blob: 2ae4ca9147890f21f3904ba05ec2d4ac5cc6ffff [file] [log] [blame]
* @test /nodynamiccopyright/
* @bug 8072945
* @summary test tags and attributes specific to the output HTML version
* @library ..
* @modules jdk.compiler/
* @build DocLintTester
* @run main DocLintTester -XhtmlVersion:html5 -ref HtmlVersionTagsAttrsTestHtml5.out
* @run main DocLintTester -XhtmlVersion:html4 -ref HtmlVersionTagsAttrsTestHtml4.out
* @run main DocLintTester -badargs -XhtmlVersion:
* @run main DocLintTester -ref HtmlVersionTagsAttrsTestHtml4.out
* Test HTML tags and attributes based on the output HTML version option.
public class HtmlVersionTagsAttrsTest {
* <a rev="help" href="rev_test.html">Help Page</a>
* <a charset="UTF-8" href="charset_test.html">Test page</a>
* <a href="shape_test.html" shape="poly" coords="10,30,56,142">Location</a>
* <img name="name_test" alt="alt">
* <table>
* <tr><th axis="desc">Description</th></tr>
* <tr><td axis="desc" abbr="abbr_test" scope="row">Axis_Test</td></tr>
* </table>
* <table summary="summary_test"><tr><td>Test Row</td></tr></table>
* <table align="left" bgcolor="#EAEAEA" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="2" frame="box" rules="rows" width="200">
* <caption align="center">Test table, caption, col, colgroup, tbody,
* td, tfoot, th, thead and tr Align attribute</caption>
* <colgroup align="char" char="." charoff="2" valign="top" width="200">
* <col align="center" valign="top" width="200">
* <col align="char" char="." charoff="2">
* </colgroup>
* <thead align="char" char="." charoff="2" valign="top">
* <tr align="char" char="." charoff="2" bgcolor="#EAEAEA" valign="top">
* <th align="char" char="." charoff="2" bgcolor="#EAEAEA" height="200" valign="top" width="200" nowrap>HeadCol1</th>
* <th>HeadCol2</th>
* </tr>
* </thead>
* <tfoot align="char" char="." charoff="2" valign="top">
* <tr>
* <td>FootCol1</td>
* <td>FootCol2</td>
* </tr>
* </tfoot>
* <tbody align="char" char="." charoff="2" valign="top">
* <tr>
* <td align="char" char="." charoff="2" bgcolor="#EAEAEA" height="200" valign="top" width="200" nowrap>BodyCol1</td>
* <td>BodyCol2</td>
* </tr>
* </tbody>
* </table>
* <br clear="left">
* <ol compact>
* <li>Test list</li>
* <li>Another item</li>
* </ol>
* <ul type="circle" compact>
* <li type="square">Test list</li>
* <li>Another item</li>
* </ul>
* <dl compact>
* <dt>Test list</dt>
* <dd>Test Description</dd>
* </dl>
* <img src="testImg.jpg" alt="imgTest" hspace="10" vspace="10" border="0">
* <hr size="20" noshade>
* <pre width="25">Test Pre</pre>
* <a name="AnchorTest">Anchor Test</a>
* <table border="0">
* <tr><td>Test border</td></tr>
* </table>
public void SupportedAttrs_in_html4_not_in_html5() { }
* <ol reversed="reversed">
* <li>First</li>
* <li>Second</li>
* <li>Third</li>
* </ol>
* <img src="testImg.jpg" alt="imgTest" crossorigin="anonymous">
* <div aria-labelledby="Topics" aria-describedby="t1">
* <h1 id="Topics">Topics</h1>
* <p id="t1">Aria attribute test</p>
* <p id="t2" aria-label="Label">Label test</p>
* </div>
public void SupportedAttrs_in_html5_not_in_html4() { }
* <p><big>Bigger text test</big></p>
* <center>Center text test</center>
* <font size="3">Font test</font>
* <p>Text <strike>strike</strike></p>
* <p><tt>Teletype text</tt></p>
* <section>
* <hgroup>
* <h1>Section</h1>
* <h2> Another heading</h2>
* </hgroup>
* hgroup no longer supported in HTML5.
* </section>
* <details>
* <summary>Summary</summary>
* <p>Details and Summary no longer supported in HTML5</p>
* </details>
public void notSupportedTags_html5() { }
* <section>
* <p>Testing section tag</p>
* <h1>Section</h1>
* Section text.
* </section>
* <article>
* <p>Testing article tag</p>
* <h1>Article</h1>
* Article text.
* </article>
* <header>
* <nav>Navigation</nav>
* Testing header
* </header>
* <footer>
* <nav>Navigation</nav>
* Testing footer
* </footer>
* <main>
* Main content
* </main>
* <aside>
* <h2>Test aside</h2>
* <p>Description</p>
* </aside>
* <ul>
* <li>Testing<bdi>BDI</bdi></li>
* </ul>
* <figure>
* <img src="testImg.jpg" alt="imgTest">
* <figcaption>Fig. 1</figcaption>
* </figure>
* <p><mark>Marked</mark> text test</p>
* <nav>
* <ul>
* <li>Nav item 1</li>
* <li>Nav item 2</li>
* </ul>
* </nav>
* <template id="testTemplate">
* <div class="desc">Desc</div>
* </template>
* <p>Test current time is <time>10:00</time> at night</p>
* <p>Test <wbr>WBR</wbr> text</p>
public void SupportedTags_in_html5_not_in_html4() { }
* <section>
* <p>Invalid use of section tag</p>
* </section>
* <article>
* <p>Invalid use of article tag</p>
* </article>
* <header>
* <header>
* Invalid nested header
* </header>
* <footer>
* Invalid nested footer
* </footer>
* <main>
* Invalid nested main
* </main>
* Invalid use of header
* </header>
* <footer>
* <header>
* Invalid nested header
* </header>
* <footer>
* Invalid nested footer
* </footer>
* <main>
* Invalid nested main
* </main>
* Invalid use of footer
* </footer>
* <table border="2">
* <tr><td>Test border</td></tr>
* </table>
public void invalidUsage() { }
* <header role="banner">Main text</header>
* <div role="navigation">
* <ul><li>Test Nav</li></ul>
* </div>
* <table border="1">
* <tr><td>Test border</td></tr>
* </table>
* <table border="">
* <tr><td>Test border</td></tr>
* </table>
public void validUsage() { }