blob: 3eabeeba453a08960116ee5874fbfbe75482f5e7 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
** Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project
** Copyright 2010, Samsung Electronics Co. LTD
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
* \file ExynosCameraHWInterface.h
* \brief hearder file for Android Camera HAL
* \author thun.hwang(
* \date 2010/06/03
* <b>Revision History: </b>
* - 2011/12/31 : thun.hwang( \n
* Initial version
* - 2012/03/14 : sangwoo.park( \n
* Change file, class name to ExynosXXX.
#include <utils/threads.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include <binder/MemoryBase.h>
#include <binder/MemoryHeapBase.h>
#include <hardware/camera.h>
#include <hardware/gralloc.h>
#include <camera/Camera.h>
#include <camera/CameraParameters.h>
#include <media/hardware/MetadataBufferType.h>
#include "gralloc_priv.h"
#include "exynos_format.h"
#include "csc.h"
#include "ExynosCamera.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#define USE_EGL (1)
#define NUM_OF_PREVIEW_BUF (8)
#define NUM_OF_VIDEO_BUF (8)
#define NUM_OF_PICTURE_BUF (6)
namespace android {
class ExynosCameraHWInterface : public virtual RefBase {
ExynosCameraHWInterface(int cameraId, camera_device_t *dev);
virtual ~ExynosCameraHWInterface();
virtual status_t setPreviewWindow(preview_stream_ops *w);
virtual void setCallbacks(camera_notify_callback notify_cb,
camera_data_callback data_cb,
camera_data_timestamp_callback data_cb_timestamp,
camera_request_memory get_memory,
void *user);
virtual void enableMsgType(int32_t msgType);
virtual void disableMsgType(int32_t msgType);
virtual bool msgTypeEnabled(int32_t msgType);
virtual status_t startPreview();
virtual void stopPreview();
virtual bool previewEnabled();
virtual status_t storeMetaDataInBuffers(bool enable);
virtual status_t startRecording();
virtual void stopRecording();
virtual bool recordingEnabled();
virtual void releaseRecordingFrame(const void *opaque);
virtual status_t autoFocus();
virtual status_t cancelAutoFocus();
virtual status_t takePicture();
virtual status_t cancelPicture();
virtual status_t setParameters(const CameraParameters& params);
virtual CameraParameters getParameters() const;
virtual status_t sendCommand(int32_t command, int32_t arg1, int32_t arg2);
virtual void release();
virtual status_t dump(int fd) const;
inline int getCameraId() const;
class PreviewThread : public Thread {
ExynosCameraHWInterface *mHardware;
PreviewThread(ExynosCameraHWInterface *hw):
mHardware(hw) { }
virtual void onFirstRef() {
//run("CameraPreviewThread", PRIORITY_URGENT_DISPLAY);
run("CameraPreviewThread", PRIORITY_DEFAULT);
virtual bool threadLoop() {
return false;
class VideoThread : public Thread {
ExynosCameraHWInterface *mHardware;
VideoThread(ExynosCameraHWInterface *hw):
mHardware(hw) { }
virtual void onFirstRef() {
run("CameraVideoThread", PRIORITY_DEFAULT);
virtual bool threadLoop() {
return false;
class PictureThread : public Thread {
ExynosCameraHWInterface *mHardware;
PictureThread(ExynosCameraHWInterface *hw):
mHardware(hw) { }
virtual bool threadLoop() {
return false;
class AutoFocusThread : public Thread {
ExynosCameraHWInterface *mHardware;
AutoFocusThread(ExynosCameraHWInterface *hw): Thread(false), mHardware(hw) { }
virtual void onFirstRef() {
run("CameraAutoFocusThread", PRIORITY_DEFAULT);
virtual bool threadLoop() {
return true;
void m_initDefaultParameters(int cameraId);
bool m_startPreviewInternal(void);
void m_stopPreviewInternal(void);
bool m_previewThreadFuncWrapper(void);
bool m_previewThreadFunc(void);
bool m_videoThreadFuncWrapper(void);
bool m_videoThreadFunc(void);
bool m_autoFocusThreadFunc(void);
bool m_startPictureInternal(void);
bool m_stopPictureInternal(void);
bool m_pictureThreadFunc(void);
int m_saveJpeg(unsigned char *real_jpeg, int jpeg_size);
void m_savePostView(const char *fname, uint8_t *buf,
uint32_t size);
int m_decodeInterleaveData(unsigned char *pInterleaveData,
int interleaveDataSize,
int yuvWidth,
int yuvHeight,
int *pJpegSize,
void *pJpegData,
void *pYuvData);
bool m_YUY2toNV21(void *srcBuf, void *dstBuf, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHeight);
bool m_scaleDownYuv422(char *srcBuf, uint32_t srcWidth,
uint32_t srcHight, char *dstBuf,
uint32_t dstWidth, uint32_t dstHight);
bool m_checkVideoStartMarker(unsigned char *pBuf);
bool m_checkEOIMarker(unsigned char *pBuf);
bool m_findEOIMarkerInJPEG(unsigned char *pBuf,
int dwBufSize, int *pnJPEGsize);
bool m_splitFrame(unsigned char *pFrame, int dwSize,
int dwJPEGLineLength, int dwVideoLineLength,
int dwVideoHeight, void *pJPEG,
int *pdwJPEGSize, void *pVideo,
int *pdwVideoSize);
void m_setSkipFrame(int frame);
bool m_isSupportedPreviewSize(const int width, const int height) const;
void m_getAlignedYUVSize(int colorFormat, int w, int h, ExynosBuffer *buf);
bool m_getResolutionList(String8 & string8Buf, char * strBuf, int w, int h);
bool m_getZoomRatioList(String8 & string8Buf, char * strBuf, int maxZoom, int start, int end);
int m_bracketsStr2Ints(char *str, int num, ExynosRect2 *rect2s, int *weights);
bool m_subBracketsStr2Ints(int num, char *str, int *arr);
bool m_getRatioSize(int src_w, int src_h,
int dst_w, int dst_h,
int *crop_x, int *crop_y,
int *crop_w, int *crop_h,
int zoom);
int m_calibratePosition(int w, int new_w, int x);
bool m_fileDump(char *filename, void *srcBuf, uint32_t size);
sp<PreviewThread> m_previewThread;
sp<VideoThread> m_videoThread;
sp<AutoFocusThread> m_autoFocusThread;
sp<PictureThread> m_pictureThread;
/* used by auto focus thread to block until it's told to run */
mutable Mutex m_focusLock;
mutable Condition m_focusCondition;
bool m_exitAutoFocusThread;
/* used by preview thread to block until it's told to run */
mutable Mutex m_previewLock;
mutable Condition m_previewCondition;
mutable Condition m_previewStoppedCondition;
bool m_previewRunning;
bool m_exitPreviewThread;
bool m_previewStartDeferred;
mutable Mutex m_videoLock;
mutable Condition m_videoCondition;
mutable Condition m_videoStoppedCondition;
bool m_videoRunning;
bool m_videoStart;
bool m_exitVideoThread;
bool m_recordingHint;
void *m_grallocVirtAddr[NUM_OF_PREVIEW_BUF];
int m_matchedGrallocIndex[NUM_OF_PREVIEW_BUF];
ExynosBuffer m_pictureBuf;
ExynosBuffer copy_previewBuf;
struct ExynosBufferQueue {
ExynosBuffer buf;
ExynosBufferQueue *next;
ExynosBufferQueue *m_oldPictureBufQueueHead;
ExynosBufferQueue m_oldPictureBufQueue[NUM_OF_PICTURE_BUF];
mutable Mutex m_pictureLock;
mutable Condition m_pictureCondition;
bool m_pictureRunning;
bool m_captureInProgress;
int m_numOfAvaliblePictureBuf;
ExynosRect m_orgPreviewRect;
ExynosRect m_orgPictureRect;
ExynosRect m_orgVideoRect;
void *m_exynosPreviewCSC;
void *m_exynosPictureCSC;
void *m_exynosVideoCSC;
preview_stream_ops *m_previewWindow;
/* used to guard threading state */
mutable Mutex m_stateLock;
CameraParameters m_params;
CameraParameters m_internalParams;
camera_memory_t *m_previewHeap[NUM_OF_PREVIEW_BUF];
buffer_handle_t *m_previewBufHandle[NUM_OF_PREVIEW_BUF];
int m_previewStride[NUM_OF_PREVIEW_BUF];
bool m_avaliblePreviewBufHandle[NUM_OF_PREVIEW_BUF];
bool m_flagGrallocLocked[NUM_OF_PREVIEW_BUF];
int m_minUndequeuedBufs;
int m_numOfAvailableVideoBuf;
int m_cntVideoBuf;
camera_memory_t *m_videoHeap[NUM_OF_VIDEO_BUF];
camera_memory_t *m_resizedVideoHeap[NUM_OF_VIDEO_BUF];
camera_memory_t *m_pictureHeap[NUM_OF_PICTURE_BUF];
int m_pictureFds[NUM_OF_PICTURE_BUF][3];
camera_memory_t *m_rawHeap;
int m_ion_client;
camera_frame_metadata_t m_frameMetadata;
camera_face_t m_faces[NUM_OF_DETECTED_FACES];
bool m_faceDetected;
ExynosCamera *m_secCamera;
mutable Mutex m_skipFrameLock;
int m_skipFrame;
camera_notify_callback m_notifyCb;
camera_data_callback m_dataCb;
camera_data_timestamp_callback m_dataCbTimestamp;
camera_request_memory m_getMemoryCb;
void *m_callbackCookie;
int32_t m_msgEnabled;
Vector<Size> m_supportedPreviewSizes;
camera_device_t *m_halDevice;
static gralloc_module_t const* m_grallocHal;
}; // namespace android