Android TV Reference Remote
Check in SDK based on Telink 8278 chipset, solution provided
by Telink Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

This source code drop contains the open source software. The libraries,
compiler toolchain and other binaries dependencies are hosted by Telink.

Software version: 1.08

v1.08 Library version

|       lib name        |          origin           |
| :-------------------: | :-----------------------: |
| libfirmware_encrypt.a |      ble SDK V1.1.1       |
|     liblt_8278.a      |      ble SDK V1.1.1       |
|     libapp_ota.a      | google BLE RCU SDK  v1.08 |

v1.08 Changes

   - When the rcu connection times out, it will enter deep mode and will not send direct broadcast packet.
   - Added read customized code like Device name, PID, VID from flash.
   - Enabled test mode.
   - Fixed some bugs on the checklist.

Change-Id: I6d512174fb976bff732097b5f3e812a4cc25d3e8
13 files changed