blob: 56332be7c90d3512612bd03e70c172f2f6e2a523 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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* @test
* @modules jdk.jdi/ java.base/jdk.internal.misc:+open
* @summary converted from VM Testbase nsk/jdi/MonitorContendedEnteredRequest/addClassFilter_ReferenceType.
* VM Testbase keywords: [quick, jpda, jdi, feature_jdk6_jpda, vm6]
* VM Testbase readme:
* The test checks up that a result of the method com.sun.jdi.MonitorContendedEnteredRequest.addClassFilter(ReferenceType referenceType)
* complies with its spec:
* "Restricts the events generated by this request to be the preparation of the given reference type and any subtypes.
* An event will be generated for any prepared reference type that can be safely cast to the given reference type."
* Test also checks that received com.sun.jdi.MonitorContendedEnteredEvent complies with its spec and contains correct data.
* Test uses 2 event filters:
* - add to request filter for class which has subclass (expect events for class and its subclasses)
* - add to request filter for class without subclasses
* Test executes class nsk.share.jdi.EventTestTemplates$ClassExclusionFilterTest which uses JDI events testing
* framework based on classes from package nsk.share.jdi.*.
* This framework uses following scenario:
* - debugger VM forces debugge VM to create number of objects which should generate events during test
* - if any event filters are used each generating event object is checked is this object accepted by all filters,
* if object was accepted it should save information about all generated events and this information is available for debugger
* - debuggee performs event generation and stop at breakpoint
* - debugger reads data saved by debuggee's event generators and checks is only expected events was generated
* Monitor entered events are generated in 3 different ways:
* - through synchronized block
* - through synchronized method
* - through JNI MonitorEnter
* In addition to the main scenario tests using event filters also check following cases:
* - attempt to add filter to enabled or deleted request throws 'InvalidRequestStateException'
* - corresponding method EventRequestManager.xxxRequests() returns created event request
* @library /vmTestbase
* /test/lib
* @run driver jdk.test.lib.FileInstaller . .
* @build nsk.share.jdi.EventTestTemplates
* nsk.share.jdi.JDIEventsDebuggee
* nsk.share.jdi.MonitorEventsDebuggee
* @run main/othervm/native PropertyResolvingWrapper
* nsk.share.jdi.EventTestTemplates$ClassFilterTest_ReferenceType
* -verbose
* -arch=${}-${os.simpleArch}
* -waittime=5
* -debugee.vmkind=java
* -transport.address=dynamic
* "-debugee.vmkeys=${test.vm.opts} ${}"
* -debuggeeClassName nsk.share.jdi.MonitorEventsDebuggee
* -classPatterns nsk.share.jdi.MonitorEnterExecutor_1Subclass:nsk.share.jdi.MonitorEnterExecutor_2Subclass