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package org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc;
import static;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.calc.CanonicalCondition;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.IntegerStamp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.Stamp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeClass;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.NodeInfo;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ConstantNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LogicConstantNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LogicNegationNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LogicNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.NodeView;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValueNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.util.GraphUtil;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValues;
* Common super-class for "a < b" comparisons both {@linkplain IntegerLowerThanNode signed} and
* {@linkplain IntegerBelowNode unsigned}.
public abstract class IntegerLowerThanNode extends CompareNode {
public static final NodeClass<IntegerLowerThanNode> TYPE = NodeClass.create(IntegerLowerThanNode.class);
private final LowerOp op;
protected IntegerLowerThanNode(NodeClass<? extends CompareNode> c, ValueNode x, ValueNode y, LowerOp op) {
super(c, op.getCondition(), false, x, y);
this.op = op;
protected LowerOp getOp() {
return op;
public Stamp getSucceedingStampForX(boolean negated, Stamp xStampGeneric, Stamp yStampGeneric) {
return getSucceedingStampForX(negated, !negated, xStampGeneric, yStampGeneric, getX(), getY());
public Stamp getSucceedingStampForY(boolean negated, Stamp xStampGeneric, Stamp yStampGeneric) {
return getSucceedingStampForX(!negated, !negated, yStampGeneric, xStampGeneric, getY(), getX());
private Stamp getSucceedingStampForX(boolean mirror, boolean strict, Stamp xStampGeneric, Stamp yStampGeneric, ValueNode forX, ValueNode forY) {
Stamp s = getSucceedingStampForX(mirror, strict, xStampGeneric, yStampGeneric);
if (s != null && s.isUnrestricted()) {
s = null;
if (forY instanceof AddNode && xStampGeneric instanceof IntegerStamp) {
IntegerStamp xStamp = (IntegerStamp) xStampGeneric;
AddNode addNode = (AddNode) forY;
IntegerStamp aStamp = null;
if (addNode.getX() == forX && addNode.getY().stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT) instanceof IntegerStamp) {
// x < x + a
aStamp = (IntegerStamp) addNode.getY().stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT);
} else if (addNode.getY() == forX && addNode.getX().stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT) instanceof IntegerStamp) {
// x < a + x
aStamp = (IntegerStamp) addNode.getX().stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT);
if (aStamp != null) {
IntegerStamp result = getOp().getSucceedingStampForXLowerXPlusA(mirror, strict, aStamp);
result = (IntegerStamp) xStamp.tryImproveWith(result);
if (result != null) {
if (s != null) {
s = s.improveWith(result);
} else {
s = result;
return s;
private Stamp getSucceedingStampForX(boolean mirror, boolean strict, Stamp xStampGeneric, Stamp yStampGeneric) {
if (xStampGeneric instanceof IntegerStamp) {
IntegerStamp xStamp = (IntegerStamp) xStampGeneric;
if (yStampGeneric instanceof IntegerStamp) {
IntegerStamp yStamp = (IntegerStamp) yStampGeneric;
assert yStamp.getBits() == xStamp.getBits();
Stamp s = getOp().getSucceedingStampForX(xStamp, yStamp, mirror, strict);
if (s != null) {
return s;
return null;
public TriState tryFold(Stamp xStampGeneric, Stamp yStampGeneric) {
return getOp().tryFold(xStampGeneric, yStampGeneric);
public abstract static class LowerOp extends CompareOp {
public LogicNode canonical(ConstantReflectionProvider constantReflection, MetaAccessProvider metaAccess, OptionValues options, Integer smallestCompareWidth, CanonicalCondition condition,
boolean unorderedIsTrue, ValueNode forX, ValueNode forY, NodeView view) {
LogicNode result = super.canonical(constantReflection, metaAccess, options, smallestCompareWidth, condition, unorderedIsTrue, forX, forY, view);
if (result != null) {
return result;
LogicNode synonym = findSynonym(forX, forY, view);
if (synonym != null) {
return synonym;
return null;
protected abstract long upperBound(IntegerStamp stamp);
protected abstract long lowerBound(IntegerStamp stamp);
protected abstract int compare(long a, long b);
protected abstract long min(long a, long b);
protected abstract long max(long a, long b);
protected long min(long a, long b, int bits) {
return min(cast(a, bits), cast(b, bits));
protected long max(long a, long b, int bits) {
return max(cast(a, bits), cast(b, bits));
protected abstract long cast(long a, int bits);
protected abstract long minValue(int bits);
protected abstract long maxValue(int bits);
protected abstract IntegerStamp forInteger(int bits, long min, long max);
protected abstract CanonicalCondition getCondition();
protected abstract IntegerLowerThanNode createNode(ValueNode x, ValueNode y);
public LogicNode create(ValueNode x, ValueNode y, NodeView view) {
LogicNode result = CompareNode.tryConstantFoldPrimitive(getCondition(), x, y, false, view);
if (result != null) {
return result;
} else {
result = findSynonym(x, y, view);
if (result != null) {
return result;
return createNode(x, y);
protected LogicNode findSynonym(ValueNode forX, ValueNode forY, NodeView view) {
if (GraphUtil.unproxify(forX) == GraphUtil.unproxify(forY)) {
return LogicConstantNode.contradiction();
TriState fold = tryFold(forX.stamp(view), forY.stamp(view));
if (fold.isTrue()) {
return LogicConstantNode.tautology();
} else if (fold.isFalse()) {
return LogicConstantNode.contradiction();
if (forY.stamp(view) instanceof IntegerStamp) {
IntegerStamp yStamp = (IntegerStamp) forY.stamp(view);
int bits = yStamp.getBits();
if (forX.isJavaConstant() && !forY.isConstant()) {
// bring the constant on the right
long xValue = forX.asJavaConstant().asLong();
if (xValue != maxValue(bits)) {
// c < x <=> !(c >= x) <=> !(x <= c) <=> !(x < c + 1)
return LogicNegationNode.create(create(forY, ConstantNode.forIntegerStamp(yStamp, xValue + 1), view));
if (forY.isJavaConstant()) {
long yValue = forY.asJavaConstant().asLong();
if (yValue == maxValue(bits)) {
// x < MAX <=> x != MAX
return LogicNegationNode.create(IntegerEqualsNode.create(forX, forY, view));
if (yValue == minValue(bits) + 1) {
// x < MIN + 1 <=> x <= MIN <=> x == MIN
return IntegerEqualsNode.create(forX, ConstantNode.forIntegerStamp(yStamp, minValue(bits)), view);
} else if (forY instanceof AddNode) {
AddNode addNode = (AddNode) forY;
LogicNode canonical = canonicalizeXLowerXPlusA(forX, addNode, false, true, view);
if (canonical != null) {
return canonical;
if (forX instanceof AddNode) {
AddNode addNode = (AddNode) forX;
LogicNode canonical = canonicalizeXLowerXPlusA(forY, addNode, true, false, view);
if (canonical != null) {
return canonical;
return null;
private LogicNode canonicalizeXLowerXPlusA(ValueNode forX, AddNode addNode, boolean mirrored, boolean strict, NodeView view) {
// x < x + a
IntegerStamp succeedingXStamp;
boolean exact;
if (addNode.getX() == forX && addNode.getY().stamp(view) instanceof IntegerStamp) {
IntegerStamp aStamp = (IntegerStamp) addNode.getY().stamp(view);
succeedingXStamp = getSucceedingStampForXLowerXPlusA(mirrored, strict, aStamp);
exact = aStamp.lowerBound() == aStamp.upperBound();
} else if (addNode.getY() == forX && addNode.getX().stamp(view) instanceof IntegerStamp) {
IntegerStamp aStamp = (IntegerStamp) addNode.getX().stamp(view);
succeedingXStamp = getSucceedingStampForXLowerXPlusA(mirrored, strict, aStamp);
exact = aStamp.lowerBound() == aStamp.upperBound();
} else {
return null;
if (succeedingXStamp.join(forX.stamp(view)).isEmpty()) {
return LogicConstantNode.contradiction();
} else if (exact && !succeedingXStamp.isEmpty()) {
int bits = succeedingXStamp.getBits();
if (compare(lowerBound(succeedingXStamp), minValue(bits)) > 0) {
assert upperBound(succeedingXStamp) == maxValue(bits);
// x must be in [L..MAX] <=> x >= L <=> !(x < L)
return LogicNegationNode.create(create(forX, ConstantNode.forIntegerStamp(succeedingXStamp, lowerBound(succeedingXStamp)), view));
} else if (compare(upperBound(succeedingXStamp), maxValue(bits)) < 0) {
// x must be in [MIN..H] <=> x <= H <=> !(H < x)
return LogicNegationNode.create(create(ConstantNode.forIntegerStamp(succeedingXStamp, upperBound(succeedingXStamp)), forX, view));
return null;
protected TriState tryFold(Stamp xStampGeneric, Stamp yStampGeneric) {
if (xStampGeneric instanceof IntegerStamp && yStampGeneric instanceof IntegerStamp) {
IntegerStamp xStamp = (IntegerStamp) xStampGeneric;
IntegerStamp yStamp = (IntegerStamp) yStampGeneric;
if (compare(upperBound(xStamp), lowerBound(yStamp)) < 0) {
return TriState.TRUE;
if (compare(lowerBound(xStamp), upperBound(yStamp)) >= 0) {
return TriState.FALSE;
return TriState.UNKNOWN;
protected IntegerStamp getSucceedingStampForX(IntegerStamp xStamp, IntegerStamp yStamp, boolean mirror, boolean strict) {
int bits = xStamp.getBits();
assert yStamp.getBits() == bits;
if (mirror) {
long low = lowerBound(yStamp);
if (strict) {
if (low == maxValue(bits)) {
return null;
low += 1;
if (compare(low, lowerBound(xStamp)) > 0 || upperBound(xStamp) != (xStamp.upperBound() & mask(xStamp.getBits()))) {
return forInteger(bits, low, upperBound(xStamp));
} else {
// x < y, i.e., x < y <= Y_UPPER_BOUND so x <= Y_UPPER_BOUND - 1
long low = upperBound(yStamp);
if (strict) {
if (low == minValue(bits)) {
return null;
low -= 1;
if (compare(low, upperBound(xStamp)) < 0 || lowerBound(xStamp) != (xStamp.lowerBound() & mask(xStamp.getBits()))) {
return forInteger(bits, lowerBound(xStamp), low);
return null;
protected IntegerStamp getSucceedingStampForXLowerXPlusA(boolean mirrored, boolean strict, IntegerStamp a) {
int bits = a.getBits();
long min = minValue(bits);
long max = maxValue(bits);
* if x < x + a <=> x + a didn't overflow:
* x is outside ]MAX - a, MAX], i.e., inside [MIN, MAX - a]
* if a is negative those bounds wrap around correctly.
* If a is exactly zero this gives an unbounded stamp (any integer) in the positive case
* and an empty stamp in the negative case: if x |<| x is true, then either x has no
* value or any value...
* This does not use upper/lowerBound from LowerOp because it's about the (signed)
* addition not the comparison.
if (mirrored) {
if (a.contains(0)) {
// a may be zero
return a.unrestricted();
return forInteger(bits, min(max - a.lowerBound() + 1, max - a.upperBound() + 1, bits), max);
} else {
long aLower = a.lowerBound();
long aUpper = a.upperBound();
if (strict) {
if (aLower == 0) {
aLower = 1;
if (aUpper == 0) {
aUpper = -1;
if (aLower > aUpper) {
// impossible
return a.empty();
if (aLower < 0 && aUpper > 0) {
// a may be zero
return a.unrestricted();
return forInteger(bits, min, max(max - aLower, max - aUpper, bits));