blob: bea5877f88654ce5d8cde893677e31961a6a7de7 [file] [log] [blame]
# This properties file is used to create a PropertyResourceBundle
# It contains Locale specific strings used in the SwingSet demo.
# @author Jeff Dinkins
### SwingSet Infrastructure ###
### About Box ###
AboutBox.title=About Swing!
AboutBox.accessible_description=SwingSet2 demo is Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
### Source Code ###
SourceCode.loading=<html><body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">Loading and formatting source code, please wait...</body></html>
### Status ###
Status.popupMenuAccessible=Press Shift-F10 to activate popup menu
### Menu Bar ###
MenuBar.accessible_description=Swing demo menu bar
### Frame ###
### Tabbed Pane ###
TabbedPane.src.labelAndMnemonic=Source Code
TabbedPane.src_tooltip=Look at the source code for this demo
### Look & Feel Menu ###
LafMenu.laf.labelAndMnemonic=&Look && Feel
LafMenu.laf_accessible_description=Menu that allows Look && Feel switching Look && Feel
LafMenu.java_accessible_description=The Java Look && Feel
LafMenu.nimbus.labelAndMnemonic=&Nimbus Look && Feel
LafMenu.nimbus_accessible_description=The Nimbus Look && Feel
LafMenu.mac.labelAndMnemonic=&Mac OS X Look && Feel
LafMenu.mac_accessible_description=The Mac OS X Look && Feel
LafMenu.motif.labelAndMnemonic=M&otif Look && Feel
LafMenu.motif_accessible_description=The Motif Look && Feel Style Look && Feel
LafMenu.windows_accessible_description=Windows Style Look && Feel
LafMenu.gtk.labelAndMnemonic=&GTK Style Look && Feel
LafMenu.gtk_accessible_description=GTK Style Look && Feel
### Themes Menu ###
ThemesMenu.themes_accessible_description=Menu to switch Metal color themes
ThemesMenu.aqua_accessible_description=A Metal Theme that uses bluish-green colors
ThemesMenu.charcoal_accessible_description=A Metal Theme that uses dark grey colors
ThemesMenu.contrast.labelAndMnemonic=&High Contrast
ThemesMenu.contrast_accessible_description=A High Contrast Theme
ThemesMenu.ocean_accessible_description=The Ocean Metal Theme
ThemesMenu.steel_accessible_description=The blue/purple Metal Theme
ThemesMenu.emerald_accessible_description=A Metal Theme that uses green colors
ThemesMenu.ruby_accessible_description=A Metal Theme that uses red colors
### Font SubMenu (under Themes)
FontMenu.fonts_accessible_description=Menu to choose fonts for the Java look and feel
FontMenu.bold_accessible_description=Turns on bold fonts for the Java look and feel
FontMenu.plain_accessible_description=Turns on plain fonts for the Java look and feel
### Audio SubMenu (under Themes) ###
AudioMenu.audio_accessible_description=Menu to switch the amount of auditory feedback available within the Java look and feel
AudioMenu.on_accessible_description=Turn on all auditory feedback for the Java look and feel
AudioMenu.default_accessible_description=Turn on the standard amount of auditory feedback for the Java look and feel
AudioMenu.off_accessible_description=Turn off all auditory feedback for the Java look and feel
### Options Menu ###
OptionsMenu.options_accessible_description=Menu containing other options
OptionsMenu.tooltip.labelAndMnemonic=Enable &Tool Tips
OptionsMenu.tooltip_accessible_description=Enable or disable tool tips
OptionsMenu.dragEnabled.labelAndMnemonic=Enable &Drag Support
OptionsMenu.dragEnabled_accessible_description=Enable or disable drag support
### File Menu ###
FileMenu.accessible_description=File Menu
FileMenu.about_accessible_description=Find out about the SwingSet2 application
FileMenu.open_accessible_description=Placeholder menu item for opening a file
FileMenu.save_accessible_description=Placeholder menu item for saving a file
FileMenu.save_as.labelAndMnemonic=Save &As...
FileMenu.save_as_accessible_description=Placeholder menu item for saving a file with a new name
FileMenu.exit_accessible_description=Exit the SwingSet2 application
### Multi-Screen menu ###
MultiMenu.multi_accessible_description=Multiscreen Menu
MultiMenu.all.labelAndMnemonic=Cre&ate SwingSet2 on all screens
MultiMenu.all_accessible_description=Create a SwingSet2 window on every screen
MultiMenu.single.labelAndMnemonic=Create SwingSet2 on screen
MultiMenu.single_accessible_description=Create a SwingSet2 window on screen
### DEMOS ###
### OptionPane Demo ###
OptionPaneDemo.accessible_description=The OptionPane Demo shows examples of using JOptionPane to generate different common option dialog boxes
OptionPaneDemo.tooltip=JOptionPane Demo Pane Demo
OptionPaneDemo.warningbutton=Show Warning Dialog
OptionPaneDemo.componentbutton=Show Component Dialog
OptionPaneDemo.inputbutton=Show Input Dialog
OptionPaneDemo.confirmbutton=Show Confirmation Dialog
OptionPaneDemo.messagebutton=Show Message Dialog
OptionPaneDemo.warningtitle=Warning Dialog Example
OptionPaneDemo.warningtext=<html><P><font color=black>This is a test of the <font color=red><b>Emergency Broadcast System</b></font>. <i><b>This is <br> only a test</b></i>. The webmaster of your local intranet, in voluntary <br> cooperation with the <font color=blue><b>Federal</b></font> and <font color=blue><b>State</b></font> authorities, have <br> developed this system to keep you informed in the event of an <br> emergency. If this had been an actual emergency, the signal you <br> just heard would have been followed by official information, news <br> or instructions. This concludes this test of the <font color=red><b>Emergency <br> Broadcast System</b></font>.</font></P><P><br>Developer Note: This dialog demo used HTML for text formatting.</P></html>
OptionPaneDemo.messagetext=Message in a Bottle (yeah)
OptionPaneDemo.confirmquestion=Is the sun shining outside today?
OptionPaneDemo.confirmyes=<html>Well what are you doing playing on the computer?<br> Get outside! Take a trip to the beach! Get a little sun!</html>
OptionPaneDemo.confirmno=Well good thing you're inside protected from the elements!
OptionPaneDemo.inputquestion=What is your favorite movie?
OptionPaneDemo.inputresponse=That was a pretty good movie!
OptionPaneDemo.componenttitle=Component Dialog Example
OptionPaneDemo.componentmessage=<html>JOptionPane can contain as many components <br> as you want, such as a text field:</html>
OptionPaneDemo.componenttextfield=or a combobox:
OptionPaneDemo.component_cb1=item 1
OptionPaneDemo.component_cb2=item 2
OptionPaneDemo.component_cb3=item 3
OptionPaneDemo.componentmessage2=<html>JOptionPane can also show as many options <br> as you want:</html>
OptionPaneDemo.component_r1=Upbeat and positive! I like that! Good choice.
OptionPaneDemo.component_r2=Definitely not, I wouldn't do it either.
OptionPaneDemo.component_r3=<html><font color=black> Mmmm.. yes, the situation is unclear at this <br> time. Check back when you know for sure.</font></html>
OptionPaneDemo.component_r4=<html><font color=black>You know you want to. I think you should <br> have gone for broke and pressed "Yes".</font></html>