Prepare upstream tools for 9+181 integration.

After this CL, CopyUpstreamFiles creates an additional snapshot "9+181"
with files from OpenJDK 9+181. The behavior of the CompareUpstreams
and upstream-diff tools is unchanged (the default reference upstream
is still OpenJDK 8u121-b13).

Test: Verified that the following command produces the same
   output before/after this CL:
   make libcore-compare-upstreams && java -jar \

Test: Verified that the following command produces the same
 output before/after this CL, except that it now also produces
 a subdirectory 9+181 with a snapshot of OpenJDK 9+181 files:

 make libcore-copy-upstream-files && java -jar \
 out/host/linux-x86/framework/libcore-copy-upstream-files.jar \

Bug: 63554956
Change-Id: I85bfb7556263232ed4e2f9192ebeb5acca04b184
3 files changed