This folder contains tools to update the files in the aosp/expected_upstream branch.


  • python3
  • pip3
  • A remote aosp is setup in your local git repository

Directory Layout

  1. ojluni/
    • It has the same layout as the ojluni/ files in aosp/master
    • A file should only exist if aosp/master has the such file path, and the file content comes from the OpenJDK upstream.
    • The file format is like .csv file using a , separator
    • The table has 3 columns, i.e.
      1. Destination path in ojluni/
      2. Expected upstream version. Normally, it's a git tag in the upstream git repositories.
      3. File path in the git tree specified in the 2nd column.
  3. tools/expected_upstream/
    • Contains the tools



  • Installs the dependency libraries
  • Installs the other tools into your current shell process


  • Command line tool that can help modify the EXPECTED_UPSTREAM file


  • Reads the EXPECTED_UPSTREAM file and updates the files contents in ojluni/ accordingly

Workflow in command lines


  1. Switch to the expected_upstream branch
git branch local_expected_upstream aosp/expected_upstream
git checkout local_expected_upstream
  1. Install tools
source ./tools/expected_upstream/

Upgrade a java class to a higher OpenJDK version

For example, upgrade java.lang.String to 11+28 version:

ojluni_modify_expectation modify java.lang.String jdk11u/jdk-11+28

or if java.lang.String is missing in EXPECTED_UPSTREAM:

ojluni_modify_expectation add jdk11u/jdk-11+28 java.lang.String

2 commits should be created to update the ojluni/src/main/java/java/lang/ You can verify and view the diff by the following command

git diff aosp/expected_upstream -- ojluni/src/main/java/java/lang/

You can then upload your change to AOSP gerrit.

repo upload --cbr -t . # -t sets a topic to the CLs in the gerrit

Remember to commit your EXPECTED_UPSTREAM file change into a new commit


Then upload your change to AOSP gerrit.

repo upload --cbr -t . # -t sets a topic to the CLs in the gerrit

Then you can switch back to your local master branch to apply the changes

git checkout <local_master_branch>
git merge local_expected_upstream
# Resolve any merge conflict
git commit --amend # Amend the commit message and add the bug number you are working on
repo upload .

Add a java test from the upstream

The process is similar to the above commands, but needs to run ojluni_modify_expectation with an add subcommand.

For example, add a test for String.isEmpty() method:

ojluni_modify_expectation add jdk8u/jdk8u121-b13 java.lang.String.IsEmpty

Note: java.lang.String.IsEmpty is a test class in the upstream repository.

Known bugs

  • repo upload may not succeed because gerrit returns error.
    1. Just try to run repo upload again!
      • The initial upload takes a long time because it tries to sync with the remote AOSP gerrit server. The second upload is much faster and thus it may succeed.
    2. repo upload returns TimeOutException, but the CL has been uploaded. Just find your CL in See http://b/202848945
    3. Try to upload the merge commits 1 by 1
    git rev-parse HEAD # a sha is printed and you will need it later
    git reset HEAD~1 # reset to a earlier commit
    repo upload --cbr . # try to upload it again
    git reset <the sha printed above>
  • After ojluni_modify_expectation add and ojluni_refresh_files, a git commit -a would include more files than just EXPECTED_UPSTREAM, because git, e.g. git status, isn't aware of changes in the working tree / in the file system. This can lead to an error when checking out the branch that is based on master.
    1. Do a git checkout --hard <initial commit before the add>
    2. Rerun the ojluni_modify_expectation add and ojluni_refresh_files
    3. git stash && git stash pop
    4. Commit the updated EXPECTED_UPSTREAM and proceed

Report bugs

  • Report bugs if the git repository is corrupt!
    • Sometimes, you can recover the repository by running git reset aosp/expected_upstream