blob: 0f5d891c050e6276082e7a7750ed0167dc30d1a0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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* questions.
package org.graalvm.compiler.asm.aarch64;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.asm.aarch64.AArch64Address.AddressingMode.BASE_REGISTER_ONLY;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.asm.aarch64.AArch64Address.AddressingMode.EXTENDED_REGISTER_OFFSET;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.asm.aarch64.AArch64Address.AddressingMode.IMMEDIATE_SCALED;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.asm.aarch64.AArch64Address.AddressingMode.IMMEDIATE_UNSCALED;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.asm.aarch64.AArch64Address.AddressingMode.REGISTER_OFFSET;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.asm.aarch64.AArch64MacroAssembler.AddressGenerationPlan.WorkPlan.ADD_TO_BASE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.asm.aarch64.AArch64MacroAssembler.AddressGenerationPlan.WorkPlan.ADD_TO_INDEX;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.asm.aarch64.AArch64MacroAssembler.AddressGenerationPlan.WorkPlan.NO_WORK;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import org.graalvm.compiler.asm.Label;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.NumUtil;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError;
public class AArch64MacroAssembler extends AArch64Assembler {
private final ScratchRegister[] scratchRegister = new ScratchRegister[]{new ScratchRegister(r8), new ScratchRegister(r9)};
// Points to the next free scratch register
private int nextFreeScratchRegister = 0;
public AArch64MacroAssembler(TargetDescription target) {
public class ScratchRegister implements AutoCloseable {
private final Register register;
public ScratchRegister(Register register) {
this.register = register;
public Register getRegister() {
return register;
public void close() {
assert nextFreeScratchRegister > 0 : "Close called too often";
public ScratchRegister getScratchRegister() {
return scratchRegister[nextFreeScratchRegister++];
* Specifies what actions have to be taken to turn an arbitrary address of the form
* {@code base + displacement [+ index [<< scale]]} into a valid AArch64Address.
public static class AddressGenerationPlan {
public final WorkPlan workPlan;
public final AArch64Address.AddressingMode addressingMode;
public final boolean needsScratch;
public enum WorkPlan {
* Can be used as-is without extra work.
* Add scaled displacement to index register.
* Add unscaled displacement to base register.
* @param workPlan Work necessary to generate a valid address.
* @param addressingMode Addressing mode of generated address.
* @param needsScratch True if generating address needs a scatch register, false otherwise.
public AddressGenerationPlan(WorkPlan workPlan, AArch64Address.AddressingMode addressingMode, boolean needsScratch) {
this.workPlan = workPlan;
this.addressingMode = addressingMode;
this.needsScratch = needsScratch;
* Generates an addressplan for an address of the form
* {@code base + displacement [+ index [<< log2(transferSize)]]} with the index register and
* scaling being optional.
* @param displacement an arbitrary displacement.
* @param hasIndexRegister true if the address uses an index register, false otherwise. non null
* @param transferSize the memory transfer size in bytes. The log2 of this specifies how much
* the index register is scaled. If 0 no scaling is assumed. Can be 0, 1, 2, 4 or 8.
* @return AddressGenerationPlan that specifies the actions necessary to generate a valid
* AArch64Address for the given parameters.
public static AddressGenerationPlan generateAddressPlan(long displacement, boolean hasIndexRegister, int transferSize) {
assert transferSize == 0 || transferSize == 1 || transferSize == 2 || transferSize == 4 || transferSize == 8;
boolean indexScaled = transferSize != 0;
int log2Scale = NumUtil.log2Ceil(transferSize);
long scaledDisplacement = displacement >> log2Scale;
boolean displacementScalable = indexScaled && (displacement & (transferSize - 1)) == 0;
if (displacement == 0) {
// register offset without any work beforehand.
return new AddressGenerationPlan(NO_WORK, REGISTER_OFFSET, false);
} else {
if (hasIndexRegister) {
if (displacementScalable) {
boolean needsScratch = !isArithmeticImmediate(scaledDisplacement);
return new AddressGenerationPlan(ADD_TO_INDEX, REGISTER_OFFSET, needsScratch);
} else {
boolean needsScratch = !isArithmeticImmediate(displacement);
return new AddressGenerationPlan(ADD_TO_BASE, REGISTER_OFFSET, needsScratch);
} else {
if (displacementScalable && NumUtil.isUnsignedNbit(12, scaledDisplacement)) {
return new AddressGenerationPlan(NO_WORK, IMMEDIATE_SCALED, false);
} else if (NumUtil.isSignedNbit(9, displacement)) {
return new AddressGenerationPlan(NO_WORK, IMMEDIATE_UNSCALED, false);
} else {
boolean needsScratch = !isArithmeticImmediate(displacement);
return new AddressGenerationPlan(ADD_TO_BASE, REGISTER_OFFSET, needsScratch);
* Returns an AArch64Address pointing to
* {@code base + displacement + index << log2(transferSize)}.
* @param base general purpose register. May not be null or the zero register.
* @param displacement arbitrary displacement added to base.
* @param index general purpose register. May not be null or the stack pointer.
* @param signExtendIndex if true consider index register a word register that should be
* sign-extended before being added.
* @param transferSize the memory transfer size in bytes. The log2 of this specifies how much
* the index register is scaled. If 0 no scaling is assumed. Can be 0, 1, 2, 4 or 8.
* @param additionalReg additional register used either as a scratch register or as part of the
* final address, depending on whether allowOverwrite is true or not. May not be null
* or stackpointer.
* @param allowOverwrite if true allows to change value of base or index register to generate
* address.
* @return AArch64Address pointing to memory at
* {@code base + displacement + index << log2(transferSize)}.
public AArch64Address makeAddress(Register base, long displacement, Register index, boolean signExtendIndex, int transferSize, Register additionalReg, boolean allowOverwrite) {
AddressGenerationPlan plan = generateAddressPlan(displacement, !index.equals(zr), transferSize);
assert allowOverwrite || !zr.equals(additionalReg) || plan.workPlan == NO_WORK;
assert !plan.needsScratch || !zr.equals(additionalReg);
int log2Scale = NumUtil.log2Ceil(transferSize);
long scaledDisplacement = displacement >> log2Scale;
Register newIndex = index;
Register newBase = base;
int immediate;
switch (plan.workPlan) {
case NO_WORK:
if (plan.addressingMode == IMMEDIATE_SCALED) {
immediate = (int) scaledDisplacement;
} else {
immediate = (int) displacement;
newIndex = allowOverwrite ? index : additionalReg;
assert !newIndex.equals(sp) && !newIndex.equals(zr);
if (plan.needsScratch) {
mov(additionalReg, scaledDisplacement);
add(signExtendIndex ? 32 : 64, newIndex, index, additionalReg);
} else {
add(signExtendIndex ? 32 : 64, newIndex, index, (int) scaledDisplacement);
immediate = 0;
newBase = allowOverwrite ? base : additionalReg;
assert !newBase.equals(sp) && !newBase.equals(zr);
if (plan.needsScratch) {
mov(additionalReg, displacement);
add(64, newBase, base, additionalReg);
} else {
add(64, newBase, base, (int) displacement);
immediate = 0;
throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere();
AArch64Address.AddressingMode addressingMode = plan.addressingMode;
ExtendType extendType = null;
if (addressingMode == REGISTER_OFFSET) {
if (newIndex.equals(zr)) {
addressingMode = BASE_REGISTER_ONLY;
} else if (signExtendIndex) {
extendType = ExtendType.SXTW;
return AArch64Address.createAddress(addressingMode, newBase, newIndex, immediate, transferSize != 0, extendType);
* Returns an AArch64Address pointing to {@code base + displacement}. Specifies the memory
* transfer size to allow some optimizations when building the address.
* @param base general purpose register. May not be null or the zero register.
* @param displacement arbitrary displacement added to base.
* @param transferSize the memory transfer size in bytes.
* @param additionalReg additional register used either as a scratch register or as part of the
* final address, depending on whether allowOverwrite is true or not. May not be
* null, zero register or stackpointer.
* @param allowOverwrite if true allows to change value of base or index register to generate
* address.
* @return AArch64Address pointing to memory at {@code base + displacement}.
public AArch64Address makeAddress(Register base, long displacement, Register additionalReg, int transferSize, boolean allowOverwrite) {
assert additionalReg.getRegisterCategory().equals(CPU);
return makeAddress(base, displacement, zr, /* sign-extend */false, transferSize, additionalReg, allowOverwrite);
* Returns an AArch64Address pointing to {@code base + displacement}. Fails if address cannot be
* represented without overwriting base register or using a scratch register.
* @param base general purpose register. May not be null or the zero register.
* @param displacement arbitrary displacement added to base.
* @param transferSize the memory transfer size in bytes. The log2 of this specifies how much
* the index register is scaled. If 0 no scaling is assumed. Can be 0, 1, 2, 4 or 8.
* @return AArch64Address pointing to memory at {@code base + displacement}.
public AArch64Address makeAddress(Register base, long displacement, int transferSize) {
return makeAddress(base, displacement, zr, /* signExtend */false, transferSize, zr, /* allowOverwrite */false);
* Loads memory address into register.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null, zero-register or stackpointer.
* @param address address whose value is loaded into dst. May not be null,
* {@link org.graalvm.compiler.asm.aarch64.AArch64Address.AddressingMode#IMMEDIATE_POST_INDEXED
* {@link org.graalvm.compiler.asm.aarch64.AArch64Address.AddressingMode#IMMEDIATE_PRE_INDEXED
* @param transferSize the memory transfer size in bytes. The log2 of this specifies how much
* the index register is scaled. Can be 1, 2, 4 or 8.
public void loadAddress(Register dst, AArch64Address address, int transferSize) {
assert transferSize == 1 || transferSize == 2 || transferSize == 4 || transferSize == 8;
assert dst.getRegisterCategory().equals(CPU);
int shiftAmt = NumUtil.log2Ceil(transferSize);
switch (address.getAddressingMode()) {
int scaledImmediate = address.getImmediateRaw() << shiftAmt;
int lowerBits = scaledImmediate & NumUtil.getNbitNumberInt(12);
int higherBits = scaledImmediate & ~NumUtil.getNbitNumberInt(12);
boolean firstAdd = true;
if (lowerBits != 0) {
add(64, dst, address.getBase(), lowerBits);
firstAdd = false;
if (higherBits != 0) {
Register src = firstAdd ? address.getBase() : dst;
add(64, dst, src, higherBits);
int immediate = address.getImmediateRaw();
add(64, dst, address.getBase(), immediate);
add(64, dst, address.getBase(), address.getOffset(), ShiftType.LSL, address.isScaled() ? shiftAmt : 0);
add(64, dst, address.getBase(), address.getOffset(), address.getExtendType(), address.isScaled() ? shiftAmt : 0);
case PC_LITERAL: {
movx(dst, address.getBase());
throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere();
public void movx(Register dst, Register src) {
mov(64, dst, src);
public void mov(int size, Register dst, Register src) {
if (dst.equals(sp) || src.equals(sp)) {
add(size, dst, src, 0);
} else {
or(size, dst, zr, src);
* Generates a 64-bit immediate move code sequence.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null, stackpointer or zero-register.
* @param imm
private void mov64(Register dst, long imm) {
// We have to move all non zero parts of the immediate in 16-bit chunks
boolean firstMove = true;
for (int offset = 0; offset < 64; offset += 16) {
int chunk = (int) (imm >> offset) & NumUtil.getNbitNumberInt(16);
if (chunk == 0) {
if (firstMove) {
movz(64, dst, chunk, offset);
firstMove = false;
} else {
movk(64, dst, chunk, offset);
assert !firstMove;
* Loads immediate into register.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null, zero-register or stackpointer.
* @param imm immediate loaded into register.
public void mov(Register dst, long imm) {
assert dst.getRegisterCategory().equals(CPU);
if (imm == 0L) {
movx(dst, zr);
} else if (LogicalImmediateTable.isRepresentable(true, imm) != LogicalImmediateTable.Representable.NO) {
or(64, dst, zr, imm);
} else if (imm >> 32 == -1L && (int) imm < 0 && LogicalImmediateTable.isRepresentable((int) imm) != LogicalImmediateTable.Representable.NO) {
// If the higher 32-bit are 1s and the sign bit of the lower 32-bits is set *and* we can
// represent the lower 32 bits as a logical immediate we can create the lower 32-bit and
// then sign extend
// them. This allows us to cover immediates like ~1L with 2 instructions.
mov(dst, (int) imm);
sxt(64, 32, dst, dst);
} else {
mov64(dst, imm);
* Loads immediate into register.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null, zero-register or stackpointer.
* @param imm immediate loaded into register.
public void mov(Register dst, int imm) {
mov(dst, imm & 0xFFFF_FFFFL);
* Generates a 48-bit immediate move code sequence. The immediate may later be updated by
* HotSpot.
* In AArch64 mode the virtual address space is 48-bits in size, so we only need three
* instructions to create a patchable instruction sequence that can reach anywhere.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null, stackpointer or zero-register.
* @param imm
public void movNativeAddress(Register dst, long imm) {
assert (imm & 0xFFFF_0000_0000_0000L) == 0;
// We have to move all non zero parts of the immediate in 16-bit chunks
boolean firstMove = true;
for (int offset = 0; offset < 48; offset += 16) {
int chunk = (int) (imm >> offset) & NumUtil.getNbitNumberInt(16);
if (firstMove) {
movz(64, dst, chunk, offset);
firstMove = false;
} else {
movk(64, dst, chunk, offset);
assert !firstMove;
* Generates a 32-bit immediate move code sequence. The immediate may later be updated by
* HotSpot.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null, stackpointer or zero-register.
* @param imm
public void movNarrowAddress(Register dst, long imm) {
assert (imm & 0xFFFF_FFFF_0000_0000L) == 0;
movz(64, dst, (int) (imm >>> 16), 16);
movk(64, dst, (int) (imm & 0xffff), 0);
* @return Number of instructions necessary to load immediate into register.
public static int nrInstructionsToMoveImmediate(long imm) {
if (imm == 0L || LogicalImmediateTable.isRepresentable(true, imm) != LogicalImmediateTable.Representable.NO) {
return 1;
if (imm >> 32 == -1L && (int) imm < 0 && LogicalImmediateTable.isRepresentable((int) imm) != LogicalImmediateTable.Representable.NO) {
// If the higher 32-bit are 1s and the sign bit of the lower 32-bits is set *and* we can
// represent the lower 32 bits as a logical immediate we can create the lower 32-bit and
// then sign extend
// them. This allows us to cover immediates like ~1L with 2 instructions.
return 2;
int nrInstructions = 0;
for (int offset = 0; offset < 64; offset += 16) {
int part = (int) (imm >> offset) & NumUtil.getNbitNumberInt(16);
if (part != 0) {
return nrInstructions;
* Loads a srcSize value from address into rt sign-extending it if necessary.
* @param targetSize size of target register in bits. Must be 32 or 64.
* @param srcSize size of memory read in bits. Must be 8, 16 or 32 and smaller or equal to
* targetSize.
* @param rt general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param address all addressing modes allowed. May not be null.
public void ldrs(int targetSize, int srcSize, Register rt, AArch64Address address) {
assert targetSize == 32 || targetSize == 64;
assert srcSize <= targetSize;
if (targetSize == srcSize) {
super.ldr(srcSize, rt, address);
} else {
super.ldrs(targetSize, srcSize, rt, address);
* Loads a srcSize value from address into rt zero-extending it if necessary.
* @param srcSize size of memory read in bits. Must be 8, 16 or 32 and smaller or equal to
* targetSize.
* @param rt general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param address all addressing modes allowed. May not be null.
public void ldr(int srcSize, Register rt, AArch64Address address) {
super.ldr(srcSize, rt, address);
* Conditional move. dst = src1 if condition else src2.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param result general purpose register. May not be null or the stackpointer.
* @param trueValue general purpose register. May not be null or the stackpointer.
* @param falseValue general purpose register. May not be null or the stackpointer.
* @param cond any condition flag. May not be null.
public void cmov(int size, Register result, Register trueValue, Register falseValue, ConditionFlag cond) {
super.csel(size, result, trueValue, falseValue, cond);
* Conditional set. dst = 1 if condition else 0.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param condition any condition. May not be null.
public void cset(Register dst, ConditionFlag condition) {
super.csinc(32, dst, zr, zr, condition.negate());
* dst = src1 + src2.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null.
* @param src1 general purpose register. May not be null.
* @param src2 general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
public void add(int size, Register dst, Register src1, Register src2) {
if (dst.equals(sp) || src1.equals(sp)) {
super.add(size, dst, src1, src2, ExtendType.UXTX, 0);
} else {
super.add(size, dst, src1, src2, ShiftType.LSL, 0);
* dst = src1 + src2 and sets condition flags.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null.
* @param src1 general purpose register. May not be null.
* @param src2 general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
public void adds(int size, Register dst, Register src1, Register src2) {
if (dst.equals(sp) || src1.equals(sp)) {
super.adds(size, dst, src1, src2, ExtendType.UXTX, 0);
} else {
super.adds(size, dst, src1, src2, ShiftType.LSL, 0);
* dst = src1 - src2 and sets condition flags.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null.
* @param src1 general purpose register. May not be null.
* @param src2 general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
public void subs(int size, Register dst, Register src1, Register src2) {
if (dst.equals(sp) || src1.equals(sp)) {
super.subs(size, dst, src1, src2, ExtendType.UXTX, 0);
} else {
super.subs(size, dst, src1, src2, ShiftType.LSL, 0);
* dst = src1 - src2.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null.
* @param src1 general purpose register. May not be null.
* @param src2 general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
public void sub(int size, Register dst, Register src1, Register src2) {
if (dst.equals(sp) || src1.equals(sp)) {
super.sub(size, dst, src1, src2, ExtendType.UXTX, 0);
} else {
super.sub(size, dst, src1, src2, ShiftType.LSL, 0);
* dst = src1 + shiftType(src2, shiftAmt & (size - 1)).
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param src1 general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param src2 general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param shiftType any type but ROR.
* @param shiftAmt arbitrary shift amount.
public void add(int size, Register dst, Register src1, Register src2, ShiftType shiftType, int shiftAmt) {
int shift = clampShiftAmt(size, shiftAmt);
super.add(size, dst, src1, src2, shiftType, shift);
* dst = src1 + shiftType(src2, shiftAmt & (size-1)) and sets condition flags.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param src1 general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param src2 general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param shiftType any type but ROR.
* @param shiftAmt arbitrary shift amount.
public void sub(int size, Register dst, Register src1, Register src2, ShiftType shiftType, int shiftAmt) {
int shift = clampShiftAmt(size, shiftAmt);
super.sub(size, dst, src1, src2, shiftType, shift);
* dst = -src1.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param src general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
public void neg(int size, Register dst, Register src) {
sub(size, dst, zr, src);
* dst = src + immediate.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or zero-register.
* @param src general purpose register. May not be null or zero-register.
* @param immediate 32-bit signed int
public void add(int size, Register dst, Register src, int immediate) {
assert (!dst.equals(zr) && !src.equals(zr));
if (immediate < 0) {
sub(size, dst, src, -immediate);
} else if (isAimm(immediate)) {
if (!(dst.equals(src) && immediate == 0)) {
super.add(size, dst, src, immediate);
} else if (immediate >= -(1 << 24) && immediate < (1 << 24)) {
super.add(size, dst, src, immediate & -(1 << 12));
super.add(size, dst, dst, immediate & ((1 << 12) - 1));
} else {
assert !dst.equals(src);
mov(dst, immediate);
add(size, src, dst, dst);
* dst = src + immediate.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or zero-register.
* @param src general purpose register. May not be null or zero-register.
* @param immediate 64-bit signed int
public void add(int size, Register dst, Register src, long immediate) {
if (NumUtil.isInt(immediate)) {
add(size, dst, src, (int) immediate);
} else {
assert (!dst.equals(zr) && !src.equals(zr));
assert !dst.equals(src);
assert size == 64;
mov(dst, immediate);
add(size, src, dst, dst);
* dst = src + aimm and sets condition flags.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param src general purpose register. May not be null or zero-register.
* @param immediate arithmetic immediate.
public void adds(int size, Register dst, Register src, int immediate) {
assert (!dst.equals(sp) && !src.equals(zr));
if (immediate < 0) {
subs(size, dst, src, -immediate);
} else if (!(dst.equals(src) && immediate == 0)) {
super.adds(size, dst, src, immediate);
* dst = src - immediate.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or zero-register.
* @param src general purpose register. May not be null or zero-register.
* @param immediate 32-bit signed int
public void sub(int size, Register dst, Register src, int immediate) {
assert (!dst.equals(zr) && !src.equals(zr));
if (immediate < 0) {
add(size, dst, src, -immediate);
} else if (isAimm(immediate)) {
if (!(dst.equals(src) && immediate == 0)) {
super.sub(size, dst, src, immediate);
} else if (immediate >= -(1 << 24) && immediate < (1 << 24)) {
super.sub(size, dst, src, immediate & -(1 << 12));
super.sub(size, dst, dst, immediate & ((1 << 12) - 1));
} else {
assert !dst.equals(src);
mov(dst, immediate);
sub(size, src, dst, dst);
* dst = src - aimm and sets condition flags.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param src general purpose register. May not be null or zero-register.
* @param immediate arithmetic immediate.
public void subs(int size, Register dst, Register src, int immediate) {
assert (!dst.equals(sp) && !src.equals(zr));
if (immediate < 0) {
adds(size, dst, src, -immediate);
} else if (!dst.equals(src) || immediate != 0) {
super.subs(size, dst, src, immediate);
* dst = src1 * src2.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or the stackpointer.
* @param src1 general purpose register. May not be null or the stackpointer.
* @param src2 general purpose register. May not be null or the stackpointer.
public void mul(int size, Register dst, Register src1, Register src2) {
super.madd(size, dst, src1, src2, zr);
* unsigned multiply high. dst = (src1 * src2) >> size
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or the stackpointer.
* @param src1 general purpose register. May not be null or the stackpointer.
* @param src2 general purpose register. May not be null or the stackpointer.
public void umulh(int size, Register dst, Register src1, Register src2) {
assert (!dst.equals(sp) && !src1.equals(sp) && !src2.equals(sp));
assert size == 32 || size == 64;
if (size == 64) {
super.umulh(dst, src1, src2);
} else {
// xDst = wSrc1 * wSrc2
super.umaddl(dst, src1, src2, zr);
// xDst = xDst >> 32
lshr(64, dst, dst, 32);
* signed multiply high. dst = (src1 * src2) >> size
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or the stackpointer.
* @param src1 general purpose register. May not be null or the stackpointer.
* @param src2 general purpose register. May not be null or the stackpointer.
public void smulh(int size, Register dst, Register src1, Register src2) {
assert (!dst.equals(sp) && !src1.equals(sp) && !src2.equals(sp));
assert size == 32 || size == 64;
if (size == 64) {
super.smulh(dst, src1, src2);
} else {
// xDst = wSrc1 * wSrc2
super.smaddl(dst, src1, src2, zr);
// xDst = xDst >> 32
lshr(64, dst, dst, 32);
* dst = src1 % src2. Signed.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or the stackpointer.
* @param n numerator. General purpose register. May not be null or the stackpointer.
* @param d denominator. General purpose register. Divisor May not be null or the stackpointer.
public void rem(int size, Register dst, Register n, Register d) {
assert (!dst.equals(sp) && !n.equals(sp) && !d.equals(sp));
// There is no irem or similar instruction. Instead we use the relation:
// n % d = n - Floor(n / d) * d if nd >= 0
// n % d = n - Ceil(n / d) * d else
// Which is equivalent to n - TruncatingDivision(n, d) * d
super.sdiv(size, dst, n, d);
super.msub(size, dst, dst, d, n);
* dst = src1 % src2. Unsigned.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or the stackpointer.
* @param n numerator. General purpose register. May not be null or the stackpointer.
* @param d denominator. General purpose register. Divisor May not be null or the stackpointer.
public void urem(int size, Register dst, Register n, Register d) {
// There is no irem or similar instruction. Instead we use the relation:
// n % d = n - Floor(n / d) * d
// Which is equivalent to n - TruncatingDivision(n, d) * d
super.udiv(size, dst, n, d);
super.msub(size, dst, dst, d, n);
* Add/subtract instruction encoding supports 12-bit immediate values.
* @param imm immediate value to be tested.
* @return true if immediate can be used directly for arithmetic instructions (add/sub), false
* otherwise.
public static boolean isArithmeticImmediate(long imm) {
// If we have a negative immediate we just use the opposite operator. I.e.: x - (-5) == x +
// 5.
return NumUtil.isInt(Math.abs(imm)) && isAimm((int) Math.abs(imm));
* Compare instructions are add/subtract instructions and so support 12-bit immediate values.
* @param imm immediate value to be tested.
* @return true if immediate can be used directly with comparison instructions, false otherwise.
public static boolean isComparisonImmediate(long imm) {
return isArithmeticImmediate(imm);
* Move wide immediate instruction encoding supports 16-bit immediate values which can be
* optionally-shifted by multiples of 16 (i.e. 0, 16, 32, 48).
* @return true if immediate can be moved directly into a register, false otherwise.
public static boolean isMovableImmediate(long imm) {
// // Positions of first, respectively last set bit.
// int start = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(imm);
// int end = 64 - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(imm);
// int length = end - start;
// if (length > 16) {
// return false;
// }
// // We can shift the necessary part of the immediate (i.e. everything between the first
// and
// // last set bit) by as much as 16 - length around to arrive at a valid shift amount
// int tolerance = 16 - length;
// int prevMultiple = NumUtil.roundDown(start, 16);
// int nextMultiple = NumUtil.roundUp(start, 16);
// return start - prevMultiple <= tolerance || nextMultiple - start <= tolerance;
* This is a bit optimistic because the constant could also be for an arithmetic instruction
* which only supports 12-bits. That case needs to be handled in the backend.
return NumUtil.isInt(Math.abs(imm)) && NumUtil.isUnsignedNbit(16, (int) Math.abs(imm));
* dst = src << (shiftAmt & (size - 1)).
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null, stackpointer or zero-register.
* @param src general purpose register. May not be null, stackpointer or zero-register.
* @param shiftAmt amount by which src is shifted.
public void shl(int size, Register dst, Register src, long shiftAmt) {
int shift = clampShiftAmt(size, shiftAmt);
super.ubfm(size, dst, src, (size - shift) & (size - 1), size - 1 - shift);
* dst = src1 << (src2 & (size - 1)).
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param src general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param shift general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
public void shl(int size, Register dst, Register src, Register shift) {
super.lsl(size, dst, src, shift);
* dst = src >>> (shiftAmt & (size - 1)).
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null, stackpointer or zero-register.
* @param src general purpose register. May not be null, stackpointer or zero-register.
* @param shiftAmt amount by which src is shifted.
public void lshr(int size, Register dst, Register src, long shiftAmt) {
int shift = clampShiftAmt(size, shiftAmt);
super.ubfm(size, dst, src, shift, size - 1);
* dst = src1 >>> (src2 & (size - 1)).
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param src general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param shift general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
public void lshr(int size, Register dst, Register src, Register shift) {
super.lsr(size, dst, src, shift);
* dst = src >> (shiftAmt & log2(size)).
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null, stackpointer or zero-register.
* @param src general purpose register. May not be null, stackpointer or zero-register.
* @param shiftAmt amount by which src is shifted.
public void ashr(int size, Register dst, Register src, long shiftAmt) {
int shift = clampShiftAmt(size, shiftAmt);
super.sbfm(size, dst, src, shift, size - 1);
* dst = src1 >> (src2 & log2(size)).
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param src general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param shift general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
public void ashr(int size, Register dst, Register src, Register shift) {
super.asr(size, dst, src, shift);
* Clamps shiftAmt into range 0 <= shiftamt < size according to JLS.
* @param size size of operation.
* @param shiftAmt arbitrary shift amount.
* @return value between 0 and size - 1 inclusive that is equivalent to shiftAmt according to
* JLS.
private static int clampShiftAmt(int size, long shiftAmt) {
return (int) (shiftAmt & (size - 1));
* dst = src1 & src2.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param src1 general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param src2 general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
public void and(int size, Register dst, Register src1, Register src2) {
super.and(size, dst, src1, src2, ShiftType.LSL, 0);
* dst = src1 ^ src2.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param src1 general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param src2 general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
public void eor(int size, Register dst, Register src1, Register src2) {
super.eor(size, dst, src1, src2, ShiftType.LSL, 0);
* dst = src1 | src2.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param src1 general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param src2 general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
public void or(int size, Register dst, Register src1, Register src2) {
super.orr(size, dst, src1, src2, ShiftType.LSL, 0);
* dst = src | bimm.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or zero-register.
* @param src general purpose register. May not be null or stack-pointer.
* @param bimm logical immediate. See {@link AArch64Assembler.LogicalImmediateTable} for exact
* definition.
public void or(int size, Register dst, Register src, long bimm) {
super.orr(size, dst, src, bimm);
* dst = ~src.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param src general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
public void not(int size, Register dst, Register src) {
super.orn(size, dst, zr, src, ShiftType.LSL, 0);
* Sign-extend value from src into dst.
* @param destSize destination register size. Must be 32 or 64.
* @param srcSize source register size. Must be smaller than destSize.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null, stackpointer or zero-register.
* @param src general purpose register. May not be null, stackpointer or zero-register.
public void sxt(int destSize, int srcSize, Register dst, Register src) {
assert (srcSize < destSize && srcSize > 0);
super.sbfm(destSize, dst, src, 0, srcSize - 1);
* dst = src if condition else -src.
* @param size register size. Must be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or the stackpointer.
* @param src general purpose register. May not be null or the stackpointer.
* @param condition any condition except AV or NV. May not be null.
public void csneg(int size, Register dst, Register src, ConditionFlag condition) {
super.csneg(size, dst, src, src, condition.negate());
* @return True if the immediate can be used directly for logical 64-bit instructions.
public static boolean isLogicalImmediate(long imm) {
return LogicalImmediateTable.isRepresentable(true, imm) != LogicalImmediateTable.Representable.NO;
* @return True if the immediate can be used directly for logical 32-bit instructions.
public static boolean isLogicalImmediate(int imm) {
return LogicalImmediateTable.isRepresentable(imm) == LogicalImmediateTable.Representable.YES;
/* Float instructions */
* Moves integer to float, float to integer, or float to float. Does not support integer to
* integer moves.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst Either floating-point or general-purpose register. If general-purpose register may
* not be stackpointer or zero register. Cannot be null in any case.
* @param src Either floating-point or general-purpose register. If general-purpose register may
* not be stackpointer. Cannot be null in any case.
public void fmov(int size, Register dst, Register src) {
assert !(dst.getRegisterCategory().equals(CPU) && src.getRegisterCategory().equals(CPU)) : "src and dst cannot both be integer registers.";
if (dst.getRegisterCategory().equals(CPU)) {
super.fmovFpu2Cpu(size, dst, src);
} else if (src.getRegisterCategory().equals(CPU)) {
super.fmovCpu2Fpu(size, dst, src);
} else {
super.fmov(size, dst, src);
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst floating point register. May not be null.
* @param imm immediate that is loaded into dst. If size is 32 only float immediates can be
* loaded, i.e. (float) imm == imm must be true. In all cases
* {@code isFloatImmediate}, respectively {@code #isDoubleImmediate} must be true
* depending on size.
public void fmov(int size, Register dst, double imm) {
if (imm == 0.0) {
assert Double.doubleToRawLongBits(imm) == 0L : "-0.0 is no valid immediate.";
super.fmovCpu2Fpu(size, dst, zr);
} else {
super.fmov(size, dst, imm);
* @return true if immediate can be loaded directly into floating-point register, false
* otherwise.
public static boolean isDoubleImmediate(double imm) {
return Double.doubleToRawLongBits(imm) == 0L || AArch64Assembler.isDoubleImmediate(imm);
* @return true if immediate can be loaded directly into floating-point register, false
* otherwise.
public static boolean isFloatImmediate(float imm) {
return Float.floatToRawIntBits(imm) == 0 || AArch64Assembler.isFloatImmediate(imm);
* Conditional move. dst = src1 if condition else src2.
* @param size register size.
* @param result floating point register. May not be null.
* @param trueValue floating point register. May not be null.
* @param falseValue floating point register. May not be null.
* @param condition every condition allowed. May not be null.
public void fcmov(int size, Register result, Register trueValue, Register falseValue, ConditionFlag condition) {
super.fcsel(size, result, trueValue, falseValue, condition);
* dst = src1 % src2.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst floating-point register. May not be null.
* @param n numerator. Floating-point register. May not be null.
* @param d denominator. Floating-point register. May not be null.
public void frem(int size, Register dst, Register n, Register d) {
// There is no frem instruction, instead we compute the remainder using the relation:
// rem = n - Truncating(n / d) * d
super.fdiv(size, dst, n, d);
super.frintz(size, dst, dst);
super.fmsub(size, dst, dst, d, n);
/* Branches */
* Compares x and y and sets condition flags.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param x general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param y general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
public void cmp(int size, Register x, Register y) {
assert size == 32 || size == 64;
super.subs(size, zr, x, y, ShiftType.LSL, 0);
* Compares x to y and sets condition flags.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param x general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param y comparison immediate, {@link #isComparisonImmediate(long)} has to be true for it.
public void cmp(int size, Register x, int y) {
assert size == 32 || size == 64;
if (y < 0) {
super.adds(size, zr, x, -y);
} else {
super.subs(size, zr, x, y);
* Sets condition flags according to result of x & y.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or stack-pointer.
* @param x general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param y general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
public void ands(int size, Register dst, Register x, Register y) {
super.ands(size, dst, x, y, ShiftType.LSL, 0);
* Sets overflow flag according to result of x * y.
* @param size register size. Has to be 32 or 64.
* @param dst general purpose register. May not be null or stack-pointer.
* @param x general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
* @param y general purpose register. May not be null or stackpointer.
public void mulvs(int size, Register dst, Register x, Register y) {
try (ScratchRegister sc1 = getScratchRegister();
ScratchRegister sc2 = getScratchRegister()) {
switch (size) {
case 64: {
// Be careful with registers: it's possible that x, y, and dst are the same
// register.
Register rscratch1 = sc1.getRegister();
Register rscratch2 = sc2.getRegister();
mul(64, rscratch1, x, y); // Result bits 0..63
smulh(64, rscratch2, x, y); // Result bits 64..127
// Top is pure sign ext
subs(64, zr, rscratch2, rscratch1, ShiftType.ASR, 63);
// Copy all 64 bits of the result into dst
mov(64, dst, rscratch1);
mov(rscratch1, 0x80000000);
// Develop 0 (EQ), or 0x80000000 (NE)
cmov(32, rscratch1, rscratch1, zr, ConditionFlag.NE);
cmp(32, rscratch1, 1);
// 0x80000000 - 1 => VS
case 32: {
Register rscratch1 = sc1.getRegister();
smaddl(rscratch1, x, y, zr);
// Copy the low 32 bits of the result into dst
mov(32, dst, rscratch1);
subs(64, zr, rscratch1, rscratch1, ExtendType.SXTW, 0);
// NE => overflow
mov(rscratch1, 0x80000000);
// Develop 0 (EQ), or 0x80000000 (NE)
cmov(32, rscratch1, rscratch1, zr, ConditionFlag.NE);
cmp(32, rscratch1, 1);
// 0x80000000 - 1 => VS
* When patching up Labels we have to know what kind of code to generate.
public enum PatchLabelKind {
* Offset by which additional information for branch conditionally, branch zero and branch
* non zero has to be shifted.
public static final int INFORMATION_OFFSET = 5;
public final int encoding;
PatchLabelKind(int encoding) {
this.encoding = encoding;
* @return PatchLabelKind with given encoding.
private static PatchLabelKind fromEncoding(int encoding) {
return values()[encoding & NumUtil.getNbitNumberInt(INFORMATION_OFFSET)];
public void adr(Register dst, Label label) {
// TODO Handle case where offset is too large for a single jump instruction
if (label.isBound()) {
int offset = label.position() - position();
super.adr(dst, offset);
} else {
// Encode condition flag so that we know how to patch the instruction later
emitInt(PatchLabelKind.ADR.encoding | dst.encoding << PatchLabelKind.INFORMATION_OFFSET);
* Compare register and branch if non-zero.
* @param size Instruction size in bits. Should be either 32 or 64.
* @param cmp general purpose register. May not be null, zero-register or stackpointer.
* @param label Can only handle 21-bit word-aligned offsets for now. May be unbound. Non null.
public void cbnz(int size, Register cmp, Label label) {
// TODO Handle case where offset is too large for a single jump instruction
if (label.isBound()) {
int offset = label.position() - position();
super.cbnz(size, cmp, offset);
} else {
int regEncoding = cmp.encoding << (PatchLabelKind.INFORMATION_OFFSET + 1);
int sizeEncoding = (size == 64 ? 1 : 0) << PatchLabelKind.INFORMATION_OFFSET;
// Encode condition flag so that we know how to patch the instruction later
emitInt(PatchLabelKind.BRANCH_NONZERO.encoding | regEncoding | sizeEncoding);
* Compare register and branch if zero.
* @param size Instruction size in bits. Should be either 32 or 64.
* @param cmp general purpose register. May not be null, zero-register or stackpointer.
* @param label Can only handle 21-bit word-aligned offsets for now. May be unbound. Non null.
public void cbz(int size, Register cmp, Label label) {
// TODO Handle case where offset is too large for a single jump instruction
if (label.isBound()) {
int offset = label.position() - position();
super.cbz(size, cmp, offset);
} else {
int regEncoding = cmp.encoding << (PatchLabelKind.INFORMATION_OFFSET + 1);
int sizeEncoding = (size == 64 ? 1 : 0) << PatchLabelKind.INFORMATION_OFFSET;
// Encode condition flag so that we know how to patch the instruction later
emitInt(PatchLabelKind.BRANCH_ZERO.encoding | regEncoding | sizeEncoding);
* Test a single bit and branch if the bit is nonzero.
* @param cmp general purpose register. May not be null, zero-register or stackpointer.
* @param uimm6 Unsigned 6-bit bit index.
* @param label Can only handle 21-bit word-aligned offsets for now. May be unbound. Non null.
public void tbnz(Register cmp, int uimm6, Label label) {
assert NumUtil.isUnsignedNbit(6, uimm6);
if (label.isBound()) {
int offset = label.position() - position();
super.tbnz(cmp, uimm6, offset);
} else {
int indexEncoding = uimm6 << PatchLabelKind.INFORMATION_OFFSET;
int regEncoding = cmp.encoding << (PatchLabelKind.INFORMATION_OFFSET + 6);
emitInt(PatchLabelKind.BRANCH_BIT_NONZERO.encoding | indexEncoding | regEncoding);
* Test a single bit and branch if the bit is zero.
* @param cmp general purpose register. May not be null, zero-register or stackpointer.
* @param uimm6 Unsigned 6-bit bit index.
* @param label Can only handle 21-bit word-aligned offsets for now. May be unbound. Non null.
public void tbz(Register cmp, int uimm6, Label label) {
assert NumUtil.isUnsignedNbit(6, uimm6);
if (label.isBound()) {
int offset = label.position() - position();
super.tbz(cmp, uimm6, offset);
} else {
int indexEncoding = uimm6 << PatchLabelKind.INFORMATION_OFFSET;
int regEncoding = cmp.encoding << (PatchLabelKind.INFORMATION_OFFSET + 6);
emitInt(PatchLabelKind.BRANCH_BIT_ZERO.encoding | indexEncoding | regEncoding);
* Branches to label if condition is true.
* @param condition any condition value allowed. Non null.
* @param label Can only handle 21-bit word-aligned offsets for now. May be unbound. Non null.
public void branchConditionally(ConditionFlag condition, Label label) {
// TODO Handle case where offset is too large for a single jump instruction
if (label.isBound()) {
int offset = label.position() - position();
super.b(condition, offset);
} else {
// Encode condition flag so that we know how to patch the instruction later
emitInt(PatchLabelKind.BRANCH_CONDITIONALLY.encoding | condition.encoding << PatchLabelKind.INFORMATION_OFFSET);
* Branches if condition is true. Address of jump is patched up by HotSpot c++ code.
* @param condition any condition value allowed. Non null.
public void branchConditionally(ConditionFlag condition) {
// Correct offset is fixed up by HotSpot later.
super.b(condition, 0);
* Jumps to label.
* param label Can only handle signed 28-bit offsets. May be unbound. Non null.
public void jmp(Label label) {
// TODO Handle case where offset is too large for a single jump instruction
if (label.isBound()) {
int offset = label.position() - position();
} else {
* Jump to address in dest.
* @param dest General purpose register. May not be null, zero-register or stackpointer.
public void jmp(Register dest) {;
* Immediate jump instruction fixed up by HotSpot c++ code.
public void jmp() {
// Offset has to be fixed up by c++ code.
* @return true if immediate offset can be used in a single branch instruction.
public static boolean isBranchImmediateOffset(long imm) {
return NumUtil.isSignedNbit(28, imm);
/* system instructions */
* Exception codes used when calling hlt instruction.
public enum AArch64ExceptionCode {
public final int encoding;
AArch64ExceptionCode(int encoding) {
this.encoding = encoding;
* Halting mode software breakpoint: Enters halting mode debug state if enabled, else treated as
* UNALLOCATED instruction.
* @param exceptionCode exception code specifying why halt was called. Non null.
public void hlt(AArch64ExceptionCode exceptionCode) {
* Monitor mode software breakpoint: exception routed to a debug monitor executing in a higher
* exception level.
* @param exceptionCode exception code specifying why break was called. Non null.
public void brk(AArch64ExceptionCode exceptionCode) {
public void pause() {
throw GraalError.unimplemented();
* Executes no-op instruction. No registers or flags are updated, except for PC.
public void nop() {
* Same as {@link #nop()}.
public void ensureUniquePC() {
* Aligns PC.
* @param modulus Has to be positive multiple of 4.
public void align(int modulus) {
assert modulus > 0 && (modulus & 0x3) == 0 : "Modulus has to be a positive multiple of 4.";
if (position() % modulus == 0) {
int offset = modulus - position() % modulus;
for (int i = 0; i < offset; i += 4) {
* Patches jump targets when label gets bound.
protected void patchJumpTarget(int branch, int jumpTarget) {
int instruction = getInt(branch);
int branchOffset = jumpTarget - branch;
PatchLabelKind type = PatchLabelKind.fromEncoding(instruction);
switch (type) {
ConditionFlag cf = ConditionFlag.fromEncoding(instruction >>> PatchLabelKind.INFORMATION_OFFSET);
super.b(cf, branchOffset, branch);
super.b(branchOffset, branch);
int offset = instruction >>> PatchLabelKind.INFORMATION_OFFSET;
emitInt(jumpTarget - offset, branch);
int information = instruction >>> PatchLabelKind.INFORMATION_OFFSET;
int sizeEncoding = information & 1;
int regEncoding = information >>> 1;
Register reg = AArch64.cpuRegisters.get(regEncoding);
// 1 => 64; 0 => 32
int size = sizeEncoding * 32 + 32;
switch (type) {
super.cbnz(size, reg, branchOffset, branch);
super.cbz(size, reg, branchOffset, branch);
int information = instruction >>> PatchLabelKind.INFORMATION_OFFSET;
int sizeEncoding = information & NumUtil.getNbitNumberInt(6);
int regEncoding = information >>> 6;
Register reg = AArch64.cpuRegisters.get(regEncoding);
switch (type) {
super.tbnz(reg, sizeEncoding, branchOffset, branch);
super.tbz(reg, sizeEncoding, branchOffset, branch);
case ADR: {
int information = instruction >>> PatchLabelKind.INFORMATION_OFFSET;
int regEncoding = information;
Register reg = AArch64.cpuRegisters.get(regEncoding);
super.adr(reg, branchOffset, branch);
throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere();
* Generates an address of the form {@code base + displacement}.
* Does not change base register to fulfill this requirement. Will fail if displacement cannot
* be represented directly as address.
* @param base general purpose register. May not be null or the zero register.
* @param displacement arbitrary displacement added to base.
* @return AArch64Address referencing memory at {@code base + displacement}.
public AArch64Address makeAddress(Register base, int displacement) {
return makeAddress(base, displacement, zr, /* signExtend */false, /* transferSize */0, zr, /* allowOverwrite */false);
public AArch64Address getPlaceholder(int instructionStartPosition) {
return AArch64Address.PLACEHOLDER;
public void addressOf(Register dst) {
// This will be fixed up later.
super.add(64, dst, dst, 0);
* Loads an address into Register d.
* @param d general purpose register. May not be null.
* @param a AArch64Address the address of an operand.
public void lea(Register d, AArch64Address a) {
a.lea(this, d);