd7)

Bug: 188966706
Test: m docs
Test: link inspection
Merged-in: I2cdd175793d51e42886e0b1eb31528afb2093b25
Change-Id: I2cdd175793d51e42886e0b1eb31528afb2093b25
75 files changed