blob: cc9fef5683d7ce0808b19a30b07173e45ad97de5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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package org.netbeans.jemmy.operators;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.ComboBoxModel;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JDialog;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.JList;
import javax.swing.JTable;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.JToggleButton;
import javax.swing.ListModel;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileSystemView;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileView;
import javax.swing.plaf.FileChooserUI;
import javax.swing.table.TableModel;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.ComponentChooser;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.ComponentSearcher;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.JemmyException;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.JemmyProperties;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.Outputable;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.TestOut;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.Timeoutable;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.Timeouts;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.Waitable;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.Waiter;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.util.LookAndFeel;
* Class provides methods to cover main JFileChooser component functionality.
* Supports choosers using either JList or JTable as the component showing files.
* @author Alexandre Iline (
public class JFileChooserOperator extends JComponentOperator
implements Timeoutable, Outputable {
private final static long WAIT_LIST_PAINTED_TIMEOUT = 60000;
private Timeouts timeouts;
private TestOut output;
private ComponentSearcher innerSearcher;
* Constructor.
* @param comp a component
public JFileChooserOperator(JFileChooser comp) {
innerSearcher = new ComponentSearcher(comp);
* Constructor. Waits component first. Constructor can be used in
* complicated cases when output or timeouts should differ from default.
* @param env an operator to get environment from.
public JFileChooserOperator(Operator env) {
this((JFileChooser) waitComponent(JDialogOperator.
waitJDialog(new JFileChooserJDialogFinder(env.getOutput()),
new JFileChooserFinder(),
* Constructor. Waits component first.
public JFileChooserOperator() {
* Searches currently opened JDilog with JFileChooser inside.
* @return a component instance
public static JDialog findJFileChooserDialog() {
return (JDialogOperator.
findJDialog(new JFileChooserJDialogFinder(JemmyProperties.
* Waits currently opened JDilog with JFileChooser inside.
* @return a component instance
public static JDialog waitJFileChooserDialog() {
return (JDialogOperator.
waitJDialog(new JFileChooserJDialogFinder(JemmyProperties.
* Searches JFileChooser in container.
* @param cont a container
* @return a component instance
public static JFileChooser findJFileChooser(Container cont) {
return (JFileChooser) findComponent(cont, new JFileChooserFinder());
* Searches JFileChooser in container.
* @param cont a container
* @return a component instance
public static JFileChooser waitJFileChooser(Container cont) {
return (JFileChooser) waitComponent(cont, new JFileChooserFinder());
* Searches currently opened JFileChooser.
* @return a component instance
public static JFileChooser findJFileChooser() {
return findJFileChooser(findJFileChooserDialog());
* Waits currently opened JFileChooser.
* @return a component instance
public static JFileChooser waitJFileChooser() {
return waitJFileChooser(waitJFileChooserDialog());
static {
Timeouts.initDefault("JFileChooserOperator.WaitListPaintedTimeout", WAIT_LIST_PAINTED_TIMEOUT);
public void setTimeouts(Timeouts timeouts) {
this.timeouts = timeouts;
public Timeouts getTimeouts() {
return timeouts;
public void setOutput(TestOut out) {
output = out;
if (innerSearcher != null) {
public TestOut getOutput() {
return output;
* Returns combo box containing path (upper).
* @return JComboBox being used to show directories.
public JComboBox<?> getPathCombo() {
return getCombo(0);
* Returns combo box containing file types (lower).
* @return JComboBox being used to show file types.
public JComboBox<?> getFileTypesCombo() {
return getCombo(1);
* Returns approve button.
* @return an approve button.
public JButton getApproveButton() {
String aText = getApproveButtonText();
if (aText == null) {
aText = getUI().getApproveButtonText((JFileChooser) getSource());
if (aText != null) {
return ((JButton) innerSearcher.
findComponent(new ButtonFinder(aText)));
} else {
throw (new JemmyException("JFileChooser.getApproveButtonText() "
+ "and getUI().getApproveButtonText "
+ "return null"));
* Returns cancel button.
* @return a cancel button.
public JButton getCancelButton() {
return ((JButton) innerSearcher.
findComponent(new ComponentChooser() {
public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
return (comp != null
&& comp instanceof JButton
&& comp.getParent() != null
&& !(comp.getParent() instanceof JComboBox)
&& ((JButton) comp).getText() != null
&& ((JButton) comp).getText().length() != 0);
public String getDescription() {
return "JButton";
public String toString() {
return "JFileChooserOperator.getCancelButton.ComponentChooser{description = " + getDescription() + '}';
}, 1));
* Returns "Home" button.
* @return a "home" button.
public JButton getHomeButton() {
return getNoTextButton(1);
* Returns "Up One Level" button.
* @return a "Up One Level" button.
public JButton getUpLevelButton() {
return getNoTextButton(0);
* Returns a toggle button being used to switch to list view.
* @return a "list mode" button.
public JToggleButton getListToggleButton() {
return getToggleButton(0);
* Returns a toggle button being used to switch to detals view.
* @return a "list mode" button.
public JToggleButton getDetailsToggleButton() {
return getToggleButton(1);
* Returns field which can be used to type path.
* @return a text field being used for path typing.
public JTextField getPathField() {
return ((JTextField) innerSearcher.
findComponent(new ComponentChooser() {
public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
return (comp != null
&& comp instanceof JTextField);
public String getDescription() {
return "JTextField";
public String toString() {
return "JFileChooserOperator.getPathField.ComponentChooser{description = " + getDescription() + '}';
* Returns either a JList or JTable, depending on the implementation.
* @return a component being used to display directory content.
public Component getFileList() {
int index = 0;
// In GTK and Motif L&F, there are two JLists, one is to list folders
// and second one one is to list files
if (LookAndFeel.isMotif() || LookAndFeel.isGTK()) {
index =1;
return innerSearcher.
findComponent(new ComponentChooser() {
public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
return (comp != null
&& (comp instanceof JList || comp instanceof JTable));
public String getDescription() {
return "JList or JTable used to show list of files";
public String toString() {
return "JFileChooserOperator.getFileList.ComponentChooser{description = " + getDescription() + '}';
}, index);
* Pushes approve button.
public void approve() {
output.printTrace("Push approve button in JFileChooser\n : "
+ toStringSource());
JButtonOperator approveOper = new JButtonOperator(getApproveButton());
* Pushes cancel button.
public void cancel() {
output.printTrace("Push cancel button in JFileChooser\n : "
+ toStringSource());
JButtonOperator cancelOper = new JButtonOperator(getCancelButton());
* Types file name into text field and pushes approve button.
* @param fileName a file to choose.
public void chooseFile(String fileName) {
output.printTrace("Choose file by JFileChooser\n : " + fileName
+ "\n : " + toStringSource());
JTextFieldOperator fieldOper = new JTextFieldOperator(getPathField());
* Pushes "Up One Level" button.
* @return new current directory
public File goUpLevel() {
output.printTrace("Go up level in JFileChooser\n : "
+ toStringSource());
//JButtonOperator upOper = new JButtonOperator(getUpLevelButton());
return getCurrentDirectory();
* Pushes "Home" button.
* @return new current directory
public File goHome() {
output.printTrace("Go home in JFileChooser\n : "
+ toStringSource());
AbstractButtonOperator homeOper;
// In Windows and Windows Classic L&F, there is no 'Go Home' button,
// but there is a toggle button to go desktop. In Windows platform
// 'Go Home' button usually navigates to Desktop only.
if(LookAndFeel.isWindows() || LookAndFeel.isWindowsClassic()) {
homeOper =new JToggleButtonOperator(this, 1);
} else {
homeOper = new JButtonOperator(getHomeButton());
return getCurrentDirectory();
* Clicks on file in the list.
* @param index Ordinal file index.
* @param clickCount click count
public void clickOnFile(int index, int clickCount) {
output.printTrace("Click " + Integer.toString(clickCount)
+ " times on " + Integer.toString(index)
+ "`th file in JFileChooser\n : "
+ toStringSource());
Component list = getFileList();
if(list instanceof JList) {
JListOperator listOper = new JListOperator((JList) list);
listOper.clickOnItem(index, clickCount);
} else if(list instanceof JTable) {
JTableOperator tableOper = new JTableOperator((JTable) list);
tableOper.clickOnCell(index, 0, clickCount);
} else
throw new IllegalStateException("Wrong component type");
* Clicks on file in the list.
* @param file File name (foo.c). Do not use full path (/tmp/foo.c) here.
* @param comparator a comparator defining string comparision criteria
* @param clickCount click count
public void clickOnFile(String file, StringComparator comparator, int clickCount) {
output.printTrace("Click " + Integer.toString(clickCount)
+ " times on \"" + file
+ "\" file in JFileChooser\n : "
+ toStringSource());
clickOnFile(findFileIndex(file, comparator), clickCount);
* Clicks on file in the list.
* @param file File name (foo.c). Do not use full path (/tmp/foo.c) here.
* @param ce Compare exactly. If true, text can be a substring of caption.
* @param cc Compare case sensitively. If true, both text and caption are
* @param clickCount click count
* @see ComponentOperator#isCaptionEqual(String, String, boolean, boolean)
* @deprecated Use clickOnFile(String, int) or clickOnFile(String,
* StringComparator, int)
public void clickOnFile(String file, boolean ce, boolean cc, int clickCount) {
clickOnFile(file, new DefaultStringComparator(ce, cc), clickCount);
* Clicks on file in the list.
* @param file File name (foo.c). Do not use full path (/tmp/foo.c) here.
* @param clickCount click count
* @see ComponentOperator#isCaptionEqual(String, String, boolean, boolean)
public void clickOnFile(String file, int clickCount) {
clickOnFile(file, getComparator(), clickCount);
* Clicks on file in the list.
* @param file File name (foo.c). Do not use full path (/tmp/foo.c) here.
* @param comparator a comparator defining string comparision criteria
* @see ComponentOperator#isCaptionEqual(String, String, boolean, boolean)
public void clickOnFile(String file, StringComparator comparator) {
clickOnFile(file, comparator, 1);
* Clicks 1 time on file in the list.
* @param file File name (foo.c). Do not use full path (/tmp/foo.c) here.
* @param ce Compare exactly. If true, text can be a substring of caption.
* @param cc Compare case sensitively. If true, both text and caption are
* @see #clickOnFile
* @see ComponentOperator#isCaptionEqual(String, String, boolean, boolean)
* @deprecated Use clickOnFile(String) or clickOnFile(String,
* StringComparator)
public void clickOnFile(String file, boolean ce, boolean cc) {
clickOnFile(file, ce, cc, 1);
* Clicks 1 time on file in the list.
* @param file File name (foo.c). Do not use full path (/tmp/foo.c) here.
* @see #clickOnFile
* @see ComponentOperator#isCaptionEqual(String, String, boolean, boolean)
public void clickOnFile(String file) {
clickOnFile(file, 1);
* Enters into subdirectory.
* @param dir A directory to enter into.
* @param comparator a comparator defining string comparision criteria
* @return new current directory
public File enterSubDir(String dir, StringComparator comparator) {
selectFile(dir, comparator);
int index = findFileIndex(dir, comparator);
return getCurrentDirectory();
* Enters into subdir curently displayed in the list.
* @param dir Directory name (tmp1). Do not use full path (/tmp/tmp1) here.
* @param ce Compare exactly. If true, text can be a substring of caption.
* @param cc Compare case sensitively. If true, both text and caption are
* @return new current directory
* @see #clickOnFile
* @deprecated Use enterSubDir(String) or enterSubDir(String,
* StringComparator)
public File enterSubDir(String dir, boolean ce, boolean cc) {
return enterSubDir(dir, new DefaultStringComparator(ce, cc));
* Enters into subdir curently displayed in the list.
* @param dir Directory name (tmp1). Do not use full path (/tmp/tmp1) here.
* @return new current directory
* @see #clickOnFile
public File enterSubDir(String dir) {
return enterSubDir(dir, getComparator());
* Selects a file curently in the list.
* @param file File name (foo.c). Do not use full path (/tmp/foo.c) here.
* @param comparator a comparator defining string comparision criteria
* @see #clickOnFile
public void selectFile(String file, StringComparator comparator) {
int index = findFileIndex(file, comparator);
Component list = getFileList();
if(list instanceof JList) {
JListOperator listOper = new JListOperator((JList) list);
} else if(list instanceof JTable){
JTableOperator tableOper = new JTableOperator((JTable) list);
tableOper.changeSelection(index, 0, false, false);
} else
throw new IllegalStateException("Wrong component type");
* Selects a file curently in the list.
* @param file File name (foo.c). Do not use full path (/tmp/foo.c) here.
* @param ce Compare exactly. If true, text can be a substring of caption.
* @param cc Compare case sensitively. If true, both text and caption are
* @see #clickOnFile
* @deprecated Use selectFile(String) or selectFile(String,
* StringComparator)
public void selectFile(String file, boolean ce, boolean cc) {
clickOnFile(file, ce, cc);
* Selects a file curently in the list.
* @param file File name (foo.c). Do not use full path (/tmp/foo.c) here.
* @see #clickOnFile
public void selectFile(String file) {
* Selects directory from the combo box above.
* @param dir Directory name (tmp1). Do not use full path (/tmp/tmp1) here.
* @param comparator a comparator defining string comparision criteria
public void selectPathDirectory(String dir, StringComparator comparator) {
output.printTrace("Select \"" + dir + "\" directory in JFileChooser\n : "
+ toStringSource());
JComboBoxOperator comboOper = new JComboBoxOperator(getPathCombo());
comboOper.setSelectedIndex(findDirIndex(dir, comparator));
//comboOper.selectItem(findDirIndex(dir, comparator));
* Selects directory from the combo box above.
* @param dir Directory name (tmp1). Do not use full path (/tmp/tmp1) here.
* @param ce Compare exactly. If true, text can be a substring of caption.
* @param cc Compare case sensitively. If true, both text and caption are
* @deprecated Use selectPathDirectory(String) or
* selectPathDirectory(String, StringComparator)
public void selectPathDirectory(String dir, boolean ce, boolean cc) {
selectPathDirectory(dir, new DefaultStringComparator(ce, cc));
* Selects directory from the combo box above.
* @param dir Directory name (tmp1). Do not use full path (/tmp/tmp1) here.
public void selectPathDirectory(String dir) {
selectPathDirectory(dir, getComparator());
* Selects file type from the combo box below.
* @param filter a pattern for choosing a file type.
* @param comparator a comparator defining string comparision criteria
public void selectFileType(String filter, StringComparator comparator) {
output.printTrace("Select \"" + filter + "\" file type in JFileChooser\n : "
+ toStringSource());
JComboBoxOperator comboOper = new JComboBoxOperator(getFileTypesCombo());
comboOper.setSelectedIndex(findFileTypeIndex(filter, comparator));
// comboOper.selectItem(findFileTypeIndex(filter, comparator));
* Selects file type from the combo box below.
* @param filter a pattern for choosing a file type.
* @param ce Compare exactly. If true, text can be a substring of caption.
* @param cc Compare case sensitively. If true, both text and caption are
* @deprecated Use selectFileType(String) or selectFileType(String,
* StringComparator)
public void selectFileType(String filter, boolean ce, boolean cc) {
selectFileType(filter, new DefaultStringComparator(ce, cc));
* Selects file type from the combo box below.
* @param filter a pattern for choosing a file type.
public void selectFileType(String filter) {
selectFileType(filter, getComparator());
* Checks if file is currently displayed in the list.
* @param file File name (foo.c). Do not use full path (/tmp/foo.c) here.
* @param comparator a comparator defining string comparision criteria
* @return true if file is displayed.
public boolean checkFileDisplayed(String file, StringComparator comparator) {
return findFileIndex(file, comparator) != -1;
* Checks if file is currently displayed in the list.
* @param file File name (foo.c). Do not use full path (/tmp/foo.c) here.
* @param ce Compare exactly. If true, text can be a substring of caption.
* @param cc Compare case sensitively. If true, both text and caption are
* @return true if file is displayed.
* @deprecated Use checkFileDisplayed(String) or checkFileDisplayed(String,
* StringComparator)
public boolean checkFileDisplayed(String file, boolean ce, boolean cc) {
return checkFileDisplayed(file, new DefaultStringComparator(ce, cc));
* Checks if file is currently displayed in the list.
* @param file File name (foo.c). Do not use full path (/tmp/foo.c) here.
* @return true if file is displayed.
public boolean checkFileDisplayed(String file) {
return checkFileDisplayed(file, getComparator());
* Return count of files currently displayed.
* @return a number of items in the file list.
public int getFileCount() {
Component list = getFileList();
if(list instanceof JList)
return ((JList)list).getModel().getSize();
else if(list instanceof JTable)
return ((JTable)list).getModel().getRowCount();
throw new IllegalStateException("Wrong component type");
* Return files currently displayed.
* @return an array of items from the file list.
public File[] getFiles() {
Component list = getFileList();
if(list instanceof JList) {
ListModel<?> listModel = ((JList)list).getModel();
File[] result = new File[listModel.getSize()];
for (int i = 0; i < listModel.getSize(); i++) {
result[i] = (File) listModel.getElementAt(i);
return result;
} else if(list instanceof JTable){
TableModel listModel = ((JTable)list).getModel();
File[] result = new File[listModel.getRowCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < listModel.getRowCount(); i++) {
result[i] = (File) listModel.getValueAt(i, 0);
return result;
} else
throw new IllegalStateException("Wrong component type");
* Waits for the file list to have required number of items.
* @param count Number of files to wait.
public void waitFileCount(final int count) {
waitState(new ComponentChooser() {
public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
return getFileCount() == count;
public String getDescription() {
return ("Count of files to be equal "
+ Integer.toString(count));
public String toString() {
return "JFileChooserOperator.waitFileCount.ComponentChooser{description = " + getDescription() + '}';
* Waits for a file to be displayed in the file list.
* @param fileName a file to wait.
public void waitFileDisplayed(final String fileName) {
waitState(new ComponentChooser() {
public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
return checkFileDisplayed(fileName);
public String getDescription() {
return "\"" + fileName + "\"file to be displayed";
public String toString() {
return "JFileChooserOperator.waitFileDisplayed.ComponentChooser{description = " + getDescription() + '}';
//Mapping //
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.accept(File)} through queue
public boolean accept(final File file) {
return (runMapping(new MapBooleanAction("accept") {
public boolean map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).accept(file);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.addActionListener(ActionListener)} through queue
public void addActionListener(final ActionListener actionListener) {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("addActionListener") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).addActionListener(actionListener);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.addChoosableFileFilter(FileFilter)} through queue
public void addChoosableFileFilter(final FileFilter fileFilter) {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("addChoosableFileFilter") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).addChoosableFileFilter(fileFilter);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.approveSelection()} through queue
public void approveSelection() {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("approveSelection") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).approveSelection();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.cancelSelection()} through queue
public void cancelSelection() {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("cancelSelection") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).cancelSelection();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.changeToParentDirectory()} through queue
public void changeToParentDirectory() {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("changeToParentDirectory") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).changeToParentDirectory();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.ensureFileIsVisible(File)} through queue
public void ensureFileIsVisible(final File file) {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("ensureFileIsVisible") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).ensureFileIsVisible(file);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.getAcceptAllFileFilter()} through queue
public FileFilter getAcceptAllFileFilter() {
return (runMapping(new MapAction<FileFilter>("getAcceptAllFileFilter") {
public FileFilter map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).getAcceptAllFileFilter();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.getAccessory()} through queue
public JComponent getAccessory() {
return (runMapping(new MapAction<JComponent>("getAccessory") {
public JComponent map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).getAccessory();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.getApproveButtonMnemonic()} through queue
public int getApproveButtonMnemonic() {
return (runMapping(new MapIntegerAction("getApproveButtonMnemonic") {
public int map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).getApproveButtonMnemonic();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.getApproveButtonText()} through queue
public String getApproveButtonText() {
return (runMapping(new MapAction<String>("getApproveButtonText") {
public String map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).getApproveButtonText();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.getApproveButtonToolTipText()} through queue
public String getApproveButtonToolTipText() {
return (runMapping(new MapAction<String>("getApproveButtonToolTipText") {
public String map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).getApproveButtonToolTipText();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.getChoosableFileFilters()} through queue
public FileFilter[] getChoosableFileFilters() {
return ((FileFilter[]) runMapping(new MapAction<Object>("getChoosableFileFilters") {
public Object map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).getChoosableFileFilters();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.getCurrentDirectory()} through queue
public File getCurrentDirectory() {
return (runMapping(new MapAction<File>("getCurrentDirectory") {
public File map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).getCurrentDirectory();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.getDescription(File)} through queue
public String getDescription(final File file) {
return (runMapping(new MapAction<String>("getDescription") {
public String map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).getDescription(file);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.getDialogTitle()} through queue
public String getDialogTitle() {
return (runMapping(new MapAction<String>("getDialogTitle") {
public String map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).getDialogTitle();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.getDialogType()} through queue
public int getDialogType() {
return (runMapping(new MapIntegerAction("getDialogType") {
public int map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).getDialogType();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.getFileFilter()} through queue
public FileFilter getFileFilter() {
return (runMapping(new MapAction<FileFilter>("getFileFilter") {
public FileFilter map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).getFileFilter();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.getFileSelectionMode()} through queue
public int getFileSelectionMode() {
return (runMapping(new MapIntegerAction("getFileSelectionMode") {
public int map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).getFileSelectionMode();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.getFileSystemView()} through queue
public FileSystemView getFileSystemView() {
return (runMapping(new MapAction<FileSystemView>("getFileSystemView") {
public FileSystemView map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).getFileSystemView();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.getFileView()} through queue
public FileView getFileView() {
return (runMapping(new MapAction<FileView>("getFileView") {
public FileView map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).getFileView();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.getIcon(File)} through queue
public Icon getIcon(final File file) {
return (runMapping(new MapAction<Icon>("getIcon") {
public Icon map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).getIcon(file);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.getName(File)} through queue
public String getName(final File file) {
return (runMapping(new MapAction<String>("getName") {
public String map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).getName(file);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.getSelectedFile()} through queue
public File getSelectedFile() {
return (runMapping(new MapAction<File>("getSelectedFile") {
public File map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).getSelectedFile();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.getSelectedFiles()} through queue
public File[] getSelectedFiles() {
return ((File[]) runMapping(new MapAction<Object>("getSelectedFiles") {
public Object map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).getSelectedFiles();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.getTypeDescription(File)} through queue
public String getTypeDescription(final File file) {
return (runMapping(new MapAction<String>("getTypeDescription") {
public String map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).getTypeDescription(file);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.getUI()} through queue
public FileChooserUI getUI() {
return (runMapping(new MapAction<FileChooserUI>("getUI") {
public FileChooserUI map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).getUI();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.isDirectorySelectionEnabled()} through queue
public boolean isDirectorySelectionEnabled() {
return (runMapping(new MapBooleanAction("isDirectorySelectionEnabled") {
public boolean map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).isDirectorySelectionEnabled();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.isFileHidingEnabled()} through queue
public boolean isFileHidingEnabled() {
return (runMapping(new MapBooleanAction("isFileHidingEnabled") {
public boolean map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).isFileHidingEnabled();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.isFileSelectionEnabled()} through queue
public boolean isFileSelectionEnabled() {
return (runMapping(new MapBooleanAction("isFileSelectionEnabled") {
public boolean map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).isFileSelectionEnabled();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.isMultiSelectionEnabled()} through queue
public boolean isMultiSelectionEnabled() {
return (runMapping(new MapBooleanAction("isMultiSelectionEnabled") {
public boolean map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).isMultiSelectionEnabled();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.isTraversable(File)} through queue
public boolean isTraversable(final File file) {
return (runMapping(new MapBooleanAction("isTraversable") {
public boolean map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).isTraversable(file);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.removeActionListener(ActionListener)}
* through queue
public void removeActionListener(final ActionListener actionListener) {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("removeActionListener") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).removeActionListener(actionListener);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.removeChoosableFileFilter(FileFilter)}
* through queue
public boolean removeChoosableFileFilter(final FileFilter fileFilter) {
return (runMapping(new MapBooleanAction("removeChoosableFileFilter") {
public boolean map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).removeChoosableFileFilter(fileFilter);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.rescanCurrentDirectory()} through queue
public void rescanCurrentDirectory() {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("rescanCurrentDirectory") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).rescanCurrentDirectory();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.resetChoosableFileFilters()} through queue
public void resetChoosableFileFilters() {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("resetChoosableFileFilters") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).resetChoosableFileFilters();
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.setAccessory(JComponent)} through queue
public void setAccessory(final JComponent jComponent) {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("setAccessory") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).setAccessory(jComponent);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.setApproveButtonMnemonic(char)} through queue
public void setApproveButtonMnemonic(final char c) {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("setApproveButtonMnemonic") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).setApproveButtonMnemonic(c);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.setApproveButtonMnemonic(int)} through queue
public void setApproveButtonMnemonic(final int i) {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("setApproveButtonMnemonic") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).setApproveButtonMnemonic(i);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.setApproveButtonText(String)} through queue
public void setApproveButtonText(final String string) {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("setApproveButtonText") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).setApproveButtonText(string);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.setApproveButtonToolTipText(String)}
* through queue
public void setApproveButtonToolTipText(final String string) {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("setApproveButtonToolTipText") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).setApproveButtonToolTipText(string);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(File)} through queue
public void setCurrentDirectory(final File file) {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("setCurrentDirectory") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).setCurrentDirectory(file);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.setDialogTitle(String)} through queue
public void setDialogTitle(final String string) {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("setDialogTitle") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).setDialogTitle(string);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.setDialogType(int)} through queue
public void setDialogType(final int i) {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("setDialogType") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).setDialogType(i);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.setFileFilter(FileFilter)} through queue
public void setFileFilter(final FileFilter fileFilter) {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("setFileFilter") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).setFileFilter(fileFilter);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.setFileHidingEnabled(boolean)} through queue
public void setFileHidingEnabled(final boolean b) {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("setFileHidingEnabled") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).setFileHidingEnabled(b);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.setFileSelectionMode(int)} through queue
public void setFileSelectionMode(final int i) {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("setFileSelectionMode") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).setFileSelectionMode(i);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.setFileSystemView(FileSystemView)} through queue
public void setFileSystemView(final FileSystemView fileSystemView) {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("setFileSystemView") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).setFileSystemView(fileSystemView);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.setFileView(FileView)} through queue
public void setFileView(final FileView fileView) {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("setFileView") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).setFileView(fileView);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.setMultiSelectionEnabled(boolean)} through queue
public void setMultiSelectionEnabled(final boolean b) {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("setMultiSelectionEnabled") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).setMultiSelectionEnabled(b);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.setSelectedFile(File)} through queue
public void setSelectedFile(final File file) {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("setSelectedFile") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).setSelectedFile(file);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.setSelectedFiles(File[])} through queue
public void setSelectedFiles(final File[] file) {
runMapping(new MapVoidAction("setSelectedFiles") {
public void map() {
((JFileChooser) getSource()).setSelectedFiles(file);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.showDialog(Component, String)} through queue
public int showDialog(final Component component, final String string) {
return (runMapping(new MapIntegerAction("showDialog") {
public int map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).showDialog(component, string);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.showOpenDialog(Component)} through queue
public int showOpenDialog(final Component component) {
return (runMapping(new MapIntegerAction("showOpenDialog") {
public int map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).showOpenDialog(component);
* Maps {@code JFileChooser.showSaveDialog(Component)} through queue
public int showSaveDialog(final Component component) {
return (runMapping(new MapIntegerAction("showSaveDialog") {
public int map() {
return ((JFileChooser) getSource()).showSaveDialog(component);
//End of mapping //
private void waitPainted(int index) {
Waiter<Rectangle, Integer> drawingWaiter = new Waiter<>(new Waitable<Rectangle, Integer>() {
public Rectangle actionProduced(Integer param) {
Component list = getFileList();
int size;
if(list instanceof JList)
size = ((JList) list).getModel().getSize();
else if(list instanceof JTable)
size = ((JTable)list).getModel().getRowCount();
throw new IllegalStateException("Wrong component type");
if (size == 0) {
return new Rectangle();
int current = (param != null) ? param : 0;
try {
if(list instanceof JList)
if (((JList) list).getCellBounds(current, current) != null)
return ((JList) list).getCellBounds(size - 1, size - 1);
return null;
else if(list instanceof JTable)
if (((JTable)list).getCellRect(current, 0, false) != null)
return ((JTable)list).getCellRect(size - 1, 0, false);
return null;
throw new IllegalStateException("Wrong component type");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
//sometimes thrown from list.getCellBounds when item exists but not painted
return null;
public String getDescription() {
return "List drawed";
public String toString() {
return "JFileChooserOperator.waitPainted.Waitable{description = " + getDescription() + '}';
drawingWaiter.setTimeoutsToCloneOf(getTimeouts(), "JFileChooserOperator.WaitListPaintedTimeout");
try {
drawingWaiter.waitAction((index != -1) ? index : null);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
private JComboBox<?> getCombo(int index) {
return ((JComboBox) innerSearcher.
findComponent(new ComponentChooser() {
public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
return (comp != null
&& comp instanceof JComboBox);
public String getDescription() {
return "JComboBox";
public String toString() {
return "JFileChooserOperator.getCombo.ComponentChooser{description = " + getDescription() + '}';
}, index));
private JButton getNoTextButton(int index) {
return ((JButton) innerSearcher.
findComponent(new ComponentChooser() {
public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
return (comp != null
&& comp instanceof JButton
&& !(comp.getParent() instanceof JComboBox)
&& (((JButton) comp).getText() == null
|| ((JButton) comp).getText().length() == 0));
public String getDescription() {
return "JButton";
public String toString() {
return "JFileChooserOperator.getNoTextButton.ComponentChooser{description = " + getDescription() + '}';
}, index));
private JToggleButton getToggleButton(int index) {
return ((JToggleButton) innerSearcher.
findComponent(new ComponentChooser() {
public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
return (comp != null
&& comp instanceof JToggleButton);
public String getDescription() {
return "JToggleButton";
public String toString() {
return "JFileChooserOperator.getToggleButton.ComponentChooser{description = " + getDescription() + '}';
}, index));
private int findFileIndex(final String file, final StringComparator comparator) {
Waiter<Integer, Void> fileWaiter = new Waiter<>(new Waitable<Integer, Void>() {
public Integer actionProduced(Void obj) {
File[] files = getFiles();
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
if (comparator.equals(files[i].getName(),
file)) {
return i;
return null;
public String getDescription() {
return "\"" + file + "\" file to be displayed";
public String toString() {
return "JFileChooserOperator.findFileIndex.Waitable{description = " + getDescription() + '}';
fileWaiter.setTimeoutsToCloneOf(getTimeouts(), "JFileChooserOperator.WaitListPaintedTimeout");
try {
return fileWaiter.waitAction(null);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw (new JemmyException("Waiting has been interrupted!"));
private int findDirIndex(String dir, StringComparator comparator) {
ComboBoxModel<?> cbModel = getPathCombo().getModel();
for (int i = cbModel.getSize() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (comparator.equals(((File) cbModel.getElementAt(i)).getName(),
dir)) {
return i;
return -1;
private int findFileTypeIndex(String fileType, StringComparator comparator) {
ComboBoxModel<?> cbModel = getFileTypesCombo().getModel();
for (int i = 0; i < cbModel.getSize(); i++) {
if (comparator.equals(((FileFilter) cbModel.getElementAt(i)).getDescription(),
fileType)) {
return i;
return -1;
* Allows to find a dialog containing JFileChooser.
public static class JFileChooserJDialogFinder implements ComponentChooser {
TestOut output;
ComponentChooser subChooser;
* Constructs JFileChooserJDialogFinder.
* @param output an output to put searching message into.
public JFileChooserJDialogFinder(TestOut output) {
this.output = output;
subChooser = new JFileChooserFinder();
public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
if (comp != null
&& comp instanceof Window
&& comp.isVisible()) {
ComponentSearcher searcher
= new ComponentSearcher((Container) comp);
return searcher.findComponent(subChooser) != null;
} else {
return false;
public String getDescription() {
return "JFileChooser's window";
public String toString() {
return "JFileChooserJDialogFinder{" + "subChooser=" + subChooser + '}';
* Checks component type.
public static class JFileChooserFinder extends Finder {
* Constructs JFileChooserFinder.
* @param sf other searching criteria.
public JFileChooserFinder(ComponentChooser sf) {
super(JFileChooser.class, sf);
* Constructs JFileChooserFinder.
public JFileChooserFinder() {
private static class ButtonFinder implements ComponentChooser {
String text;
public ButtonFinder(String text) {
this.text = text;
public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
return (comp != null
&& comp instanceof JButton
&& ((JButton) comp).getText() != null
&& ((JButton) comp).getText().equals(text));
public String getDescription() {
return "\"" + text + "\" button";
public String toString() {
return "ButtonFinder{" + "text=" + text + '}';