libcore changes to support asynchronous close interruption

Previously AsynchronousSocketCloseMonitor was used to handle
socket interruption on close. To support the same for
FileChannel it has been renamed to AsynchronousCloseMonitor.
The Java class was already called this.

FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, RandomAccessFile will
now throw IOException if a connection is closed by another
thread during read. Thread.interrupt() continues to have no effect
on streams.

FileChannel will now throw AsynchronousCloseException during
reads and writes if the file is closed, per the documentation.

FileChannel will now throw ClosedByInterruptException during
reads and writes if the thread reading/writing is interrupted.

Note: FileChannel.lock() will probably still not not throw
AsynchronousCloseException, though it probably should.

This change also has impact on external/conscrypt and

Change-Id: I37de3e7d1a005a73821221e6156d10b95c595d7a
Bug: 13927110
24 files changed