blob: 2d6c6803f72f9484c8760e94fb663fd92fe927fe [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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* @test
* @bug 8058595
* @summary Test that AnnotatedType.getAnnotatedOwnerType() works as expected
* @library /lib/testlibrary
* @build jdk.testlibrary.Asserts
* @run main GetAnnotatedOwnerType
import java.lang.annotation.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import jdk.testlibrary.Asserts;
public class GetAnnotatedOwnerType<Dummy> {
public @TA("generic") GetAnnotatedOwnerType<String> . @TB("generic") Nested<Integer> genericField;
public @TA("raw") GetAnnotatedOwnerType . @TB("raw") Nested rawField;
public @TA("non-generic") GetAnnotatedOwnerTypeAuxilliary . @TB("non-generic") Inner nonGeneric;
public @TA("non-generic") GetAnnotatedOwnerTypeAuxilliary . @TB("generic") InnerGeneric<String> innerGeneric;
public @TA("non-generic") GetAnnotatedOwnerTypeAuxilliary . @TB("raw") InnerGeneric innerRaw;
public Object anonymous = new Object() {};
public @TA("array") Dummy[] dummy;
public @TA("wildcard") GetAnnotatedOwnerType<?> wildcard;
public @TA("typevariable") Dummy tv;
public @TA("bad") GetAnnotatedOwnerType<@TA("good") GetAnnotatedOwnerType<String> . @TB("tb") Nested<Integer> > typeArgument;
public GetAnnotatedOwnerType< GetAnnotatedOwnerType<String> .
B .
C<Class<?>, ? extends @TA("complicated") Exception> .
D<Number> > [] complicated;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
public static void testGeneric() throws Exception {
Field f = GetAnnotatedOwnerType.class.getField("genericField");
// make sure inner is correctly annotated
AnnotatedType inner = f.getAnnotatedType();
Asserts.assertEquals(inner.getAnnotation(TB.class).value(), "generic");
Asserts.assertTrue(inner.getAnnotations().length == 1, "expecting one (1) annotation, got: "
+ inner.getAnnotations().length);
// make sure owner is correctly annotated, on the correct type
AnnotatedType outer = inner.getAnnotatedOwnerType();
Asserts.assertEquals(outer.getType(), ((ParameterizedType) f.getGenericType()).getOwnerType());
Asserts.assertEquals(outer.getAnnotation(TA.class).value(), "generic");
Asserts.assertTrue(outer.getAnnotations().length == 1, "expecting one (1) annotation, got: "
+ outer.getAnnotations().length);
public static void testRaw() throws Exception {
Field f = GetAnnotatedOwnerType.class.getField("rawField");
// make sure inner is correctly annotated
AnnotatedType inner = f.getAnnotatedType();
Asserts.assertEquals(inner.getAnnotation(TB.class).value(), "raw");
Asserts.assertTrue(inner.getAnnotations().length == 1, "expecting one (1) annotation, got: "
+ inner.getAnnotations().length);
// make sure owner is correctly annotated, on the correct type
AnnotatedType outer = inner.getAnnotatedOwnerType();
Asserts.assertEquals(outer.getType(), ((Class<?>)f.getGenericType()).getEnclosingClass());
Asserts.assertEquals(outer.getAnnotation(TA.class).value(), "raw");
Asserts.assertTrue(outer.getAnnotations().length == 1, "expecting one (1) annotation, got: "
+ outer.getAnnotations().length);
public static void testNonGeneric() throws Exception {
Field f = GetAnnotatedOwnerType.class.getField("nonGeneric");
// make sure inner is correctly annotated
AnnotatedType inner = f.getAnnotatedType();
Asserts.assertEquals(inner.getAnnotation(TB.class).value(), "non-generic");
Asserts.assertTrue(inner.getAnnotations().length == 1, "expecting one (1) annotation, got: "
+ inner.getAnnotations().length);
// make sure owner is correctly annotated, on the correct type
AnnotatedType outer = inner.getAnnotatedOwnerType();
Asserts.assertEquals(outer.getType(), ((Class<?>)f.getGenericType()).getEnclosingClass());
Asserts.assertEquals(outer.getAnnotation(TA.class).value(), "non-generic");
Asserts.assertTrue(outer.getAnnotations().length == 1, "expecting one (1) annotation, got: "
+ outer.getAnnotations().length);
public static void testInnerGeneric() throws Exception {
Field f = GetAnnotatedOwnerType.class.getField("innerGeneric");
// make sure inner is correctly annotated
AnnotatedType inner = f.getAnnotatedType();
Asserts.assertEquals(inner.getAnnotation(TB.class).value(), "generic");
Asserts.assertTrue(inner.getAnnotations().length == 1, "expecting one (1) annotation, got: "
+ inner.getAnnotations().length);
// make sure owner is correctly annotated, on the correct type
AnnotatedType outer = inner.getAnnotatedOwnerType();
Asserts.assertEquals(outer.getType(), ((ParameterizedType) f.getGenericType()).getOwnerType());
Asserts.assertEquals(outer.getAnnotation(TA.class).value(), "non-generic");
Asserts.assertTrue(outer.getAnnotations().length == 1, "expecting one (1) annotation, got: "
+ outer.getAnnotations().length);
public static void testInnerRaw() throws Exception {
Field f = GetAnnotatedOwnerType.class.getField("innerRaw");
// make sure inner is correctly annotated
AnnotatedType inner = f.getAnnotatedType();
Asserts.assertEquals(inner.getAnnotation(TB.class).value(), "raw");
Asserts.assertTrue(inner.getAnnotations().length == 1, "expecting one (1) annotation, got: "
+ inner.getAnnotations().length);
// make sure owner is correctly annotated, on the correct type
AnnotatedType outer = inner.getAnnotatedOwnerType();
Asserts.assertEquals(outer.getType(), ((Class<?>)f.getGenericType()).getEnclosingClass());
Asserts.assertEquals(outer.getAnnotation(TA.class).value(), "non-generic");
Asserts.assertTrue(outer.getAnnotations().length == 1, "expecting one (1) annotation, got: "
+ outer.getAnnotations().length);
public static void testLocalClass() throws Exception {
class ALocalClass {}
class OneMore {
public @TA("null") ALocalClass c;
testNegative(OneMore.class.getField("c").getAnnotatedType(), "Local class should return null");
public static void testAnonymousClass() throws Exception {
"Anonymous class should return null");
public static void testArray() throws Exception {
AnnotatedType t = GetAnnotatedOwnerType.class.getField("dummy").getAnnotatedType();
Asserts.assertTrue((t instanceof AnnotatedArrayType),
"Was expecting an AnnotatedArrayType " + t);
testNegative(t, "" + t + " should not have an annotated owner type");
public static void testWildcard() throws Exception {
AnnotatedType tt = GetAnnotatedOwnerType.class.getField("wildcard").getAnnotatedType();
AnnotatedType t = ((AnnotatedParameterizedType)tt).getAnnotatedActualTypeArguments()[0];
Asserts.assertTrue((t instanceof AnnotatedWildcardType),
"Was expecting an AnnotatedWildcardType " + t);
testNegative(t, "" + t + " should not have an annotated owner type");
public static void testTypeParameter() throws Exception {
AnnotatedType t = GetAnnotatedOwnerType.class.getField("tv").getAnnotatedType();
Asserts.assertTrue((t instanceof AnnotatedTypeVariable),
"Was expecting an AnnotatedTypeVariable " + t);
testNegative(t, "" + t + " should not have an annotated owner type");
public static void testTypeArgument() throws Exception {
AnnotatedType tt = GetAnnotatedOwnerType.class.getField("typeArgument").getAnnotatedType();
Asserts.assertEquals(tt.getAnnotation(TA.class).value(), "bad");
Asserts.assertTrue(tt.getAnnotations().length == 1, "expecting one (1) annotation, got: "
+ tt.getAnnotations().length);
// make sure inner is correctly annotated
AnnotatedType inner = ((AnnotatedParameterizedType)tt).getAnnotatedActualTypeArguments()[0];
Asserts.assertEquals(inner.getAnnotation(TB.class).value(), "tb");
Asserts.assertTrue(inner.getAnnotations().length == 1, "expecting one (1) annotation, got: "
+ inner.getAnnotations().length);
// make sure owner is correctly annotated
AnnotatedType outer = inner.getAnnotatedOwnerType();
Asserts.assertEquals(outer.getAnnotation(TA.class).value(), "good");
Asserts.assertTrue(outer.getAnnotations().length == 1, "expecting one (1) annotation, got: "
+ outer.getAnnotations().length);
public static void testComplicated() throws Exception {
Field f = GetAnnotatedOwnerType.class.getField("complicated");
// Outermost level
AnnotatedType t = f.getAnnotatedType();
Asserts.assertTrue((t instanceof AnnotatedArrayType),
"Was expecting an AnnotatedArrayType " + t);
testNegative(t, "" + t + " should not have an annotated owner type");
Asserts.assertTrue(t.getAnnotations().length == 0, "expecting zero annotation, got: "
+ t.getAnnotations().length);
// Component type
t = ((AnnotatedArrayType)t).getAnnotatedGenericComponentType();
testNegative(t, "" + t + " should not have an annotated owner type");
Asserts.assertTrue(t.getAnnotations().length == 0, "expecting zero annotation, got: "
+ t.getAnnotations().length);
// Type arg GetAnnotatedOwnerType<String>...D<Number>
t = ((AnnotatedParameterizedType)t).getAnnotatedActualTypeArguments()[0];
Asserts.assertTrue(t.getAnnotations().length == 0, "expecting zero annotation, got: "
+ t.getAnnotations().length);
// C<Class<?>, ? extends ...>
t = t.getAnnotatedOwnerType();
Asserts.assertTrue(t.getAnnotations().length == 0, "expecting zero annotation, got: "
+ t.getAnnotations().length);
// ? extends
t = ((AnnotatedParameterizedType)t).getAnnotatedActualTypeArguments()[1];
testNegative(t, "" + t + " should not have an annotated owner type");
Asserts.assertTrue(t.getAnnotations().length == 0, "expecting zero annotation, got: "
+ t.getAnnotations().length);
// @TA("complicated") Exception
t = ((AnnotatedWildcardType)t).getAnnotatedUpperBounds()[0];
testNegative(t, "" + t + " should not have an annotated owner type");
Asserts.assertEquals(t.getAnnotation(TA.class).value(), "complicated");
Asserts.assertTrue(t.getAnnotations().length == 1, "expecting one (1) annotation, got: "
+ t.getAnnotations().length);
private static void testNegative(AnnotatedType t, String msg) {
Asserts.assertNull(t.getAnnotatedOwnerType(), msg);
public class Nested<AlsoDummy> {}
public class B {
public class C<R, S> {
public class D<T> {
public @interface TA {
String value();
public @interface TB {
String value();
class GetAnnotatedOwnerTypeAuxilliary {
class Inner {}
class InnerGeneric<Dummy> {}