blob: d3469797376b6b2f9121ced58b15d2934bb4fd6e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.calc.FloatConvert.I2D;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.calc.FloatConvert.I2F;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.calc.FloatConvert.L2D;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.calc.FloatConvert.L2F;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Formatter;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.LIRKind;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.NumUtil;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.spi.LIRKindTool;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.BinaryOp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.FloatConvertOp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.IntegerConvertOp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.ShiftOp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.UnaryOp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError;
* Describes the possible values of a node that produces an int or long result.
* The description consists of (inclusive) lower and upper bounds and up (may be set) and down
* (always set) bit-masks.
public final class IntegerStamp extends PrimitiveStamp {
private final long lowerBound;
private final long upperBound;
private final long downMask;
private final long upMask;
private IntegerStamp(int bits, long lowerBound, long upperBound, long downMask, long upMask) {
super(bits, OPS);
this.lowerBound = lowerBound;
this.upperBound = upperBound;
this.downMask = downMask;
this.upMask = upMask;
assert lowerBound >= CodeUtil.minValue(bits) : this;
assert upperBound <= CodeUtil.maxValue(bits) : this;
assert (downMask & CodeUtil.mask(bits)) == downMask : this;
assert (upMask & CodeUtil.mask(bits)) == upMask : this;
public static IntegerStamp create(int bits, long lowerBoundInput, long upperBoundInput) {
return create(bits, lowerBoundInput, upperBoundInput, 0, CodeUtil.mask(bits));
public static IntegerStamp create(int bits, long lowerBoundInput, long upperBoundInput, long downMask, long upMask) {
assert (downMask & ~upMask) == 0 : String.format("\u21ca: %016x \u21c8: %016x", downMask, upMask);
// Set lower bound, use masks to make it more precise
long minValue = minValueForMasks(bits, downMask, upMask);
long lowerBoundTmp = Math.max(lowerBoundInput, minValue);
// Set upper bound, use masks to make it more precise
long maxValue = maxValueForMasks(bits, downMask, upMask);
long upperBoundTmp = Math.min(upperBoundInput, maxValue);
// Assign masks now with the bounds in mind.
final long boundedDownMask;
final long boundedUpMask;
long defaultMask = CodeUtil.mask(bits);
if (lowerBoundTmp == upperBoundTmp) {
boundedDownMask = lowerBoundTmp;
boundedUpMask = lowerBoundTmp;
} else if (lowerBoundTmp >= 0) {
int upperBoundLeadingZeros = Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(upperBoundTmp);
long differentBits = lowerBoundTmp ^ upperBoundTmp;
int sameBitCount = Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(differentBits << upperBoundLeadingZeros);
boundedUpMask = upperBoundTmp | -1L >>> (upperBoundLeadingZeros + sameBitCount);
boundedDownMask = upperBoundTmp & ~(-1L >>> (upperBoundLeadingZeros + sameBitCount));
} else {
if (upperBoundTmp >= 0) {
boundedUpMask = defaultMask;
boundedDownMask = 0;
} else {
int lowerBoundLeadingOnes = Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(~lowerBoundTmp);
long differentBits = lowerBoundTmp ^ upperBoundTmp;
int sameBitCount = Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(differentBits << lowerBoundLeadingOnes);
boundedUpMask = lowerBoundTmp | -1L >>> (lowerBoundLeadingOnes + sameBitCount) | ~(-1L >>> lowerBoundLeadingOnes);
boundedDownMask = lowerBoundTmp & ~(-1L >>> (lowerBoundLeadingOnes + sameBitCount)) | ~(-1L >>> lowerBoundLeadingOnes);
return new IntegerStamp(bits, lowerBoundTmp, upperBoundTmp, defaultMask & (downMask | boundedDownMask), defaultMask & upMask & boundedUpMask);
private static long significantBit(long bits, long value) {
return (value >>> (bits - 1)) & 1;
private static long minValueForMasks(int bits, long downMask, long upMask) {
if (significantBit(bits, upMask) == 0) {
// Value is always positive. Minimum value always positive.
assert significantBit(bits, downMask) == 0;
return downMask;
} else {
// Value can be positive or negative. Minimum value always negative.
return downMask | (-1L << (bits - 1));
private static long maxValueForMasks(int bits, long downMask, long upMask) {
if (significantBit(bits, downMask) == 1) {
// Value is always negative. Maximum value always negative.
assert significantBit(bits, upMask) == 1;
return CodeUtil.signExtend(upMask, bits);
} else {
// Value can be positive or negative. Maximum value always positive.
return upMask & (CodeUtil.mask(bits) >>> 1);
public static IntegerStamp stampForMask(int bits, long downMask, long upMask) {
return new IntegerStamp(bits, minValueForMasks(bits, downMask, upMask), maxValueForMasks(bits, downMask, upMask), downMask, upMask);
public IntegerStamp unrestricted() {
return new IntegerStamp(getBits(), CodeUtil.minValue(getBits()), CodeUtil.maxValue(getBits()), 0, CodeUtil.mask(getBits()));
public IntegerStamp empty() {
return new IntegerStamp(getBits(), CodeUtil.maxValue(getBits()), CodeUtil.minValue(getBits()), CodeUtil.mask(getBits()), 0);
public Stamp constant(Constant c, MetaAccessProvider meta) {
if (c instanceof PrimitiveConstant) {
long value = ((PrimitiveConstant) c).asLong();
return StampFactory.forInteger(getBits(), value, value);
return this;
public SerializableConstant deserialize(ByteBuffer buffer) {
switch (getBits()) {
case 1:
return JavaConstant.forBoolean(buffer.get() != 0);
case 8:
return JavaConstant.forByte(buffer.get());
case 16:
return JavaConstant.forShort(buffer.getShort());
case 32:
return JavaConstant.forInt(buffer.getInt());
case 64:
return JavaConstant.forLong(buffer.getLong());
throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere();
public boolean hasValues() {
return lowerBound <= upperBound;
public JavaKind getStackKind() {
if (getBits() > 32) {
return JavaKind.Long;
} else {
return JavaKind.Int;
public LIRKind getLIRKind(LIRKindTool tool) {
return tool.getIntegerKind(getBits());
public ResolvedJavaType javaType(MetaAccessProvider metaAccess) {
switch (getBits()) {
case 1:
return metaAccess.lookupJavaType(Boolean.TYPE);
case 8:
return metaAccess.lookupJavaType(Byte.TYPE);
case 16:
return metaAccess.lookupJavaType(Short.TYPE);
case 32:
return metaAccess.lookupJavaType(Integer.TYPE);
case 64:
return metaAccess.lookupJavaType(Long.TYPE);
throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere();
* The signed inclusive lower bound on the value described by this stamp.
public long lowerBound() {
return lowerBound;
* The signed inclusive upper bound on the value described by this stamp.
public long upperBound() {
return upperBound;
* This bit-mask describes the bits that are always set in the value described by this stamp.
public long downMask() {
return downMask;
* This bit-mask describes the bits that can be set in the value described by this stamp.
public long upMask() {
return upMask;
public boolean isUnrestricted() {
return lowerBound == CodeUtil.minValue(getBits()) && upperBound == CodeUtil.maxValue(getBits()) && downMask == 0 && upMask == CodeUtil.mask(getBits());
public boolean contains(long value) {
return value >= lowerBound && value <= upperBound && (value & downMask) == downMask && (value & upMask) == (value & CodeUtil.mask(getBits()));
public boolean isPositive() {
return lowerBound() >= 0;
public boolean isNegative() {
return upperBound() <= 0;
public boolean isStrictlyPositive() {
return lowerBound() > 0;
public boolean isStrictlyNegative() {
return upperBound() < 0;
public boolean canBePositive() {
return upperBound() > 0;
public boolean canBeNegative() {
return lowerBound() < 0;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
if (hasValues()) {
if (lowerBound == upperBound) {
str.append(" [").append(lowerBound).append(']');
} else if (lowerBound != CodeUtil.minValue(getBits()) || upperBound != CodeUtil.maxValue(getBits())) {
str.append(" [").append(lowerBound).append(" - ").append(upperBound).append(']');
if (downMask != 0) {
str.append(" \u21ca");
new Formatter(str).format("%016x", downMask);
if (upMask != CodeUtil.mask(getBits())) {
str.append(" \u21c8");
new Formatter(str).format("%016x", upMask);
} else {
return str.toString();
private IntegerStamp createStamp(IntegerStamp other, long newUpperBound, long newLowerBound, long newDownMask, long newUpMask) {
assert getBits() == other.getBits();
if (newLowerBound > newUpperBound || (newDownMask & (~newUpMask)) != 0 || (newUpMask == 0 && (newLowerBound > 0 || newUpperBound < 0))) {
return empty();
} else if (newLowerBound == lowerBound && newUpperBound == upperBound && newDownMask == downMask && newUpMask == upMask) {
return this;
} else if (newLowerBound == other.lowerBound && newUpperBound == other.upperBound && newDownMask == other.downMask && newUpMask == other.upMask) {
return other;
} else {
return IntegerStamp.create(getBits(), newLowerBound, newUpperBound, newDownMask, newUpMask);
public Stamp meet(Stamp otherStamp) {
if (otherStamp == this) {
return this;
if (isEmpty()) {
return otherStamp;
if (otherStamp.isEmpty()) {
return this;
IntegerStamp other = (IntegerStamp) otherStamp;
return createStamp(other, Math.max(upperBound, other.upperBound), Math.min(lowerBound, other.lowerBound), downMask & other.downMask, upMask | other.upMask);
public IntegerStamp join(Stamp otherStamp) {
if (otherStamp == this) {
return this;
IntegerStamp other = (IntegerStamp) otherStamp;
long newDownMask = downMask | other.downMask;
long newLowerBound = Math.max(lowerBound, other.lowerBound);
long newUpperBound = Math.min(upperBound, other.upperBound);
long newUpMask = upMask & other.upMask;
return createStamp(other, newUpperBound, newLowerBound, newDownMask, newUpMask);
public boolean isCompatible(Stamp stamp) {
if (this == stamp) {
return true;
if (stamp instanceof IntegerStamp) {
IntegerStamp other = (IntegerStamp) stamp;
return getBits() == other.getBits();
return false;
public boolean isCompatible(Constant constant) {
if (constant instanceof PrimitiveConstant) {
PrimitiveConstant prim = (PrimitiveConstant) constant;
return prim.getJavaKind().isNumericInteger();
return false;
public long unsignedUpperBound() {
if (sameSignBounds()) {
return CodeUtil.zeroExtend(upperBound(), getBits());
return NumUtil.maxValueUnsigned(getBits());
public long unsignedLowerBound() {
if (sameSignBounds()) {
return CodeUtil.zeroExtend(lowerBound(), getBits());
return 0;
private boolean sameSignBounds() {
return NumUtil.sameSign(lowerBound, upperBound);
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + super.hashCode();
result = prime * result + (int) (lowerBound ^ (lowerBound >>> 32));
result = prime * result + (int) (upperBound ^ (upperBound >>> 32));
result = prime * result + (int) (downMask ^ (downMask >>> 32));
result = prime * result + (int) (upMask ^ (upMask >>> 32));
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass() || !super.equals(obj)) {
return false;
IntegerStamp other = (IntegerStamp) obj;
if (lowerBound != other.lowerBound || upperBound != other.upperBound || downMask != other.downMask || upMask != other.upMask) {
return false;
return super.equals(other);
private static long upMaskFor(int bits, long lowerBound, long upperBound) {
long mask = lowerBound | upperBound;
if (mask == 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return ((-1L) >>> Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(mask)) & CodeUtil.mask(bits);
* Checks if the 2 stamps represent values of the same sign. Returns true if the two stamps are
* both positive of null or if they are both strictly negative
* @return true if the two stamps are both positive of null or if they are both strictly
* negative
public static boolean sameSign(IntegerStamp s1, IntegerStamp s2) {
return s1.isPositive() && s2.isPositive() || s1.isStrictlyNegative() && s2.isStrictlyNegative();
public JavaConstant asConstant() {
if (lowerBound == upperBound) {
switch (getBits()) {
case 1:
return JavaConstant.forBoolean(lowerBound != 0);
case 8:
return JavaConstant.forByte((byte) lowerBound);
case 16:
return JavaConstant.forShort((short) lowerBound);
case 32:
return JavaConstant.forInt((int) lowerBound);
case 64:
return JavaConstant.forLong(lowerBound);
return null;
public static boolean addCanOverflow(IntegerStamp a, IntegerStamp b) {
assert a.getBits() == b.getBits();
return addOverflowsPositively(a.upperBound(), b.upperBound(), a.getBits()) ||
addOverflowsNegatively(a.lowerBound(), b.lowerBound(), a.getBits());
public static boolean addOverflowsPositively(long x, long y, int bits) {
long result = x + y;
if (bits == 64) {
return (~x & ~y & result) < 0;
} else {
return result > CodeUtil.maxValue(bits);
public static boolean addOverflowsNegatively(long x, long y, int bits) {
long result = x + y;
if (bits == 64) {
return (x & y & ~result) < 0;
} else {
return result < CodeUtil.minValue(bits);
public static long carryBits(long x, long y) {
return (x + y) ^ x ^ y;
private static long saturate(long v, int bits) {
if (bits < 64) {
long max = CodeUtil.maxValue(bits);
if (v > max) {
return max;
long min = CodeUtil.minValue(bits);
if (v < min) {
return min;
return v;
public static boolean multiplicationOverflows(long a, long b, int bits) {
assert bits <= 64 && bits >= 0;
long result = a * b;
// result is positive if the sign is the same
boolean positive = (a >= 0 && b >= 0) || (a < 0 && b < 0);
if (bits == 64) {
if (a > 0 && b > 0) {
return a > 0x7FFFFFFF_FFFFFFFFL / b;
} else if (a > 0 && b <= 0) {
return b < 0x80000000_00000000L / a;
} else if (a <= 0 && b > 0) {
return a < 0x80000000_00000000L / b;
} else {
// a<=0 && b <=0
return a != 0 && b < 0x7FFFFFFF_FFFFFFFFL / a;
} else {
if (positive) {
return result > CodeUtil.maxValue(bits);
} else {
return result < CodeUtil.minValue(bits);
public static boolean multiplicationCanOverflow(IntegerStamp a, IntegerStamp b) {
// see IntegerStamp#foldStamp for details
assert a.getBits() == b.getBits();
if (a.upMask() == 0) {
return false;
} else if (b.upMask() == 0) {
return false;
if (a.isUnrestricted()) {
return true;
if (b.isUnrestricted()) {
return true;
int bits = a.getBits();
long minNegA = a.lowerBound();
long maxNegA = Math.min(0, a.upperBound());
long minPosA = Math.max(0, a.lowerBound());
long maxPosA = a.upperBound();
long minNegB = b.lowerBound();
long maxNegB = Math.min(0, b.upperBound());
long minPosB = Math.max(0, b.lowerBound());
long maxPosB = b.upperBound();
boolean mayOverflow = false;
if (a.canBePositive()) {
if (b.canBePositive()) {
mayOverflow |= IntegerStamp.multiplicationOverflows(maxPosA, maxPosB, bits);
mayOverflow |= IntegerStamp.multiplicationOverflows(minPosA, minPosB, bits);
if (b.canBeNegative()) {
mayOverflow |= IntegerStamp.multiplicationOverflows(minPosA, maxNegB, bits);
mayOverflow |= IntegerStamp.multiplicationOverflows(maxPosA, minNegB, bits);
if (a.canBeNegative()) {
if (b.canBePositive()) {
mayOverflow |= IntegerStamp.multiplicationOverflows(maxNegA, minPosB, bits);
mayOverflow |= IntegerStamp.multiplicationOverflows(minNegA, maxPosB, bits);
if (b.canBeNegative()) {
mayOverflow |= IntegerStamp.multiplicationOverflows(minNegA, minNegB, bits);
mayOverflow |= IntegerStamp.multiplicationOverflows(maxNegA, maxNegB, bits);
return mayOverflow;
public static boolean subtractionCanOverflow(IntegerStamp x, IntegerStamp y) {
assert x.getBits() == y.getBits();
return subtractionOverflows(x.lowerBound(), y.upperBound(), x.getBits()) || subtractionOverflows(x.upperBound(), y.lowerBound(), x.getBits());
public static boolean subtractionOverflows(long x, long y, int bits) {
long result = x - y;
if (bits == 64) {
return (((x ^ y) & (x ^ result)) < 0);
return result < CodeUtil.minValue(bits) || result > CodeUtil.maxValue(bits);
public static final ArithmeticOpTable OPS = new ArithmeticOpTable(
new UnaryOp.Neg() {
public Constant foldConstant(Constant value) {
PrimitiveConstant c = (PrimitiveConstant) value;
return JavaConstant.forIntegerKind(c.getJavaKind(), -c.asLong());
public Stamp foldStamp(Stamp s) {
if (s.isEmpty()) {
return s;
IntegerStamp stamp = (IntegerStamp) s;
int bits = stamp.getBits();
if (stamp.lowerBound == stamp.upperBound) {
long value = CodeUtil.convert(-stamp.lowerBound(), stamp.getBits(), false);
return StampFactory.forInteger(stamp.getBits(), value, value);
if (stamp.lowerBound() != CodeUtil.minValue(bits)) {
// TODO(ls) check if the mask calculation is correct...
return StampFactory.forInteger(bits, -stamp.upperBound(), -stamp.lowerBound());
} else {
return stamp.unrestricted();
new BinaryOp.Add(true, true) {
public Constant foldConstant(Constant const1, Constant const2) {
PrimitiveConstant a = (PrimitiveConstant) const1;
PrimitiveConstant b = (PrimitiveConstant) const2;
assert a.getJavaKind() == b.getJavaKind();
return JavaConstant.forIntegerKind(a.getJavaKind(), a.asLong() + b.asLong());
public Stamp foldStamp(Stamp stamp1, Stamp stamp2) {
if (stamp1.isEmpty()) {
return stamp1;
if (stamp2.isEmpty()) {
return stamp2;
IntegerStamp a = (IntegerStamp) stamp1;
IntegerStamp b = (IntegerStamp) stamp2;
int bits = a.getBits();
assert bits == b.getBits();
if (a.lowerBound == a.upperBound && b.lowerBound == b.upperBound) {
long value = CodeUtil.convert(a.lowerBound() + b.lowerBound(), a.getBits(), false);
return StampFactory.forInteger(a.getBits(), value, value);
if (a.isUnrestricted()) {
return a;
} else if (b.isUnrestricted()) {
return b;
long defaultMask = CodeUtil.mask(bits);
long variableBits = (a.downMask() ^ a.upMask()) | (b.downMask() ^ b.upMask());
long variableBitsWithCarry = variableBits | (carryBits(a.downMask(), b.downMask()) ^ carryBits(a.upMask(), b.upMask()));
long newDownMask = (a.downMask() + b.downMask()) & ~variableBitsWithCarry;
long newUpMask = (a.downMask() + b.downMask()) | variableBitsWithCarry;
newDownMask &= defaultMask;
newUpMask &= defaultMask;
long newLowerBound;
long newUpperBound;
boolean lowerOverflowsPositively = addOverflowsPositively(a.lowerBound(), b.lowerBound(), bits);
boolean upperOverflowsPositively = addOverflowsPositively(a.upperBound(), b.upperBound(), bits);
boolean lowerOverflowsNegatively = addOverflowsNegatively(a.lowerBound(), b.lowerBound(), bits);
boolean upperOverflowsNegatively = addOverflowsNegatively(a.upperBound(), b.upperBound(), bits);
if ((lowerOverflowsNegatively && !upperOverflowsNegatively) || (!lowerOverflowsPositively && upperOverflowsPositively)) {
newLowerBound = CodeUtil.minValue(bits);
newUpperBound = CodeUtil.maxValue(bits);
} else {
newLowerBound = CodeUtil.signExtend((a.lowerBound() + b.lowerBound()) & defaultMask, bits);
newUpperBound = CodeUtil.signExtend((a.upperBound() + b.upperBound()) & defaultMask, bits);
IntegerStamp limit = StampFactory.forInteger(bits, newLowerBound, newUpperBound);
newUpMask &= limit.upMask();
newUpperBound = CodeUtil.signExtend(newUpperBound & newUpMask, bits);
newDownMask |= limit.downMask();
newLowerBound |= newDownMask;
return new IntegerStamp(bits, newLowerBound, newUpperBound, newDownMask, newUpMask);
public boolean isNeutral(Constant value) {
PrimitiveConstant n = (PrimitiveConstant) value;
return n.asLong() == 0;
new BinaryOp.Sub(true, false) {
public Constant foldConstant(Constant const1, Constant const2) {
PrimitiveConstant a = (PrimitiveConstant) const1;
PrimitiveConstant b = (PrimitiveConstant) const2;
assert a.getJavaKind() == b.getJavaKind();
return JavaConstant.forIntegerKind(a.getJavaKind(), a.asLong() - b.asLong());
public Stamp foldStamp(Stamp a, Stamp b) {
return OPS.getAdd().foldStamp(a, OPS.getNeg().foldStamp(b));
public boolean isNeutral(Constant value) {
PrimitiveConstant n = (PrimitiveConstant) value;
return n.asLong() == 0;
public Constant getZero(Stamp s) {
IntegerStamp stamp = (IntegerStamp) s;
return JavaConstant.forPrimitiveInt(stamp.getBits(), 0);
new BinaryOp.Mul(true, true) {
public Constant foldConstant(Constant const1, Constant const2) {
PrimitiveConstant a = (PrimitiveConstant) const1;
PrimitiveConstant b = (PrimitiveConstant) const2;
assert a.getJavaKind() == b.getJavaKind();
return JavaConstant.forIntegerKind(a.getJavaKind(), a.asLong() * b.asLong());
public Stamp foldStamp(Stamp stamp1, Stamp stamp2) {
if (stamp1.isEmpty()) {
return stamp1;
if (stamp2.isEmpty()) {
return stamp2;
IntegerStamp a = (IntegerStamp) stamp1;
IntegerStamp b = (IntegerStamp) stamp2;
int bits = a.getBits();
assert bits == b.getBits();
if (a.lowerBound == a.upperBound && b.lowerBound == b.upperBound) {
long value = CodeUtil.convert(a.lowerBound() * b.lowerBound(), a.getBits(), false);
return StampFactory.forInteger(a.getBits(), value, value);
// if a==0 or b==0 result of a*b is always 0
if (a.upMask() == 0) {
return a;
} else if (b.upMask() == 0) {
return b;
} else {
// if a has the full range or b, the result will also have it
if (a.isUnrestricted()) {
return a;
} else if (b.isUnrestricted()) {
return b;
// a!=0 && b !=0 holds
long newLowerBound = Long.MAX_VALUE;
long newUpperBound = Long.MIN_VALUE;
* Based on the signs of the incoming stamps lower and upper bound
* of the result of the multiplication may be swapped. LowerBound
* can become upper bound if both signs are negative, and so on. To
* determine the new values for lower and upper bound we need to
* look at the max and min of the cases blow:
* @formatter:off
* a.lowerBound * b.lowerBound
* a.lowerBound * b.upperBound
* a.upperBound * b.lowerBound
* a.upperBound * b.upperBound
* @formatter:on
* We are only interested in those cases that are relevant due to
* the sign of the involved stamps (whether a stamp includes
* negative and / or positive values). Based on the signs, the maximum
* or minimum of the above multiplications form the new lower and
* upper bounds.
* The table below contains the interesting candidates for lower and
* upper bound after multiplication.
* For example if we consider two stamps a & b that both contain
* negative and positive values, the product of minNegA * minNegB
* (both the smallest negative value for each stamp) can only be the
* highest positive number. The other candidates can be computed in
* a similar fashion. Some of them can never be a new minimum or
* maximum and are therefore excluded.
* @formatter:off
* [x................0................y]
* -------------------------------------
* [minNeg maxNeg minPos maxPos]
* where maxNeg = min(0,y) && minPos = max(0,x)
* |minNegA maxNegA minPosA maxPosA
* _______ |____________________________________
* minNegB | MAX / : / MIN
* maxNegB | / MIN : MAX /
* |------------------+-----------------
* minPosB | / MAX : MIN /
* maxPosB | MIN / : / MAX
* @formatter:on
// We materialize all factors here. If they are needed, the signs of
// the stamp will ensure the correct value is used.
long minNegA = a.lowerBound();
long maxNegA = Math.min(0, a.upperBound());
long minPosA = Math.max(0, a.lowerBound());
long maxPosA = a.upperBound();
long minNegB = b.lowerBound();
long maxNegB = Math.min(0, b.upperBound());
long minPosB = Math.max(0, b.lowerBound());
long maxPosB = b.upperBound();
// multiplication has shift semantics
long newUpMask = ~CodeUtil.mask(Math.min(64, Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(a.upMask) + Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(b.upMask))) & CodeUtil.mask(bits);
if (a.canBePositive()) {
if (b.canBePositive()) {
if (multiplicationOverflows(maxPosA, maxPosB, bits)) {
return a.unrestricted();
long maxCandidate = maxPosA * maxPosB;
if (multiplicationOverflows(minPosA, minPosB, bits)) {
return a.unrestricted();
long minCandidate = minPosA * minPosB;
newLowerBound = Math.min(newLowerBound, minCandidate);
newUpperBound = Math.max(newUpperBound, maxCandidate);
if (b.canBeNegative()) {
if (multiplicationOverflows(minPosA, maxNegB, bits)) {
return a.unrestricted();
long maxCandidate = minPosA * maxNegB;
if (multiplicationOverflows(maxPosA, minNegB, bits)) {
return a.unrestricted();
long minCandidate = maxPosA * minNegB;
newLowerBound = Math.min(newLowerBound, minCandidate);
newUpperBound = Math.max(newUpperBound, maxCandidate);
if (a.canBeNegative()) {
if (b.canBePositive()) {
if (multiplicationOverflows(maxNegA, minPosB, bits)) {
return a.unrestricted();
long maxCandidate = maxNegA * minPosB;
if (multiplicationOverflows(minNegA, maxPosB, bits)) {
return a.unrestricted();
long minCandidate = minNegA * maxPosB;
newLowerBound = Math.min(newLowerBound, minCandidate);
newUpperBound = Math.max(newUpperBound, maxCandidate);
if (b.canBeNegative()) {
if (multiplicationOverflows(minNegA, minNegB, bits)) {
return a.unrestricted();
long maxCandidate = minNegA * minNegB;
if (multiplicationOverflows(maxNegA, maxNegB, bits)) {
return a.unrestricted();
long minCandidate = maxNegA * maxNegB;
newLowerBound = Math.min(newLowerBound, minCandidate);
newUpperBound = Math.max(newUpperBound, maxCandidate);
assert newLowerBound <= newUpperBound;
return StampFactory.forIntegerWithMask(bits, newLowerBound, newUpperBound, 0, newUpMask);
public boolean isNeutral(Constant value) {
PrimitiveConstant n = (PrimitiveConstant) value;
return n.asLong() == 1;
new BinaryOp.MulHigh(true, true) {
public Constant foldConstant(Constant const1, Constant const2) {
PrimitiveConstant a = (PrimitiveConstant) const1;
PrimitiveConstant b = (PrimitiveConstant) const2;
assert a.getJavaKind() == b.getJavaKind();
return JavaConstant.forIntegerKind(a.getJavaKind(), multiplyHigh(a.asLong(), b.asLong(), a.getJavaKind()));
public Stamp foldStamp(Stamp stamp1, Stamp stamp2) {
if (stamp1.isEmpty()) {
return stamp1;
if (stamp2.isEmpty()) {
return stamp2;
IntegerStamp a = (IntegerStamp) stamp1;
IntegerStamp b = (IntegerStamp) stamp2;
JavaKind javaKind = a.getStackKind();
assert a.getBits() == b.getBits();
assert javaKind == b.getStackKind();
assert (javaKind == JavaKind.Int || javaKind == JavaKind.Long);
if (a.isEmpty() || b.isEmpty()) {
return a.empty();
} else if (a.isUnrestricted() || b.isUnrestricted()) {
return a.unrestricted();
long[] xExtremes = {a.lowerBound(), a.upperBound()};
long[] yExtremes = {b.lowerBound(), b.upperBound()};
long min = Long.MAX_VALUE;
long max = Long.MIN_VALUE;
for (long x : xExtremes) {
for (long y : yExtremes) {
long result = multiplyHigh(x, y, javaKind);
min = Math.min(min, result);
max = Math.max(max, result);
return StampFactory.forInteger(javaKind, min, max);
public boolean isNeutral(Constant value) {
return false;
private long multiplyHigh(long x, long y, JavaKind javaKind) {
if (javaKind == JavaKind.Int) {
return (x * y) >> 32;
} else {
assert javaKind == JavaKind.Long;
long x0 = x & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
long x1 = x >> 32;
long y0 = y & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
long y1 = y >> 32;
long z0 = x0 * y0;
long t = x1 * y0 + (z0 >>> 32);
long z1 = t & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
long z2 = t >> 32;
z1 += x0 * y1;
return x1 * y1 + z2 + (z1 >> 32);
new BinaryOp.UMulHigh(true, true) {
public Constant foldConstant(Constant const1, Constant const2) {
PrimitiveConstant a = (PrimitiveConstant) const1;
PrimitiveConstant b = (PrimitiveConstant) const2;
assert a.getJavaKind() == b.getJavaKind();
return JavaConstant.forIntegerKind(a.getJavaKind(), multiplyHighUnsigned(a.asLong(), b.asLong(), a.getJavaKind()));
public Stamp foldStamp(Stamp stamp1, Stamp stamp2) {
if (stamp1.isEmpty()) {
return stamp1;
if (stamp2.isEmpty()) {
return stamp2;
IntegerStamp a = (IntegerStamp) stamp1;
IntegerStamp b = (IntegerStamp) stamp2;
JavaKind javaKind = a.getStackKind();
assert a.getBits() == b.getBits();
assert javaKind == b.getStackKind();
assert (javaKind == JavaKind.Int || javaKind == JavaKind.Long);
if (a.isEmpty() || b.isEmpty()) {
return a.empty();
} else if (a.isUnrestricted() || b.isUnrestricted()) {
return a.unrestricted();
// Note that the minima and maxima are calculated using signed min/max
// functions, while the values themselves are unsigned.
long[] xExtremes = getUnsignedExtremes(a);
long[] yExtremes = getUnsignedExtremes(b);
long min = Long.MAX_VALUE;
long max = Long.MIN_VALUE;
for (long x : xExtremes) {
for (long y : yExtremes) {
long result = multiplyHighUnsigned(x, y, javaKind);
min = Math.min(min, result);
max = Math.max(max, result);
// if min is negative, then the value can reach into the unsigned range
if (min == max || min >= 0) {
return StampFactory.forInteger(javaKind, min, max);
} else {
return StampFactory.forKind(javaKind);
public boolean isNeutral(Constant value) {
return false;
private long[] getUnsignedExtremes(IntegerStamp stamp) {
if (stamp.lowerBound() < 0 && stamp.upperBound() >= 0) {
* If -1 and 0 are both in the signed range, then we can't say
* anything about the unsigned range, so we have to return [0,
return new long[]{0, -1L};
} else {
return new long[]{stamp.lowerBound(), stamp.upperBound()};
private long multiplyHighUnsigned(long x, long y, JavaKind javaKind) {
if (javaKind == JavaKind.Int) {
long xl = x & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
long yl = y & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
long r = xl * yl;
return (int) (r >>> 32);
} else {
assert javaKind == JavaKind.Long;
long x0 = x & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
long x1 = x >>> 32;
long y0 = y & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
long y1 = y >>> 32;
long z0 = x0 * y0;
long t = x1 * y0 + (z0 >>> 32);
long z1 = t & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
long z2 = t >>> 32;
z1 += x0 * y1;
return x1 * y1 + z2 + (z1 >>> 32);
new BinaryOp.Div(true, false) {
public Constant foldConstant(Constant const1, Constant const2) {
PrimitiveConstant a = (PrimitiveConstant) const1;
PrimitiveConstant b = (PrimitiveConstant) const2;
assert a.getJavaKind() == b.getJavaKind();
if (b.asLong() == 0) {
return null;
return JavaConstant.forIntegerKind(a.getJavaKind(), a.asLong() / b.asLong());
public Stamp foldStamp(Stamp stamp1, Stamp stamp2) {
if (stamp1.isEmpty()) {
return stamp1;
if (stamp2.isEmpty()) {
return stamp2;
IntegerStamp a = (IntegerStamp) stamp1;
IntegerStamp b = (IntegerStamp) stamp2;
assert a.getBits() == b.getBits();
if (a.lowerBound == a.upperBound && b.lowerBound == b.upperBound && b.lowerBound != 0) {
long value = CodeUtil.convert(a.lowerBound() / b.lowerBound(), a.getBits(), false);
return StampFactory.forInteger(a.getBits(), value, value);
} else if (b.isStrictlyPositive()) {
long newLowerBound = a.lowerBound() < 0 ? a.lowerBound() / b.lowerBound() : a.lowerBound() / b.upperBound();
long newUpperBound = a.upperBound() < 0 ? a.upperBound() / b.upperBound() : a.upperBound() / b.lowerBound();
return StampFactory.forInteger(a.getBits(), newLowerBound, newUpperBound);
} else {
return a.unrestricted();
public boolean isNeutral(Constant value) {
PrimitiveConstant n = (PrimitiveConstant) value;
return n.asLong() == 1;
new BinaryOp.Rem(false, false) {
public Constant foldConstant(Constant const1, Constant const2) {
PrimitiveConstant a = (PrimitiveConstant) const1;
PrimitiveConstant b = (PrimitiveConstant) const2;
assert a.getJavaKind() == b.getJavaKind();
if (b.asLong() == 0) {
return null;
return JavaConstant.forIntegerKind(a.getJavaKind(), a.asLong() % b.asLong());
public Stamp foldStamp(Stamp stamp1, Stamp stamp2) {
if (stamp1.isEmpty()) {
return stamp1;
if (stamp2.isEmpty()) {
return stamp2;
IntegerStamp a = (IntegerStamp) stamp1;
IntegerStamp b = (IntegerStamp) stamp2;
assert a.getBits() == b.getBits();
if (a.lowerBound == a.upperBound && b.lowerBound == b.upperBound && b.lowerBound != 0) {
long value = CodeUtil.convert(a.lowerBound() % b.lowerBound(), a.getBits(), false);
return StampFactory.forInteger(a.getBits(), value, value);
// zero is always possible
long newLowerBound = Math.min(a.lowerBound(), 0);
long newUpperBound = Math.max(a.upperBound(), 0);
/* the maximum absolute value of the result, derived from b */
long magnitude;
if (b.lowerBound() == CodeUtil.minValue(b.getBits())) {
// Math.abs(...) - 1 does not work in a case
magnitude = CodeUtil.maxValue(b.getBits());
} else {
magnitude = Math.max(Math.abs(b.lowerBound()), Math.abs(b.upperBound())) - 1;
newLowerBound = Math.max(newLowerBound, -magnitude);
newUpperBound = Math.min(newUpperBound, magnitude);
return StampFactory.forInteger(a.getBits(), newLowerBound, newUpperBound);
new UnaryOp.Not() {
public Constant foldConstant(Constant c) {
PrimitiveConstant value = (PrimitiveConstant) c;
return JavaConstant.forIntegerKind(value.getJavaKind(), ~value.asLong());
public Stamp foldStamp(Stamp stamp) {
if (stamp.isEmpty()) {
return stamp;
IntegerStamp integerStamp = (IntegerStamp) stamp;
int bits = integerStamp.getBits();
long defaultMask = CodeUtil.mask(bits);
return new IntegerStamp(bits, ~integerStamp.upperBound(), ~integerStamp.lowerBound(), (~integerStamp.upMask()) & defaultMask, (~integerStamp.downMask()) & defaultMask);
new BinaryOp.And(true, true) {
public Constant foldConstant(Constant const1, Constant const2) {
PrimitiveConstant a = (PrimitiveConstant) const1;
PrimitiveConstant b = (PrimitiveConstant) const2;
assert a.getJavaKind() == b.getJavaKind();
return JavaConstant.forIntegerKind(a.getJavaKind(), a.asLong() & b.asLong());
public Stamp foldStamp(Stamp stamp1, Stamp stamp2) {
if (stamp1.isEmpty()) {
return stamp1;
if (stamp2.isEmpty()) {
return stamp2;
IntegerStamp a = (IntegerStamp) stamp1;
IntegerStamp b = (IntegerStamp) stamp2;
assert a.getBits() == b.getBits();
return stampForMask(a.getBits(), a.downMask() & b.downMask(), a.upMask() & b.upMask());
public boolean isNeutral(Constant value) {
PrimitiveConstant n = (PrimitiveConstant) value;
int bits = n.getJavaKind().getBitCount();
long mask = CodeUtil.mask(bits);
return (n.asLong() & mask) == mask;
new BinaryOp.Or(true, true) {
public Constant foldConstant(Constant const1, Constant const2) {
PrimitiveConstant a = (PrimitiveConstant) const1;
PrimitiveConstant b = (PrimitiveConstant) const2;
assert a.getJavaKind() == b.getJavaKind();
return JavaConstant.forIntegerKind(a.getJavaKind(), a.asLong() | b.asLong());
public Stamp foldStamp(Stamp stamp1, Stamp stamp2) {
if (stamp1.isEmpty()) {
return stamp1;
if (stamp2.isEmpty()) {
return stamp2;
IntegerStamp a = (IntegerStamp) stamp1;
IntegerStamp b = (IntegerStamp) stamp2;
assert a.getBits() == b.getBits();
return stampForMask(a.getBits(), a.downMask() | b.downMask(), a.upMask() | b.upMask());
public boolean isNeutral(Constant value) {
PrimitiveConstant n = (PrimitiveConstant) value;
return n.asLong() == 0;
new BinaryOp.Xor(true, true) {
public Constant foldConstant(Constant const1, Constant const2) {
PrimitiveConstant a = (PrimitiveConstant) const1;
PrimitiveConstant b = (PrimitiveConstant) const2;
assert a.getJavaKind() == b.getJavaKind();
return JavaConstant.forIntegerKind(a.getJavaKind(), a.asLong() ^ b.asLong());
public Stamp foldStamp(Stamp stamp1, Stamp stamp2) {
if (stamp1.isEmpty()) {
return stamp1;
if (stamp2.isEmpty()) {
return stamp2;
IntegerStamp a = (IntegerStamp) stamp1;
IntegerStamp b = (IntegerStamp) stamp2;
assert a.getBits() == b.getBits();
long variableBits = (a.downMask() ^ a.upMask()) | (b.downMask() ^ b.upMask());
long newDownMask = (a.downMask() ^ b.downMask()) & ~variableBits;
long newUpMask = (a.downMask() ^ b.downMask()) | variableBits;
return stampForMask(a.getBits(), newDownMask, newUpMask);
public boolean isNeutral(Constant value) {
PrimitiveConstant n = (PrimitiveConstant) value;
return n.asLong() == 0;
public Constant getZero(Stamp s) {
IntegerStamp stamp = (IntegerStamp) s;
return JavaConstant.forPrimitiveInt(stamp.getBits(), 0);
new ShiftOp.Shl() {
public Constant foldConstant(Constant value, int amount) {
PrimitiveConstant c = (PrimitiveConstant) value;
switch (c.getJavaKind()) {
case Int:
return JavaConstant.forInt(c.asInt() << amount);
case Long:
return JavaConstant.forLong(c.asLong() << amount);
throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere();
public Stamp foldStamp(Stamp stamp, IntegerStamp shift) {
IntegerStamp value = (IntegerStamp) stamp;
int bits = value.getBits();
if (value.isEmpty()) {
return value;
} else if (shift.isEmpty()) {
return StampFactory.forInteger(bits).empty();
} else if (value.upMask() == 0) {
return value;
int shiftMask = getShiftAmountMask(stamp);
int shiftBits = Integer.bitCount(shiftMask);
if (shift.lowerBound() == shift.upperBound()) {
int shiftAmount = (int) (shift.lowerBound() & shiftMask);
if (shiftAmount == 0) {
return value;
// the mask of bits that will be lost or shifted into the sign bit
long removedBits = -1L << (bits - shiftAmount - 1);
if ((value.lowerBound() & removedBits) == 0 && (value.upperBound() & removedBits) == 0) {
* use a better stamp if neither lower nor upper bound can lose
* bits
return new IntegerStamp(bits, value.lowerBound() << shiftAmount, value.upperBound() << shiftAmount, value.downMask() << shiftAmount, value.upMask() << shiftAmount);
if ((shift.lowerBound() >>> shiftBits) == (shift.upperBound() >>> shiftBits)) {
long defaultMask = CodeUtil.mask(bits);
long downMask = defaultMask;
long upMask = 0;
for (long i = shift.lowerBound(); i <= shift.upperBound(); i++) {
if (shift.contains(i)) {
downMask &= value.downMask() << (i & shiftMask);
upMask |= value.upMask() << (i & shiftMask);
return IntegerStamp.stampForMask(bits, downMask, upMask & defaultMask);
return value.unrestricted();
public int getShiftAmountMask(Stamp s) {
IntegerStamp stamp = (IntegerStamp) s;
assert CodeUtil.isPowerOf2(stamp.getBits());
return stamp.getBits() - 1;
new ShiftOp.Shr() {
public Constant foldConstant(Constant value, int amount) {
PrimitiveConstant c = (PrimitiveConstant) value;
switch (c.getJavaKind()) {
case Int:
return JavaConstant.forInt(c.asInt() >> amount);
case Long:
return JavaConstant.forLong(c.asLong() >> amount);
throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere();
public Stamp foldStamp(Stamp stamp, IntegerStamp shift) {
IntegerStamp value = (IntegerStamp) stamp;
int bits = value.getBits();
if (value.isEmpty()) {
return value;
} else if (shift.isEmpty()) {
return StampFactory.forInteger(bits).empty();
} else if (shift.lowerBound() == shift.upperBound()) {
long shiftCount = shift.lowerBound() & getShiftAmountMask(stamp);
if (shiftCount == 0) {
return stamp;
int extraBits = 64 - bits;
long defaultMask = CodeUtil.mask(bits);
// shifting back and forth performs sign extension
long downMask = (value.downMask() << extraBits) >> (shiftCount + extraBits) & defaultMask;
long upMask = (value.upMask() << extraBits) >> (shiftCount + extraBits) & defaultMask;
return new IntegerStamp(bits, value.lowerBound() >> shiftCount, value.upperBound() >> shiftCount, downMask, upMask);
long mask = IntegerStamp.upMaskFor(bits, value.lowerBound(), value.upperBound());
return IntegerStamp.stampForMask(bits, 0, mask);
public int getShiftAmountMask(Stamp s) {
IntegerStamp stamp = (IntegerStamp) s;
assert CodeUtil.isPowerOf2(stamp.getBits());
return stamp.getBits() - 1;
new ShiftOp.UShr() {
public Constant foldConstant(Constant value, int amount) {
PrimitiveConstant c = (PrimitiveConstant) value;
switch (c.getJavaKind()) {
case Int:
return JavaConstant.forInt(c.asInt() >>> amount);
case Long:
return JavaConstant.forLong(c.asLong() >>> amount);
throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere();
public Stamp foldStamp(Stamp stamp, IntegerStamp shift) {
IntegerStamp value = (IntegerStamp) stamp;
int bits = value.getBits();
if (value.isEmpty()) {
return value;
} else if (shift.isEmpty()) {
return StampFactory.forInteger(bits).empty();
if (shift.lowerBound() == shift.upperBound()) {
long shiftCount = shift.lowerBound() & getShiftAmountMask(stamp);
if (shiftCount == 0) {
return stamp;
long downMask = value.downMask() >>> shiftCount;
long upMask = value.upMask() >>> shiftCount;
if (value.lowerBound() < 0) {
return new IntegerStamp(bits, downMask, upMask, downMask, upMask);
} else {
return new IntegerStamp(bits, value.lowerBound() >>> shiftCount, value.upperBound() >>> shiftCount, downMask, upMask);
long mask = IntegerStamp.upMaskFor(bits, value.lowerBound(), value.upperBound());
return IntegerStamp.stampForMask(bits, 0, mask);
public int getShiftAmountMask(Stamp s) {
IntegerStamp stamp = (IntegerStamp) s;
assert CodeUtil.isPowerOf2(stamp.getBits());
return stamp.getBits() - 1;
new UnaryOp.Abs() {
public Constant foldConstant(Constant value) {
PrimitiveConstant c = (PrimitiveConstant) value;
return JavaConstant.forIntegerKind(c.getJavaKind(), Math.abs(c.asLong()));
public Stamp foldStamp(Stamp input) {
if (input.isEmpty()) {
return input;
IntegerStamp stamp = (IntegerStamp) input;
int bits = stamp.getBits();
if (stamp.lowerBound == stamp.upperBound) {
long value = CodeUtil.convert(Math.abs(stamp.lowerBound()), stamp.getBits(), false);
return StampFactory.forInteger(stamp.getBits(), value, value);
if (stamp.lowerBound() == CodeUtil.minValue(bits)) {
return input.unrestricted();
} else {
long limit = Math.max(-stamp.lowerBound(), stamp.upperBound());
return StampFactory.forInteger(bits, 0, limit);
new IntegerConvertOp.ZeroExtend() {
public Constant foldConstant(int inputBits, int resultBits, Constant c) {
PrimitiveConstant value = (PrimitiveConstant) c;
return JavaConstant.forPrimitiveInt(resultBits, CodeUtil.zeroExtend(value.asLong(), inputBits));
public Stamp foldStamp(int inputBits, int resultBits, Stamp input) {
if (input.isEmpty()) {
return StampFactory.forInteger(resultBits).empty();
IntegerStamp stamp = (IntegerStamp) input;
assert inputBits == stamp.getBits();
assert inputBits <= resultBits;
if (inputBits == resultBits) {
return input;
if (input.isEmpty()) {
return StampFactory.forInteger(resultBits).empty();
long downMask = CodeUtil.zeroExtend(stamp.downMask(), inputBits);
long upMask = CodeUtil.zeroExtend(stamp.upMask(), inputBits);
long lowerBound = stamp.unsignedLowerBound();
long upperBound = stamp.unsignedUpperBound();
return IntegerStamp.create(resultBits, lowerBound, upperBound, downMask, upMask);
public Stamp invertStamp(int inputBits, int resultBits, Stamp outStamp) {
IntegerStamp stamp = (IntegerStamp) outStamp;
if (stamp.isEmpty()) {
return StampFactory.forInteger(inputBits).empty();
return StampFactory.forUnsignedInteger(inputBits, stamp.lowerBound(), stamp.upperBound(), stamp.downMask(), stamp.upMask());
new IntegerConvertOp.SignExtend() {
public Constant foldConstant(int inputBits, int resultBits, Constant c) {
PrimitiveConstant value = (PrimitiveConstant) c;
return JavaConstant.forPrimitiveInt(resultBits, CodeUtil.signExtend(value.asLong(), inputBits));
public Stamp foldStamp(int inputBits, int resultBits, Stamp input) {
if (input.isEmpty()) {
return StampFactory.forInteger(resultBits).empty();
IntegerStamp stamp = (IntegerStamp) input;
assert inputBits == stamp.getBits();
assert inputBits <= resultBits;
long defaultMask = CodeUtil.mask(resultBits);
long downMask = CodeUtil.signExtend(stamp.downMask(), inputBits) & defaultMask;
long upMask = CodeUtil.signExtend(stamp.upMask(), inputBits) & defaultMask;
return new IntegerStamp(resultBits, stamp.lowerBound(), stamp.upperBound(), downMask, upMask);
public Stamp invertStamp(int inputBits, int resultBits, Stamp outStamp) {
if (outStamp.isEmpty()) {
return StampFactory.forInteger(inputBits).empty();
IntegerStamp stamp = (IntegerStamp) outStamp;
long mask = CodeUtil.mask(inputBits);
return StampFactory.forIntegerWithMask(inputBits, stamp.lowerBound(), stamp.upperBound(), stamp.downMask() & mask, stamp.upMask() & mask);
new IntegerConvertOp.Narrow() {
public Constant foldConstant(int inputBits, int resultBits, Constant c) {
PrimitiveConstant value = (PrimitiveConstant) c;
return JavaConstant.forPrimitiveInt(resultBits, CodeUtil.narrow(value.asLong(), resultBits));
public Stamp foldStamp(int inputBits, int resultBits, Stamp input) {
if (input.isEmpty()) {
return StampFactory.forInteger(resultBits).empty();
IntegerStamp stamp = (IntegerStamp) input;
assert inputBits == stamp.getBits();
assert resultBits <= inputBits;
if (resultBits == inputBits) {
return stamp;
final long upperBound;
if (stamp.lowerBound() < CodeUtil.minValue(resultBits)) {
upperBound = CodeUtil.maxValue(resultBits);
} else {
upperBound = saturate(stamp.upperBound(), resultBits);
final long lowerBound;
if (stamp.upperBound() > CodeUtil.maxValue(resultBits)) {
lowerBound = CodeUtil.minValue(resultBits);
} else {
lowerBound = saturate(stamp.lowerBound(), resultBits);
long defaultMask = CodeUtil.mask(resultBits);
long newDownMask = stamp.downMask() & defaultMask;
long newUpMask = stamp.upMask() & defaultMask;
long newLowerBound = CodeUtil.signExtend((lowerBound | newDownMask) & newUpMask, resultBits);
long newUpperBound = CodeUtil.signExtend((upperBound | newDownMask) & newUpMask, resultBits);
return new IntegerStamp(resultBits, newLowerBound, newUpperBound, newDownMask, newUpMask);
new FloatConvertOp(I2F) {
public Constant foldConstant(Constant c) {
PrimitiveConstant value = (PrimitiveConstant) c;
return JavaConstant.forFloat(value.asInt());
public Stamp foldStamp(Stamp input) {
if (input.isEmpty()) {
return StampFactory.empty(JavaKind.Float);
IntegerStamp stamp = (IntegerStamp) input;
assert stamp.getBits() == 32;
float lowerBound = stamp.lowerBound();
float upperBound = stamp.upperBound();
return StampFactory.forFloat(JavaKind.Float, lowerBound, upperBound, true);
new FloatConvertOp(L2F) {
public Constant foldConstant(Constant c) {
PrimitiveConstant value = (PrimitiveConstant) c;
return JavaConstant.forFloat(value.asLong());
public Stamp foldStamp(Stamp input) {
if (input.isEmpty()) {
return StampFactory.empty(JavaKind.Float);
IntegerStamp stamp = (IntegerStamp) input;
assert stamp.getBits() == 64;
float lowerBound = stamp.lowerBound();
float upperBound = stamp.upperBound();
return StampFactory.forFloat(JavaKind.Float, lowerBound, upperBound, true);
new FloatConvertOp(I2D) {
public Constant foldConstant(Constant c) {
PrimitiveConstant value = (PrimitiveConstant) c;
return JavaConstant.forDouble(value.asInt());
public Stamp foldStamp(Stamp input) {
if (input.isEmpty()) {
return StampFactory.empty(JavaKind.Double);
IntegerStamp stamp = (IntegerStamp) input;
assert stamp.getBits() == 32;
double lowerBound = stamp.lowerBound();
double upperBound = stamp.upperBound();
return StampFactory.forFloat(JavaKind.Double, lowerBound, upperBound, true);
new FloatConvertOp(L2D) {
public Constant foldConstant(Constant c) {
PrimitiveConstant value = (PrimitiveConstant) c;
return JavaConstant.forDouble(value.asLong());
public Stamp foldStamp(Stamp input) {
if (input.isEmpty()) {
return StampFactory.empty(JavaKind.Double);
IntegerStamp stamp = (IntegerStamp) input;
assert stamp.getBits() == 64;
double lowerBound = stamp.lowerBound();
double upperBound = stamp.upperBound();
return StampFactory.forFloat(JavaKind.Double, lowerBound, upperBound, true);