blob: 9b2e9a9adfdcbcce93691ecf19975b4f71600ebb [file] [log] [blame]
* Written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP JSR-166
* Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at
* Other contributors include Andrew Wright, Jeffrey Hayes,
* Pat Fisher, Mike Judd.
package jsr166;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
public class AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest extends JSR166TestCase {
volatile Integer x = null;
protected volatile Integer protectedField;
private volatile Integer privateField;
Object z;
Integer w;
volatile int i;
// android-note: Removed because the CTS runner does a bad job of
// retrying tests that have suite() declarations.
// public static void main(String[] args) {
// main(suite(), args);
// }
// public static Test suite() {
// return new TestSuite(AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest.class);
// }
// for testing subclass access
// android-note: Removed because android doesn't restrict reflection access
// static class AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTestSubclass extends AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest {
// public void checkPrivateAccess() {
// try {
// AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest,Integer> a =
// AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater
// (AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest.class, Integer.class, "privateField");
// shouldThrow();
// } catch (RuntimeException success) {
// assertNotNull(success.getCause());
// }
// }
// public void checkCompareAndSetProtectedSub() {
// AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest,Integer> a =
// AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater
// (AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest.class, Integer.class, "protectedField");
// this.protectedField = one;
// assertTrue(a.compareAndSet(this, one, two));
// assertTrue(a.compareAndSet(this, two, m4));
// assertSame(m4, a.get(this));
// assertFalse(a.compareAndSet(this, m5, seven));
// assertFalse(seven == a.get(this));
// assertTrue(a.compareAndSet(this, m4, seven));
// assertSame(seven, a.get(this));
// }
// }
// static class UnrelatedClass {
// public void checkPackageAccess(AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest obj) {
// obj.x = one;
// AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest,Integer> a =
// AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater
// (AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest.class, Integer.class, "x");
// assertSame(one, a.get(obj));
// assertTrue(a.compareAndSet(obj, one, two));
// assertSame(two, a.get(obj));
// }
// public void checkPrivateAccess(AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest obj) {
// try {
// AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest,Integer> a =
// AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater
// (AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest.class, Integer.class, "privateField");
// throw new AssertionError("should throw");
// } catch (RuntimeException success) {
// assertNotNull(success.getCause());
// }
// }
// }
static AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest, Integer> updaterFor(String fieldName) {
return AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater
(AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest.class, Integer.class, fieldName);
* Construction with non-existent field throws RuntimeException
public void testConstructor() {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException success) {
* construction with field not of given type throws ClassCastException
public void testConstructor2() {
try {
} catch (ClassCastException success) {}
* Constructor with non-volatile field throws IllegalArgumentException
public void testConstructor3() {
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException success) {}
* Constructor with non-reference field throws ClassCastException
public void testConstructor4() {
try {
} catch (ClassCastException success) {}
* construction using private field from subclass throws RuntimeException
// android-note: Removed because android doesn't restrict reflection access
// public void testPrivateFieldInSubclass() {
// AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTestSubclass s =
// new AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTestSubclass();
// s.checkPrivateAccess();
// }
* construction from unrelated class; package access is allowed,
* private access is not
// android-note: Removed because android doesn't restrict reflection access
// public void testUnrelatedClassAccess() {
// new UnrelatedClass().checkPackageAccess(this);
// new UnrelatedClass().checkPrivateAccess(this);
// }
* get returns the last value set or assigned
public void testGetSet() {
AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest, Integer> a;
a = updaterFor("x");
x = one;
assertSame(one, a.get(this));
a.set(this, two);
assertSame(two, a.get(this));
a.set(this, m3);
assertSame(m3, a.get(this));
* get returns the last value lazySet by same thread
public void testGetLazySet() {
AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest, Integer> a;
a = updaterFor("x");
x = one;
assertSame(one, a.get(this));
a.lazySet(this, two);
assertSame(two, a.get(this));
a.lazySet(this, m3);
assertSame(m3, a.get(this));
* compareAndSet succeeds in changing value if equal to expected else fails
public void testCompareAndSet() {
AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest, Integer> a;
a = updaterFor("x");
x = one;
assertTrue(a.compareAndSet(this, one, two));
assertTrue(a.compareAndSet(this, two, m4));
assertSame(m4, a.get(this));
assertFalse(a.compareAndSet(this, m5, seven));
assertFalse(seven == a.get(this));
assertTrue(a.compareAndSet(this, m4, seven));
assertSame(seven, a.get(this));
* compareAndSet in one thread enables another waiting for value
* to succeed
public void testCompareAndSetInMultipleThreads() throws Exception {
x = one;
final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest, Integer> a;
a = updaterFor("x");
Thread t = new Thread(new CheckedRunnable() {
public void realRun() {
while (!a.compareAndSet(AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest.this, two, three))
assertTrue(a.compareAndSet(this, one, two));
assertSame(three, a.get(this));
* repeated weakCompareAndSet succeeds in changing value when equal
* to expected
public void testWeakCompareAndSet() {
AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest, Integer> a;
a = updaterFor("x");
x = one;
do {} while (!a.weakCompareAndSet(this, one, two));
do {} while (!a.weakCompareAndSet(this, two, m4));
assertSame(m4, a.get(this));
do {} while (!a.weakCompareAndSet(this, m4, seven));
assertSame(seven, a.get(this));
* getAndSet returns previous value and sets to given value
public void testGetAndSet() {
AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterTest, Integer> a;
a = updaterFor("x");
x = one;
assertSame(one, a.getAndSet(this, zero));
assertSame(zero, a.getAndSet(this, m10));
assertSame(m10, a.getAndSet(this, 1));