blob: 276e0f9260ae3c688146eafc5da01288e29258a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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* questions.
package sun.lwawt.macosx;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.peer.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.font.*;
import java.lang.Character.Subset;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute;
import java.text.*;
import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
import sun.awt.AWTAccessor;
import sun.lwawt.*;
import static sun.awt.AWTAccessor.ComponentAccessor;
public class CInputMethod extends InputMethodAdapter {
private InputMethodContext fIMContext;
private Component fAwtFocussedComponent;
private LWComponentPeer<?, ?> fAwtFocussedComponentPeer;
private boolean isActive;
private static Map<TextAttribute, Integer>[] sHighlightStyles;
// Intitalize highlight mapping table and its mapper.
static {
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
Map<TextAttribute, Integer> styles[] = new Map[4];
HashMap<TextAttribute, Integer> map;
map = new HashMap<TextAttribute, Integer>(1);
styles[0] = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
map = new HashMap<TextAttribute, Integer>(1);
styles[1] = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
map = new HashMap<TextAttribute, Integer>(1);
styles[2] = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
map = new HashMap<TextAttribute, Integer>(1);
styles[3] = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
sHighlightStyles = styles;
public CInputMethod() {
* Sets the input method context, which is used to dispatch input method
* events to the client component and to request information from
* the client component.
* <p>
* This method is called once immediately after instantiating this input
* method.
* @param context the input method context for this input method
* @exception NullPointerException if {@code context} is null
public void setInputMethodContext(InputMethodContext context) {
fIMContext = context;
* Attempts to set the input locale. If the input method supports the
* desired locale, it changes its behavior to support input for the locale
* and returns true.
* Otherwise, it returns false and does not change its behavior.
* <p>
* This method is called
* <ul>
* <li>by {@link InputContext.selectInputMethod},
* <li>when switching to this input method through the user interface if the user
* specified a locale or if the previously selected input method's
* {@link getLocale} method
* returns a non-null value.
* </ul>
* @param lang locale to input
* @return whether the specified locale is supported
* @exception NullPointerException if {@code locale} is null
public boolean setLocale(Locale lang) {
return setLocale(lang, false);
private boolean setLocale(Locale lang, boolean onActivate) {
Object[] available = CInputMethodDescriptor.getAvailableLocalesInternal();
for (int i = 0; i < available.length; i++) {
Locale locale = (Locale)available[i];
if (lang.equals(locale) ||
// special compatibility rule for Japanese and Korean
locale.equals(Locale.JAPAN) && lang.equals(Locale.JAPANESE) ||
locale.equals(Locale.KOREA) && lang.equals(Locale.KOREAN)) {
if (isActive) {
setNativeLocale(locale.toString(), onActivate);
return true;
return false;
* Returns the current input locale. Might return null in exceptional cases.
* <p>
* This method is called
* <ul>
* <li>by {@link InputContext.getLocale} and
* <li>when switching from this input method to a different one through the
* user interface.
* </ul>
* @return the current input locale, or null
public Locale getLocale() {
// On Mac OS X we'll ask the currently active input method what its locale is.
Locale returnValue = getNativeLocale();
if (returnValue == null) {
returnValue = Locale.getDefault();
return returnValue;
* Sets the subsets of the Unicode character set that this input method
* is allowed to input. Null may be passed in to indicate that all
* characters are allowed.
* <p>
* This method is called
* <ul>
* <li>immediately after instantiating this input method,
* <li>when switching to this input method from a different one, and
* <li>by {@link InputContext.setCharacterSubsets}.
* </ul>
* @param subsets the subsets of the Unicode character set from which
* characters may be input
public void setCharacterSubsets(Subset[] subsets) {
// -- SAK: Does mac OS X support this?
* Composition cannot be set on Mac OS X -- the input method remembers this
public void setCompositionEnabled(boolean enable) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't adjust composition mode on Mac OS X.");
public boolean isCompositionEnabled() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't adjust composition mode on Mac OS X.");
* Dispatches the event to the input method. If input method support is
* enabled for the focussed component, incoming events of certain types
* are dispatched to the current input method for this component before
* they are dispatched to the component's methods or event listeners.
* The input method decides whether it needs to handle the event. If it
* does, it also calls the event's {@code consume} method; this
* causes the event to not get dispatched to the component's event
* processing methods or event listeners.
* <p>
* Events are dispatched if they are instances of InputEvent or its
* subclasses.
* This includes instances of the AWT classes KeyEvent and MouseEvent.
* <p>
* This method is called by {@link InputContext.dispatchEvent}.
* @param event the event being dispatched to the input method
* @exception NullPointerException if {@code event} is null
public void dispatchEvent(final AWTEvent event) {
// No-op for Mac OS X.
* Activate and deactivate are no-ops on Mac OS X.
* A non-US keyboard layout is an 'input method' in that it generates events the same way as
* a CJK input method. A component that doesn't want input method events still wants the dead-key
* events.
public void activate() {
isActive = true;
public void deactivate(boolean isTemporary) {
isActive = false;
* Closes or hides all windows opened by this input method instance or
* its class. Deactivate hides windows for us on Mac OS X.
public void hideWindows() {
long getNativeViewPtr(LWComponentPeer<?, ?> peer) {
if (peer.getPlatformWindow() instanceof CPlatformWindow) {
CPlatformWindow platformWindow = (CPlatformWindow) peer.getPlatformWindow();
CPlatformView platformView = platformWindow.getContentView();
return platformView.getAWTView();
} else {
return 0;
* Notifies the input method that a client component has been
* removed from its containment hierarchy, or that input method
* support has been disabled for the component.
public void removeNotify() {
if (fAwtFocussedComponentPeer != null) {
fAwtFocussedComponentPeer = null;
* Informs the input method adapter about the component that has the AWT
* focus if it's using the input context owning this adapter instance.
* We also take the opportunity to tell the native side that we are the input method
* to talk to when responding to key events.
protected void setAWTFocussedComponent(Component component) {
LWComponentPeer<?, ?> peer = null;
long modelPtr = 0;
CInputMethod imInstance = this;
// component will be null when we are told there's no focused component.
// When that happens we need to notify the native architecture to stop generating IMEs
if (component == null) {
peer = fAwtFocussedComponentPeer;
imInstance = null;
} else {
peer = getNearestNativePeer(component);
// If we have a passive client, don't pass input method events to it.
if (component.getInputMethodRequests() == null) {
imInstance = null;
if (peer != null) {
modelPtr = getNativeViewPtr(peer);
// modelPtr refers to the ControlModel that either got or lost focus.
nativeNotifyPeer(modelPtr, imInstance);
// Track the focused component and its nearest peer.
fAwtFocussedComponent = component;
fAwtFocussedComponentPeer = getNearestNativePeer(component);
* @see java.awt.Toolkit#mapInputMethodHighlight
public static Map<TextAttribute, ?> mapInputMethodHighlight(InputMethodHighlight highlight) {
int index;
int state = highlight.getState();
if (state == InputMethodHighlight.RAW_TEXT) {
index = 0;
} else if (state == InputMethodHighlight.CONVERTED_TEXT) {
index = 2;
} else {
return null;
if (highlight.isSelected()) {
index += 1;
return sHighlightStyles[index];
* Ends any input composition that may currently be going on in this
* context. Depending on the platform and possibly user preferences,
* this may commit or delete uncommitted text. Any changes to the text
* are communicated to the active component using an input method event.
* <p>
* A text editing component may call this in a variety of situations,
* for example, when the user moves the insertion point within the text
* (but outside the composed text), or when the component's text is
* saved to a file or copied to the clipboard.
* <p>
* This method is called
* <ul>
* <li>by {@link InputContext.endComposition},
* <li>by {@link InputContext.dispatchEvent}
* when switching to a different client component
* <li>when switching from this input method to a different one using the
* user interface or
* {@link InputContext.selectInputMethod}.
* </ul>
public void endComposition() {
if (fAwtFocussedComponentPeer != null)
* Disposes of the input method and releases the resources used by it.
* In particular, the input method should dispose windows and close files that are no
* longer needed.
* <p>
* This method is called by {@link InputContext.dispose}.
* <p>
* The method is only called when the input method is inactive.
* No method of this interface is called on this instance after dispose.
public void dispose() {
fIMContext = null;
fAwtFocussedComponent = null;
fAwtFocussedComponentPeer = null;
* Returns a control object from this input method, or null. A
* control object provides methods that control the behavior of the
* input method or obtain information from the input method. The type
* of the object is an input method specific class. Clients have to
* compare the result against known input method control object
* classes and cast to the appropriate class to invoke the methods
* provided.
* <p>
* This method is called by
* {@link InputContext.getInputMethodControlObject}.
* @return a control object from this input method, or null
public Object getControlObject() {
return null;
// java.awt.Toolkit#getNativeContainer() is not available
// from this package
private LWComponentPeer<?, ?> getNearestNativePeer(Component comp) {
if (comp==null)
return null;
final ComponentAccessor acc = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor();
ComponentPeer peer = acc.getPeer(comp);
if (peer==null)
return null;
while (peer instanceof java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer) {
comp = comp.getParent();
if (comp==null)
return null;
peer = acc.getPeer(comp);
if (peer==null)
return null;
if (peer instanceof LWComponentPeer)
return (LWComponentPeer)peer;
return null;
// =========================== NSTextInput callbacks ===========================
// The 'marked text' that we get from Cocoa. We need to track this separately, since
// Java doesn't let us ask the IM context for it.
private AttributedString fCurrentText = null;
private String fCurrentTextAsString = null;
private int fCurrentTextLength = 0;
* Tell the component to commit all of the characters in the string to the current
* text view. This effectively wipes out any text in progress.
private synchronized void insertText(String aString) {
AttributedString attribString = new AttributedString(aString);
// Set locale information on the new string.
attribString.addAttribute(Attribute.LANGUAGE, getLocale(), 0, aString.length());
TextHitInfo theCaret = TextHitInfo.afterOffset(aString.length() - 1);
InputMethodEvent event = new InputMethodEvent(fAwtFocussedComponent,
LWCToolkit.postEvent(LWCToolkit.targetToAppContext(fAwtFocussedComponent), event);
fCurrentText = null;
fCurrentTextAsString = null;
fCurrentTextLength = 0;
private void startIMUpdate (String rawText) {
fCurrentTextAsString = new String(rawText);
fCurrentText = new AttributedString(fCurrentTextAsString);
fCurrentTextLength = rawText.length();
private static final int kCaretPosition = 0;
private static final int kRawText = 1;
private static final int kSelectedRawText = 2;
private static final int kConvertedText = 3;
private static final int kSelectedConvertedText = 4;
* Convert Cocoa text highlight attributes into Java input method highlighting.
private void addAttribute (boolean isThickUnderline, boolean isGray, int start, int length) {
int begin = start;
int end = start + length;
int markupType = kRawText;
if (isThickUnderline && isGray) {
markupType = kRawText;
} else if (!isThickUnderline && isGray) {
markupType = kRawText;
} else if (isThickUnderline && !isGray) {
markupType = kSelectedConvertedText;
} else if (!isThickUnderline && !isGray) {
markupType = kConvertedText;
InputMethodHighlight theHighlight;
switch (markupType) {
case kSelectedRawText:
theHighlight = InputMethodHighlight.SELECTED_RAW_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT;
case kConvertedText:
theHighlight = InputMethodHighlight.UNSELECTED_CONVERTED_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT;
case kSelectedConvertedText:
theHighlight = InputMethodHighlight.SELECTED_CONVERTED_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT;
case kRawText:
theHighlight = InputMethodHighlight.UNSELECTED_RAW_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT;
fCurrentText.addAttribute(TextAttribute.INPUT_METHOD_HIGHLIGHT, theHighlight, begin, end);
/* Called from JNI to select the previously typed glyph during press and hold */
private void selectPreviousGlyph() {
if (fIMContext == null) return; // ???
try {
LWCToolkit.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final int offset = fIMContext.getInsertPositionOffset();
if (offset < 1) return; // ???
if (fAwtFocussedComponent instanceof JTextComponent) {
((JTextComponent) fAwtFocussedComponent).select(offset - 1, offset);
if (fAwtFocussedComponent instanceof TextComponent) {
((TextComponent) fAwtFocussedComponent).select(offset - 1, offset);
// TODO: Ideally we want to disable press-and-hold in this case
}, fAwtFocussedComponent);
} catch (Exception e) {
private void selectNextGlyph() {
if (fIMContext == null || !(fAwtFocussedComponent instanceof JTextComponent)) return;
try {
LWCToolkit.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final int offset = fIMContext.getInsertPositionOffset();
if (offset < 0) return;
((JTextComponent) fAwtFocussedComponent).select(offset, offset + 1);
}, fAwtFocussedComponent);
} catch (Exception e) {
private void dispatchText(int selectStart, int selectLength, boolean pressAndHold) {
// Nothing to do if we have no text.
if (fCurrentText == null)
TextHitInfo theCaret = (selectLength == 0 ? TextHitInfo.beforeOffset(selectStart) : null);
TextHitInfo visiblePosition = TextHitInfo.beforeOffset(0);
InputMethodEvent event = new InputMethodEvent(fAwtFocussedComponent,
LWCToolkit.postEvent(LWCToolkit.targetToAppContext(fAwtFocussedComponent), event);
if (pressAndHold) selectNextGlyph();
* Frequent callbacks from NSTextInput. I think we're supposed to commit it here?
private synchronized void unmarkText() {
if (fCurrentText == null)
TextHitInfo theCaret = TextHitInfo.afterOffset(fCurrentTextLength);
TextHitInfo visiblePosition = theCaret;
InputMethodEvent event = new InputMethodEvent(fAwtFocussedComponent,
LWCToolkit.postEvent(LWCToolkit.targetToAppContext(fAwtFocussedComponent), event);
fCurrentText = null;
fCurrentTextAsString = null;
fCurrentTextLength = 0;
private synchronized boolean hasMarkedText() {
return fCurrentText != null;
* Cocoa assumes the marked text and committed text is all stored in the same storage, but
* Java does not. So, we have to see where the request is and based on that return the right
* substring.
private synchronized String attributedSubstringFromRange(final int locationIn, final int lengthIn) {
final String[] retString = new String[1];
try {
LWCToolkit.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
public void run() { synchronized(retString) {
int location = locationIn;
int length = lengthIn;
if ((location + length) > (fIMContext.getCommittedTextLength() + fCurrentTextLength)) {
length = fIMContext.getCommittedTextLength() - location;
AttributedCharacterIterator theIterator = null;
if (fCurrentText == null) {
theIterator = fIMContext.getCommittedText(location, location + length, null);
} else {
int insertSpot = fIMContext.getInsertPositionOffset();
if (location < insertSpot) {
theIterator = fIMContext.getCommittedText(location, location + length, null);
} else if (location >= insertSpot && location < insertSpot + fCurrentTextLength) {
theIterator = fCurrentText.getIterator(null, location - insertSpot, location - insertSpot +length);
} else {
theIterator = fIMContext.getCommittedText(location - fCurrentTextLength, location - fCurrentTextLength + length, null);
// Get the characters from the iterator
char selectedText[] = new char[theIterator.getEndIndex() - theIterator.getBeginIndex()];
char current = theIterator.first();
int index = 0;
while (current != CharacterIterator.DONE) {
selectedText[index++] = current;
current =;
retString[0] = new String(selectedText);
}, fAwtFocussedComponent);
} catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { ite.printStackTrace(); }
synchronized(retString) { return retString[0]; }
* Cocoa wants the range of characters that are currently selected. We have to synthesize this
* by getting the insert location and the length of the selected text. NB: This does NOT allow
* for the fact that the insert point in Swing can come AFTER the selected text, making this
* potentially incorrect.
private synchronized int[] selectedRange() {
final int[] returnValue = new int[2];
try {
LWCToolkit.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
public void run() { synchronized(returnValue) {
AttributedCharacterIterator theIterator = fIMContext.getSelectedText(null);
if (theIterator == null) {
returnValue[0] = fIMContext.getInsertPositionOffset();
returnValue[1] = 0;
int startLocation;
if (fAwtFocussedComponent instanceof JTextComponent) {
JTextComponent theComponent = (JTextComponent)fAwtFocussedComponent;
startLocation = theComponent.getSelectionStart();
} else if (fAwtFocussedComponent instanceof TextComponent) {
TextComponent theComponent = (TextComponent)fAwtFocussedComponent;
startLocation = theComponent.getSelectionStart();
} else {
// If we don't have a Swing or AWT component, we have to guess whether the selection is before or after the input spot.
startLocation = fIMContext.getInsertPositionOffset() - (theIterator.getEndIndex() - theIterator.getBeginIndex());
// If the calculated spot is negative the insert spot must be at the beginning of
// the selection.
if (startLocation < 0) {
startLocation = fIMContext.getInsertPositionOffset() + (theIterator.getEndIndex() - theIterator.getBeginIndex());
returnValue[0] = startLocation;
returnValue[1] = theIterator.getEndIndex() - theIterator.getBeginIndex();
}, fAwtFocussedComponent);
} catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { ite.printStackTrace(); }
synchronized(returnValue) { return returnValue; }
* Cocoa wants the range of characters that are currently marked. Since Java doesn't store committed and
* text in progress (composed text) together, we have to synthesize it. We know where the text will be
* inserted, so we can return that position, and the length of the text in progress. If there is no marked text
* return null.
private synchronized int[] markedRange() {
if (fCurrentText == null)
return null;
final int[] returnValue = new int[2];
try {
LWCToolkit.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
public void run() { synchronized(returnValue) {
// The insert position is always after the composed text, so the range start is the
// insert spot less the length of the composed text.
returnValue[0] = fIMContext.getInsertPositionOffset();
}, fAwtFocussedComponent);
} catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { ite.printStackTrace(); }
returnValue[1] = fCurrentTextLength;
synchronized(returnValue) { return returnValue; }
* Cocoa wants a rectangle that describes where a particular range is on screen, but only cares about the
* location of that rectangle. We are given the index of the character for which we want the location on
* screen, which will be a character in the in-progress text. By subtracting the current insert position,
* which is always in front of the in-progress text, we get the offset into the composed text, and we get
* that location from the input method context.
private synchronized int[] firstRectForCharacterRange(final int absoluteTextOffset) {
final int[] rect = new int[4];
try {
LWCToolkit.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
public void run() { synchronized(rect) {
int insertOffset = fIMContext.getInsertPositionOffset();
int composedTextOffset = absoluteTextOffset - insertOffset;
if (composedTextOffset < 0) composedTextOffset = 0;
Rectangle r = fIMContext.getTextLocation(TextHitInfo.beforeOffset(composedTextOffset));
rect[0] = r.x;
rect[1] = r.y;
rect[2] = r.width;
rect[3] = r.height;
// This next if-block is a hack to work around a bug in JTextComponent. getTextLocation ignores
// the TextHitInfo passed to it and always returns the location of the insertion point, which is
// at the start of the composed text. We'll do some calculation so the candidate window for Kotoeri
// follows the requested offset into the composed text.
if (composedTextOffset > 0 && (fAwtFocussedComponent instanceof JTextComponent)) {
Rectangle r2 = fIMContext.getTextLocation(TextHitInfo.beforeOffset(0));
if (r.equals(r2)) {
// FIXME: (SAK) If the candidate text wraps over two lines, this calculation pushes the candidate
// window off the right edge of the component.
String inProgressSubstring = fCurrentTextAsString.substring(0, composedTextOffset);
Graphics g = fAwtFocussedComponent.getGraphics();
int xOffset = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(inProgressSubstring);
rect[0] += xOffset;
}, fAwtFocussedComponent);
} catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { ite.printStackTrace(); }
synchronized(rect) { return rect; }
/* This method returns the index for the character that is nearest to the point described by screenX and screenY.
* The coordinates are in Java screen coordinates. If no character in the composed text was hit, we return -1, indicating
* not found.
private synchronized int characterIndexForPoint(final int screenX, final int screenY) {
final TextHitInfo[] offsetInfo = new TextHitInfo[1];
final int[] insertPositionOffset = new int[1];
try {
LWCToolkit.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
public void run() { synchronized(offsetInfo) {
offsetInfo[0] = fIMContext.getLocationOffset(screenX, screenY);
insertPositionOffset[0] = fIMContext.getInsertPositionOffset();
}, fAwtFocussedComponent);
} catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { ite.printStackTrace(); }
// This bit of gymnastics ensures that the returned location is within the composed text.
// If it falls outside that region, the input method will commit the text, which is inconsistent with native
// Cocoa apps (see TextEdit, for example.) Clicking to the left of or above the selected text moves the
// cursor to the start of the composed text, and to the right or below moves it to one character before the end.
if (offsetInfo[0] == null) {
return insertPositionOffset[0];
int returnValue = offsetInfo[0].getCharIndex() + insertPositionOffset[0];
if (offsetInfo[0].getCharIndex() == fCurrentTextLength)
returnValue --;
return returnValue;
// On Mac OS X we effectively disabled the input method when focus was lost, so
// this call can be ignored.
public void disableInputMethod()
// Deliberately ignored. See setAWTFocussedComponent above.
public String getNativeInputMethodInfo()
return nativeGetCurrentInputMethodInfo();
// =========================== Native methods ===========================
// Note that if nativePeer isn't something that normally accepts keystrokes (i.e., a CPanel)
// these calls will be ignored.
private native void nativeNotifyPeer(long nativePeer, CInputMethod imInstance);
private native void nativeEndComposition(long nativePeer);
private native void nativeHandleEvent(LWComponentPeer<?, ?> peer, AWTEvent event);
// Returns the locale of the active input method.
static native Locale getNativeLocale();
// Switches to the input method with language indicated in localeName
static native boolean setNativeLocale(String localeName, boolean onActivate);
// Returns information about the currently selected input method.
static native String nativeGetCurrentInputMethodInfo();
// Initialize toolbox routines
static native void nativeInit();