blob: 40576c54cda50d67b1cc5cdacd70bb99a57b7ea8 [file] [log] [blame]
* @test /nodynamiccopyright/
* @bug 8167000
* @summary Refine handling of multiple maximally specific abstract methods
* @compile/fail/ref=T8167000.out -XDrawDiagnostics -Werror -Xlint:unchecked
import java.util.*;
class T8167000 {
interface J {
List<Number> getAll(String str);
interface K {
Collection<Integer> getAll(String str);
interface L {
List getAll(String str);
interface M {
Collection getAll(String str);
static abstract class E implements J, K, L, M {
void test() {
List<String> l = getAll(""); //check that we get an unchecked warning here