blob: e78043ce06c96895fe753e18157fcd7d627fdf3c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConstants;
import javax.xml.datatype.Duration;
import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar;
* <p>Immutable representation of a time span as defined in
* the W3C XML Schema 1.0 specification.</p>
* <p>A Duration object represents a period of Gregorian time,
* which consists of six fields (years, months, days, hours,
* minutes, and seconds) plus a sign (+/-) field.</p>
* <p>The first five fields have non-negative (>=0) integers or null
* (which represents that the field is not set),
* and the seconds field has a non-negative decimal or null.
* A negative sign indicates a negative duration.</p>
* <p>This class provides a number of methods that make it easy
* to use for the duration datatype of XML Schema 1.0 with
* the errata.</p>
* <h2>Order relationship</h2>
* <p>Duration objects only have partial order, where two values A and B
* maybe either:</p>
* <ol>
* <li>A&lt;B (A is shorter than B)
* <li>A&gt;B (A is longer than B)
* <li>A==B (A and B are of the same duration)
* <li>A&lt;>B (Comparison between A and B is indeterminate)
* </ol>
* <p>For example, 30 days cannot be meaningfully compared to one month.
* The {@link #compare(Duration)} method implements this
* relationship.</p>
* <p>See the {@link #isLongerThan(Duration)} method for details about
* the order relationship among {@link Duration} objects.</p>
* <h2>Operations over Duration</h2>
* <p>This class provides a set of basic arithmetic operations, such
* as addition, subtraction and multiplication.
* Because durations don't have total order, an operation could
* fail for some combinations of operations. For example, you cannot
* subtract 15 days from 1 month. See the javadoc of those methods
* for detailed conditions where this could happen.</p>
* <p>Also, division of a duration by a number is not provided because
* the {@link Duration} class can only deal with finite precision
* decimal numbers. For example, one cannot represent 1 sec divided by 3.</p>
* <p>However, you could substitute a division by 3 with multiplying
* by numbers such as 0.3 or 0.333.</p>
* <h2>Range of allowed values</h2>
* <p>
* Because some operations of {@link Duration} rely on {@link Calendar}
* even though {@link Duration} can hold very large or very small values,
* some of the methods may not work correctly on such {@link Duration}s.
* The impacted methods document their dependency on {@link Calendar}.
* @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
* @author Joseph Fialli
* @see XMLGregorianCalendar#add(Duration)
class DurationImpl
extends Duration
implements Serializable {
* <p>Internal array of value Fields.</p>
private static final DatatypeConstants.Field[] FIELDS = new DatatypeConstants.Field[]{
* TimeZone for GMT.
private static final TimeZone GMT = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
* <p>BigDecimal value of 0.</p>
private static final BigDecimal ZERO = BigDecimal.valueOf(0);
* BigInteger value of Integer's max value.</p>
private static final BigInteger MaxIntAsBigInt =
BigInteger.valueOf((long) Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* <p>Indicates the sign. -1, 0 or 1 if the duration is negative,
* zero, or positive.</p>
protected int signum;
* <p>Years of this <code>Duration</code>.</p>
* These were final since Duration is immutable. But new subclasses need
* to be able to set after conversion. It won't break the immutable nature
* of them since there's no other way to set new values to them
protected BigInteger years;
* <p>Months of this <code>Duration</code>.</p>
protected BigInteger months;
* <p>Days of this <code>Duration</code>.</p>
protected BigInteger days;
* <p>Hours of this <code>Duration</code>.</p>
protected BigInteger hours;
* <p>Minutes of this <code>Duration</code>.</p>
protected BigInteger minutes;
* <p>Seconds of this <code>Duration</code>.</p>
protected BigDecimal seconds;
* Returns the sign of this duration in -1,0, or 1.
* @return
* -1 if this duration is negative, 0 if the duration is zero,
* and 1 if the duration is postive.
public int getSign() {
return signum;
* Determine the sign of the duration.
* @param isPositive Sign.
* @return 1 if positive, -1 negative, or 0 if all fields are zero.
protected int calcSignum(boolean isPositive) {
if ((years == null || years.signum() == 0)
&& (months == null || months.signum() == 0)
&& (days == null || days.signum() == 0)
&& (hours == null || hours.signum() == 0)
&& (minutes == null || minutes.signum() == 0)
&& (seconds == null || seconds.signum() == 0)) {
return 0;
if (isPositive) {
return 1;
else {
return -1;
* <p>Constructs a new Duration object by specifying each field individually.</p>
* <p>All the parameters are optional as long as at least one field is present.
* If specified, parameters have to be zero or positive.</p>
* @param isPositive Set to <code>false</code> to create a negative duration. When the length
* of the duration is zero, this parameter will be ignored.
* @param years of this <code>Duration</code>
* @param months of this <code>Duration</code>
* @param days of this <code>Duration</code>
* @param hours of this <code>Duration</code>
* @param minutes of this <code>Duration</code>
* @param seconds of this <code>Duration</code>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If years, months, days, hours, minutes and
* seconds parameters are all <code>null</code>. Or if any
* of those parameters are negative.
protected DurationImpl(
boolean isPositive,
BigInteger years,
BigInteger months,
BigInteger days,
BigInteger hours,
BigInteger minutes,
BigDecimal seconds) {
this.years = years;
this.months = months;
this.days = days;
this.hours = hours;
this.minutes = minutes;
this.seconds = seconds;
this.signum = calcSignum(isPositive);
// sanity check
if (years == null
&& months == null
&& days == null
&& hours == null
&& minutes == null
&& seconds == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
//"all the fields are null"
DatatypeMessageFormatter.formatMessage(null, "AllFieldsNull", null)
testNonNegative(years, DatatypeConstants.YEARS);
testNonNegative(months, DatatypeConstants.MONTHS);
testNonNegative(days, DatatypeConstants.DAYS);
testNonNegative(hours, DatatypeConstants.HOURS);
testNonNegative(minutes, DatatypeConstants.MINUTES);
testNonNegative(seconds, DatatypeConstants.SECONDS);
* <p>Makes sure that the given number is non-negative. If it is not,
* throw {@link IllegalArgumentException}.</p>
* @param n Number to test.
* @param f Field to test.
protected static void testNonNegative(BigInteger n, DatatypeConstants.Field f) {
if (n != null && n.signum() < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
DatatypeMessageFormatter.formatMessage(null, "NegativeField", new Object[]{f.toString()})
* <p>Makes sure that the given number is non-negative. If it is not,
* throw {@link IllegalArgumentException}.</p>
* @param n Number to test.
* @param f Field to test.
protected static void testNonNegative(BigDecimal n, DatatypeConstants.Field f) {
if (n != null && n.signum() < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
DatatypeMessageFormatter.formatMessage(null, "NegativeField", new Object[]{f.toString()})
* <p>Constructs a new Duration object by specifying each field
* individually.</p>
* <p>This method is functionally equivalent to
* invoking another constructor by wrapping
* all non-zero parameters into {@link BigInteger} and {@link BigDecimal}.
* Zero value of int parameter is equivalent of null value of
* the corresponding field.</p>
* @see #DurationImpl(boolean, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger,
* BigInteger, BigDecimal)
protected DurationImpl(
final boolean isPositive,
final int years,
final int months,
final int days,
final int hours,
final int minutes,
final int seconds) {
seconds != DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED ? new BigDecimal(String.valueOf(seconds)) : null);
* TODO: Javadoc
* @param i int to convert to BigInteger.
* @return BigInteger representation of int.
protected static BigInteger wrap(final int i) {
// field may not be set
if (i == DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED) {
return null;
// int -> BigInteger
return BigInteger.valueOf(i);
* <p>Constructs a new Duration object by specifying the duration
* in milliseconds.</p>
* @param durationInMilliSeconds
* The length of the duration in milliseconds.
protected DurationImpl(final long durationInMilliSeconds) {
boolean is0x8000000000000000L = false;
long l = durationInMilliSeconds;
if (l > 0) {
signum = 1;
else if (l < 0) {
signum = -1;
if (l == 0x8000000000000000L) {
// negating 0x8000000000000000L causes an overflow
is0x8000000000000000L = true;
l *= -1;
else {
signum = 0;
// let GregorianCalendar do the heavy lifting
GregorianCalendar gregorianCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(GMT);
// duration is the offset from the Epoch
// now find out how much each field has changed
long int2long = 0L;
// years
int2long = gregorianCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) - 1970;
this.years = BigInteger.valueOf(int2long);
// months
int2long = gregorianCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);
this.months = BigInteger.valueOf(int2long);
// days
int2long = gregorianCalendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) - 1;
this.days = BigInteger.valueOf(int2long);
// hours
int2long = gregorianCalendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
this.hours = BigInteger.valueOf(int2long);
// minutes
int2long = gregorianCalendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
this.minutes = BigInteger.valueOf(int2long);
// seconds & milliseconds
int2long = (gregorianCalendar.get(Calendar.SECOND) * 1000)
+ gregorianCalendar.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND)
+ (is0x8000000000000000L ? 1 : 0);
this.seconds = BigDecimal.valueOf(int2long, 3);
* Constructs a new Duration object by
* parsing its string representation
* "PnYnMnDTnHnMnS" as defined in XML Schema 1.0 section
* <p>
* The string representation may not have any leading
* and trailing whitespaces.
* <p>
* For example, this method parses strings like
* "P1D" (1 day), "-PT100S" (-100 sec.), "P1DT12H" (1 days and 12 hours).
* <p>
* The parsing is done field by field so that
* the following holds for any lexically correct string x:
* <pre>
* new Duration(x).toString().equals(x)
* </pre>
* Returns a non-null valid duration object that holds the value
* indicated by the lexicalRepresentation parameter.
* @param lexicalRepresentation
* Lexical representation of a duration.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If the given string does not conform to the aforementioned
* specification.
* @throws NullPointerException
* If the given string is null.
protected DurationImpl(String lexicalRepresentation)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
// only if I could use the JDK1.4 regular expression ....
if (lexicalRepresentation == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
final String s = lexicalRepresentation;
boolean positive;
int[] idx = new int[1];
int length = s.length();
boolean timeRequired = false;
idx[0] = 0;
if (length != idx[0] && s.charAt(idx[0]) == '-') {
positive = false;
else {
positive = true;
if (length != idx[0] && s.charAt(idx[0]++) != 'P') {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s); //,idx[0]-1);
// phase 1: chop the string into chunks
// (where a chunk is '<number><a symbol>'
int dateLen = 0;
String[] dateParts = new String[3];
int[] datePartsIndex = new int[3];
while (length != idx[0]
&& isDigit(s.charAt(idx[0]))
&& dateLen < 3) {
datePartsIndex[dateLen] = idx[0];
dateParts[dateLen++] = parsePiece(s, idx);
if (length != idx[0]) {
if (s.charAt(idx[0]++) == 'T') {
timeRequired = true;
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s); // ,idx[0]-1);
int timeLen = 0;
String[] timeParts = new String[3];
int[] timePartsIndex = new int[3];
while (length != idx[0]
&& isDigitOrPeriod(s.charAt(idx[0]))
&& timeLen < 3) {
timePartsIndex[timeLen] = idx[0];
timeParts[timeLen++] = parsePiece(s, idx);
if (timeRequired && timeLen == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s); // ,idx[0]);
if (length != idx[0]) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s); // ,idx[0]);
if (dateLen == 0 && timeLen == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s); // ,idx[0]);
// phase 2: check the ordering of chunks
organizeParts(s, dateParts, datePartsIndex, dateLen, "YMD");
organizeParts(s, timeParts, timePartsIndex, timeLen, "HMS");
// parse into numbers
years = parseBigInteger(s, dateParts[0], datePartsIndex[0]);
months = parseBigInteger(s, dateParts[1], datePartsIndex[1]);
days = parseBigInteger(s, dateParts[2], datePartsIndex[2]);
hours = parseBigInteger(s, timeParts[0], timePartsIndex[0]);
minutes = parseBigInteger(s, timeParts[1], timePartsIndex[1]);
seconds = parseBigDecimal(s, timeParts[2], timePartsIndex[2]);
signum = calcSignum(positive);
* TODO: Javadoc
* @param ch char to test.
* @return true if ch is a digit, else false.
private static boolean isDigit(char ch) {
return '0' <= ch && ch <= '9';
* TODO: Javadoc
* @param ch to test.
* @return true if ch is a digit or a period, else false.
private static boolean isDigitOrPeriod(char ch) {
return isDigit(ch) || ch == '.';
* TODO: Javadoc
* @param whole String to parse.
* @param idx TODO: ???
* @return Result of parsing.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If whole cannot be parsed.
private static String parsePiece(String whole, int[] idx)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
int start = idx[0];
while (idx[0] < whole.length()
&& isDigitOrPeriod(whole.charAt(idx[0]))) {
if (idx[0] == whole.length()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(whole); // ,idx[0]);
return whole.substring(start, idx[0]);
* TODO: Javadoc.
* @param whole TODO: ???
* @param parts TODO: ???
* @param partsIndex TODO: ???
* @param len TODO: ???
* @param tokens TODO: ???
* @throws IllegalArgumentException TODO: ???
private static void organizeParts(
String whole,
String[] parts,
int[] partsIndex,
int len,
String tokens)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
int idx = tokens.length();
for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (parts[i] == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(whole);
int nidx =
parts[i].charAt(parts[i].length() - 1),
idx - 1);
if (nidx == -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(whole);
// ,partsIndex[i]+parts[i].length()-1);
for (int j = nidx + 1; j < idx; j++) {
parts[j] = null;
idx = nidx;
parts[idx] = parts[i];
partsIndex[idx] = partsIndex[i];
for (idx--; idx >= 0; idx--) {
parts[idx] = null;
* TODO: Javadoc
* @param whole TODO: ???.
* @param part TODO: ???.
* @param index TODO: ???.
* @return TODO: ???.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException TODO: ???.
private static BigInteger parseBigInteger(
String whole,
String part,
int index)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (part == null) {
return null;
part = part.substring(0, part.length() - 1);
// try {
return new BigInteger(part);
// } catch( NumberFormatException e ) {
// throw new ParseException( whole, index );
// }
* TODO: Javadoc.
* @param whole TODO: ???.
* @param part TODO: ???.
* @param index TODO: ???.
* @return TODO: ???.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException TODO: ???.
private static BigDecimal parseBigDecimal(
String whole,
String part,
int index)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (part == null) {
return null;
part = part.substring(0, part.length() - 1);
// NumberFormatException is IllegalArgumentException
// try {
return new BigDecimal(part);
// } catch( NumberFormatException e ) {
// throw new ParseException( whole, index );
// }
* <p>Four constants defined for the comparison of durations.</p>
private static final XMLGregorianCalendar[] TEST_POINTS = new XMLGregorianCalendar[] {
* <p>Partial order relation comparison with this <code>Duration</code> instance.</p>
* <p>Comparison result must be in accordance with
* <a href="">W3C XML Schema 1.0 Part 2, Section,
* <i>Order relation on duration</i></a>.</p>
* <p>Return:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>{@link DatatypeConstants#LESSER} if this <code>Duration</code> is shorter than <code>duration</code> parameter</li>
* <li>{@link DatatypeConstants#EQUAL} if this <code>Duration</code> is equal to <code>duration</code> parameter</li>
* <li>{@link DatatypeConstants#GREATER} if this <code>Duration</code> is longer than <code>duration</code> parameter</li>
* <li>{@link DatatypeConstants#INDETERMINATE} if a conclusive partial order relation cannot be determined</li>
* </ul>
* @param duration to compare
* @return the relationship between <code>this</code> <code>Duration</code>and <code>duration</code> parameter as
* {@link DatatypeConstants#LESSER}, {@link DatatypeConstants#EQUAL}, {@link DatatypeConstants#GREATER}
* or {@link DatatypeConstants#INDETERMINATE}.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the underlying implementation
* cannot reasonably process the request, e.g. W3C XML Schema allows for
* arbitrarily large/small/precise values, the request may be beyond the
* implementations capability.
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>duration</code> is <code>null</code>.
* @see #isShorterThan(Duration)
* @see #isLongerThan(Duration)
public int compare(Duration rhs) {
/** check if any field in the Durations is too large for the operation
* that uses XMLGregorianCalendar for comparison
for (DatatypeConstants.Field field : FIELDS) {
checkMaxValue(getField(field), field);
checkMaxValue(rhs.getField(field), field);
return compareDates(this, rhs);
* Check if a field exceeds the maximum value
* @param field the value of a field
* @param fieldType type of the field, e.g. year, month, day, hour, minute or second.
private void checkMaxValue(Number field, DatatypeConstants.Field fieldType) {
BigInteger fieldValue = null;
if (fieldType != DatatypeConstants.SECONDS) {
fieldValue = (BigInteger) field;
} else {
BigDecimal rhsSecondsAsBigDecimal = (BigDecimal) field;
if ( rhsSecondsAsBigDecimal != null ) {
fieldValue = rhsSecondsAsBigDecimal.toBigInteger();
if (fieldValue != null && fieldValue.compareTo(MaxIntAsBigInt) == 1) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
DatatypeMessageFormatter.formatMessage(null, "TooLarge",
new Object[]{this.getClass().getName() + "#compare(Duration duration)"
+ fieldType, field.toString()})
* Compares 2 given durations. (refer to W3C Schema Datatypes "3.2.6 duration")
* @param duration1 Unnormalized duration
* @param duration2 Unnormalized duration
* @return INDETERMINATE if the order relationship between date1 and date2 is indeterminate.
* EQUAL if the order relation between date1 and date2 is EQUAL.
* If the strict parameter is true, return LESS_THAN if date1 is less than date2 and
* return GREATER_THAN if date1 is greater than date2.
* If the strict parameter is false, return LESS_THAN if date1 is less than OR equal to date2 and
* return GREATER_THAN if date1 is greater than OR equal to date2
private int compareDates(Duration duration1, Duration duration2) {
int resultA = DatatypeConstants.INDETERMINATE;
int resultB = DatatypeConstants.INDETERMINATE;
XMLGregorianCalendar tempA = (XMLGregorianCalendar)TEST_POINTS[0].clone();
XMLGregorianCalendar tempB = (XMLGregorianCalendar)TEST_POINTS[0].clone();
//long comparison algorithm is required
resultA =;
if ( resultA == DatatypeConstants.INDETERMINATE ) {
return DatatypeConstants.INDETERMINATE;
tempA = (XMLGregorianCalendar)TEST_POINTS[1].clone();
tempB = (XMLGregorianCalendar)TEST_POINTS[1].clone();
resultB =;
resultA = compareResults(resultA, resultB);
if (resultA == DatatypeConstants.INDETERMINATE) {
return DatatypeConstants.INDETERMINATE;
tempA = (XMLGregorianCalendar)TEST_POINTS[2].clone();
tempB = (XMLGregorianCalendar)TEST_POINTS[2].clone();
resultB =;
resultA = compareResults(resultA, resultB);
if (resultA == DatatypeConstants.INDETERMINATE) {
return DatatypeConstants.INDETERMINATE;
tempA = (XMLGregorianCalendar)TEST_POINTS[3].clone();
tempB = (XMLGregorianCalendar)TEST_POINTS[3].clone();
resultB =;
resultA = compareResults(resultA, resultB);
return resultA;
private int compareResults(int resultA, int resultB) {
if ( resultB == DatatypeConstants.INDETERMINATE ) {
return DatatypeConstants.INDETERMINATE;
else if ( resultA!=resultB) {
return DatatypeConstants.INDETERMINATE;
return resultA;
* Returns a hash code consistent with the definition of the equals method.
* @see Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode() {
// component wise hash is not correct because 1day = 24hours
Calendar cal = TEST_POINTS[0].toGregorianCalendar();
return (int) getCalendarTimeInMillis(cal);
* Returns a string representation of this duration object.
* <p>
* The result is formatter according to the XML Schema 1.0
* spec and can be always parsed back later into the
* equivalent duration object by
* the {@link #DurationImpl(String)} constructor.
* <p>
* Formally, the following holds for any {@link Duration}
* object x.
* <pre>
* new Duration(x.toString()).equals(x)
* </pre>
* @return
* Always return a non-null valid String object.
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
if (signum < 0) {
if (years != null) {
if (months != null) {
if (days != null) {
if (hours != null || minutes != null || seconds != null) {
if (hours != null) {
if (minutes != null) {
if (seconds != null) {
return buf.toString();
* <p>Turns {@link BigDecimal} to a string representation.</p>
* <p>Due to a behavior change in the {@link BigDecimal#toString()}
* method in JDK1.5, this had to be implemented here.</p>
* @param bd <code>BigDecimal</code> to format as a <code>String</code>
* @return <code>String</code> representation of <code>BigDecimal</code>
private String toString(BigDecimal bd) {
String intString = bd.unscaledValue().toString();
int scale = bd.scale();
if (scale == 0) {
return intString;
/* Insert decimal point */
StringBuffer buf;
int insertionPoint = intString.length() - scale;
if (insertionPoint == 0) { /* Point goes right before intVal */
return "0." + intString;
else if (insertionPoint > 0) { /* Point goes inside intVal */
buf = new StringBuffer(intString);
buf.insert(insertionPoint, '.');
else { /* We must insert zeros between point and intVal */
buf = new StringBuffer(3 - insertionPoint + intString.length());
for (int i = 0; i < -insertionPoint; i++) {
return buf.toString();
* Checks if a field is set.
* A field of a duration object may or may not be present.
* This method can be used to test if a field is present.
* @param field
* one of the six Field constants (YEARS,MONTHS,DAYS,HOURS,
* @return
* true if the field is present. false if not.
* @throws NullPointerException
* If the field parameter is null.
public boolean isSet(DatatypeConstants.Field field) {
if (field == null) {
String methodName = "javax.xml.datatype.Duration" + "#isSet(DatatypeConstants.Field field)" ;
throw new NullPointerException(
//"cannot be called with field == null"
DatatypeMessageFormatter.formatMessage(null, "FieldCannotBeNull", new Object[]{methodName})
if (field == DatatypeConstants.YEARS) {
return years != null;
if (field == DatatypeConstants.MONTHS) {
return months != null;
if (field == DatatypeConstants.DAYS) {
return days != null;
if (field == DatatypeConstants.HOURS) {
return hours != null;
if (field == DatatypeConstants.MINUTES) {
return minutes != null;
if (field == DatatypeConstants.SECONDS) {
return seconds != null;
String methodName = "javax.xml.datatype.Duration" + "#isSet(DatatypeConstants.Field field)";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
DatatypeMessageFormatter.formatMessage(null,"UnknownField", new Object[]{methodName, field.toString()})
* Gets the value of a field.
* Fields of a duration object may contain arbitrary large value.
* Therefore this method is designed to return a {@link Number} object.
* In case of YEARS, MONTHS, DAYS, HOURS, and MINUTES, the returned
* number will be a non-negative integer. In case of seconds,
* the returned number may be a non-negative decimal value.
* @param field
* one of the six Field constants (YEARS,MONTHS,DAYS,HOURS,
* @return
* If the specified field is present, this method returns
* a non-null non-negative {@link Number} object that
* represents its value. If it is not present, return null.
* For YEARS, MONTHS, DAYS, HOURS, and MINUTES, this method
* returns a {@link BigInteger} object. For SECONDS, this
* method returns a {@link BigDecimal}.
* @throws NullPointerException
* If the field parameter is null.
public Number getField(DatatypeConstants.Field field) {
if (field == null) {
String methodName = "javax.xml.datatype.Duration" + "#isSet(DatatypeConstants.Field field) " ;
throw new NullPointerException(
DatatypeMessageFormatter.formatMessage(null,"FieldCannotBeNull", new Object[]{methodName})
if (field == DatatypeConstants.YEARS) {
return years;
if (field == DatatypeConstants.MONTHS) {
return months;
if (field == DatatypeConstants.DAYS) {
return days;
if (field == DatatypeConstants.HOURS) {
return hours;
if (field == DatatypeConstants.MINUTES) {
return minutes;
if (field == DatatypeConstants.SECONDS) {
return seconds;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+ "#(getSet(DatatypeConstants.Field field) called with an unknown field: "
+ field.toString()
String methodName = "javax.xml.datatype.Duration" + "#(getSet(DatatypeConstants.Field field)";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
DatatypeMessageFormatter.formatMessage(null,"UnknownField", new Object[]{methodName, field.toString()})
* Obtains the value of the YEARS field as an integer value,
* or 0 if not present.
* <p>
* This method is a convenience method around the
* {@link #getField(DatatypeConstants.Field)} method.
* <p>
* Note that since this method returns <tt>int</tt>, this
* method will return an incorrect value for {@link Duration}s
* with the year field that goes beyond the range of <tt>int</tt>.
* Use <code>getField(YEARS)</code> to avoid possible loss of precision.</p>
* @return
* If the YEARS field is present, return
* its value as an integer by using the {@link Number#intValue()}
* method. If the YEARS field is not present, return 0.
public int getYears() {
return getInt(DatatypeConstants.YEARS);
* Obtains the value of the MONTHS field as an integer value,
* or 0 if not present.
* This method works just like {@link #getYears()} except
* that this method works on the MONTHS field.
* @return Months of this <code>Duration</code>.
public int getMonths() {
return getInt(DatatypeConstants.MONTHS);
* Obtains the value of the DAYS field as an integer value,
* or 0 if not present.
* This method works just like {@link #getYears()} except
* that this method works on the DAYS field.
* @return Days of this <code>Duration</code>.
public int getDays() {
return getInt(DatatypeConstants.DAYS);
* Obtains the value of the HOURS field as an integer value,
* or 0 if not present.
* This method works just like {@link #getYears()} except
* that this method works on the HOURS field.
* @return Hours of this <code>Duration</code>.
public int getHours() {
return getInt(DatatypeConstants.HOURS);
* Obtains the value of the MINUTES field as an integer value,
* or 0 if not present.
* This method works just like {@link #getYears()} except
* that this method works on the MINUTES field.
* @return Minutes of this <code>Duration</code>.
public int getMinutes() {
return getInt(DatatypeConstants.MINUTES);
* Obtains the value of the SECONDS field as an integer value,
* or 0 if not present.
* This method works just like {@link #getYears()} except
* that this method works on the SECONDS field.
* @return seconds in the integer value. The fraction of seconds
* will be discarded (for example, if the actual value is 2.5,
* this method returns 2)
public int getSeconds() {
return getInt(DatatypeConstants.SECONDS);
* <p>Return the requested field value as an int.</p>
* <p>If field is not set, i.e. == null, 0 is returned.</p>
* @param field To get value for.
* @return int value of field or 0 if field is not set.
private int getInt(DatatypeConstants.Field field) {
Number n = getField(field);
if (n == null) {
return 0;
else {
return n.intValue();
* <p>Returns the length of the duration in milli-seconds.</p>
* <p>If the seconds field carries more digits than milli-second order,
* those will be simply discarded (or in other words, rounded to zero.)
* For example, for any Calendar value <code>x<code>,</p>
* <pre>
* <code>new Duration("PT10.00099S").getTimeInMills(x) == 10000</code>.
* <code>new Duration("-PT10.00099S").getTimeInMills(x) == -10000</code>.
* </pre>
* <p>
* Note that this method uses the {@link #addTo(Calendar)} method,
* which may work incorectly with {@link Duration} objects with
* very large values in its fields. See the {@link #addTo(Calendar)}
* method for details.
* @param startInstant
* The length of a month/year varies. The <code>startInstant</code> is
* used to disambiguate this variance. Specifically, this method
* returns the difference between <code>startInstant</code> and
* <code>startInstant+duration</code>
* @return milliseconds between <code>startInstant</code> and
* <code>startInstant</code> plus this <code>Duration</code>
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>startInstant</code> parameter
* is null.
public long getTimeInMillis(final Calendar startInstant) {
Calendar cal = (Calendar) startInstant.clone();
return getCalendarTimeInMillis(cal) - getCalendarTimeInMillis(startInstant);
* <p>Returns the length of the duration in milli-seconds.</p>
* <p>If the seconds field carries more digits than milli-second order,
* those will be simply discarded (or in other words, rounded to zero.)
* For example, for any <code>Date</code> value <code>x<code>,</p>
* <pre>
* <code>new Duration("PT10.00099S").getTimeInMills(x) == 10000</code>.
* <code>new Duration("-PT10.00099S").getTimeInMills(x) == -10000</code>.
* </pre>
* <p>
* Note that this method uses the {@link #addTo(Date)} method,
* which may work incorectly with {@link Duration} objects with
* very large values in its fields. See the {@link #addTo(Date)}
* method for details.
* @param startInstant
* The length of a month/year varies. The <code>startInstant</code> is
* used to disambiguate this variance. Specifically, this method
* returns the difference between <code>startInstant</code> and
* <code>startInstant+duration</code>.
* @throws NullPointerException
* If the startInstant parameter is null.
* @return milliseconds between <code>startInstant</code> and
* <code>startInstant</code> plus this <code>Duration</code>
* @see #getTimeInMillis(Calendar)
public long getTimeInMillis(final Date startInstant) {
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
return getCalendarTimeInMillis(cal) - startInstant.getTime();
// /**
// * Returns an equivalent but "normalized" duration value.
// *
// * Intuitively, the normalization moves YEARS into
// * MONTHS (by x12) and moves DAYS, HOURS, and MINUTES fields
// * into SECONDS (by x86400, x3600, and x60 respectively.)
// *
// *
// * Formally, this method satisfies the following conditions:
// * <ul>
// * <li>x.normalize().equals(x)
// * <li>!x.normalize().isSet(Duration.YEARS)
// * <li>!x.normalize().isSet(Duration.DAYS)
// * <li>!x.normalize().isSet(Duration.HOURS)
// * <li>!x.normalize().isSet(Duration.MINUTES)
// * </ul>
// *
// * @return
// * always return a non-null valid value.
// */
// public Duration normalize() {
// return null;
// }
* <p>Converts the years and months fields into the days field
* by using a specific time instant as the reference point.</p>
* <p>For example, duration of one month normalizes to 31 days
* given the start time instance "July 8th 2003, 17:40:32".</p>
* <p>Formally, the computation is done as follows:</p>
* <ol>
* <li>The given Calendar object is cloned.
* <li>The years, months and days fields will be added to
* the {@link Calendar} object
* by using the {@link Calendar#add(int,int)} method.
* <li>The difference between two Calendars are computed in terms of days.
* <li>The computed days, along with the hours, minutes and seconds
* fields of this duration object is used to construct a new
* Duration object.
* </ol>
* <p>Note that since the Calendar class uses <code>int</code> to
* hold the value of year and month, this method may produce
* an unexpected result if this duration object holds
* a very large value in the years or months fields.</p>
* @param startTimeInstant <code>Calendar</code> reference point.
* @return <code>Duration</code> of years and months of this <code>Duration</code> as days.
* @throws NullPointerException If the startTimeInstant parameter is null.
public Duration normalizeWith(Calendar startTimeInstant) {
Calendar c = (Calendar) startTimeInstant.clone();
// using int may cause overflow, but
// Calendar internally treats value as int anyways.
c.add(Calendar.YEAR, getYears() * signum);
c.add(Calendar.MONTH, getMonths() * signum);
c.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, getDays() * signum);
// obtain the difference in terms of days
long diff = getCalendarTimeInMillis(c) - getCalendarTimeInMillis(startTimeInstant);
int days = (int) (diff / (1000L * 60L * 60L * 24L));
return new DurationImpl(
days >= 0,
(BigInteger) getField(DatatypeConstants.HOURS),
(BigInteger) getField(DatatypeConstants.MINUTES),
(BigDecimal) getField(DatatypeConstants.SECONDS));
* <p>Computes a new duration whose value is <code>factor</code> times
* longer than the value of this duration.</p>
* <p>This method is provided for the convenience.
* It is functionally equivalent to the following code:</p>
* <pre>
* multiply(new BigDecimal(String.valueOf(factor)))
* </pre>
* @param factor Factor times longer of new <code>Duration</code> to create.
* @return New <code>Duration</code> that is <code>factor</code>times longer than this <code>Duration</code>.
* @see #multiply(BigDecimal)
public Duration multiply(int factor) {
return multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(factor));
* Computes a new duration whose value is <code>factor</code> times
* longer than the value of this duration.
* <p>
* For example,
* <pre>
* "P1M" (1 month) * "12" = "P12M" (12 months)
* "PT1M" (1 min) * "0.3" = "PT18S" (18 seconds)
* "P1M" (1 month) * "1.5" = IllegalStateException
* </pre>
* <p>
* Since the {@link Duration} class is immutable, this method
* doesn't change the value of this object. It simply computes
* a new Duration object and returns it.
* <p>
* The operation will be performed field by field with the precision
* of {@link BigDecimal}. Since all the fields except seconds are
* restricted to hold integers,
* any fraction produced by the computation will be
* carried down toward the next lower unit. For example,
* if you multiply "P1D" (1 day) with "0.5", then it will be 0.5 day,
* which will be carried down to "PT12H" (12 hours).
* When fractions of month cannot be meaningfully carried down
* to days, or year to months, this will cause an
* {@link IllegalStateException} to be thrown.
* For example if you multiple one month by 0.5.</p>
* <p>
* To avoid {@link IllegalStateException}, use
* the {@link #normalizeWith(Calendar)} method to remove the years
* and months fields.
* @param factor to multiply by
* @return
* returns a non-null valid {@link Duration} object
* @throws IllegalStateException if operation produces fraction in
* the months field.
* @throws NullPointerException if the <code>factor</code> parameter is
* <code>null</code>.
public Duration multiply(BigDecimal factor) {
BigDecimal carry = ZERO;
int factorSign = factor.signum();
factor = factor.abs();
BigDecimal[] buf = new BigDecimal[6];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
BigDecimal bd = getFieldAsBigDecimal(FIELDS[i]);
bd = bd.multiply(factor).add(carry);
buf[i] = bd.setScale(0, RoundingMode.DOWN);
bd = bd.subtract(buf[i]);
if (i == 1) {
if (bd.signum() != 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException(); // illegal carry-down
} else {
carry = ZERO;
else {
carry = bd.multiply(FACTORS[i]);
if (seconds != null) {
buf[5] = seconds.multiply(factor).add(carry);
else {
buf[5] = carry;
return new DurationImpl(
this.signum * factorSign >= 0,
toBigInteger(buf[0], null == years),
toBigInteger(buf[1], null == months),
toBigInteger(buf[2], null == days),
toBigInteger(buf[3], null == hours),
toBigInteger(buf[4], null == minutes),
(buf[5].signum() == 0 && seconds == null) ? null : buf[5]);
* <p>Gets the value of the field as a {@link BigDecimal}.</p>
* <p>If the field is unset, return 0.</p>
* @param f Field to get value for.
* @return non-null valid {@link BigDecimal}.
private BigDecimal getFieldAsBigDecimal(DatatypeConstants.Field f) {
if (f == DatatypeConstants.SECONDS) {
if (seconds != null) {
return seconds;
else {
return ZERO;
else {
BigInteger bi = (BigInteger) getField(f);
if (bi == null) {
return ZERO;
else {
return new BigDecimal(bi);
* <p>BigInteger value of BigDecimal value.</p>
* @param value Value to convert.
* @param canBeNull Can returned value be null?
* @return BigInteger value of BigDecimal, possibly null.
private static BigInteger toBigInteger(
BigDecimal value,
boolean canBeNull) {
if (canBeNull && value.signum() == 0) {
return null;
else {
return value.unscaledValue();
* 1 unit of FIELDS[i] is equivalent to <code>FACTORS[i]</code> unit of
* FIELDS[i+1].
private static final BigDecimal[] FACTORS = new BigDecimal[] {
* <p>Computes a new duration whose value is <code>this+rhs</code>.</p>
* <p>For example,</p>
* <pre>
* "1 day" + "-3 days" = "-2 days"
* "1 year" + "1 day" = "1 year and 1 day"
* "-(1 hour,50 minutes)" + "-20 minutes" = "-(1 hours,70 minutes)"
* "15 hours" + "-3 days" = "-(2 days,9 hours)"
* "1 year" + "-1 day" = IllegalStateException
* </pre>
* <p>Since there's no way to meaningfully subtract 1 day from 1 month,
* there are cases where the operation fails in
* {@link IllegalStateException}.</p>
* <p>
* Formally, the computation is defined as follows.</p>
* <p>
* Firstly, we can assume that two {@link Duration}s to be added
* are both positive without losing generality (i.e.,
* <code>(-X)+Y=Y-X</code>, <code>X+(-Y)=X-Y</code>,
* <code>(-X)+(-Y)=-(X+Y)</code>)
* <p>
* Addition of two positive {@link Duration}s are simply defined as
* field by field addition where missing fields are treated as 0.
* <p>
* A field of the resulting {@link Duration} will be unset if and
* only if respective fields of two input {@link Duration}s are unset.
* <p>
* Note that <code>lhs.add(rhs)</code> will be always successful if
* <code>lhs.signum()*rhs.signum()!=-1</code> or both of them are
* normalized.</p>
* @param rhs <code>Duration</code> to add to this <code>Duration</code>
* @return
* non-null valid Duration object.
* @throws NullPointerException
* If the rhs parameter is null.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* If two durations cannot be meaningfully added. For
* example, adding negative one day to one month causes
* this exception.
* @see #subtract(Duration)
public Duration add(final Duration rhs) {
Duration lhs = this;
BigDecimal[] buf = new BigDecimal[6];
buf[0] = sanitize((BigInteger) lhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.YEARS),
lhs.getSign()).add(sanitize((BigInteger) rhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.YEARS), rhs.getSign()));
buf[1] = sanitize((BigInteger) lhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.MONTHS),
lhs.getSign()).add(sanitize((BigInteger) rhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.MONTHS), rhs.getSign()));
buf[2] = sanitize((BigInteger) lhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.DAYS),
lhs.getSign()).add(sanitize((BigInteger) rhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.DAYS), rhs.getSign()));
buf[3] = sanitize((BigInteger) lhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.HOURS),
lhs.getSign()).add(sanitize((BigInteger) rhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.HOURS), rhs.getSign()));
buf[4] = sanitize((BigInteger) lhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.MINUTES),
lhs.getSign()).add(sanitize((BigInteger) rhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.MINUTES), rhs.getSign()));
buf[5] = sanitize((BigDecimal) lhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.SECONDS),
lhs.getSign()).add(sanitize((BigDecimal) rhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.SECONDS), rhs.getSign()));
// align sign
alignSigns(buf, 0, 2); // Y,M
alignSigns(buf, 2, 6); // D,h,m,s
// make sure that the sign bit is consistent across all 6 fields.
int s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (s * buf[i].signum() < 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
if (s == 0) {
s = buf[i].signum();
return new DurationImpl(
s >= 0,
toBigInteger(sanitize(buf[0], s),
lhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.YEARS) == null && rhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.YEARS) == null),
toBigInteger(sanitize(buf[1], s),
lhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.MONTHS) == null && rhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.MONTHS) == null),
toBigInteger(sanitize(buf[2], s),
lhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.DAYS) == null && rhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.DAYS) == null),
toBigInteger(sanitize(buf[3], s),
lhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.HOURS) == null && rhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.HOURS) == null),
toBigInteger(sanitize(buf[4], s),
lhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.MINUTES) == null && rhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.MINUTES) == null),
(buf[5].signum() == 0
&& lhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.SECONDS) == null
&& rhs.getField(DatatypeConstants.SECONDS) == null) ? null : sanitize(buf[5], s));
private static void alignSigns(BigDecimal[] buf, int start, int end) {
// align sign
boolean touched;
do { // repeat until all the sign bits become consistent
touched = false;
int s = 0; // sign of the left fields
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
if (s * buf[i].signum() < 0) {
// this field has different sign than its left field.
touched = true;
// compute the number of unit that needs to be borrowed.
BigDecimal borrow =
FACTORS[i - 1],
if (buf[i].signum() > 0) {
borrow = borrow.negate();
// update values
buf[i - 1] = buf[i - 1].subtract(borrow);
buf[i] = buf[i].add(borrow.multiply(FACTORS[i - 1]));
if (buf[i].signum() != 0) {
s = buf[i].signum();
} while (touched);
* Compute <code>value*signum</code> where value==null is treated as
* value==0.
* @param value Value to sanitize.
* @param signum 0 to sanitize to 0, > 0 to sanitize to <code>value</code>, < 0 to sanitize to negative <code>value</code>.
* @return non-null {@link BigDecimal}.
private static BigDecimal sanitize(BigInteger value, int signum) {
if (signum == 0 || value == null) {
return ZERO;
if (signum > 0) {
return new BigDecimal(value);
return new BigDecimal(value.negate());
* <p>Compute <code>value*signum</code> where <code>value==null</code> is treated as <code>value==0</code></p>.
* @param value Value to sanitize.
* @param signum 0 to sanitize to 0, > 0 to sanitize to <code>value</code>, < 0 to sanitize to negative <code>value</code>.
* @return non-null {@link BigDecimal}.
static BigDecimal sanitize(BigDecimal value, int signum) {
if (signum == 0 || value == null) {
return ZERO;
if (signum > 0) {
return value;
return value.negate();
* <p>Computes a new duration whose value is <code>this-rhs</code>.</p>
* <p>For example:</p>
* <pre>
* "1 day" - "-3 days" = "4 days"
* "1 year" - "1 day" = IllegalStateException
* "-(1 hour,50 minutes)" - "-20 minutes" = "-(1hours,30 minutes)"
* "15 hours" - "-3 days" = "3 days and 15 hours"
* "1 year" - "-1 day" = "1 year and 1 day"
* </pre>
* <p>Since there's no way to meaningfully subtract 1 day from 1 month,
* there are cases where the operation fails in {@link IllegalStateException}.</p>
* <p>Formally the computation is defined as follows.
* First, we can assume that two {@link Duration}s are both positive
* without losing generality. (i.e.,
* <code>(-X)-Y=-(X+Y)</code>, <code>X-(-Y)=X+Y</code>,
* <code>(-X)-(-Y)=-(X-Y)</code>)</p>
* <p>Then two durations are subtracted field by field.
* If the sign of any non-zero field <tt>F</tt> is different from
* the sign of the most significant field,
* 1 (if <tt>F</tt> is negative) or -1 (otherwise)
* will be borrowed from the next bigger unit of <tt>F</tt>.</p>
* <p>This process is repeated until all the non-zero fields have
* the same sign.</p>
* <p>If a borrow occurs in the days field (in other words, if
* the computation needs to borrow 1 or -1 month to compensate
* days), then the computation fails by throwing an
* {@link IllegalStateException}.</p>
* @param rhs <code>Duration</code> to substract from this <code>Duration</code>.
* @return New <code>Duration</code> created from subtracting <code>rhs</code> from this <code>Duration</code>.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* If two durations cannot be meaningfully subtracted. For
* example, subtracting one day from one month causes
* this exception.
* @throws NullPointerException
* If the rhs parameter is null.
* @see #add(Duration)
public Duration subtract(final Duration rhs) {
return add(rhs.negate());
* Returns a new {@link Duration} object whose
* value is <code>-this</code>.
* <p>
* Since the {@link Duration} class is immutable, this method
* doesn't change the value of this object. It simply computes
* a new Duration object and returns it.
* @return
* always return a non-null valid {@link Duration} object.
public Duration negate() {
return new DurationImpl(
signum <= 0,
* Returns the sign of this duration in -1,0, or 1.
* @return
* -1 if this duration is negative, 0 if the duration is zero,
* and 1 if the duration is postive.
public int signum() {
return signum;
* Adds this duration to a {@link Calendar} object.
* <p>
* Calls {@link java.util.Calendar#add(int,int)} in the
* if those fields are present. Because the {@link Calendar} class
* uses int to hold values, there are cases where this method
* won't work correctly (for example if values of fields
* exceed the range of int.)
* </p>
* <p>
* Also, since this duration class is a Gregorian duration, this
* method will not work correctly if the given {@link Calendar}
* object is based on some other calendar systems.
* </p>
* <p>
* Any fractional parts of this {@link Duration} object
* beyond milliseconds will be simply ignored. For example, if
* this duration is "P1.23456S", then 1 is added to SECONDS,
* 234 is added to MILLISECONDS, and the rest will be unused.
* </p>
* <p>
* Note that because {@link Calendar#add(int, int)} is using
* <tt>int</tt>, {@link Duration} with values beyond the
* range of <tt>int</tt> in its fields
* will cause overflow/underflow to the given {@link Calendar}.
* {@link XMLGregorianCalendar#add(Duration)} provides the same
* basic operation as this method while avoiding
* the overflow/underflow issues.
* @param calendar
* A calendar object whose value will be modified.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the calendar parameter is null.
public void addTo(Calendar calendar) {
calendar.add(Calendar.YEAR, getYears() * signum);
calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, getMonths() * signum);
calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, getDays() * signum);
calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, getHours() * signum);
calendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, getMinutes() * signum);
calendar.add(Calendar.SECOND, getSeconds() * signum);
if (seconds != null) {
BigDecimal fraction =
seconds.subtract(seconds.setScale(0, RoundingMode.DOWN));
int millisec = fraction.movePointRight(3).intValue();
calendar.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, millisec * signum);
* Adds this duration to a {@link Date} object.
* <p>
* The given date is first converted into
* a {@link java.util.GregorianCalendar}, then the duration
* is added exactly like the {@link #addTo(Calendar)} method.
* <p>
* The updated time instant is then converted back into a
* {@link Date} object and used to update the given {@link Date} object.
* <p>
* This somewhat redundant computation is necessary to unambiguously
* determine the duration of months and years.
* @param date
* A date object whose value will be modified.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if the date parameter is null.
public void addTo(Date date) {
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
cal.setTime(date); // this will throw NPE if date==null
* Returns time value in milliseconds
* @param cal A calendar object
* @return time value
* Diff from Xerces; Use JDK 1.5 feature.
private static long getCalendarTimeInMillis(Calendar cal) {
return cal.getTimeInMillis();
* <p>Stream Unique Identifier.</p>
* <p>Serialization uses the lexical form returned by toString().</p>
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Writes {@link Duration} as a lexical representation
* for maximum future compatibility.
* @return
* An object that encapsulates the string
* returned by <code>this.toString()</code>.
private Object writeReplace() throws IOException {
return new DurationStream(this.toString());
* Representation of {@link Duration} in the object stream.
* @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
private static class DurationStream implements Serializable {
private final String lexical;
private DurationStream(String _lexical) {
this.lexical = _lexical;
private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException {
return new DurationImpl(lexical);
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;