Introduce @NonMTS, @NonCts, @NonVogar annotations

expectations/skippedCtsTest.txt is currently manually written.
It will be generated once all such tests are annotated.

"cts-tradefed" and "atest" should use the default core-test-mode,
i.e. CTS mode.

"mts-tradefed mts-art" is expected to use the MTS mode. It's configured
in the mts-*.xml file.

"atest --test-mapping libcore/" is expected to run in presubmit mode.
It's configured in the libcore/TEST_MAPPING file.

Bug: 287042293
Bug: 286802267
Bug: 287231726
Test: cts-tradefed run cts-dev -m CtsLibcoreTestCases
Test: atest CtsLibcoreTestCases
Merged-In: Ie22b321494cc5ad06d5eec21bc4ac34bff277b93
Change-Id: Ie22b321494cc5ad06d5eec21bc4ac34bff277b93
6 files changed