Revert "Provide HIDL support for RIL commands in ril.cpp (patch 2)."

This reverts commit a8b3a345897154f3b5fedeef0367f2703c266ef4.
Bug: 35104859

Change-Id: Iea8725f03fff563f27b9b643b2d772c58ed3039a
(cherry picked from commit 3cc725bbcf28c676e10b361089229d2ac6d1d262)
diff --git a/libril/ril.cpp b/libril/ril.cpp
index 8acfa56..96ca84c 100644
--- a/libril/ril.cpp
+++ b/libril/ril.cpp
@@ -234,6 +234,10 @@
         RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 static int responseSMS(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
         RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
+static int responseSIM_IO(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
+        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
+static int responseCallForwards(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
+        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 static int responseDataCallList(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
         int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 static int responseSetupDataCall(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
@@ -242,8 +246,14 @@
         RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 static int responseSsn(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
         RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
+static int responseGsmBrSmsCnf(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
+        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
+static int responseCdmaBrSmsCnf(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
+        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 static int responseCdmaSms(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
         RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
+static int responseCellList(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
+        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 static int responseCdmaInformationRecords(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
         int responseType, int token, RIL_Errno e,void *response, size_t responselen);
 static int responseRilSignalStrength(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
@@ -266,8 +276,14 @@
         int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 static int responseSSData(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
         RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
+static int responseLceStatus(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
+        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 static int responseLceData(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
         RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
+static int responseActivityData(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
+        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
+static int responseCarrierRestrictions(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
+        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 static int responsePcoData(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
         RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
@@ -2398,6 +2414,104 @@
     return 0;
+static int responseCallList(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
+        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
+    int num;
+    if (response == NULL && responselen != 0) {
+        RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
+    }
+    if (responselen % sizeof (RIL_Call *) != 0) {
+        RLOGE("responseCallList: invalid response length %d expected multiple of %d\n",
+            (int)responselen, (int)sizeof (RIL_Call *));
+    }
+    startResponse;
+    /* number of call info's */
+    num = responselen / sizeof(RIL_Call *);
+    p.writeInt32(num);
+    for (int i = 0 ; i < num ; i++) {
+        RIL_Call *p_cur = ((RIL_Call **) response)[i];
+        /* each call info */
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur->state);
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur->index);
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur->toa);
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur->isMpty);
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur->isMT);
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur->als);
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur->isVoice);
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur->isVoicePrivacy);
+        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur->number);
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur->numberPresentation);
+        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur->name);
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur->namePresentation);
+        // Remove when partners upgrade to version 3
+        if (s_callbacks.version < 3 || p_cur->uusInfo == NULL || p_cur->uusInfo->uusData == NULL) {
+            p.writeInt32(0); /* UUS Information is absent */
+        } else {
+            RIL_UUS_Info *uusInfo = p_cur->uusInfo;
+            p.writeInt32(1); /* UUS Information is present */
+            p.writeInt32(uusInfo->uusType);
+            p.writeInt32(uusInfo->uusDcs);
+            p.writeInt32(uusInfo->uusLength);
+            p.write(uusInfo->uusData, uusInfo->uusLength);
+        }
+        appendPrintBuf("%s[id=%d,%s,toa=%d,",
+            printBuf,
+            p_cur->index,
+            callStateToString(p_cur->state),
+            p_cur->toa);
+        appendPrintBuf("%s%s,%s,als=%d,%s,%s,",
+            printBuf,
+            (p_cur->isMpty)?"conf":"norm",
+            (p_cur->isMT)?"mt":"mo",
+            p_cur->als,
+            (p_cur->isVoice)?"voc":"nonvoc",
+            (p_cur->isVoicePrivacy)?"evp":"noevp");
+        appendPrintBuf("%s%s,cli=%d,name='%s',%d]",
+            printBuf,
+            p_cur->number,
+            p_cur->numberPresentation,
+            p_cur->name,
+            p_cur->namePresentation);
+    }
+    removeLastChar;
+    closeResponse;
+    return 0;
+static int responseSMS(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
+        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
+    if (response == NULL) {
+        RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
+    }
+    if (responselen != sizeof (RIL_SMS_Response) ) {
+        RLOGE("invalid response length %d expected %d",
+                (int)responselen, (int)sizeof (RIL_SMS_Response));
+    }
+    RIL_SMS_Response *p_cur = (RIL_SMS_Response *) response;
+    p.writeInt32(p_cur->messageRef);
+    writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur->ackPDU);
+    p.writeInt32(p_cur->errorCode);
+    startResponse;
+    appendPrintBuf("%s%d,%s,%d", printBuf, p_cur->messageRef,
+        (char*)p_cur->ackPDU, p_cur->errorCode);
+    closeResponse;
+    return 0;
 static int responseDataCallListV4(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
         int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
     if (response == NULL && responselen != 0) {
@@ -2651,6 +2765,75 @@
     return 0;
+static int responseSIM_IO(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
+        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
+    if (response == NULL) {
+        RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
+    }
+    if (responselen != sizeof (RIL_SIM_IO_Response) ) {
+        RLOGE("invalid response length was %d expected %d",
+                (int)responselen, (int)sizeof (RIL_SIM_IO_Response));
+    }
+    RIL_SIM_IO_Response *p_cur = (RIL_SIM_IO_Response *) response;
+    p.writeInt32(p_cur->sw1);
+    p.writeInt32(p_cur->sw2);
+    writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur->simResponse);
+    startResponse;
+    appendPrintBuf("%ssw1=0x%X,sw2=0x%X,%s", printBuf, p_cur->sw1, p_cur->sw2,
+        (char*)p_cur->simResponse);
+    closeResponse;
+    return 0;
+static int responseCallForwards(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
+        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
+    int num;
+    if (response == NULL && responselen != 0) {
+        RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
+    }
+    if (responselen % sizeof(RIL_CallForwardInfo *) != 0) {
+        RLOGE("responseCallForwards: invalid response length %d expected multiple of %d",
+                (int)responselen, (int)sizeof(RIL_CallForwardInfo *));
+    }
+    /* number of call info's */
+    num = responselen / sizeof(RIL_CallForwardInfo *);
+    p.writeInt32(num);
+    startResponse;
+    for (int i = 0 ; i < num ; i++) {
+        RIL_CallForwardInfo *p_cur = ((RIL_CallForwardInfo **) response)[i];
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur->status);
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur->reason);
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur->serviceClass);
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur->toa);
+        writeStringToParcel(p, p_cur->number);
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur->timeSeconds);
+        appendPrintBuf("%s[%s,reason=%d,cls=%d,toa=%d,%s,tout=%d],", printBuf,
+            (p_cur->status==1)?"enable":"disable",
+            p_cur->reason, p_cur->serviceClass, p_cur->toa,
+            (char*)p_cur->number,
+            p_cur->timeSeconds);
+    }
+    removeLastChar;
+    closeResponse;
+    return 0;
 static int responseSsn(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
         RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
     if (response == NULL) {
@@ -2681,6 +2864,41 @@
     return 0;
+static int responseCellList(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
+        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
+    int num;
+    if (response == NULL && responselen != 0) {
+        RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
+    }
+    if (responselen % sizeof (RIL_NeighboringCell *) != 0) {
+        RLOGE("responseCellList: invalid response length %d expected multiple of %d\n",
+            (int)responselen, (int)sizeof (RIL_NeighboringCell *));
+    }
+    startResponse;
+    /* number of records */
+    num = responselen / sizeof(RIL_NeighboringCell *);
+    p.writeInt32(num);
+    for (int i = 0 ; i < num ; i++) {
+        RIL_NeighboringCell *p_cur = ((RIL_NeighboringCell **) response)[i];
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur->rssi);
+        writeStringToParcel (p, p_cur->cid);
+        appendPrintBuf("%s[cid=%s,rssi=%d],", printBuf,
+            p_cur->cid, p_cur->rssi);
+    }
+    removeLastChar;
+    closeResponse;
+    return 0;
  * Marshall the signalInfoRecord into the parcel if it exists.
@@ -3454,6 +3672,56 @@
+static int responseGsmBrSmsCnf(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
+        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
+    int num = responselen / sizeof(RIL_GSM_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo *);
+    p.writeInt32(num);
+    startResponse;
+    RIL_GSM_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo **p_cur =
+                (RIL_GSM_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo **) response;
+    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur[i]->fromServiceId);
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur[i]->toServiceId);
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur[i]->fromCodeScheme);
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur[i]->toCodeScheme);
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur[i]->selected);
+        appendPrintBuf("%s [%d: fromServiceId=%d, toServiceId=%d, \
+                fromCodeScheme=%d, toCodeScheme=%d, selected =%d]",
+                printBuf, i, p_cur[i]->fromServiceId, p_cur[i]->toServiceId,
+                p_cur[i]->fromCodeScheme, p_cur[i]->toCodeScheme,
+                p_cur[i]->selected);
+    }
+    closeResponse;
+    return 0;
+static int responseCdmaBrSmsCnf(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
+        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
+    RIL_CDMA_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo **p_cur =
+               (RIL_CDMA_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo **) response;
+    int num = responselen / sizeof (RIL_CDMA_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo *);
+    p.writeInt32(num);
+    startResponse;
+    for (int i = 0 ; i < num ; i++ ) {
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur[i]->service_category);
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur[i]->language);
+        p.writeInt32(p_cur[i]->selected);
+        appendPrintBuf("%s [%d: srvice_category=%d, language =%d, \
+              selected =%d], ",
+              printBuf, i, p_cur[i]->service_category, p_cur[i]->language,
+              p_cur[i]->selected);
+    }
+    closeResponse;
+    return 0;
 static int responseCdmaSms(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
         RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
     int num;
@@ -3535,6 +3803,31 @@
     return 0;
+static int responseLceStatus(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
+        RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
+  if (response == NULL || responselen != sizeof(RIL_LceStatusInfo)) {
+    if (response == NULL) {
+      RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
+    }
+    else {
+      RLOGE("responseLceStatus: invalid response length %u expecting len: %u",
+            (unsigned)sizeof(RIL_LceStatusInfo), (unsigned)responselen);
+    }
+  }
+  RIL_LceStatusInfo *p_cur = (RIL_LceStatusInfo *)response;
+  p.write((void *)p_cur, 1);  // p_cur->lce_status takes one byte.
+  p.writeInt32(p_cur->actual_interval_ms);
+  startResponse;
+  appendPrintBuf("LCE Status: %d, actual_interval_ms: %d",
+                 p_cur->lce_status, p_cur->actual_interval_ms);
+  closeResponse;
+  return 0;
 static int responseLceData(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
         RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
   if (response == NULL || responselen != sizeof(RIL_LceDataInfo)) {
@@ -3565,6 +3858,85 @@
   return 0;
+static int responseActivityData(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
+        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
+  if (response == NULL || responselen != sizeof(RIL_ActivityStatsInfo)) {
+    if (response == NULL) {
+      RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
+    }
+    else {
+      RLOGE("responseActivityData: invalid response length %u expecting len: %u",
+            (unsigned)sizeof(RIL_ActivityStatsInfo), (unsigned)responselen);
+    }
+  }
+  RIL_ActivityStatsInfo *p_cur = (RIL_ActivityStatsInfo *)response;
+  p.writeInt32(p_cur->sleep_mode_time_ms);
+  p.writeInt32(p_cur->idle_mode_time_ms);
+  for(int i = 0; i < RIL_NUM_TX_POWER_LEVELS; i++) {
+    p.writeInt32(p_cur->tx_mode_time_ms[i]);
+  }
+  p.writeInt32(p_cur->rx_mode_time_ms);
+  startResponse;
+  appendPrintBuf("Modem activity info received: sleep_mode_time_ms %d idle_mode_time_ms %d \
+                  tx_mode_time_ms %d %d %d %d %d and rx_mode_time_ms %d",
+                  p_cur->sleep_mode_time_ms, p_cur->idle_mode_time_ms, p_cur->tx_mode_time_ms[0],
+                  p_cur->tx_mode_time_ms[1], p_cur->tx_mode_time_ms[2], p_cur->tx_mode_time_ms[3],
+                  p_cur->tx_mode_time_ms[4], p_cur->rx_mode_time_ms);
+   closeResponse;
+  return 0;
+static int responseCarrierRestrictions(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
+        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
+  if (response == NULL) {
+    RLOGE("invalid response: NULL");
+  }
+  if (responselen != sizeof(RIL_CarrierRestrictions)) {
+    RLOGE("responseCarrierRestrictions: invalid response length %u expecting len: %u",
+          (unsigned)responselen, (unsigned)sizeof(RIL_CarrierRestrictions));
+  }
+  RIL_CarrierRestrictions *p_cr = (RIL_CarrierRestrictions *)response;
+  startResponse;
+  p.writeInt32(p_cr->len_allowed_carriers);
+  p.writeInt32(p_cr->len_excluded_carriers);
+  appendPrintBuf(" %s len_allowed_carriers: %d, len_excluded_carriers: %d,", printBuf,
+                 p_cr->len_allowed_carriers,p_cr->len_excluded_carriers);
+  appendPrintBuf(" %s allowed_carriers:", printBuf);
+  for(int32_t i = 0; i < p_cr->len_allowed_carriers; i++) {
+    RIL_Carrier *carrier = p_cr->allowed_carriers + i;
+    writeStringToParcel(p, carrier->mcc);
+    writeStringToParcel(p, carrier->mnc);
+    p.writeInt32(carrier->match_type);
+    writeStringToParcel(p, carrier->match_data);
+    appendPrintBuf(" %s [%d mcc: %s, mnc: %s, match_type: %d, match_data: %s],", printBuf,
+                   i, carrier->mcc, carrier->mnc, carrier->match_type, carrier->match_data);
+  }
+  appendPrintBuf(" %s excluded_carriers:", printBuf);
+  for(int32_t i = 0; i < p_cr->len_excluded_carriers; i++) {
+    RIL_Carrier *carrier = p_cr->excluded_carriers + i;
+    writeStringToParcel(p, carrier->mcc);
+    writeStringToParcel(p, carrier->mnc);
+    p.writeInt32(carrier->match_type);
+    writeStringToParcel(p, carrier->match_data);
+    appendPrintBuf(" %s [%d mcc: %s, mnc: %s, match_type: %d, match_data: %s],", printBuf,
+                   i, carrier->mcc, carrier->mnc, carrier->match_type, carrier->match_data);
+  }
+  closeResponse;
+  return 0;
 static int responsePcoData(Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType, int token,
         RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
   if (response == NULL) {
@@ -4505,30 +4877,28 @@
         p.writeInt32 (RESPONSE_SOLICITED_ACK);
         p.writeInt32 (pRI->token);
-        // TODO : Below block of if condition will go away once below commands are converted
-        // to hidl supported apis. They are left out as they use common functions used by
-        // unsolicited commands present in other CL
-        int cmdId = pRI->pCI->requestNumber;
-                && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_DATA_CALL_LIST && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_OEM_HOOK_RAW
-                && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST
-                && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_SET_INITIAL_ATTACH_APN
-                && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_SET_DATA_PROFILE
-                && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG
-                && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_GET_RADIO_CAPABILITY
-                && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_SET_RADIO_CAPABILITY
-                && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_PULL_LCEDATA) {
-            pthread_rwlock_t *radioServiceRwlockPtr = radio::getRadioServiceRwlock(
-                    (int) socket_id);
-            int rwlockRet = pthread_rwlock_rdlock(radioServiceRwlockPtr);
-            assert(rwlockRet == 0);
+        switch(pRI->pCI->requestNumber) {
+            case RIL_REQUEST_GET_SIM_STATUS:
+            case RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PIN:
+            case RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PUK:
+            case RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PIN2:
+            case RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PUK2:
+            case RIL_REQUEST_CHANGE_SIM_PIN:
+            case RIL_REQUEST_CHANGE_SIM_PIN2:
+            case RIL_REQUEST_DIAL:
+                pthread_rwlock_t *radioServiceRwlockPtr = radio::getRadioServiceRwlock(
+                        (int) socket_id);
+                int rwlockRet = pthread_rwlock_rdlock(radioServiceRwlockPtr);
+                assert(rwlockRet == 0);
-            radio::acknowledgeRequest((int) socket_id, pRI->token);
+                radio::acknowledgeRequest((int) socket_id, pRI->token);
-            rwlockRet = pthread_rwlock_unlock(radioServiceRwlockPtr);
-            assert(rwlockRet == 0);
+                rwlockRet = pthread_rwlock_unlock(radioServiceRwlockPtr);
+                assert(rwlockRet == 0);
-            return;
+                return;
         if (fd < 0) {
@@ -4590,17 +4960,19 @@
         p.writeInt32 (e);
         bool hidlized = false;
-        int cmdId = pRI->pCI->requestNumber;
-                && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_DATA_CALL_LIST && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_OEM_HOOK_RAW
-                && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST
-                && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_SET_INITIAL_ATTACH_APN
-                && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_SET_DATA_PROFILE
-                && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG
-                && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_GET_RADIO_CAPABILITY
-                && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_SET_RADIO_CAPABILITY
-                && cmdId != RIL_REQUEST_PULL_LCEDATA) {
-            hidlized = true;
+        switch(pRI->pCI->requestNumber) {
+            case RIL_REQUEST_GET_SIM_STATUS:
+            case RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PIN:
+            case RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PUK:
+            case RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PIN2:
+            case RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PUK2:
+            case RIL_REQUEST_CHANGE_SIM_PIN:
+            case RIL_REQUEST_CHANGE_SIM_PIN2:
+            case RIL_REQUEST_DIAL:
+                hidlized = true;
+                break;
         if (response != NULL || hidlized) {
diff --git a/libril/ril_commands.h b/libril/ril_commands.h
index 69cc327..1097759 100644
--- a/libril/ril_commands.h
+++ b/libril/ril_commands.h
@@ -25,130 +25,130 @@
     {RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_NETWORK_DEPERSONALIZATION, dispatchStrings, radio::supplyNetworkDepersonalizationResponse},
     {RIL_REQUEST_GET_CURRENT_CALLS, dispatchVoid, radio::getCurrentCallsResponse},
     {RIL_REQUEST_DIAL, dispatchDial, radio::dialResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_IMSI, dispatchStrings, radio::getIMSIForAppResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_HANGUP, dispatchInts, radio::hangupConnectionResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_HANGUP_WAITING_OR_BACKGROUND, dispatchVoid, radio::hangupWaitingOrBackgroundResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_HANGUP_FOREGROUND_RESUME_BACKGROUND, dispatchVoid, radio::hangupForegroundResumeBackgroundResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SWITCH_WAITING_OR_HOLDING_AND_ACTIVE, dispatchVoid, radio::switchWaitingOrHoldingAndActiveResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CONFERENCE, dispatchVoid, radio::conferenceResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_UDUB, dispatchVoid, radio::rejectCallResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_LAST_CALL_FAIL_CAUSE, dispatchVoid, radio::getLastCallFailCauseResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_IMSI, dispatchStrings, responseString},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_HANGUP, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_HANGUP_WAITING_OR_BACKGROUND, dispatchVoid, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CONFERENCE, dispatchVoid, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_UDUB, dispatchVoid, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_LAST_CALL_FAIL_CAUSE, dispatchVoid, responseFailCause},
     {RIL_REQUEST_SIGNAL_STRENGTH, dispatchVoid, responseRilSignalStrength},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE, dispatchVoid, radio::getVoiceRegistrationStateResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE, dispatchVoid, radio::getDataRegistrationStateResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_OPERATOR, dispatchVoid, radio::getOperatorResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_RADIO_POWER, dispatchInts, radio::setRadioPowerResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_DTMF, dispatchString, radio::sendDtmfResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SEND_SMS, dispatchStrings, radio::sendSmsResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SEND_SMS_EXPECT_MORE, dispatchStrings, radio::sendSMSExpectMoreResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE, dispatchVoid, responseStrings},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE, dispatchVoid, responseStrings},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_OPERATOR, dispatchVoid, responseStrings},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_RADIO_POWER, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_DTMF, dispatchString, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SEND_SMS, dispatchStrings, responseSMS},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SEND_SMS_EXPECT_MORE, dispatchStrings, responseSMS},
     {RIL_REQUEST_SETUP_DATA_CALL, dispatchDataCall, responseSetupDataCall},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_IO, dispatchSIM_IO, radio::iccIOForAppResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SEND_USSD, dispatchString, radio::sendUssdResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CANCEL_USSD, dispatchVoid, radio::cancelPendingUssdResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_CLIR, dispatchVoid, radio::getClirResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_CLIR, dispatchInts, radio::setClirResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_CALL_FORWARD_STATUS, dispatchCallForward, radio::getCallForwardStatusResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_CALL_FORWARD, dispatchCallForward, radio::setCallForwardResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_CALL_WAITING, dispatchInts, radio::getCallWaitingResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_CALL_WAITING, dispatchInts, radio::setCallWaitingResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SMS_ACKNOWLEDGE, dispatchInts, radio::acknowledgeLastIncomingGsmSmsResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_IO, dispatchSIM_IO, responseSIM_IO},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SEND_USSD, dispatchString, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CANCEL_USSD, dispatchVoid, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_CLIR, dispatchVoid, responseInts},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_CLIR, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_CALL_FORWARD_STATUS, dispatchCallForward, responseCallForwards},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_CALL_FORWARD, dispatchCallForward, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_CALL_WAITING, dispatchInts, responseInts},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_CALL_WAITING, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SMS_ACKNOWLEDGE, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
     {RIL_REQUEST_GET_IMEI, dispatchVoid, responseString},
     {RIL_REQUEST_GET_IMEISV, dispatchVoid, responseString},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_ANSWER,dispatchVoid, radio::acceptCallResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_DEACTIVATE_DATA_CALL, dispatchStrings, radio::deactivateDataCallResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK, dispatchStrings, radio::getFacilityLockForAppResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_FACILITY_LOCK, dispatchStrings, radio::setFacilityLockForAppResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CHANGE_BARRING_PASSWORD, dispatchStrings, radio::setBarringPasswordResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE, dispatchVoid, radio::getNetworkSelectionModeResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_NETWORK_SELECTION_AUTOMATIC, dispatchVoid, radio::setNetworkSelectionModeAutomaticResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_NETWORK_SELECTION_MANUAL, dispatchString, radio::setNetworkSelectionModeManualResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_AVAILABLE_NETWORKS , dispatchVoid, radio::getAvailableNetworksResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_DTMF_START, dispatchString, radio::startDtmfResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_DTMF_STOP, dispatchVoid, radio::stopDtmfResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_BASEBAND_VERSION, dispatchVoid, radio::getBasebandVersionResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SEPARATE_CONNECTION, dispatchInts, radio::separateConnectionResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_MUTE, dispatchInts, radio::setMuteResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_MUTE, dispatchVoid, radio::getMuteResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_CLIP, dispatchVoid, radio::getClipResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_ANSWER,dispatchVoid, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_DEACTIVATE_DATA_CALL, dispatchStrings, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK, dispatchStrings, responseInts},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_FACILITY_LOCK, dispatchStrings, responseInts},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CHANGE_BARRING_PASSWORD, dispatchStrings, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE, dispatchVoid, responseInts},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_NETWORK_SELECTION_MANUAL, dispatchString, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_AVAILABLE_NETWORKS , dispatchVoid, responseStrings},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_DTMF_START, dispatchString, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_DTMF_STOP, dispatchVoid, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_BASEBAND_VERSION, dispatchVoid, responseString},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SEPARATE_CONNECTION, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_MUTE, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_MUTE, dispatchVoid, responseInts},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_CLIP, dispatchVoid, responseInts},
     {RIL_REQUEST_LAST_DATA_CALL_FAIL_CAUSE, dispatchVoid, responseInts},
     {RIL_REQUEST_DATA_CALL_LIST, dispatchVoid, responseDataCallList},
     {RIL_REQUEST_RESET_RADIO, dispatchVoid, responseVoid},
     {RIL_REQUEST_OEM_HOOK_RAW, dispatchRaw, responseRaw},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_OEM_HOOK_STRINGS, dispatchStrings, radio::sendOemRilRequestStringsResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SCREEN_STATE, dispatchInts, radio::sendScreenStateResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_SUPP_SVC_NOTIFICATION, dispatchInts, radio::setSuppServiceNotificationsResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_WRITE_SMS_TO_SIM, dispatchSmsWrite, radio::writeSmsToSimResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_DELETE_SMS_ON_SIM, dispatchInts, radio::deleteSmsOnSimResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_BAND_MODE, dispatchInts, radio::setBandModeResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_AVAILABLE_BAND_MODE, dispatchVoid, radio::getAvailableBandModesResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_OEM_HOOK_STRINGS, dispatchStrings, responseStrings},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SCREEN_STATE, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_SUPP_SVC_NOTIFICATION, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_WRITE_SMS_TO_SIM, dispatchSmsWrite, responseInts},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_DELETE_SMS_ON_SIM, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_BAND_MODE, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_AVAILABLE_BAND_MODE, dispatchVoid, responseInts},
     {RIL_REQUEST_STK_GET_PROFILE, dispatchVoid, responseString},
     {RIL_REQUEST_STK_SET_PROFILE, dispatchString, responseVoid},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_STK_SEND_ENVELOPE_COMMAND, dispatchString, radio::sendEnvelopeResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_STK_SEND_TERMINAL_RESPONSE, dispatchString, radio::sendTerminalResponseToSimResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_STK_HANDLE_CALL_SETUP_REQUESTED_FROM_SIM, dispatchInts, radio::handleStkCallSetupRequestFromSimResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_EXPLICIT_CALL_TRANSFER, dispatchVoid, radio::explicitCallTransferResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE, dispatchInts, radio::setPreferredNetworkTypeResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE, dispatchVoid, radio::getPreferredNetworkTypeResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS, dispatchVoid, radio::getNeighboringCidsResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_LOCATION_UPDATES, dispatchInts, radio::setLocationUpdatesResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE, dispatchInts, radio::setCdmaSubscriptionSourceResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_ROAMING_PREFERENCE, dispatchInts, radio::setCdmaRoamingPreferenceResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_QUERY_ROAMING_PREFERENCE, dispatchVoid, radio::getCdmaRoamingPreferenceResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_TTY_MODE, dispatchInts, radio::setTTYModeResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_TTY_MODE, dispatchVoid, radio::getTTYModeResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_PREFERRED_VOICE_PRIVACY_MODE, dispatchInts, radio::setPreferredVoicePrivacyResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_QUERY_PREFERRED_VOICE_PRIVACY_MODE, dispatchVoid, radio::getPreferredVoicePrivacyResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_FLASH, dispatchString, radio::sendCDMAFeatureCodeResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_BURST_DTMF, dispatchStrings, radio::sendBurstDtmfResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_STK_SEND_ENVELOPE_COMMAND, dispatchString, responseString},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_STK_SEND_TERMINAL_RESPONSE, dispatchString, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_EXPLICIT_CALL_TRANSFER, dispatchVoid, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE, dispatchVoid, responseInts},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS, dispatchVoid, responseCellList},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_LOCATION_UPDATES, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_ROAMING_PREFERENCE, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_QUERY_ROAMING_PREFERENCE, dispatchVoid, responseInts},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_TTY_MODE, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_TTY_MODE, dispatchVoid, responseInts},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_FLASH, dispatchString, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_BURST_DTMF, dispatchStrings, responseVoid},
     {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_VALIDATE_AND_WRITE_AKEY, dispatchString, responseVoid},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SEND_SMS, dispatchCdmaSms, radio::sendCdmaSmsResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SMS_ACKNOWLEDGE, dispatchCdmaSmsAck, radio::acknowledgeLastIncomingCdmaSmsResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GSM_GET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG, dispatchVoid, radio::getGsmBroadcastConfigResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG, dispatchGsmBrSmsCnf, radio::setGsmBroadcastConfigResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION, dispatchInts, radio::setGsmBroadcastActivationResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_GET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG, dispatchVoid, radio::getCdmaBroadcastConfigResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG, dispatchCdmaBrSmsCnf, radio::setCdmaBroadcastConfigResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION, dispatchInts, radio::setCdmaBroadcastActivationResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION, dispatchVoid, radio::getCDMASubscriptionResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_WRITE_SMS_TO_RUIM, dispatchRilCdmaSmsWriteArgs, radio::writeSmsToRuimResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_DELETE_SMS_ON_RUIM, dispatchInts, radio::deleteSmsOnRuimResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_DEVICE_IDENTITY, dispatchVoid, radio::getDeviceIdentityResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_EXIT_EMERGENCY_CALLBACK_MODE, dispatchVoid, radio::exitEmergencyCallbackModeResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_SMSC_ADDRESS, dispatchVoid, radio::getSmscAddressResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_SMSC_ADDRESS, dispatchString, radio::setSmscAddressResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_REPORT_SMS_MEMORY_STATUS, dispatchInts, radio::reportSmsMemoryStatusResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SEND_SMS, dispatchCdmaSms, responseSMS},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SMS_ACKNOWLEDGE, dispatchCdmaSmsAck, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GSM_GET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG, dispatchVoid, responseGsmBrSmsCnf},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG, dispatchGsmBrSmsCnf, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_GET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG, dispatchVoid, responseCdmaBrSmsCnf},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG, dispatchCdmaBrSmsCnf, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION, dispatchVoid, responseStrings},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_WRITE_SMS_TO_RUIM, dispatchRilCdmaSmsWriteArgs, responseInts},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_DELETE_SMS_ON_RUIM, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_DEVICE_IDENTITY, dispatchVoid, responseStrings},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_EXIT_EMERGENCY_CALLBACK_MODE, dispatchVoid, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_SMSC_ADDRESS, dispatchVoid, responseString},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_SMSC_ADDRESS, dispatchString, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_REPORT_SMS_MEMORY_STATUS, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
     {RIL_REQUEST_REPORT_STK_SERVICE_IS_RUNNING, dispatchVoid, responseVoid},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_GET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE, dispatchVoid, radio::getCdmaSubscriptionSourceResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_ISIM_AUTHENTICATION, dispatchString, radio::requestIsimAuthenticationResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_ACKNOWLEDGE_INCOMING_GSM_SMS_WITH_PDU, dispatchStrings, radio::acknowledgeIncomingGsmSmsWithPduResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_STK_SEND_ENVELOPE_WITH_STATUS, dispatchString, radio::sendEnvelopeWithStatusResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_VOICE_RADIO_TECH, dispatchVoid, radio::getVoiceRadioTechnologyResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_GET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE, dispatchVoid, responseInts},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_ISIM_AUTHENTICATION, dispatchString, responseString},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_ACKNOWLEDGE_INCOMING_GSM_SMS_WITH_PDU, dispatchStrings, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_VOICE_RADIO_TECH, dispatchVoid, responseInts},
     {RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST, dispatchVoid, responseCellInfoList},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOL_CELL_INFO_LIST_RATE, dispatchInts, radio::setCellInfoListRateResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOL_CELL_INFO_LIST_RATE, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
     {RIL_REQUEST_SET_INITIAL_ATTACH_APN, dispatchSetInitialAttachApn, responseVoid},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_IMS_REGISTRATION_STATE, dispatchVoid, radio::getImsRegistrationStateResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_IMS_SEND_SMS, dispatchImsSms, radio::sendImsSmsResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_TRANSMIT_APDU_BASIC, dispatchSIM_APDU, radio::iccTransmitApduBasicChannelResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_OPEN_CHANNEL, dispatchString, radio::iccOpenLogicalChannelResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_CLOSE_CHANNEL, dispatchInts, radio::iccCloseLogicalChannelResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_TRANSMIT_APDU_CHANNEL, dispatchSIM_APDU, radio::iccTransmitApduLogicalChannelResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_NV_READ_ITEM, dispatchNVReadItem, radio::nvReadItemResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_NV_WRITE_ITEM, dispatchNVWriteItem, radio::nvWriteItemResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_NV_WRITE_CDMA_PRL, dispatchRaw, radio::nvWriteCdmaPrlResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_NV_RESET_CONFIG, dispatchInts, radio::nvResetConfigResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_UICC_SUBSCRIPTION, dispatchUiccSubscripton, radio::setUiccSubscriptionResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_ALLOW_DATA, dispatchInts, radio::setDataAllowedResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_IMS_REGISTRATION_STATE, dispatchVoid, responseInts},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_IMS_SEND_SMS, dispatchImsSms, responseSMS},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_OPEN_CHANNEL, dispatchString, responseInts},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_CLOSE_CHANNEL, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_NV_READ_ITEM, dispatchNVReadItem, responseString},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_NV_WRITE_ITEM, dispatchNVWriteItem, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_NV_WRITE_CDMA_PRL, dispatchRaw, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_NV_RESET_CONFIG, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_UICC_SUBSCRIPTION, dispatchUiccSubscripton, responseVoid},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_ALLOW_DATA, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
     {RIL_REQUEST_GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG, dispatchVoid, responseHardwareConfig},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_AUTHENTICATION, dispatchSimAuthentication, radio::requestIccSimAuthenticationResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SIM_AUTHENTICATION, dispatchSimAuthentication, responseSIM_IO},
     {RIL_REQUEST_GET_DC_RT_INFO, dispatchVoid, responseDcRtInfo},
     {RIL_REQUEST_SET_DC_RT_INFO_RATE, dispatchInts, responseVoid},
     {RIL_REQUEST_SET_DATA_PROFILE, dispatchDataProfile, responseVoid},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SHUTDOWN, dispatchVoid, radio::requestShutdownResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SHUTDOWN, dispatchVoid, responseVoid},
     {RIL_REQUEST_GET_RADIO_CAPABILITY, dispatchVoid, responseRadioCapability},
     {RIL_REQUEST_SET_RADIO_CAPABILITY, dispatchRadioCapability, responseRadioCapability},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_START_LCE, dispatchInts, radio::startLceServiceResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_STOP_LCE, dispatchVoid, radio::stopLceServiceResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_START_LCE, dispatchInts, responseLceStatus},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_STOP_LCE, dispatchVoid, responseLceStatus},
     {RIL_REQUEST_PULL_LCEDATA, dispatchVoid, responseLceData},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_ACTIVITY_INFO, dispatchVoid, radio::getModemActivityInfoResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_CARRIER_RESTRICTIONS, dispatchCarrierRestrictions, radio::setAllowedCarriersResponse},
-    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_CARRIER_RESTRICTIONS, dispatchVoid, radio::getAllowedCarriersResponse},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_ACTIVITY_INFO, dispatchVoid, responseActivityData},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_SET_CARRIER_RESTRICTIONS, dispatchCarrierRestrictions, responseInts},
+    {RIL_REQUEST_GET_CARRIER_RESTRICTIONS, dispatchVoid, responseCarrierRestrictions},
diff --git a/libril/ril_service.cpp b/libril/ril_service.cpp
index d01beb0..a67c160 100644
--- a/libril/ril_service.cpp
+++ b/libril/ril_service.cpp
@@ -39,11 +39,7 @@
 using android::requestToString;
 using android::sp;
-#define BOOL_TO_INT(x) (x ? 1 : 0)
-#define ATOI_NULL_HANDLED(x) (x ? atoi(x) : -1)
-#define ATOI_NULL_HANDLED_DEF(x, defaultVal) (x ? atoi(x) : defaultVal)
-RIL_RadioFunctions *s_vendorFunctions = NULL;
+RIL_RadioFunctions *s_callbacks = NULL;
 static CommandInfo *s_commands;
 struct RadioImpl;
@@ -403,96 +399,50 @@
     void checkReturnStatus(Return<void>& ret);
-void memsetAndFreeStrings(int numPointers, ...) {
-    va_list ap;
-    va_start(ap, numPointers);
-    for (int i = 0; i < numPointers; i++) {
-        char *ptr = va_arg(ap, char *);
-        if (ptr) {
-            memsetString (ptr);
-            free(ptr);
-        }
-    }
-    va_end(ap);
- * Copies over src to dest. If memory allocation failes, responseFunction() is called for the
- * request with error RIL_E_NO_MEMORY.
- * Returns true on success, and false on failure.
- */
-bool copyHidlStringToRil(char **dest, const char *src, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    if (strcmp(src, "") == 0) {
-        *dest = NULL;
-        return true;
-    }
-    int len = strlen(src);
-    *dest = (char *) calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char));
-    if (*dest == NULL) {
-        RLOGE("Memory allocation failed for request %s", requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
-        android::Parcel p; // TODO: should delete this after translation of all commands is complete
-        pRI->pCI->responseFunction(p, (int) pRI->socket_id, pRI->pCI->requestNumber,
-                (int) RadioResponseType::SOLICITED, pRI->token, RIL_E_NO_MEMORY, NULL, 0);
-        return false;
-    }
-    strncpy(*dest, src, len + 1);
-    return true;
-hidl_string convertCharPtrToHidlString(const char *ptr) {
-    hidl_string ret;
-    if (ptr != NULL) {
-        ret.setToExternal(ptr, strlen(ptr));
-    }
-    return ret;
-bool dispatchVoid(int serial, int slotId, int request) {
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, slotId, request);
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(request, NULL, 0, pRI);
-    return true;
-bool dispatchStrings(int serial, int slotId, int request, int countStrings, ...) {
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, slotId, request);
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return false;
-    }
+void dispatchStrings(RequestInfo *pRI, int countStrings, ...) {
     char **pStrings;
     android::Parcel p;   // TODO: should delete this after translation of all commands is complete
     pStrings = (char **)calloc(countStrings, sizeof(char *));
     if (pStrings == NULL) {
-        RLOGE("Memory allocation failed for request %s", requestToString(request));
-        pRI->pCI->responseFunction(p, (int) pRI->socket_id, request,
+        RLOGE("Memory allocation failed for request %s",
+            requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
+        pRI->pCI->responseFunction(p, (int) pRI->socket_id, pRI->pCI->requestNumber,
                 (int) RadioResponseType::SOLICITED, pRI->token, RIL_E_NO_MEMORY, NULL, 0);
-        return false;
+        return;
     va_list ap;
     va_start(ap, countStrings);
     for (int i = 0; i < countStrings; i++) {
         const char* str = va_arg(ap, const char *);
-        if (!copyHidlStringToRil(&pStrings[i], str, pRI)) {
+        int len = strlen(str);
+        pStrings[i] = (char *) calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char));
+        if (pStrings[i] == NULL) {
+            RLOGE("Memory allocation failed for request %s",
+                    requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
+            pRI->pCI->responseFunction(p, (int) pRI->socket_id, pRI->pCI->requestNumber,
+                    (int) RadioResponseType::SOLICITED, pRI->token, RIL_E_NO_MEMORY, NULL, 0);
             for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
-                memsetAndFreeStrings(1, pStrings[j]);
+                memsetString (pStrings[j]);
+                free(pStrings[j]);
-            return false;
+            return;
+        strncpy(pStrings[i], str, len + 1);
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(request, pStrings, countStrings * sizeof(char *), pRI);
+    s_callbacks->onRequest(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, pStrings, countStrings * sizeof(char *), pRI);
     if (pStrings != NULL) {
         for (int i = 0 ; i < countStrings ; i++) {
-            memsetAndFreeStrings(1, pStrings[i]);
+            memsetString (pStrings[i]);
+            free(pStrings[i]);
@@ -500,153 +450,12 @@
-    return true;
-bool dispatchStrings(int serial, int slotId, int request, const hidl_vec<hidl_string>& data) {
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, slotId, request);
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    int countStrings = data.size();
-    char **pStrings;
-    android::Parcel p;   // TODO: should delete this after translation of all commands is complete
-    pStrings = (char **)calloc(countStrings, sizeof(char *));
-    if (pStrings == NULL) {
-        RLOGE("Memory allocation failed for request %s", requestToString(request));
-        pRI->pCI->responseFunction(p, (int) pRI->socket_id, request,
-                (int) RadioResponseType::SOLICITED, pRI->token, RIL_E_NO_MEMORY, NULL, 0);
-        return false;
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < countStrings; i++) {
-        const char* str = (const char *) data[i];
-        if (!copyHidlStringToRil(&pStrings[i], str, pRI)) {
-            for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
-                memsetAndFreeStrings(1, pStrings[j]);
-            }
-            free(pStrings);
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(request, pStrings, countStrings * sizeof(char *), pRI);
-    if (pStrings != NULL) {
-        for (int i = 0 ; i < countStrings ; i++) {
-            memsetAndFreeStrings(1, pStrings[i]);
-        }
-        memset(pStrings, 0, countStrings * sizeof(char *));
-        free(pStrings);
-    }
-    return true;
-bool dispatchInts(int serial, int slotId, int request, int countInts, ...) {
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, slotId, request);
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    android::Parcel p;   // TODO: should delete this after translation of all commands is complete
-    int *pInts = (int *)calloc(countInts, sizeof(int));
-    if (pInts == NULL) {
-        RLOGE("Memory allocation failed for request %s", requestToString(request));
-        pRI->pCI->responseFunction(p, (int) pRI->socket_id, request,
-                (int) RadioResponseType::SOLICITED, pRI->token, RIL_E_NO_MEMORY, NULL, 0);
-        return false;
-    }
-    va_list ap;
-    va_start(ap, countInts);
-    for (int i = 0; i < countInts; i++) {
-        pInts[i] = va_arg(ap, int);
-    }
-    va_end(ap);
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(request, pInts, countInts * sizeof(int), pRI);
-    if (pInts != NULL) {
-        memset(pInts, 0, countInts * sizeof(int));
-        free(pInts);
-    }
-    return true;
-bool dispatchCallForwardStatus(int serial, int slotId, int request,
-                              const CallForwardInfo& callInfo) {
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, slotId, request);
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    RIL_CallForwardInfo cf;
-    cf.status = (int) callInfo.status;
-    cf.reason = callInfo.reason;
-    cf.serviceClass = callInfo.serviceClass;
-    cf.toa = callInfo.toa;
-    cf.timeSeconds = callInfo.timeSeconds;
-    if (!copyHidlStringToRil(&cf.number, callInfo.number, pRI)) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(request, &cf, sizeof(cf), pRI);
-    memsetAndFreeStrings(1, cf.number);
-    return true;
-bool dispatchRaw(int serial, int slotId, int request, const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& rawBytes) {
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, slotId, request);
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    const uint8_t *uData =;
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(request, (void *) uData, rawBytes.size(), pRI);
-    return true;
-bool dispatchIccApdu(int serial, int slotId, int request, const SimApdu& message) {
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, slotId, request);
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    RIL_SIM_APDU apdu;
-    memset (&apdu, 0, sizeof(RIL_SIM_APDU));
-    apdu.sessionid = message.sessionId;
-    apdu.cla = message.cla;
-    apdu.p1 = message.p1;
-    apdu.p2 = message.p2;
-    apdu.p3 = message.p3;
-    if (!copyHidlStringToRil(&,, pRI)) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(request, &apdu, sizeof(apdu), pRI);
-    memsetAndFreeStrings(1,;
-    return true;
 void RadioImpl::checkReturnStatus(Return<void>& ret) {
     if (ret.isOk() == false) {
-        RLOGE("RadioImpl::checkReturnStatus: unable to call response/indication callback");
-        // Remote process hosting the callbacks must be dead. Reset the callback objects;
+        RLOGE("checkReturnStatus: unable to call response/indication callback");
+        // Remote process ( hosting the callbacks must be dead. Reset the callback objects;
         // there's no other recovery to be done here. When the client process is back up, it will
         // call setResponseFunctions()
@@ -668,8 +477,8 @@
             mRadioIndication = NULL;
         } else {
-            RLOGE("RadioImpl::checkReturnStatus: not resetting responseFunctions as they likely"
-                    "got updated on another thread");
+            RLOGE("checkReturnStatus: not resetting responseFunctions as they likely got updated"
+                    "on another thread");
         // release wrlock
@@ -698,75 +507,116 @@
     ret = pthread_rwlock_unlock(radioServiceRwlockPtr);
     assert(ret == 0);
-    return Void();
+    return Status::ok();
 Return<void> RadioImpl::getIccCardStatus(int32_t serial) {
     RLOGD("RadioImpl::getIccCardStatus: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_GET_SIM_STATUS);
-    return Void();
+    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_GET_SIM_STATUS);
+    if (pRI == NULL) {
+        return Void();
+    }
+    s_callbacks->onRequest(RIL_REQUEST_GET_SIM_STATUS, NULL, 0, pRI);
+    return Status::ok();
 Return<void> RadioImpl::supplyIccPinForApp(int32_t serial, const hidl_string& pin,
         const hidl_string& aid) {
     RLOGD("RadioImpl::supplyIccPinForApp: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PIN,
-            2, (const char *)pin, (const char *)aid);
-    return Void();
+    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PIN);
+    if (pRI == NULL) {
+        return Void();
+    }
+    dispatchStrings(pRI, 2, (const char *)pin, (const char *)aid);
+    return Status::ok();
 Return<void> RadioImpl::supplyIccPukForApp(int32_t serial, const hidl_string& puk,
-                                           const hidl_string& pin, const hidl_string& aid) {
+        const hidl_string& pin, const hidl_string& aid) {
     RLOGD("RadioImpl::supplyIccPukForApp: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PUK,
-            3, (const char *)puk, (const char *)pin, (const char *)aid);
-    return Void();
+    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PUK);
+    if (pRI == NULL) {
+        return Void();
+    }
+    dispatchStrings(pRI, 3, (const char *)puk, (const char *)pin, (const char *)aid);
+    return Status::ok();
 Return<void> RadioImpl::supplyIccPin2ForApp(int32_t serial, const hidl_string& pin2,
-                                            const hidl_string& aid) {
+        const hidl_string& aid) {
     RLOGD("RadioImpl::supplyIccPin2ForApp: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PIN2,
-            2, (const char *)pin2, (const char *)aid);
-    return Void();
+    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PIN2);
+    if (pRI == NULL) {
+        return Void();
+    }
+    dispatchStrings(pRI, 2, (const char *)pin2, (const char *)aid);
+    return Status::ok();
 Return<void> RadioImpl::supplyIccPuk2ForApp(int32_t serial, const hidl_string& puk2,
-                                            const hidl_string& pin2, const hidl_string& aid) {
+        const hidl_string& pin2, const hidl_string& aid) {
     RLOGD("RadioImpl::supplyIccPuk2ForApp: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PUK2,
-            3, (const char *)puk2, (const char *)pin2, (const char *)aid);
-    return Void();
+    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PUK2);
+    if (pRI == NULL) {
+        return Void();
+    }
+    dispatchStrings(pRI, 3, (const char *)puk2, (const char *)pin2, (const char *)aid);
+    return Status::ok();
 Return<void> RadioImpl::changeIccPinForApp(int32_t serial, const hidl_string& oldPin,
-                                           const hidl_string& newPin, const hidl_string& aid) {
+        const hidl_string& newPin, const hidl_string& aid) {
     RLOGD("RadioImpl::changeIccPinForApp: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_CHANGE_SIM_PIN,
-            3, (const char *)oldPin, (const char *)newPin, (const char *)aid);
-    return Void();
+    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_CHANGE_SIM_PIN);
+    if (pRI == NULL) {
+        return Void();
+    }
+    dispatchStrings(pRI, 3, (const char *)oldPin, (const char *)newPin,
+            (const char *)aid);
+    return Status::ok();
 Return<void> RadioImpl::changeIccPin2ForApp(int32_t serial, const hidl_string& oldPin2,
-                                            const hidl_string& newPin2, const hidl_string& aid) {
+        const hidl_string& newPin2, const hidl_string& aid) {
     RLOGD("RadioImpl::changeIccPin2ForApp: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_CHANGE_SIM_PIN2,
-            3, (const char *)oldPin2, (const char *)newPin2, (const char *)aid);
-    return Void();
+    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_CHANGE_SIM_PIN2);
+    if (pRI == NULL) {
+        return Void();
+    }
+    dispatchStrings(pRI, 3, (const char *)oldPin2, (const char *)newPin2,
+            (const char *)aid);
+    return Status::ok();
 Return<void> RadioImpl::supplyNetworkDepersonalization(int32_t serial,
-                                                       const hidl_string& netPin) {
+        const hidl_string& netPin) {
     RLOGD("RadioImpl::supplyNetworkDepersonalization: serial %d", serial);
-            1, (const char *)netPin);
-    return Void();
+    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId,
+    if (pRI == NULL) {
+        return Void();
+    }
+    dispatchStrings(pRI, 1, (const char *)netPin);
+    return Status::ok();
 Return<void> RadioImpl::getCurrentCalls(int32_t serial) {
     RLOGD("RadioImpl::getCurrentCalls: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_GET_CURRENT_CALLS);
-    return Void();
+    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_GET_CURRENT_CALLS);
+    if (pRI == NULL) {
+        return Void();
+    }
+    s_callbacks->onRequest(RIL_REQUEST_GET_CURRENT_CALLS, NULL, 0, pRI);
+    return Status::ok();
 Return<void> RadioImpl::dial(int32_t serial, const Dial& dialInfo) {
@@ -781,1237 +631,347 @@
     memset (&dial, 0, sizeOfDial);
-    if (!copyHidlStringToRil(&dial.address, dialInfo.address, pRI)) {
+    dial.address = (char *) calloc(dialInfo.address.size() + 1, sizeof(char));
+    if (dial.address == NULL) {
+        android::Parcel p;
+        RLOGE("Memory allocation failed for request %s", requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
+        pRI->pCI->responseFunction(p, (int) pRI->socket_id, pRI->pCI->requestNumber,
+                (int) RadioResponseType::SOLICITED, pRI->token, RIL_E_NO_MEMORY, NULL, 0);
         return Void();
+    strcpy(dial.address, dialInfo.address.c_str());
     dial.clir = (int)dialInfo.clir;
     memset(&uusInfo, 0, sizeof(RIL_UUS_Info));
     if (dialInfo.uusInfo.size() != 0) {
+        int32_t len;
         uusInfo.uusType = (RIL_UUS_Type) dialInfo.uusInfo[0].uusType;
         uusInfo.uusDcs = (RIL_UUS_DCS) dialInfo.uusInfo[0].uusDcs;
         if (dialInfo.uusInfo[0].uusData.size() == 0) {
             uusInfo.uusData = NULL;
-            uusInfo.uusLength = 0;
+            len = 0;
         } else {
-            if (!copyHidlStringToRil(&uusInfo.uusData, dialInfo.uusInfo[0].uusData, pRI)) {
-                memsetAndFreeStrings(1, dial.address);
+            len = dialInfo.uusInfo[0].uusData.size();
+            uusInfo.uusData = (char*) calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char));
+            // check if the length is invalid
+            if (uusInfo.uusData == NULL) {
+                RLOGE("Memory allocation failed for request %s",
+                        requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
+                android::Parcel p;
+                pRI->pCI->responseFunction(p, (int) pRI->socket_id, pRI->pCI->requestNumber,
+                        (int) RadioResponseType::SOLICITED, pRI->token, RIL_E_NO_MEMORY, NULL, 0);
+                free(dial.address);
                 return Void();
-            uusInfo.uusLength = strlen(dialInfo.uusInfo[0].uusData);
+            strcpy(uusInfo.uusData, dialInfo.uusInfo[0].uusData.c_str());
+        uusInfo.uusLength = len;
         dial.uusInfo = &uusInfo;
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(RIL_REQUEST_DIAL, &dial, sizeOfDial, pRI);
+    s_callbacks->onRequest(RIL_REQUEST_DIAL, &dial, sizeOfDial, pRI);
-    memsetAndFreeStrings(2, dial.address, uusInfo.uusData);
+    memsetString (dial.address);
+    free (dial.address);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getImsiForApp(int32_t serial, const hidl_string& aid) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getImsiForApp: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_GET_IMSI,
-            1, (const char *) aid);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::hangup(int32_t serial, int32_t gsmIndex) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::hangup: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_HANGUP, 1, gsmIndex);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::hangupWaitingOrBackground(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::hangupWaitingOrBackground: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_HANGUP_WAITING_OR_BACKGROUND);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::hangupForegroundResumeBackground(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::hangupForegroundResumeBackground: serial %d", serial);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::switchWaitingOrHoldingAndActive(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::switchWaitingOrHoldingAndActive: serial %d", serial);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::conference(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::conference: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_CONFERENCE);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::rejectCall(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::rejectCall: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_UDUB);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getLastCallFailCause(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getLastCallFailCause: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_LAST_CALL_FAIL_CAUSE);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getSignalStrength(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getSignalStrength: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SIGNAL_STRENGTH);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getVoiceRegistrationState(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getVoiceRegistrationState: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getDataRegistrationState(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getDataRegistrationState: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getOperator(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getOperator: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_OPERATOR);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setRadioPower(int32_t serial, bool on) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setRadioPower: serial %d on %d", serial, on);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_RADIO_POWER, 1, BOOL_TO_INT(on));
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::sendDtmf(int32_t serial, const hidl_string& s) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::sendDtmf: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_DTMF, 1, (const char *) s);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::sendSms(int32_t serial, const GsmSmsMessage& message) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::sendSms: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SEND_SMS,
-            2, (const char *) message.smscPdu, (const char *) message.pdu);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::sendSMSExpectMore(int32_t serial, const GsmSmsMessage& message) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::sendSMSExpectMore: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SEND_SMS_EXPECT_MORE,
-            2, (const char *) message.smscPdu, (const char *) message.pdu);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setupDataCall(int32_t serial,
-                                      RadioTechnology radioTechnology,
-                                      const DataProfileInfo& profileInfo,
-                                      bool modemCognitive,
-                                      bool roamingAllowed) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setupDataCall: serial %d", serial);
-    // todo: dispatch request
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::iccIOForApp(int32_t serial, const IccIo& iccIo) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::iccIOForApp: serial %d", serial);
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SIM_IO);
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return Void();
+    memsetString (uusInfo.uusData);
+    if (uusInfo.uusData != NULL) {
+        free(uusInfo.uusData);
-    RIL_SIM_IO_v6 rilIccIo;
-    rilIccIo.command = iccIo.command;
-    rilIccIo.fileid = iccIo.fileId;
-    if (!copyHidlStringToRil(&rilIccIo.path, iccIo.path, pRI)) {
-        return Void();
-    }
-    rilIccIo.p1 = iccIo.p1;
-    rilIccIo.p2 = iccIo.p2;
-    rilIccIo.p3 = iccIo.p3;
-    if (!copyHidlStringToRil(&,, pRI)) {
-        memsetAndFreeStrings(1, rilIccIo.path);
-        return Void();
-    }
-    if (!copyHidlStringToRil(&rilIccIo.pin2, iccIo.pin2, pRI)) {
-        memsetAndFreeStrings(2, rilIccIo.path,;
-        return Void();
-    }
-    if (!copyHidlStringToRil(&rilIccIo.aidPtr, iccIo.aid, pRI)) {
-        memsetAndFreeStrings(3, rilIccIo.path,, rilIccIo.pin2);
-        return Void();
-    }
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(RIL_REQUEST_SIM_IO, &rilIccIo, sizeof(rilIccIo), pRI);
-    memsetAndFreeStrings(4, rilIccIo.path,, rilIccIo.pin2, rilIccIo.aidPtr);
-    return Void();
+    return Status::ok();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::sendUssd(int32_t serial, const hidl_string& ussd) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::sendUssd: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SEND_USSD, 1, (const char *) ussd);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getImsiForApp(int32_t serial,
+        const hidl_string& aid) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::cancelPendingUssd(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::cancelPendingUssd: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_CANCEL_USSD);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::hangup(int32_t serial, int32_t gsmIndex) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getClir(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getClir: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_GET_CLIR);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::hangupWaitingOrBackground(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setClir(int32_t serial, int32_t status) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setClir: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SET_CLIR, 1, status);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::hangupForegroundResumeBackground(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getCallForwardStatus(int32_t serial, const CallForwardInfo& callInfo) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getCallForwardStatus: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchCallForwardStatus(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_CALL_FORWARD_STATUS,
-            callInfo);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::switchWaitingOrHoldingAndActive(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setCallForward(int32_t serial, const CallForwardInfo& callInfo) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setCallForward: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchCallForwardStatus(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SET_CALL_FORWARD,
-            callInfo);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::conference(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getCallWaiting(int32_t serial, int32_t serviceClass) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getCallWaiting: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_CALL_WAITING, 1, serviceClass);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::rejectCall(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setCallWaiting(int32_t serial, bool enable, int32_t serviceClass) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setCallWaiting: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SET_CALL_WAITING, 2, BOOL_TO_INT(enable),
-            serviceClass);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getLastCallFailCause(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getSignalStrength(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getVoiceRegistrationState(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getDataRegistrationState(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getOperator(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setRadioPower(int32_t serial, bool on) {return Status::ok();}
+Return<void> RadioImpl::sendDtmf(int32_t serial,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& s) {return Status::ok();}
+Return<void> RadioImpl::sendSms(int32_t serial, const GsmSmsMessage& message) {return Status::ok();}
+Return<void> RadioImpl::sendSMSExpectMore(int32_t serial, const GsmSmsMessage& message) {return Status::ok();}
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setupDataCall(int32_t serial, RadioTechnology radioTechnology,
+        const DataProfileInfo& dataProfileInfo, bool modemCognitive, bool roamingAllowed) {
+        return Status::ok();}
+Return<void> RadioImpl::iccIOForApp(int32_t serial,
+        const IccIo& iccIo) {return Status::ok();}
+Return<void> RadioImpl::sendUssd(int32_t serial,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& ussd) {return Status::ok();}
+Return<void> RadioImpl::cancelPendingUssd(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getClir(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setClir(int32_t serial, int32_t status) {return Status::ok();}
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getCallForwardStatus(int32_t serial,
+        const CallForwardInfo& callInfo) {return Status::ok();}
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setCallForward(int32_t serial,
+        const CallForwardInfo& callInfo) {return Status::ok();}
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getCallWaiting(int32_t serial, int32_t serviceClass) {return Status::ok();}
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setCallWaiting(int32_t serial, bool enable, int32_t serviceClass) {return Status::ok();}
 Return<void> RadioImpl::acknowledgeLastIncomingGsmSms(int32_t serial,
-                                                      bool success, SmsAcknowledgeFailCause cause) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::acknowledgeLastIncomingGsmSms: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SMS_ACKNOWLEDGE, 2, BOOL_TO_INT(success),
-            cause);
-    return Void();
+        bool success, SmsAcknowledgeFailCause cause) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::acceptCall(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::acceptCall: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_ANSWER);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::acceptCall(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
 Return<void> RadioImpl::deactivateDataCall(int32_t serial,
-                                           int32_t cid, bool reasonRadioShutDown) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::deactivateDataCall: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_DEACTIVATE_DATA_CALL,
-            2, (const char *) (std::to_string(cid)).c_str(), reasonRadioShutDown ? "1" : "0");
-    return Void();
+        int32_t cid, bool reasonRadioShutDown) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getFacilityLockForApp(int32_t serial, const hidl_string& facility,
-                                              const hidl_string& password, int32_t serviceClass,
-                                              const hidl_string& appId) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getFacilityLockForApp: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK,
-            4, (const char *) facility, (const char *) password,
-            (const char *) (std::to_string(serviceClass)).c_str(), (const char *) appId);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getFacilityLockForApp(int32_t serial,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& facility,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& password,
+        int32_t serviceClass,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& appId) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setFacilityLockForApp(int32_t serial, const hidl_string& facility,
-                                              bool lockState, const hidl_string& password,
-                                              int32_t serviceClass, const hidl_string& appId) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setFacilityLockForApp: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SET_FACILITY_LOCK,
-            5, (const char *) facility, lockState ? "1" : "0", (const char *) password,
-            (const char *) (std::to_string(serviceClass)).c_str(), (const char *) appId);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setFacilityLockForApp(int32_t serial,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& facility,
+        bool lockState,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& password,
+        int32_t serviceClass,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& appId) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setBarringPassword(int32_t serial, const hidl_string& facility,
-                                           const hidl_string& oldPassword,
-                                           const hidl_string& newPassword) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setBarringPassword: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_CHANGE_BARRING_PASSWORD,
-            2, (const char *) oldPassword,  (const char *) newPassword);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setBarringPassword(int32_t serial,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& facility,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& oldPassword,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& newPassword) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getNetworkSelectionMode(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getNetworkSelectionMode: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getNetworkSelectionMode(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setNetworkSelectionModeAutomatic(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setNetworkSelectionModeAutomatic: serial %d", serial);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setNetworkSelectionModeAutomatic(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
 Return<void> RadioImpl::setNetworkSelectionModeManual(int32_t serial,
-                                                      const hidl_string& operatorNumeric) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setNetworkSelectionModeManual: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SET_NETWORK_SELECTION_MANUAL,
-            1, (const char *) operatorNumeric);
-    return Void();
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& operatorNumeric) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getAvailableNetworks(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getAvailableNetworks: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_AVAILABLE_NETWORKS);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getAvailableNetworks(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::startDtmf(int32_t serial, const hidl_string& s) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::startDtmf: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_DTMF_START,
-            1, (const char *) s);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::startDtmf(int32_t serial,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& s) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::stopDtmf(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::stopDtmf: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_DTMF_STOP);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::stopDtmf(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getBasebandVersion(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getBasebandVersion: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_BASEBAND_VERSION);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getBasebandVersion(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::separateConnection(int32_t serial, int32_t gsmIndex) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::separateConnection: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SEPARATE_CONNECTION, 1, gsmIndex);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::separateConnection(int32_t serial, int32_t gsmIndex) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setMute(int32_t serial, bool enable) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setMute: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SET_MUTE, 1, BOOL_TO_INT(enable));
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setMute(int32_t serial, bool enable) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getMute(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getMute: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_GET_MUTE);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getMute(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getClip(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getClip: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_CLIP);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getClip(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getDataCallList(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getDataCallList: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_DATA_CALL_LIST);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getDataCallList(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::sendOemRadioRequestRaw(int32_t serial, const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& data) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::sendOemRadioRequestRaw: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchRaw(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_OEM_HOOK_RAW, data);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::sendOemRadioRequestRaw(int32_t serial,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& data) {return Status::ok();}
 Return<void> RadioImpl::sendOemRadioRequestStrings(int32_t serial,
-        const hidl_vec<hidl_string>& data) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::sendOemRadioRequestStrings: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_OEM_HOOK_STRINGS, data);
-    return Void();
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<::android::hardware::hidl_string>& data) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::sendScreenState(int32_t serial, bool enable) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::sendScreenState: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SCREEN_STATE, 1, BOOL_TO_INT(enable));
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::sendScreenState(int32_t serial, bool enable) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setSuppServiceNotifications(int32_t serial, bool enable) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setSuppServiceNotifications: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SET_SUPP_SVC_NOTIFICATION, 1,
-            BOOL_TO_INT(enable));
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setSuppServiceNotifications(int32_t serial, bool enable) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::writeSmsToSim(int32_t serial, const SmsWriteArgs& smsWriteArgs) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::writeSmsToSim: serial %d", serial);
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_WRITE_SMS_TO_SIM);
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return Void();
-    }
+Return<void> RadioImpl::writeSmsToSim(int32_t serial,
+        const SmsWriteArgs& smsWriteArgs) {return Status::ok();}
-    RIL_SMS_WriteArgs args;
-    args.status = (int) smsWriteArgs.status;
+Return<void> RadioImpl::deleteSmsOnSim(int32_t serial, int32_t index) {return Status::ok();}
-    int len;
-    if (!copyHidlStringToRil(&args.pdu, smsWriteArgs.pdu, pRI)) {
-        return Void();
-    }
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setBandMode(int32_t serial, RadioBandMode mode) {return Status::ok();}
-    if (!copyHidlStringToRil(&args.smsc, smsWriteArgs.smsc, pRI)) {
-        memsetAndFreeStrings(1, args.pdu);
-        return Void();
-    }
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getAvailableBandModes(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(RIL_REQUEST_WRITE_SMS_TO_SIM, &args, sizeof(args), pRI);
-    memsetAndFreeStrings(2, args.smsc, args.pdu);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::deleteSmsOnSim(int32_t serial, int32_t index) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::deleteSmsOnSim: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_DELETE_SMS_ON_SIM, 1, index);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setBandMode(int32_t serial, RadioBandMode mode) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setBandMode: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SET_BAND_MODE, 1, mode);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getAvailableBandModes(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getAvailableBandModes: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_AVAILABLE_BAND_MODE);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::sendEnvelope(int32_t serial, const hidl_string& command) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::sendEnvelope: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_STK_SEND_ENVELOPE_COMMAND,
-            1, (const char *) command);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::sendEnvelope(int32_t serial,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& command) {return Status::ok();}
 Return<void> RadioImpl::sendTerminalResponseToSim(int32_t serial,
-                                                  const hidl_string& commandResponse) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::sendTerminalResponseToSim: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_STK_SEND_TERMINAL_RESPONSE,
-            1, (const char *) commandResponse);
-    return Void();
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& commandResponse) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::handleStkCallSetupRequestFromSim(int32_t serial, bool accept) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::handleStkCallSetupRequestFromSim: serial %d", serial);
-            1, BOOL_TO_INT(accept));
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::handleStkCallSetupRequestFromSim(int32_t serial, bool accept) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::explicitCallTransfer(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::explicitCallTransfer: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_EXPLICIT_CALL_TRANSFER);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::explicitCallTransfer(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setPreferredNetworkType(int32_t serial, PreferredNetworkType nwType) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setPreferredNetworkType: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE, 1, nwType);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setPreferredNetworkType(int32_t serial, PreferredNetworkType nwType) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getPreferredNetworkType(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getPreferredNetworkType: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_GET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getPreferredNetworkType(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getNeighboringCids(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getNeighboringCids: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getNeighboringCids(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setLocationUpdates(int32_t serial, bool enable) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setLocationUpdates: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SET_LOCATION_UPDATES, 1, BOOL_TO_INT(enable));
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setLocationUpdates(int32_t serial, bool enable) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setCdmaSubscriptionSource(int32_t serial, CdmaSubscriptionSource cdmaSub) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setCdmaSubscriptionSource: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE, 1, cdmaSub);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setCdmaSubscriptionSource(int32_t serial, CdmaSubscriptionSource cdmaSub) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setCdmaRoamingPreference(int32_t serial, CdmaRoamingType type) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setCdmaRoamingPreference: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_ROAMING_PREFERENCE, 1, type);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setCdmaRoamingPreference(int32_t serial, CdmaRoamingType type) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getCdmaRoamingPreference(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getCdmaRoamingPreference: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_QUERY_ROAMING_PREFERENCE);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getCdmaRoamingPreference(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setTTYMode(int32_t serial, TtyMode mode) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setTTYMode: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SET_TTY_MODE, 1, mode);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setTTYMode(int32_t serial, TtyMode mode) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getTTYMode(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getTTYMode: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_TTY_MODE);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getTTYMode(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setPreferredVoicePrivacy(int32_t serial, bool enable) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setPreferredVoicePrivacy: serial %d", serial);
-            1, BOOL_TO_INT(enable));
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setPreferredVoicePrivacy(int32_t serial, bool enable) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getPreferredVoicePrivacy(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getPreferredVoicePrivacy: serial %d", serial);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getPreferredVoicePrivacy(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::sendCDMAFeatureCode(int32_t serial, const hidl_string& featureCode) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::sendCDMAFeatureCode: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_FLASH,
-            1, (const char *) featureCode);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::sendCDMAFeatureCode(int32_t serial,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& featureCode) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::sendBurstDtmf(int32_t serial, const hidl_string& dtmf, int32_t on,
-                                      int32_t off) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::sendBurstDtmf: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_BURST_DTMF,
-            3, (const char *) dtmf, (const char *) (std::to_string(on)).c_str(),
-            (const char *) (std::to_string(off)).c_str());
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::sendBurstDtmf(int32_t serial,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& dtmf,
+        int32_t on,
+        int32_t off) {return Status::ok();}
-void constructCdmaSms(RIL_CDMA_SMS_Message &rcsm, const CdmaSmsMessage& sms) {
-    memset(&rcsm, 0, sizeof(rcsm));
+Return<void> RadioImpl::sendCdmaSms(int32_t serial, const CdmaSmsMessage& sms) {return Status::ok();}
-    rcsm.uTeleserviceID = sms.teleserviceId;
-    rcsm.bIsServicePresent = BOOL_TO_INT(sms.isServicePresent);
-    rcsm.uServicecategory = sms.serviceCategory;
-    rcsm.sAddress.digit_mode = (RIL_CDMA_SMS_DigitMode) sms.address.digitMode;
-    rcsm.sAddress.number_mode = (RIL_CDMA_SMS_NumberMode) sms.address.numberMode;
-    rcsm.sAddress.number_type = (RIL_CDMA_SMS_NumberType) sms.address.numberType;
-    rcsm.sAddress.number_plan = (RIL_CDMA_SMS_NumberPlan) sms.address.numberPlan;
+Return<void> RadioImpl::acknowledgeLastIncomingCdmaSms(int32_t serial, const CdmaSmsAck& smsAck) {return Status::ok();}
-    rcsm.sAddress.number_of_digits = sms.address.digits.size();
-    int digitLimit= MIN((rcsm.sAddress.number_of_digits), RIL_CDMA_SMS_ADDRESS_MAX);
-    for (int i = 0; i < digitLimit; i++) {
-        rcsm.sAddress.digits[i] = sms.address.digits[i];
-    }
-    rcsm.sSubAddress.subaddressType = (RIL_CDMA_SMS_SubaddressType) sms.subAddress.subaddressType;
-    rcsm.sSubAddress.odd = BOOL_TO_INT(sms.subAddress.odd);
-    rcsm.sSubAddress.number_of_digits = sms.subAddress.digits.size();
-    digitLimit= MIN((rcsm.sSubAddress.number_of_digits), RIL_CDMA_SMS_SUBADDRESS_MAX);
-    for (int i = 0; i < digitLimit; i++) {
-        rcsm.sSubAddress.digits[i] = sms.subAddress.digits[i];
-    }
-    rcsm.uBearerDataLen = sms.bearerData.size();
-    digitLimit= MIN((rcsm.uBearerDataLen), RIL_CDMA_SMS_BEARER_DATA_MAX);
-    for (int i = 0; i < digitLimit; i++) {
-        rcsm.aBearerData[i] = sms.bearerData[i];
-    }
-Return<void> RadioImpl::sendCdmaSms(int32_t serial, const CdmaSmsMessage& sms) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::sendCdmaSms: serial %d", serial);
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SEND_SMS);
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return Void();
-    }
-    RIL_CDMA_SMS_Message rcsm;
-    constructCdmaSms(rcsm, sms);
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &rcsm, sizeof(rcsm), pRI);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::acknowledgeLastIncomingCdmaSms(int32_t serial, const CdmaSmsAck& smsAck) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::acknowledgeLastIncomingCdmaSms: serial %d", serial);
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SMS_ACKNOWLEDGE);
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return Void();
-    }
-    RIL_CDMA_SMS_Ack rcsa;
-    memset(&rcsa, 0, sizeof(rcsa));
-    rcsa.uErrorClass = (RIL_CDMA_SMS_ErrorClass) smsAck.errorClass;
-    rcsa.uSMSCauseCode = smsAck.smsCauseCode;
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &rcsa, sizeof(rcsa), pRI);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getGsmBroadcastConfig(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getGsmBroadcastConfig: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_GSM_GET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getGsmBroadcastConfig(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
 Return<void> RadioImpl::setGsmBroadcastConfig(int32_t serial,
-                                              const hidl_vec<GsmBroadcastSmsConfigInfo>&
-                                              configInfo) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setGsmBroadcastConfig: serial %d", serial);
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId,
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return Void();
-    }
+        const hidl_vec<GsmBroadcastSmsConfigInfo>& configInfo) {return Status::ok();}
-    int num = configInfo.size();
-    RIL_GSM_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo gsmBci[num];
-    RIL_GSM_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo *gsmBciPtrs[num];
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setGsmBroadcastActivation(int32_t serial, bool activate) {return Status::ok();}
-    for (int i = 0 ; i < num ; i++ ) {
-        gsmBciPtrs[i] = &gsmBci[i];
-        gsmBci[i].fromServiceId = configInfo[i].fromServiceId;
-        gsmBci[i].toServiceId = configInfo[i].toServiceId;
-        gsmBci[i].fromCodeScheme = configInfo[i].fromCodeScheme;
-        gsmBci[i].toCodeScheme = configInfo[i].toCodeScheme;
-        gsmBci[i].selected = BOOL_TO_INT(configInfo[i].selected);
-    }
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, gsmBciPtrs,
-            num * sizeof(RIL_GSM_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo *), pRI);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setGsmBroadcastActivation(int32_t serial, bool activate) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setGsmBroadcastActivation: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION,
-            1, BOOL_TO_INT(activate));
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getCdmaBroadcastConfig(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getCdmaBroadcastConfig: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_GET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getCdmaBroadcastConfig(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
 Return<void> RadioImpl::setCdmaBroadcastConfig(int32_t serial,
-                                               const hidl_vec<CdmaBroadcastSmsConfigInfo>&
-                                               configInfo) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setCdmaBroadcastConfig: serial %d", serial);
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId,
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return Void();
-    }
+        const hidl_vec<CdmaBroadcastSmsConfigInfo>& configInfo) {return Status::ok();}
-    int num = configInfo.size();
-    RIL_CDMA_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo cdmaBci[num];
-    RIL_CDMA_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo *cdmaBciPtrs[num];
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setCdmaBroadcastActivation(int32_t serial, bool activate) {return Status::ok();}
-    for (int i = 0 ; i < num ; i++ ) {
-        cdmaBciPtrs[i] = &cdmaBci[i];
-        cdmaBci[i].service_category = configInfo[i].serviceCategory;
-        cdmaBci[i].language = configInfo[i].language;
-        cdmaBci[i].selected = BOOL_TO_INT(configInfo[i].selected);
-    }
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getCDMASubscription(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, cdmaBciPtrs,
-            num * sizeof(RIL_CDMA_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo *), pRI);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::writeSmsToRuim(int32_t serial, const CdmaSmsWriteArgs& cdmaSms) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setCdmaBroadcastActivation(int32_t serial, bool activate) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setCdmaBroadcastActivation: serial %d", serial);
-            1, BOOL_TO_INT(activate));
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::deleteSmsOnRuim(int32_t serial, int32_t index) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getCDMASubscription(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getCDMASubscription: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getDeviceIdentity(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::writeSmsToRuim(int32_t serial, const CdmaSmsWriteArgs& cdmaSms) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::writeSmsToRuim: serial %d", serial);
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId,
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return Void();
-    }
+Return<void> RadioImpl::exitEmergencyCallbackMode(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-    RIL_CDMA_SMS_WriteArgs rcsw;
-    memset(&rcsw, 0, sizeof(rcsw));
-    rcsw.status = (int) cdmaSms.status;
-    constructCdmaSms(rcsw.message, cdmaSms.message);
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getSmscAddress(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &rcsw, sizeof(rcsw), pRI);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setSmscAddress(int32_t serial,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& smsc) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::deleteSmsOnRuim(int32_t serial, int32_t index) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::deleteSmsOnRuim: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_DELETE_SMS_ON_RUIM, 1, index);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::reportSmsMemoryStatus(int32_t serial, bool available) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getDeviceIdentity(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getDeviceIdentity: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_DEVICE_IDENTITY);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::reportStkServiceIsRunning(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::exitEmergencyCallbackMode(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::exitEmergencyCallbackMode: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_EXIT_EMERGENCY_CALLBACK_MODE);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getCdmaSubscriptionSource(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getSmscAddress(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getSmscAddress: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_GET_SMSC_ADDRESS);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::requestIsimAuthentication(int32_t serial,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& challenge) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setSmscAddress(int32_t serial, const hidl_string& smsc) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setSmscAddress: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SET_SMSC_ADDRESS,
-            1, (const char *) smsc);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::acknowledgeIncomingGsmSmsWithPdu(int32_t serial,
+        bool success,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& ackPdu) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::reportSmsMemoryStatus(int32_t serial, bool available) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::reportSmsMemoryStatus: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_REPORT_SMS_MEMORY_STATUS, 1,
-            BOOL_TO_INT(available));
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::sendEnvelopeWithStatus(int32_t serial,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& contents) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::reportStkServiceIsRunning(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::reportStkServiceIsRunning: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_REPORT_STK_SERVICE_IS_RUNNING);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getVoiceRadioTechnology(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getCdmaSubscriptionSource(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getCdmaSubscriptionSource: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_GET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getCellInfoList(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::requestIsimAuthentication(int32_t serial, const hidl_string& challenge) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::requestIsimAuthentication: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_ISIM_AUTHENTICATION,
-            1, (const char *) challenge);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setCellInfoListRate(int32_t serial, int32_t rate) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::acknowledgeIncomingGsmSmsWithPdu(int32_t serial, bool success,
-                                                         const hidl_string& ackPdu) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::acknowledgeIncomingGsmSmsWithPdu: serial %d", serial);
-            2, success ? "1" : "0", (const char *) ackPdu);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setInitialAttachApn(int32_t serial, const DataProfileInfo& dataProfileInfo, bool modemCognitive) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::sendEnvelopeWithStatus(int32_t serial, const hidl_string& contents) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::sendEnvelopeWithStatus: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_STK_SEND_ENVELOPE_WITH_STATUS,
-            1, (const char *) contents);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getImsRegistrationState(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getVoiceRadioTechnology(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getVoiceRadioTechnology: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_VOICE_RADIO_TECH);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::sendImsSms(int32_t serial, const ImsSmsMessage& message) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getCellInfoList(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getCellInfoList: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::iccTransmitApduBasicChannel(int32_t serial, const SimApdu& message) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setCellInfoListRate(int32_t serial, int32_t rate) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setCellInfoListRate: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOL_CELL_INFO_LIST_RATE, 1, rate);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::iccOpenLogicalChannel(int32_t serial,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& aid) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setInitialAttachApn(int32_t serial, const DataProfileInfo& dataProfileInfo,
-                                            bool modemCognitive) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setInitialAttachApn: serial %d", serial);
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId,
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return Void();
-    }
+Return<void> RadioImpl::iccCloseLogicalChannel(int32_t serial, int32_t channelId) {return Status::ok();}
-    RIL_InitialAttachApn pf;
-    memset(&pf, 0, sizeof(pf));
+Return<void> RadioImpl::iccTransmitApduLogicalChannel(int32_t serial, const SimApdu& message) {return Status::ok();}
-    // todo: populate pf
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &pf, sizeof(pf), pRI);
+Return<void> RadioImpl::nvReadItem(int32_t serial, NvItem itemId) {return Status::ok();}
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::nvWriteItem(int32_t serial, const NvWriteItem& item) {return Status::ok();}
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getImsRegistrationState(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getImsRegistrationState: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_IMS_REGISTRATION_STATE);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::nvWriteCdmaPrl(int32_t serial,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& prl) {return Status::ok();}
-bool dispatchImsGsmSms(const ImsSmsMessage& message, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    RIL_IMS_SMS_Message rism;
-    char **pStrings;
-    int countStrings = 2;
-    int dataLen = sizeof(char *) * countStrings;
+Return<void> RadioImpl::nvResetConfig(int32_t serial, ResetNvType resetType) {return Status::ok();}
-    memset(&rism, 0, sizeof(rism));
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setUiccSubscription(int32_t serial, const SelectUiccSub& uiccSub) {return Status::ok();}
-    rism.retry = BOOL_TO_INT(message.retry);
-    rism.messageRef = message.messageRef;
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setDataAllowed(int32_t serial, bool allow) {return Status::ok();}
-    if (message.gsmMessage.size() != 1) {
-        RLOGE("dispatchImsGsmSms: Invalid len %s", requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
-        android::Parcel p;
-        pRI->pCI->responseFunction(p, (int) pRI->socket_id, pRI->pCI->requestNumber,
-                (int) RadioResponseType::SOLICITED, pRI->token, RIL_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, NULL, 0);
-        return false;
-    }
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getHardwareConfig(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-    pStrings = (char **)calloc(countStrings, sizeof(char *));
-    if (pStrings == NULL) {
-        RLOGE("dispatchImsGsmSms: Memory allocation failed for request %s",
-                requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
-        android::Parcel p;
-        pRI->pCI->responseFunction(p, (int) pRI->socket_id, pRI->pCI->requestNumber,
-                (int) RadioResponseType::SOLICITED, pRI->token, RIL_E_NO_MEMORY, NULL, 0);
-        return false;
-    }
+Return<void> RadioImpl::requestIccSimAuthentication(int32_t serial,
+        int32_t authContext,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& authData,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& aid) {return Status::ok();}
-    if (!copyHidlStringToRil(&pStrings[0], message.gsmMessage[0].smscPdu, pRI)) {
-        memset(pStrings, 0, datalen);
-        free(pStrings);
-        return false;
-    }
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setDataProfile(int32_t serial,
+        const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<DataProfileInfo>& profiles) {return Status::ok();}
-    if (!copyHidlStringToRil(&pStrings[1], message.gsmMessage[0].pdu, pRI)) {
-        memsetAndFreeStrings(1, pStrings[0]);
-        memset(pStrings, 0, datalen);
-        free(pStrings);
-        return false;
-    }
+Return<void> RadioImpl::requestShutdown(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-    rism.message.gsmMessage = pStrings;
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &rism, sizeof(RIL_RadioTechnologyFamily) +
-            sizeof(uint8_t) + sizeof(int32_t) + dataLen, pRI);
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getRadioCapability(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-    for (int i = 0 ; i < countStrings ; i++) {
-        memsetAndFreeStrings(1, pStrings[i]);
-    }
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setRadioCapability(int32_t serial, const RadioCapability& rc) {return Status::ok();}
-    memset(pStrings, 0, datalen);
-    free(pStrings);
+Return<void> RadioImpl::startLceService(int32_t serial, int32_t reportInterval, bool pullMode) {return Status::ok();}
-    return true;
+Return<void> RadioImpl::stopLceService(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-bool dispatchImsCdmaSms(const ImsSmsMessage& message, RequestInfo *pRI) {
-    RIL_IMS_SMS_Message rism;
-    RIL_CDMA_SMS_Message rcsm;
+Return<void> RadioImpl::pullLceData(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-    if (message.cdmaMessage.size() != 1) {
-        RLOGE("dispatchImsCdmaSms: Invalid len %s", requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
-        android::Parcel p;
-        pRI->pCI->responseFunction(p, (int) pRI->socket_id, pRI->pCI->requestNumber,
-                (int) RadioResponseType::SOLICITED, pRI->token, RIL_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, NULL, 0);
-        return false;
-    }
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getModemActivityInfo(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
-    rism.retry = BOOL_TO_INT(message.retry);
-    rism.messageRef = message.messageRef;
-    rism.message.cdmaMessage = &rcsm;
+Return<void> RadioImpl::setAllowedCarriers(int32_t serial,
+        bool allAllowed,
+        const CarrierRestrictions& carriers) {return Status::ok();}
-    constructCdmaSms(rcsm, message.cdmaMessage[0]);
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &rism, sizeof(RIL_RadioTechnologyFamily) +
-            sizeof(uint8_t) + sizeof(int32_t) + sizeof(rcsm), pRI);
-    return true;
-Return<void> RadioImpl::sendImsSms(int32_t serial, const ImsSmsMessage& message) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::sendImsSms: serial %d", serial);
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_IMS_SEND_SMS);
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return Void();
-    }
-    RIL_RadioTechnologyFamily format = (RIL_RadioTechnologyFamily);
-    if (RADIO_TECH_3GPP == format) {
-        dispatchImsGsmSms(message, pRI);
-    } else if (RADIO_TECH_3GPP2 == format) {
-        dispatchImsCdmaSms(message, pRI);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("RadioImpl::sendImsSms: Invalid radio tech %s",
-                requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
-        android::Parcel p;
-        pRI->pCI->responseFunction(p, (int) pRI->socket_id, pRI->pCI->requestNumber,
-                (int) RadioResponseType::SOLICITED, pRI->token, RIL_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, NULL, 0);
-    }
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::iccTransmitApduBasicChannel(int32_t serial, const SimApdu& message) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::iccTransmitApduBasicChannel: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchIccApdu(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SIM_TRANSMIT_APDU_BASIC, message);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::iccOpenLogicalChannel(int32_t serial, const hidl_string& aid) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::iccOpenLogicalChannel: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchStrings(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SIM_OPEN_CHANNEL,
-            1, (const char *) aid);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::iccCloseLogicalChannel(int32_t serial, int32_t channelId) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::iccCloseLogicalChannel: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SIM_CLOSE_CHANNEL, 1, channelId);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::iccTransmitApduLogicalChannel(int32_t serial, const SimApdu& message) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::iccTransmitApduLogicalChannel: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchIccApdu(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SIM_TRANSMIT_APDU_CHANNEL, message);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::nvReadItem(int32_t serial, NvItem itemId) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::nvReadItem: serial %d", serial);
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_NV_READ_ITEM);
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return Void();
-    }
-    RIL_NV_ReadItem nvri;
-    memset (&nvri, 0, sizeof(nvri));
-    nvri.itemID = (RIL_NV_Item) itemId;
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &nvri, sizeof(nvri), pRI);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::nvWriteItem(int32_t serial, const NvWriteItem& item) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::nvWriteItem: serial %d", serial);
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_NV_WRITE_ITEM);
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return Void();
-    }
-    RIL_NV_WriteItem nvwi;
-    memset (&nvwi, 0, sizeof(nvwi));
-    nvwi.itemID = (RIL_NV_Item) item.itemId;
-    if (!copyHidlStringToRil(&nvwi.value, item.value, pRI)) {
-        return Void();
-    }
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &nvwi, sizeof(nvwi), pRI);
-    memsetAndFreeStrings(1, nvwi.value);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::nvWriteCdmaPrl(int32_t serial, const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& prl) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::nvWriteCdmaPrl: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchRaw(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_NV_WRITE_CDMA_PRL, prl);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::nvResetConfig(int32_t serial, ResetNvType resetType) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::nvResetConfig: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_NV_RESET_CONFIG, 1, (int) resetType);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setUiccSubscription(int32_t serial, const SelectUiccSub& uiccSub) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setUiccSubscription: serial %d", serial);
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId,
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return Void();
-    }
-    RIL_SelectUiccSub rilUiccSub;
-    memset(&rilUiccSub, 0, sizeof(rilUiccSub));
-    rilUiccSub.slot = uiccSub.slot;
-    rilUiccSub.app_index = uiccSub.appIndex;
-    rilUiccSub.sub_type = (RIL_SubscriptionType) uiccSub.subType;
-    rilUiccSub.act_status = (RIL_UiccSubActStatus) uiccSub.actStatus;
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &rilUiccSub, sizeof(rilUiccSub), pRI);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setDataAllowed(int32_t serial, bool allow) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setDataAllowed: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_ALLOW_DATA, 1, BOOL_TO_INT(allow));
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getHardwareConfig(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getHardwareConfig: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::requestIccSimAuthentication(int32_t serial, int32_t authContext,
-        const hidl_string& authData, const hidl_string& aid) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::requestIccSimAuthentication: serial %d", serial);
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SIM_AUTHENTICATION);
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return Void();
-    }
-    RIL_SimAuthentication pf;
-    memset (&pf, 0, sizeof(pf));
-    pf.authContext = authContext;
-    int len;
-    if (!copyHidlStringToRil(&pf.authData, authData, pRI)) {
-        return Void();
-    }
-    if (!copyHidlStringToRil(&pf.aid, aid, pRI)) {
-        memsetAndFreeStrings(1, pf.authData);
-        return Void();
-    }
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &pf, sizeof(pf), pRI);
-    memsetAndFreeStrings(2, pf.authData, pf.aid);
-    return Void();
- * dataProfilePtrs are contained in dataProfiles (dataProfilePtrs[i] = &dataProfiles[i])
- **/
-void freeSetDataProfileData(int num, RIL_DataProfileInfo *dataProfiles,
-                            RIL_DataProfileInfo **dataProfilePtrs, int freeNumProfiles) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < freeNumProfiles; i++) {
-        memsetAndFreeStrings(4, dataProfiles[i].apn, dataProfiles[i].protocol, dataProfiles[i].user,
-                dataProfiles[i].password);
-    }
-    memset(dataProfiles, 0, num * sizeof(RIL_DataProfileInfo));
-    memset(dataProfilePtrs, 0, num * sizeof(RIL_DataProfileInfo *));
-    free(dataProfiles);
-    free(dataProfilePtrs);
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setDataProfile(int32_t serial, const hidl_vec<DataProfileInfo>& profiles) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setDataProfile: serial %d", serial);
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SET_DATA_PROFILE);
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return Void();
-    }
-    // todo - dispatch request
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::requestShutdown(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::requestShutdown: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SHUTDOWN);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getRadioCapability(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getRadioCapability: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_GET_RADIO_CAPABILITY);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setRadioCapability(int32_t serial, const RadioCapability& rc) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setRadioCapability: serial %d", serial);
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_SET_RADIO_CAPABILITY);
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return Void();
-    }
-    RIL_RadioCapability rilRc;
-    memset (&rilRc, 0, sizeof(rilRc));
-    // TODO : set rilRc.version using HIDL version ?
-    rilRc.session = rc.session;
-    rilRc.phase = (int) rc.phase;
-    rilRc.rat = (int) rc.raf;
-    rilRc.status = (int) rc.status;
-    strncpy(rilRc.logicalModemUuid, (const char *) rc.logicalModemUuid, MAX_UUID_LENGTH);
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &rilRc, sizeof(rilRc), pRI);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::startLceService(int32_t serial, int32_t reportInterval, bool pullMode) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::startLceService: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchInts(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_START_LCE, 2, reportInterval,
-            BOOL_TO_INT(pullMode));
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::stopLceService(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::stopLceService: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_STOP_LCE);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::pullLceData(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::pullLceData: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_PULL_LCEDATA);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getModemActivityInfo(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getModemActivityInfo: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_GET_ACTIVITY_INFO);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::setAllowedCarriers(int32_t serial, bool allAllowed,
-                                           const CarrierRestrictions& carriers) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::setAllowedCarriers: serial %d", serial);
-    RequestInfo *pRI = android::addRequestToList(serial, mSlotId,
-    if (pRI == NULL) {
-        return Void();
-    }
-    RIL_CarrierRestrictions cr;
-    RIL_Carrier * allowedCarriers = NULL;
-    RIL_Carrier * excludedCarriers = NULL;
-    memset(&cr, 0, sizeof(RIL_CarrierRestrictions));
-    cr.len_allowed_carriers = carriers.allowedCarriers.size();
-    allowedCarriers = (RIL_Carrier *)calloc(cr.len_allowed_carriers, sizeof(RIL_Carrier));
-    if (allowedCarriers == NULL) {
-        RLOGE("RadioImpl::setAllowedCarriers: Memory allocation failed for request %s",
-                requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
-        android::Parcel p;
-        pRI->pCI->responseFunction(p, (int) pRI->socket_id, pRI->pCI->requestNumber,
-                (int) RadioResponseType::SOLICITED, pRI->token, RIL_E_NO_MEMORY, NULL, 0);
-        return Void();
-    }
-    cr.allowed_carriers = allowedCarriers;
-    cr.len_excluded_carriers = carriers.excludedCarriers.size();
-    excludedCarriers = (RIL_Carrier *)calloc(cr.len_excluded_carriers, sizeof(RIL_Carrier));
-    if (excludedCarriers == NULL) {
-        RLOGE("RadioImpl::setAllowedCarriers: Memory allocation failed for request %s",
-                requestToString(pRI->pCI->requestNumber));
-        android::Parcel p;
-        pRI->pCI->responseFunction(p, (int) pRI->socket_id, pRI->pCI->requestNumber,
-                (int) RadioResponseType::SOLICITED, pRI->token, RIL_E_NO_MEMORY, NULL, 0);
-        memset(allowedCarriers, 0, cr.len_allowed_carriers * sizeof(RIL_Carrier));
-        free(allowedCarriers);
-        return Void();
-    }
-    cr.excluded_carriers = excludedCarriers;
-    for (int i = 0; i < cr.len_allowed_carriers; i++) {
-        allowedCarriers[i].mcc = (const char *) carriers.allowedCarriers[i].mcc;
-        allowedCarriers[i].mnc = (const char *) carriers.allowedCarriers[i].mnc;
-        allowedCarriers[i].match_type = (RIL_CarrierMatchType) carriers.allowedCarriers[i].matchType;
-        allowedCarriers[i].match_data = (const char *) carriers.allowedCarriers[i].matchData;
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < cr.len_allowed_carriers; i++) {
-        excludedCarriers[i].mcc = (const char *) carriers.excludedCarriers[i].mcc;
-        excludedCarriers[i].mnc = (const char *) carriers.excludedCarriers[i].mnc;
-        excludedCarriers[i].match_type =
-                (RIL_CarrierMatchType) carriers.excludedCarriers[i].matchType;
-        excludedCarriers[i].match_data = (const char *) carriers.excludedCarriers[i].matchData;
-    }
-    s_vendorFunctions->onRequest(pRI->pCI->requestNumber, &cr, sizeof(RIL_CarrierRestrictions), pRI);
-    memset(allowedCarriers, 0, cr.len_allowed_carriers * sizeof(RIL_Carrier));
-    memset(excludedCarriers, 0, cr.len_excluded_carriers * sizeof(RIL_Carrier));
-    free(allowedCarriers);
-    free(excludedCarriers);
-    return Void();
-Return<void> RadioImpl::getAllowedCarriers(int32_t serial) {
-    RLOGD("RadioImpl::getAllowedCarriers: serial %d", serial);
-    dispatchVoid(serial, mSlotId, RIL_REQUEST_GET_CARRIER_RESTRICTIONS);
-    return Void();
+Return<void> RadioImpl::getAllowedCarriers(int32_t serial) {return Status::ok();}
 Return<void> RadioImpl::sendDeviceState(int32_t serial, DeviceStateType deviceStateType, bool state) {return Status::ok();}
@@ -2019,14 +979,16 @@
 Return<void> RadioImpl::responseAcknowledgement() {
-    return Void();
+    return Status::ok();
- * Functions above are used for requests going from framework to vendor code. The ones below are
- * responses for those requests coming back from the vendor code.
- **************************************************************************************************/
+hidl_string convertCharPtrToHidlString(char *ptr) {
+    hidl_string ret;
+    if (ptr != NULL) {
+        ret.setToExternal(ptr, strlen(ptr));
+    }
+    return ret;
 void radio::acknowledgeRequest(int slotId, int serial) {
     if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
@@ -2038,7 +1000,7 @@
 void populateResponseInfo(RadioResponseInfo& responseInfo, int serial, int responseType,
-                         RIL_Errno e) {
+        RIL_Errno e) {
     responseInfo.serial = serial;
     switch (responseType) {
@@ -2052,7 +1014,7 @@
 int responseInt(RadioResponseInfo& responseInfo, int serial, int responseType, RIL_Errno e,
-               void *response, size_t responseLen) {
+        void *response, size_t responseLen) {
     populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
     int ret = -1;
@@ -2067,8 +1029,9 @@
 int radio::getIccCardStatusResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                   int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                   void *response, size_t responseLen) {
+        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responseLen) {
+    RLOGD("radio::getIccCardStatusResponse: serial %d", serial);
     if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
         RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
         populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
@@ -2113,8 +1076,7 @@
 int radio::supplyIccPinForAppResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                     int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                     void *response, size_t responseLen) {
+        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responseLen) {
     RLOGD("radio::supplyIccPinForAppResponse: serial %d", serial);
     if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
@@ -2132,15 +1094,13 @@
 int radio::supplyIccPukForAppResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                     int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                     void *response, size_t responseLen) {
+        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responseLen) {
     RLOGD("radio::supplyIccPukForAppResponse: serial %d", serial);
     if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
         RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
         int ret = responseInt(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e, response, responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->supplyIccPukForAppResponse(
-                responseInfo, ret);
+        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->supplyIccPukForAppResponse(responseInfo, ret);
     } else {
         RLOGE("radio::supplyIccPukForAppResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
@@ -2151,8 +1111,7 @@
 int radio::supplyIccPin2ForAppResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                      int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                      void *response, size_t responseLen) {
+        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responseLen) {
     RLOGD("radio::supplyIccPin2ForAppResponse: serial %d", serial);
     if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
@@ -2170,8 +1129,7 @@
 int radio::supplyIccPuk2ForAppResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                      int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                      void *response, size_t responseLen) {
+        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responseLen) {
     RLOGD("radio::supplyIccPuk2ForAppResponse: serial %d", serial);
     if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
@@ -2189,8 +1147,7 @@
 int radio::changeIccPinForAppResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                     int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                     void *response, size_t responseLen) {
+        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responseLen) {
     RLOGD("radio::changeIccPinForAppResponse: serial %d", serial);
     if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
@@ -2208,8 +1165,7 @@
 int radio::changeIccPin2ForAppResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                      int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                      void *response, size_t responseLen) {
+        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responseLen) {
     RLOGD("radio::changeIccPin2ForAppResponse: serial %d", serial);
     if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
@@ -2227,8 +1183,7 @@
 int radio::supplyNetworkDepersonalizationResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                                 int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                                 void *response, size_t responseLen) {
+        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responseLen) {
     RLOGD("radio::supplyNetworkDepersonalizationResponse: serial %d", serial);
     if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
@@ -2238,16 +1193,15 @@
                 supplyNetworkDepersonalizationResponse(responseInfo, ret);
     } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::supplyNetworkDepersonalizationResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == "
-                "NULL", slotId);
+        RLOGE("radio::supplyNetworkDepersonalizationResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == \
+                NULL", slotId);
     return 0;
 int radio::getCurrentCallsResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                  int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                  void *response, size_t responseLen) {
+        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responseLen) {
     RLOGD("radio::getCurrentCallsResponse: serial %d", serial);
     if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
@@ -2277,14 +1231,19 @@
                 calls[i].numberPresentation = (CallPresentation) p_cur->numberPresentation;
                 calls[i].name = convertCharPtrToHidlString(p_cur->name);
                 calls[i].namePresentation = (CallPresentation) p_cur->namePresentation;
-                if (p_cur->uusInfo != NULL && p_cur->uusInfo->uusData != NULL) {
+                if (!(p_cur->uusInfo == NULL || p_cur->uusInfo->uusData == NULL)) {
                     RIL_UUS_Info *uusInfo = p_cur->uusInfo;
                     calls[i].uusInfo[0].uusType = (UusType) uusInfo->uusType;
                     calls[i].uusInfo[0].uusDcs = (UusDcs) uusInfo->uusDcs;
                     // convert uusInfo->uusData to a null-terminated string
-                    char *nullTermStr = strndup(uusInfo->uusData, uusInfo->uusLength);
-                    calls[i].uusInfo[0].uusData = nullTermStr;
-                    free(nullTermStr);
+                    if (uusInfo->uusData != NULL) {
+                        char *nullTermStr = strndup(uusInfo->uusData, uusInfo->uusLength);
+                        calls[i].uusInfo[0].uusData = nullTermStr;
+                        free(nullTermStr);
+                    } else {
+                        hidl_string emptyString;
+                        calls[i].uusInfo[0].uusData = emptyString;
+                    }
@@ -2300,8 +1259,7 @@
 int radio::dialResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                       int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                       size_t responseLen) {
+        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responseLen) {
     RLOGD("radio::dialResponse: serial %d", serial);
     if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
@@ -2316,2527 +1274,6 @@
     return 0;
-int radio::getIMSIForAppResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::getIMSIForAppResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getIMSIForAppResponse(
-                responseInfo, convertCharPtrToHidlString((char *) response));
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getIMSIForAppResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::hangupConnectionResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                   int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                   void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::hangupConnectionResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->hangupConnectionResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::hangupConnectionResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::hangupWaitingOrBackgroundResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                            int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                            void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::hangupWaitingOrBackgroundResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus =
-                radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->hangupWaitingOrBackgroundResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::hangupWaitingOrBackgroundResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::hangupForegroundResumeBackgroundResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId,
-                                                   int requestNumber,
-                                                   int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                                   void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::hangupWaitingOrBackgroundResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus =
-                radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->hangupWaitingOrBackgroundResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::hangupWaitingOrBackgroundResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::switchWaitingOrHoldingAndActiveResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId,
-                                                  int requestNumber,
-                                                  int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                                  void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::switchWaitingOrHoldingAndActiveResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus =
-                radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->switchWaitingOrHoldingAndActiveResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::switchWaitingOrHoldingAndActiveResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse "
-                "== NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::conferenceResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-                             int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::conferenceResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->conferenceResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::conferenceResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::rejectCallResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-                             int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::rejectCallResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->rejectCallResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::rejectCallResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getLastCallFailCauseResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                       int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                       size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::getLastCallFailCauseResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        LastCallFailCauseInfo info;
-        memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
-        if (response == NULL) {
-            RLOGE("radio::getCurrentCallsResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        } else if (responseLen == sizeof(int)) {
-            int *pInt = (int *) response;
-            info.causeCode = (LastCallFailCause) pInt[0];
-        } else if (responseLen == sizeof(RIL_LastCallFailCauseInfo))  {
-            RIL_LastCallFailCauseInfo *pFailCauseInfo = (RIL_LastCallFailCauseInfo *) response;
-            info.causeCode = (LastCallFailCause) pFailCauseInfo->cause_code;
-            info.vendorCause = convertCharPtrToHidlString(pFailCauseInfo->vendor_cause);
-        } else {
-            RLOGE("radio::getCurrentCallsResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        }
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getLastCallFailCauseResponse(
-                responseInfo, info);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getLastCallFailCauseResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getVoiceRegistrationStateResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                            int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                            void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::getVoiceRegistrationStateResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        VoiceRegStateResult voiceRegResponse;
-        memset(&voiceRegResponse, 0, sizeof(voiceRegResponse));
-        int numStrings = responseLen / sizeof(char *);
-        if (response == NULL || numStrings != 15) {
-            RLOGE("radio::getVoiceRegistrationStateResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        } else {
-            char **resp = (char **) response;
-            voiceRegResponse.regState = (RegState) ATOI_NULL_HANDLED_DEF(resp[0], 4);
-            voiceRegResponse.lac = ATOI_NULL_HANDLED(resp[1]);
-            voiceRegResponse.cid = ATOI_NULL_HANDLED(resp[2]);
-            voiceRegResponse.rat = ATOI_NULL_HANDLED(resp[3]);
-            voiceRegResponse.baseStationId = ATOI_NULL_HANDLED(resp[4]);
-            voiceRegResponse.baseStationLatitude = ATOI_NULL_HANDLED_DEF(resp[5], INT_MAX);
-            voiceRegResponse.baseStationLongitude = ATOI_NULL_HANDLED_DEF(resp[6], INT_MAX);
-            voiceRegResponse.cssSupported = ATOI_NULL_HANDLED_DEF(resp[7], 0);
-            voiceRegResponse.systemId = ATOI_NULL_HANDLED_DEF(resp[8], 0);
-            voiceRegResponse.networkId = ATOI_NULL_HANDLED_DEF(resp[9], 0);
-            voiceRegResponse.roamingIndicator = ATOI_NULL_HANDLED(resp[10]);
-            voiceRegResponse.systemIsInPrl = ATOI_NULL_HANDLED_DEF(resp[11], 0);
-            voiceRegResponse.defaultRoamingIndicator = ATOI_NULL_HANDLED_DEF(resp[12], 0);
-            voiceRegResponse.reasonForDenial = ATOI_NULL_HANDLED_DEF(resp[13], 0);
-            voiceRegResponse.psc = ATOI_NULL_HANDLED(resp[14]);
-        }
-        Return<void> retStatus =
-                radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getVoiceRegistrationStateResponse(
-                responseInfo, voiceRegResponse);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getVoiceRegistrationStateResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getDataRegistrationStateResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                           int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                           void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::getDataRegistrationStateResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        DataRegStateResult dataRegResponse;
-        memset(&dataRegResponse, 0, sizeof(dataRegResponse));
-        int numStrings = responseLen / sizeof(char *);
-        if (response == NULL || (numStrings != 6 && numStrings != 11)) {
-            RLOGE("radio::getDataRegistrationStateResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        } else {
-            char **resp = (char **) response;
-            dataRegResponse.regState = (RegState) ATOI_NULL_HANDLED_DEF(resp[0], 4);
-            dataRegResponse.lac =  ATOI_NULL_HANDLED(resp[1]);
-            dataRegResponse.cid =  ATOI_NULL_HANDLED(resp[2]);
-            dataRegResponse.rat =  ATOI_NULL_HANDLED_DEF(resp[3], 0);
-            dataRegResponse.reasonDataDenied =  ATOI_NULL_HANDLED(resp[4]);
-            dataRegResponse.maxDataCalls =  ATOI_NULL_HANDLED_DEF(resp[5], 1);
-            if (numStrings == 11) {
-                dataRegResponse.tac = ATOI_NULL_HANDLED(resp[6]);
-                dataRegResponse.phyCid = ATOI_NULL_HANDLED(resp[7]);
-                dataRegResponse.eci = ATOI_NULL_HANDLED(resp[8]);
-                dataRegResponse.csgid = ATOI_NULL_HANDLED(resp[9]);
-                dataRegResponse.tadv = ATOI_NULL_HANDLED(resp[10]);
-            }
-        }
-        Return<void> retStatus =
-                radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getDataRegistrationStateResponse(responseInfo,
-                dataRegResponse);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getDataRegistrationStateResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getOperatorResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                              int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                              size_t responseLen) {
-   RLOGD("radio::getOperatorResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        hidl_string longName;
-        hidl_string shortName;
-        hidl_string numeric;
-        int numStrings = responseLen / sizeof(char *);
-        if (response == NULL || numStrings != 3) {
-            RLOGE("radio::getOperatorResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        } else {
-            char **resp = (char **) response;
-            longName = convertCharPtrToHidlString(resp[0]);
-            shortName = convertCharPtrToHidlString(resp[1]);
-            numeric = convertCharPtrToHidlString(resp[2]);
-        }
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getOperatorResponse(
-                responseInfo, longName, shortName, numeric);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getOperatorResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setRadioPowerResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setRadioPowerResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setRadioPowerResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setRadioPowerResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::sendDtmfResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                           int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                           size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::sendDtmfResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->sendDtmfResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::sendDtmfResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-SendSmsResult makeSendSmsResult(RadioResponseInfo& responseInfo, int serial, int responseType,
-                                RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-    SendSmsResult result;
-    if (response == NULL || responseLen != sizeof(RIL_SMS_Response)) {
-        RLOGE("Invalid response: NULL");
-        if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        memset(&result, 0, sizeof(result));
-    } else {
-        RIL_SMS_Response *resp = (RIL_SMS_Response *) response;
-        result.messageRef = resp->messageRef;
-        result.ackPDU = convertCharPtrToHidlString(resp->ackPDU);
-        result.errorCode = resp->errorCode;
-    }
-    return result;
-int radio::sendSmsResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                          size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::sendSmsResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        SendSmsResult result = makeSendSmsResult(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e, response,
-                responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->sendSmsResponse(responseInfo,
-                result);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::sendSmsResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::sendSMSExpectMoreResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                    int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                    size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::sendSMSExpectMoreResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        SendSmsResult result = makeSendSmsResult(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e, response,
-                responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->sendSMSExpectMoreResponse(
-                responseInfo, result);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::sendSMSExpectMoreResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-IccIoResult responseIccIo(RadioResponseInfo& responseInfo, int serial, int responseType,
-                           RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-    IccIoResult result;
-    if (response == NULL || responseLen != sizeof(RIL_SIM_IO_Response)) {
-        RLOGE("Invalid response: NULL");
-        if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        memset(&result, 0, sizeof(result));
-        hidl_string emptyString;
-        result.simResponse = emptyString;
-    } else {
-        RIL_SIM_IO_Response *resp = (RIL_SIM_IO_Response *) response;
-        result.sw1 = resp->sw1;
-        result.sw2 = resp->sw2;
-        result.simResponse = convertCharPtrToHidlString(resp->simResponse);
-    }
-    return result;
-int radio::iccIOForAppResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                      int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                      size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::radio::iccIOForAppResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        IccIoResult result = responseIccIo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e, response,
-                responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->iccIOForAppResponse(
-                responseInfo, result);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::iccIOForAppResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::sendUssdResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                           int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                           size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::sendUssdResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->sendUssdResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::sendUssdResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::cancelPendingUssdResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                    int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                    size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::cancelPendingUssdResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->cancelPendingUssdResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::cancelPendingUssdResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getClirResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                              int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                              size_t responseLen) {
-   RLOGD("radio::getClirResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        int n = -1, m = -1;
-        int numInts = responseLen / sizeof(int);
-        if (response == NULL || numInts != 2) {
-            RLOGE("radio::getClirResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        } else {
-            int *pInt = (int *) response;
-            n = pInt[0];
-            m = pInt[1];
-        }
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getClirResponse(responseInfo,
-                n, m);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getClirResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setClirResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                          size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setClirResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setClirResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setClirResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getCallForwardStatusResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                       int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                       void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::getCallForwardStatusResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        hidl_vec<CallForwardInfo> callForwardInfos;
-        if (response == NULL || responseLen % sizeof(RIL_CallForwardInfo *) != 0) {
-            RLOGE("radio::getCallForwardStatusResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        } else {
-            int num = responseLen / sizeof(RIL_CallForwardInfo *);
-            callForwardInfos.resize(num);
-            for (int i = 0 ; i < num; i++) {
-                RIL_CallForwardInfo *resp = ((RIL_CallForwardInfo **) response)[i];
-                callForwardInfos[i].status = (CallForwardInfoStatus) resp->status;
-                callForwardInfos[i].reason = resp->reason;
-                callForwardInfos[i].serviceClass = resp->serviceClass;
-                callForwardInfos[i].toa = resp->toa;
-                callForwardInfos[i].number = convertCharPtrToHidlString(resp->number);
-                callForwardInfos[i].timeSeconds = resp->timeSeconds;
-            }
-        }
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getCallForwardStatusResponse(
-                responseInfo, callForwardInfos);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getCallForwardStatusResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setCallForwardResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                 int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                 size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setCallForwardResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setCallForwardResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setCallForwardResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getCallWaitingResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                 int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                 size_t responseLen) {
-   RLOGD("radio::getCallWaitingResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        bool enable = false;
-        int serviceClass = -1;
-        int numInts = responseLen / sizeof(int);
-        if (response == NULL || numInts != 2) {
-            RLOGE("radio::getCallWaitingResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        } else {
-            int *pInt = (int *) response;
-            enable = pInt[0] == 1 ? true : false;
-            serviceClass = pInt[1];
-        }
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getClirResponse(responseInfo,
-                enable, serviceClass);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getCallWaitingResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setCallWaitingResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                 int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                 size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setCallWaitingResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setCallWaitingResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setCallWaitingResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::acknowledgeLastIncomingGsmSmsResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                                int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                                void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::acknowledgeLastIncomingGsmSmsResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus =
-                radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->acknowledgeLastIncomingGsmSmsResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::acknowledgeLastIncomingGsmSmsResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse "
-                "== NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::acceptCallResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                             int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                             void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::acceptCallResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->acceptCallResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::acceptCallResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::deactivateDataCallResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                                int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                                void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::deactivateDataCallResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->deactivateDataCallResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::deactivateDataCallResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getFacilityLockForAppResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                        void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::getFacilityLockForAppResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        int ret = responseInt(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e, response, responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->
-                getFacilityLockForAppResponse(responseInfo, ret);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getFacilityLockForAppResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setFacilityLockForAppResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                      int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                      void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setFacilityLockForAppResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        int ret = responseInt(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e, response, responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setFacilityLockForAppResponse(responseInfo,
-                ret);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setFacilityLockForAppResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setBarringPasswordResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                             int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                             void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::acceptCallResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setBarringPasswordResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setBarringPasswordResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getNetworkSelectionModeResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                          size_t responseLen) {
-   RLOGD("radio::getNetworkSelectionModeResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        bool manual = false;
-        int serviceClass;
-        if (response == NULL || responseLen != sizeof(int)) {
-            RLOGE("radio::getNetworkSelectionModeResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        } else {
-            int *pInt = (int *) response;
-            manual = pInt[0] == 1 ? true : false;
-        }
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getNetworkSelectionModeResponse(
-                responseInfo,
-                manual);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getNetworkSelectionModeResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setNetworkSelectionModeAutomaticResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId,
-                             int requestNumber,
-                             int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                             void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setNetworkSelectionModeAutomaticResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setNetworkSelectionModeAutomaticResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setNetworkSelectionModeAutomaticResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse "
-                "== NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setNetworkSelectionModeManualResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                             int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                             void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setNetworkSelectionModeManualResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setNetworkSelectionModeManualResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::acceptCallResponse: radioService[%d]->setNetworkSelectionModeManualResponse "
-                "== NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int convertOperatorStatusToInt(char * str) {
-    if (strcmp("unknown", str) == 0) {
-        return (int) OperatorStatus::UNKNOWN;
-    } else if (strcmp("available", str) == 0) {
-        return (int) OperatorStatus::AVAILABLE;
-    } else if (strcmp("current", str) == 0) {
-        return (int) OperatorStatus::CURRENT;
-    } else if (strcmp("forbidden", str) == 0) {
-        return (int) OperatorStatus::FORBIDDEN;
-    } else {
-        return -1;
-    }
-int radio::getAvailableNetworksResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                              int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                              size_t responseLen) {
-   RLOGD("radio::getAvailableNetworksResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        hidl_vec<OperatorInfo> networks;
-        if (response == NULL || responseLen % (4 * sizeof(char *))!= 0) {
-            RLOGE("radio::getAvailableNetworksResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        } else {
-            char **resp = (char **) response;
-            int numStrings = responseLen / sizeof(char *);
-            networks.resize(numStrings/4);
-            for (int i = 0; i < numStrings; i = i + 4) {
-                networks[i].alphaLong = convertCharPtrToHidlString(resp[i]);
-                networks[i].alphaShort = convertCharPtrToHidlString(resp[i + 1]);
-                networks[i].operatorNumeric = convertCharPtrToHidlString(resp[i + 2]);
-                int status = convertOperatorStatusToInt(resp[i + 3]);
-                if (status == -1) {
-                    if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-                } else {
-                    networks[i].status = (OperatorStatus) status;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getAvailableNetworksResponse(responseInfo,
-                networks);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getAvailableNetworksResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::startDtmfResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                            int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                            void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::startDtmfResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->startDtmfResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::startDtmfResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::stopDtmfResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                           int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                           void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::stopDtmfResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->stopDtmfResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::stopDtmfResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getBasebandVersionResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                     int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                     void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::getBasebandVersionResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getBasebandVersionResponse(responseInfo,
-                convertCharPtrToHidlString((char *) response));
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getBasebandVersionResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::separateConnectionResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                     int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                     void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::separateConnectionResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->separateConnectionResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::separateConnectionResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setMuteResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                          void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setMuteResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setMuteResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setMuteResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getMuteResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                          size_t responseLen) {
-   RLOGD("radio::getMuteResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        bool enable = false;
-        int serviceClass;
-        if (response == NULL || responseLen != sizeof(int)) {
-            RLOGE("radio::getMuteResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        } else {
-            int *pInt = (int *) response;
-            enable = pInt[0] == 1 ? true : false;
-        }
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getMuteResponse(responseInfo,
-                enable);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getMuteResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getClipResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                          void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::getClipResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        int ret = responseInt(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e, response, responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getClipResponse(responseInfo,
-                (ClipStatus) ret);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getClipResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::sendOemRilRequestStringsResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                           int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                           void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-   RLOGD("radio::sendOemRilRequestStringsResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        hidl_vec<hidl_string> data;
-        if (response == NULL || responseLen % sizeof(char *) != 0) {
-            RLOGE("radio::sendOemRilRequestStringsResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        } else {
-            char **resp = (char **) response;
-            int numStrings = responseLen / sizeof(char *);
-            data.resize(numStrings);
-            for (int i = 0; i < numStrings; i++) {
-                data[i] = convertCharPtrToHidlString(resp[i]);
-            }
-        }
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->sendOemRilRequestStringsResponse(
-                responseInfo, data);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::sendOemRilRequestStringsResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::sendScreenStateResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                          void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::sendScreenStateResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->sendScreenStateResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::sendScreenStateResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setSuppServiceNotificationsResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                              int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                              void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setSuppServiceNotificationsResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setSuppServiceNotificationsResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setSuppServiceNotificationsResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse "
-                "== NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::deleteSmsOnSimResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                 int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                 void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::deleteSmsOnSimResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->deleteSmsOnSimResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::deleteSmsOnSimResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setBandModeResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                              int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                              void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setBandModeResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setBandModeResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setBandModeResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::writeSmsToSimResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::writeSmsToSimResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        int ret = responseInt(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e, response, responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->writeSmsToSimResponse(responseInfo, ret);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::writeSmsToSimResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getAvailableBandModesResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                        size_t responseLen) {
-   RLOGD("radio::getAvailableBandModesResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        hidl_vec<RadioBandMode> modes;
-        if (response == NULL || responseLen % sizeof(int) != 0) {
-            RLOGE("radio::getAvailableBandModesResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        } else {
-            int *pInt = (int *) response;
-            int numInts = responseLen / sizeof(int);
-            modes.resize(numInts);
-            for (int i = 0; i < numInts; i++) {
-                modes[i] = (RadioBandMode) pInt[i];
-            }
-        }
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getAvailableBandModesResponse(responseInfo,
-                modes);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getAvailableBandModesResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::sendEnvelopeResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                               int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                               void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::sendEnvelopeResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->sendEnvelopeResponse(responseInfo,
-                convertCharPtrToHidlString((char *) response));
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::sendEnvelopeResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::sendTerminalResponseToSimResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                            int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                            void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::sendTerminalResponseToSimResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->sendTerminalResponseToSimResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::sendTerminalResponseToSimResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::handleStkCallSetupRequestFromSimResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId,
-                                                   int requestNumber, int responseType, int serial,
-                                                   RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                                   size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::handleStkCallSetupRequestFromSimResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->handleStkCallSetupRequestFromSimResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::handleStkCallSetupRequestFromSimResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse "
-                "== NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::explicitCallTransferResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                       int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                       void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::explicitCallTransferResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->explicitCallTransferResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::explicitCallTransferResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setPreferredNetworkTypeResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                 int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                 void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setPreferredNetworkTypeResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setPreferredNetworkTypeResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setPreferredNetworkTypeResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getPreferredNetworkTypeResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                          void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::getPreferredNetworkTypeResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        int ret = responseInt(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e, response, responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getPreferredNetworkTypeResponse(
-                responseInfo, (PreferredNetworkType) ret);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getPreferredNetworkTypeResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getNeighboringCidsResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                     int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                     void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::getNeighboringCidsResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        hidl_vec<NeighboringCell> cells;
-        if (response == NULL || responseLen % sizeof(RIL_NeighboringCell *) != 0) {
-            RLOGE("radio::getNeighboringCidsResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        } else {
-            int num = responseLen / sizeof(RIL_NeighboringCell *);
-            cells.resize(num);
-            for (int i = 0 ; i < num; i++) {
-                RIL_NeighboringCell *resp = ((RIL_NeighboringCell **) response)[i];
-                cells[i].cid = convertCharPtrToHidlString(resp->cid);
-                cells[i].rssi = resp->rssi;
-            }
-        }
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getNeighboringCidsResponse(responseInfo,
-                cells);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getNeighboringCidsResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setLocationUpdatesResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                     int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                     void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setLocationUpdatesResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setLocationUpdatesResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setLocationUpdatesResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setCdmaSubscriptionSourceResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                 int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                 void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setCdmaSubscriptionSourceResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setCdmaSubscriptionSourceResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setCdmaSubscriptionSourceResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setCdmaRoamingPreferenceResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                 int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                 void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setCdmaRoamingPreferenceResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setCdmaRoamingPreferenceResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setCdmaRoamingPreferenceResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getCdmaRoamingPreferenceResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                           int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                           void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::getCdmaRoamingPreferenceResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        int ret = responseInt(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e, response, responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getCdmaRoamingPreferenceResponse(
-                responseInfo, (CdmaRoamingType) ret);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getCdmaRoamingPreferenceResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setTTYModeResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                             int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                             void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setTTYModeResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setTTYModeResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setTTYModeResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getTTYModeResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                             int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                             void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::getTTYModeResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        int ret = responseInt(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e, response, responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getTTYModeResponse(responseInfo,
-                (TtyMode) ret);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getTTYModeResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setPreferredVoicePrivacyResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                 int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                 void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setPreferredVoicePrivacyResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setPreferredVoicePrivacyResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setPreferredVoicePrivacyResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getPreferredVoicePrivacyResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                           int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                           void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-   RLOGD("radio::getPreferredVoicePrivacyResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        bool enable = false;
-        int numInts = responseLen / sizeof(int);
-        if (response == NULL || numInts != 1) {
-            RLOGE("radio::getPreferredVoicePrivacyResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        } else {
-            int *pInt = (int *) response;
-            enable = pInt[0] == 1 ? true : false;
-        }
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getPreferredVoicePrivacyResponse(
-                responseInfo, enable);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getPreferredVoicePrivacyResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::sendCDMAFeatureCodeResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                 int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                 void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::sendCDMAFeatureCodeResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->sendCDMAFeatureCodeResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::sendCDMAFeatureCodeResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::sendBurstDtmfResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                 int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                 void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::sendBurstDtmfResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->sendBurstDtmfResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::sendBurstDtmfResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::sendCdmaSmsResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                              int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                              size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::sendCdmaSmsResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        SendSmsResult result = makeSendSmsResult(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e, response,
-                responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->sendCdmaSmsResponse(responseInfo, result);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::sendCdmaSmsResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::acknowledgeLastIncomingCdmaSmsResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                                 int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                                 void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::acknowledgeLastIncomingCdmaSmsResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->acknowledgeLastIncomingCdmaSmsResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::acknowledgeLastIncomingCdmaSmsResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse "
-                "== NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getGsmBroadcastConfigResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                        void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::getGsmBroadcastConfigResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        hidl_vec<GsmBroadcastSmsConfigInfo> configs;
-        if (response == NULL || responseLen % sizeof(RIL_GSM_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo *) != 0) {
-            RLOGE("radio::getGsmBroadcastConfigResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        } else {
-            int num = responseLen / sizeof(RIL_GSM_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo *);
-            configs.resize(num);
-            for (int i = 0 ; i < num; i++) {
-                RIL_GSM_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo *resp =
-                        ((RIL_GSM_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo **) response)[i];
-                configs[i].fromServiceId = resp->fromServiceId;
-                configs[i].toServiceId = resp->toServiceId;
-                configs[i].fromCodeScheme = resp->fromCodeScheme;
-                configs[i].toCodeScheme = resp->toCodeScheme;
-                configs[i].selected = resp->selected == 1 ? true : false;
-            }
-        }
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getGsmBroadcastConfigResponse(responseInfo,
-                configs);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getGsmBroadcastConfigResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setGsmBroadcastConfigResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                        void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setGsmBroadcastConfigResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setGsmBroadcastConfigResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setGsmBroadcastConfigResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setGsmBroadcastActivationResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                            int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                            void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setGsmBroadcastActivationResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setGsmBroadcastActivationResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setGsmBroadcastActivationResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getCdmaBroadcastConfigResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                         int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                         void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::getCdmaBroadcastConfigResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        hidl_vec<CdmaBroadcastSmsConfigInfo> configs;
-        if (response == NULL || responseLen % sizeof(RIL_CDMA_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo *) != 0) {
-            RLOGE("radio::getCdmaBroadcastConfigResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        } else {
-            int num = responseLen / sizeof(RIL_CDMA_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo *);
-            configs.resize(num);
-            for (int i = 0 ; i < num; i++) {
-                RIL_CDMA_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo *resp =
-                        ((RIL_CDMA_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo **) response)[i];
-                configs[i].serviceCategory = resp->service_category;
-                configs[i].language = resp->language;
-                configs[i].selected = resp->selected == 1 ? true : false;
-            }
-        }
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getCdmaBroadcastConfigResponse(responseInfo,
-                configs);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getCdmaBroadcastConfigResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setCdmaBroadcastConfigResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                         int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                         void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setCdmaBroadcastConfigResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setCdmaBroadcastConfigResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setCdmaBroadcastConfigResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setCdmaBroadcastActivationResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                             int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                             void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setCdmaBroadcastActivationResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setCdmaBroadcastActivationResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setCdmaBroadcastActivationResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getCDMASubscriptionResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                      int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                      size_t responseLen) {
-   RLOGD("radio::getCDMASubscriptionResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        int numStrings = responseLen / sizeof(char *);
-        hidl_string emptyString;
-        if (response == NULL || numStrings != 5) {
-            RLOGE("radio::getOperatorResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-            Return<void> retStatus
-                    = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getCDMASubscriptionResponse(
-                    responseInfo, emptyString, emptyString, emptyString, emptyString, emptyString);
-            radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-        } else {
-            char **resp = (char **) response;
-            Return<void> retStatus
-                    = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getCDMASubscriptionResponse(
-                    responseInfo,
-                    convertCharPtrToHidlString(resp[0]),
-                    convertCharPtrToHidlString(resp[1]),
-                    convertCharPtrToHidlString(resp[2]),
-                    convertCharPtrToHidlString(resp[3]),
-                    convertCharPtrToHidlString(resp[4]));
-            radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-        }
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getCDMASubscriptionResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::writeSmsToRuimResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                 int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                 void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::writeSmsToRuimResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        int ret = responseInt(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e, response, responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->writeSmsToRuimResponse(responseInfo, ret);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::writeSmsToRuimResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::deleteSmsOnRuimResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                  int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                  void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::deleteSmsOnRuimResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->deleteSmsOnRuimResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::deleteSmsOnRuimResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getDeviceIdentityResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                    int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                    size_t responseLen) {
-   RLOGD("radio::getDeviceIdentityResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        int numStrings = responseLen / sizeof(char *);
-        hidl_string emptyString;
-        if (response == NULL || numStrings != 4) {
-            RLOGE("radio::getDeviceIdentityResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-            Return<void> retStatus
-                    = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getDeviceIdentityResponse(responseInfo,
-                    emptyString, emptyString, emptyString, emptyString);
-            radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-        } else {
-            char **resp = (char **) response;
-            Return<void> retStatus
-                    = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getDeviceIdentityResponse(responseInfo,
-                    convertCharPtrToHidlString(resp[0]),
-                    convertCharPtrToHidlString(resp[1]),
-                    convertCharPtrToHidlString(resp[2]),
-                    convertCharPtrToHidlString(resp[3]));
-            radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-        }
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getDeviceIdentityResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::exitEmergencyCallbackModeResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                            int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                            void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::exitEmergencyCallbackModeResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->exitEmergencyCallbackModeResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::exitEmergencyCallbackModeResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getSmscAddressResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                  int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                  void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::getSmscAddressResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getSmscAddressResponse(responseInfo,
-                convertCharPtrToHidlString((char *) response));
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getSmscAddressResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setSmscAddressResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                             int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                             void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setSmscAddressResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setSmscAddressResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setSmscAddressResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::reportSmsMemoryStatusResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                        void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::reportSmsMemoryStatusResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->reportSmsMemoryStatusResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::reportSmsMemoryStatusResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getCdmaSubscriptionSourceResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                            int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                            void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::getCdmaSubscriptionSourceResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        int ret = responseInt(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e, response, responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getCdmaSubscriptionSourceResponse(
-                responseInfo, (CdmaSubscriptionSource) ret);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getCdmaSubscriptionSourceResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::requestIsimAuthenticationResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                            int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                            void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::requestIsimAuthenticationResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->requestIsimAuthenticationResponse(
-                responseInfo,
-                convertCharPtrToHidlString((char *) response));
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::requestIsimAuthenticationResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::acknowledgeIncomingGsmSmsWithPduResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId,
-                                                   int requestNumber, int responseType,
-                                                   int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                                   size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::acknowledgeIncomingGsmSmsWithPduResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->acknowledgeIncomingGsmSmsWithPduResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::acknowledgeIncomingGsmSmsWithPduResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse "
-                "== NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::sendEnvelopeWithStatusResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                         int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                         size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::sendEnvelopeWithStatusResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        IccIoResult result = responseIccIo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e,
-                response, responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->sendEnvelopeWithStatusResponse(responseInfo,
-                result);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::sendEnvelopeWithStatusResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getVoiceRadioTechnologyResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                          void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::getVoiceRadioTechnologyResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        int ret = responseInt(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e, response, responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getVoiceRadioTechnologyResponse(
-                responseInfo, (RadioTechnology) ret);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getVoiceRadioTechnologyResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setCellInfoListRateResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId,
-                                       int requestNumber, int responseType,
-                                       int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                       size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setCellInfoListRateResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setCellInfoListRateResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setCellInfoListRateResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setInitialAttachApnResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                       int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                       void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setInitialAttachApnResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setInitialAttachApnResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setInitialAttachApnResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getImsRegistrationStateResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                           int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                           void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-   RLOGD("radio::getImsRegistrationStateResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        bool isRegistered = false;
-        int ratFamily = 0;
-        int numInts = responseLen / sizeof(int);
-        if (response == NULL || numInts != 2) {
-            RLOGE("radio::getImsRegistrationStateResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        } else {
-            int *pInt = (int *) response;
-            isRegistered = pInt[0] == 1 ? true : false;
-            ratFamily = pInt[1];
-        }
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getImsRegistrationStateResponse(
-                responseInfo, isRegistered, (RadioTechnologyFamily) ratFamily);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getImsRegistrationStateResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::sendImsSmsResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                              int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                              size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::sendImsSmsResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        SendSmsResult result = makeSendSmsResult(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e, response,
-                responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->sendImsSmsResponse(responseInfo, result);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::sendSmsResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::iccTransmitApduBasicChannelResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                               int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                               void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::iccTransmitApduBasicChannelResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        IccIoResult result = responseIccIo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e, response,
-                responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->iccTransmitApduBasicChannelResponse(
-                responseInfo, result);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::iccTransmitApduBasicChannelResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse "
-                "== NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::iccOpenLogicalChannelResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                         int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                         size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::iccOpenLogicalChannelResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        int channelId = -1;
-        hidl_vec<int8_t> selectResponse;
-        int numInts = responseLen / sizeof(int);
-        if (response == NULL || responseLen % sizeof(int) != 0) {
-            RLOGE("radio::iccOpenLogicalChannelResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        } else {
-            int *pInt = (int *) response;
-            channelId = pInt[0];
-            selectResponse.resize(numInts - 1);
-            for (int i = 1; i < numInts; i++) {
-                selectResponse[i - 1] = (int8_t) pInt[i];
-            }
-        }
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->iccOpenLogicalChannelResponse(responseInfo,
-                channelId, selectResponse);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::iccOpenLogicalChannelResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::iccCloseLogicalChannelResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                          void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::iccCloseLogicalChannelResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->iccCloseLogicalChannelResponse(
-                responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::iccCloseLogicalChannelResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::iccTransmitApduLogicalChannelResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                                 int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                                 void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::iccTransmitApduLogicalChannelResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        IccIoResult result = responseIccIo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e, response,
-                responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->iccTransmitApduLogicalChannelResponse(
-                responseInfo, result);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::iccTransmitApduLogicalChannelResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse "
-                "== NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::nvReadItemResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                              int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                              void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::nvReadItemResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->nvReadItemResponse(
-                responseInfo,
-                convertCharPtrToHidlString((char *) response));
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::nvReadItemResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::nvWriteItemResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                               int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                               void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::nvWriteItemResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->nvWriteItemResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::nvWriteItemResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::nvWriteCdmaPrlResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                  int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                  void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::nvWriteCdmaPrlResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->nvWriteCdmaPrlResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::nvWriteCdmaPrlResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::nvResetConfigResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                 int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                 void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::nvResetConfigResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->nvResetConfigResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::nvResetConfigResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setUiccSubscriptionResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                       int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                       void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setUiccSubscriptionResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setUiccSubscriptionResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setUiccSubscriptionResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setDataAllowedResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                  int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                  void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setDataAllowedResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setDataAllowedResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setDataAllowedResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::requestIccSimAuthenticationResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                               int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                               void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::requestIccSimAuthenticationResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        IccIoResult result = responseIccIo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e, response,
-                responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->requestIccSimAuthenticationResponse(
-                responseInfo, result);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::requestIccSimAuthenticationResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse "
-                "== NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setDataProfileResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                  int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                  void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setDataProfileResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setDataProfileResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setDataProfileResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::requestShutdownResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                  int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                  void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::requestShutdownResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->requestShutdownResponse(responseInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::requestShutdownResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-LceStatusInfo responseLceStatusInfo(RadioResponseInfo& responseInfo, int serial, int responseType,
-                                    RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-    LceStatusInfo result;
-    if (response == NULL || responseLen != sizeof(RIL_LceStatusInfo)) {
-        RLOGE("Invalid response: NULL");
-        if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        memset(&result, 0, sizeof(result));
-    } else {
-        RIL_LceStatusInfo *resp = (RIL_LceStatusInfo *) response;
-        result.lceStatus = (LceStatus) resp->lce_status;
-        result.actualIntervalMs = (uint8_t) resp->actual_interval_ms;
-    }
-    return result;
-int radio::startLceServiceResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                   int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                   void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::startLceServiceResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        LceStatusInfo result = responseLceStatusInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e,
-                response, responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->startLceServiceResponse(responseInfo,
-                result);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::startLceServiceResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::stopLceServiceResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                  int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                  void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::stopLceServiceResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        LceStatusInfo result = responseLceStatusInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e,
-                response, responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->stopLceServiceResponse(responseInfo,
-                result);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::stopLceServiceResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL", slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getModemActivityInfoResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                        void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::getModemActivityInfoResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        ActivityStatsInfo info;
-        if (response == NULL || responseLen != sizeof(RIL_ActivityStatsInfo)) {
-            RLOGE("radio::getModemActivityInfoResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-            memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
-        } else {
-            RIL_ActivityStatsInfo *resp = (RIL_ActivityStatsInfo *)response;
-            info.sleepModeTimeMs = resp->sleep_mode_time_ms;
-            info.idleModeTimeMs = resp->idle_mode_time_ms;
-            for(int i = 0; i < RIL_NUM_TX_POWER_LEVELS; i++) {
-                info.txmModetimeMs[i] = resp->tx_mode_time_ms[i];
-            }
-            info.rxModeTimeMs = resp->rx_mode_time_ms;
-        }
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getModemActivityInfoResponse(responseInfo,
-                info);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getModemActivityInfoResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::setAllowedCarriersResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                      int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                      void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::setAllowedCarriersResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        int ret = responseInt(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e, response, responseLen);
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->setAllowedCarriersResponse(responseInfo,
-                ret);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::setAllowedCarriersResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int radio::getAllowedCarriersResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                      int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                      void *response, size_t responseLen) {
-    RLOGD("radio::getAllowedCarriersResponse: serial %d", serial);
-    if (radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse != NULL) {
-        RadioResponseInfo responseInfo;
-        populateResponseInfo(responseInfo, serial, responseType, e);
-        CarrierRestrictions carrierInfo;
-        bool allAllowed = true;
-        memset(&carrierInfo, 0, sizeof(carrierInfo));
-        if (response == NULL || responseLen != sizeof(RIL_CarrierRestrictions)) {
-            RLOGE("radio::getAllowedCarriersResponse Invalid response: NULL");
-            if (e == RIL_E_SUCCESS) responseInfo.error = RadioError::INVALID_RESPONSE;
-        } else {
-            RIL_CarrierRestrictions *pCr = (RIL_CarrierRestrictions *)response;
-            if (pCr->len_allowed_carriers > 0 || pCr->len_excluded_carriers > 0) {
-                allAllowed = false;
-            }
-            carrierInfo.allowedCarriers.resize(pCr->len_allowed_carriers);
-            for(int i = 0; i < pCr->len_allowed_carriers; i++) {
-                RIL_Carrier *carrier = pCr->allowed_carriers + i;
-                carrierInfo.allowedCarriers[i].mcc = convertCharPtrToHidlString(carrier->mcc);
-                carrierInfo.allowedCarriers[i].mnc = convertCharPtrToHidlString(carrier->mnc);
-                carrierInfo.allowedCarriers[i].matchType = (CarrierMatchType) carrier->match_type;
-                carrierInfo.allowedCarriers[i].matchData =
-                        convertCharPtrToHidlString(carrier->match_data);
-            }
-            carrierInfo.excludedCarriers.resize(pCr->len_excluded_carriers);
-            for(int i = 0; i < pCr->len_excluded_carriers; i++) {
-                RIL_Carrier *carrier = pCr->excluded_carriers + i;
-                carrierInfo.excludedCarriers[i].mcc = convertCharPtrToHidlString(carrier->mcc);
-                carrierInfo.excludedCarriers[i].mnc = convertCharPtrToHidlString(carrier->mnc);
-                carrierInfo.excludedCarriers[i].matchType = (CarrierMatchType) carrier->match_type;
-                carrierInfo.excludedCarriers[i].matchData =
-                        convertCharPtrToHidlString(carrier->match_data);
-            }
-        }
-        Return<void> retStatus
-                = radioService[slotId]->mRadioResponse->getAllowedCarriersResponse(responseInfo,
-                allAllowed, carrierInfo);
-        radioService[slotId]->checkReturnStatus(retStatus);
-    } else {
-        RLOGE("radio::getAllowedCarriersResponse: radioService[%d]->mRadioResponse == NULL",
-                slotId);
-    }
-    return 0;
-// Radio Indication functions
 RadioIndicationType convertIntToRadioIndicationType(int indicationType) {
     return indicationType == RESPONSE_UNSOLICITED ? (RadioIndicationType::UNSOLICITED) :
@@ -5533,8 +1970,9 @@
         char* string8 = NULL;
         int num = MIN(recordsRil->numberOfInfoRecs, RIL_CDMA_MAX_NUMBER_OF_INFO_RECS);
         if (recordsRil->numberOfInfoRecs > RIL_CDMA_MAX_NUMBER_OF_INFO_RECS) {
-            RLOGE("radio::cdmaInfoRecInd: received %d recs which is more than %d, dropping "
-                    "additional ones", recordsRil->numberOfInfoRecs,
+            RLOGE("radio::cdmaInfoRecInd: received %d recs which is more than %d, dropping \
+                    additional ones",
+                    recordsRil->numberOfInfoRecs,
@@ -5542,28 +1980,19 @@
             CdmaInformationRecord *record = &records.infoRec[i];
             RIL_CDMA_InformationRecord *infoRec = &recordsRil->infoRec[i];
             record->name = (CdmaInfoRecName) infoRec->name;
-            // All vectors should be size 0 except one which will be size 1. Set everything to
-            // size 0 initially.
-            record->display.resize(0);
-            record->number.resize(0);
-            record->signal.resize(0);
-            record->redir.resize(0);
-            record->lineCtrl.resize(0);
-            record->clir.resize(0);
-            record->audioCtrl.resize(0);
             switch (infoRec->name) {
                 case RIL_CDMA_DISPLAY_INFO_REC:
                 case RIL_CDMA_EXTENDED_DISPLAY_INFO_REC: {
                     if (infoRec->rec.display.alpha_len > CDMA_ALPHA_INFO_BUFFER_LENGTH) {
-                        RLOGE("radio::cdmaInfoRecInd: invalid display info response length %d "
-                                "expected not more than %d", (int) infoRec->rec.display.alpha_len,
+                        RLOGE("radio::cdmaInfoRecInd: invalid display info response length %d \
+                                expected not more than %d", (int) infoRec->rec.display.alpha_len,
                         return 0;
                     string8 = (char*) malloc((infoRec->rec.display.alpha_len + 1) * sizeof(char));
                     if (string8 == NULL) {
-                        RLOGE("radio::cdmaInfoRecInd: Memory allocation failed for "
-                                "responseCdmaInformationRecords");
+                        RLOGE("radio::cdmaInfoRecInd: Memory allocation failed for \
+                                responseCdmaInformationRecords");
                         return 0;
                     memcpy(string8, infoRec->rec.display.alpha_buf, infoRec->rec.display.alpha_len);
@@ -5580,15 +2009,15 @@
                 case RIL_CDMA_CONNECTED_NUMBER_INFO_REC: {
                     if (infoRec->rec.number.len > CDMA_NUMBER_INFO_BUFFER_LENGTH) {
-                        RLOGE("radio::cdmaInfoRecInd: invalid display info response length %d "
-                                "expected not more than %d", (int) infoRec->rec.number.len,
+                        RLOGE("radio::cdmaInfoRecInd: invalid display info response length %d \
+                                expected not more than %d", (int) infoRec->rec.number.len,
                         return 0;
                     string8 = (char*) malloc((infoRec->rec.number.len + 1) * sizeof(char));
                     if (string8 == NULL) {
-                        RLOGE("radio::cdmaInfoRecInd: Memory allocation failed for "
-                                "responseCdmaInformationRecords");
+                        RLOGE("radio::cdmaInfoRecInd: Memory allocation failed for \
+                                responseCdmaInformationRecords");
                         return 0;
                     memcpy(string8, infoRec->rec.number.buf, infoRec->rec.number.len);
@@ -5617,8 +2046,8 @@
                     if (infoRec->rec.redir.redirectingNumber.len >
                                                   CDMA_NUMBER_INFO_BUFFER_LENGTH) {
-                        RLOGE("radio::cdmaInfoRecInd: invalid display info response length %d "
-                                "expected not more than %d\n",
+                        RLOGE("radio::cdmaInfoRecInd: invalid display info response length %d \
+                                expected not more than %d\n",
                         return 0;
@@ -5626,8 +2055,8 @@
                     string8 = (char*) malloc((infoRec->rec.redir.redirectingNumber.len + 1) *
                     if (string8 == NULL) {
-                        RLOGE("radio::cdmaInfoRecInd: Memory allocation failed for "
-                                "responseCdmaInformationRecords");
+                        RLOGE("radio::cdmaInfoRecInd: Memory allocation failed for \
+                                responseCdmaInformationRecords");
                         return 0;
                     memcpy(string8, infoRec->rec.redir.redirectingNumber.buf,
@@ -5855,13 +2284,6 @@
         records[i].registered = rillCellInfo->registered;
         records[i].timeStampType = (TimeStampType) rillCellInfo->timeStampType;
         records[i].timeStamp = rillCellInfo->timeStamp;
-        // All vectors should be size 0 except one which will be size 1. Set everything to
-        // size 0 initially.
-        records[i].gsm.resize(0);
-        records[i].wcdma.resize(0);
-        records[i].cdma.resize(0);
-        records[i].lte.resize(0);
-        records[i].tdscdma.resize(0);
         switch(rillCellInfo->cellInfoType) {
             case RIL_CELL_INFO_TYPE_GSM: {
@@ -6080,7 +2502,6 @@
         switch (rilHardwareConfig[i].type) {
             case RIL_HARDWARE_CONFIG_MODEM: {
-                records[i].sim.resize(0);
                 HardwareConfigModem *hwConfigModem = &records[i].modem[0];
                 hwConfigModem->rat = rilHardwareConfig[i].cfg.modem.rat;
                 hwConfigModem->maxVoice = rilHardwareConfig[i].cfg.modem.maxVoice;
@@ -6091,7 +2512,6 @@
             case RIL_HARDWARE_CONFIG_SIM: {
-                records[i].modem.resize(0);
                 records[i].sim[0].modemUuid =
@@ -6197,7 +2617,6 @@
-            ss.ssInfo.resize(0);
             /* number of call info's */
@@ -6218,7 +2637,6 @@
         } else {
-            ss.cfData.resize(0);
             /* each int */
@@ -6374,7 +2792,7 @@
         assert(ret == 0);
-    s_vendorFunctions = callbacks;
+    s_callbacks = callbacks;
     s_commands = commands;
diff --git a/libril/ril_service.h b/libril/ril_service.h
index 487d789..84482e3 100644
--- a/libril/ril_service.h
+++ b/libril/ril_service.h
@@ -21,477 +21,28 @@
 #include <ril_internal.h>
 namespace radio {
 void registerService(RIL_RadioFunctions *callbacks, android::CommandInfo *commands);
 int getIccCardStatusResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-                            int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
+        int token, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 int supplyIccPinForAppResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                              int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                              size_t responselen);
+        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 int supplyIccPukForAppResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                              int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                              size_t responselen);
+        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 int supplyIccPin2ForAppResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                               int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                               size_t responselen);
+        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 int supplyIccPuk2ForAppResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                               int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                               size_t responselen);
+        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 int changeIccPinForAppResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                              int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                              size_t responselen);
+        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 int changeIccPin2ForAppResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                               int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                               size_t responselen);
+        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 int supplyNetworkDepersonalizationResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                          void *response, size_t responselen);
+        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 int getCurrentCallsResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                           int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                           size_t responselen);
+        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 int dialResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-int getIMSIForAppResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-                         int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-int hangupConnectionResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-                            int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-int hangupWaitingOrBackgroundResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                     int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                     size_t responselen);
-int hangupForegroundResumeBackgroundResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                            int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                            void *response, size_t responselen);
-int switchWaitingOrHoldingAndActiveResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                           int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                           void *response, size_t responselen);
-int conferenceResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-                      int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-int rejectCallResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-                      int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-int getLastCallFailCauseResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                size_t responselen);
-int getVoiceRegistrationStateResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                     int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                     size_t responselen);
-int getDataRegistrationStateResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                    int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                    size_t responselen);
-int getOperatorResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                       int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                       size_t responselen);
-int setRadioPowerResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                         int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                         size_t responselen);
-int sendDtmfResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                    int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                    size_t responselen);
-int sendSmsResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                   int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                   size_t responselen);
-int sendSMSExpectMoreResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                             int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                             size_t responselen);
-int iccIOForAppResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                       int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                       size_t responselen);
-int sendUssdResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                    int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                    size_t responselen);
-int cancelPendingUssdResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                             int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                             size_t responselen);
-int getClirResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                   int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-int setClirResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                   int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-int getCallForwardStatusResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                size_t responselen);
-int setCallForwardResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                          size_t responselen);
-int getCallWaitingResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                          size_t responselen);
-int setCallWaitingResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                          size_t responselen);
-int acknowledgeLastIncomingGsmSmsResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                         int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                         size_t responselen);
-int acceptCallResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                      int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                      size_t responselen);
-int deactivateDataCallResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                              int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                              size_t responselen);
-int getFacilityLockForAppResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                 int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                 size_t responselen);
-int setFacilityLockForAppResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                 int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                 size_t responselen);
-int setBarringPasswordResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                              int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                              size_t responselen);
-int getNetworkSelectionModeResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                   int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                   size_t responselen);
-int setNetworkSelectionModeAutomaticResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                            int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                            void *response, size_t responselen);
-int setNetworkSelectionModeManualResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                         int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                         size_t responselen);
-int getAvailableNetworksResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                size_t responselen);
-int startDtmfResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                     int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                     size_t responselen);
-int stopDtmfResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                    int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                    size_t responselen);
-int getBasebandVersionResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                              int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                              size_t responselen);
-int separateConnectionResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                              int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                              size_t responselen);
-int setMuteResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                   int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                   size_t responselen);
-int getMuteResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                   int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                   size_t responselen);
-int getClipResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                   int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                   size_t responselen);
-int sendOemRilRequestStringsResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                    int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                    size_t responselen);
-int sendScreenStateResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                           int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                           size_t responselen);
-int setSuppServiceNotificationsResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                       int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                       size_t responselen);
-int writeSmsToSimResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                         int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                         size_t responselen);
-int deleteSmsOnSimResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                          size_t responselen);
-int setBandModeResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                       int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                       size_t responselen);
-int getAvailableBandModesResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                 int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                 size_t responselen);
-int sendEnvelopeResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                        size_t responselen);
-int sendTerminalResponseToSimResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                     int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                     size_t responselen);
-int handleStkCallSetupRequestFromSimResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                            int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                            void *response, size_t responselen);
-int explicitCallTransferResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                size_t responselen);
-int setPreferredNetworkTypeResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                   int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                   size_t responselen);
-int getPreferredNetworkTypeResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                   int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                   size_t responselen);
-int getNeighboringCidsResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                              int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                              size_t responselen);
-int setLocationUpdatesResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                              int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                              size_t responselen);
-int setCdmaSubscriptionSourceResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                     int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                     size_t responselen);
-int setCdmaRoamingPreferenceResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                    int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                    size_t responselen);
-int getCdmaRoamingPreferenceResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                    int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                    size_t responselen);
-int setTTYModeResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                      int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                      size_t responselen);
-int getTTYModeResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                      int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                      size_t responselen);
-int setPreferredVoicePrivacyResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                    int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                    size_t responselen);
-int getPreferredVoicePrivacyResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                    int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                    size_t responselen);
-int sendCDMAFeatureCodeResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                               int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                               void *response, size_t responselen);
-int sendBurstDtmfResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                         int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                         size_t responselen);
-int sendCdmaSmsResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                       int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                       size_t responselen);
-int acknowledgeLastIncomingCdmaSmsResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                          size_t responselen);
-int getGsmBroadcastConfigResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                 int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                 size_t responselen);
-int setGsmBroadcastConfigResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                 int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                 size_t responselen);
-int setGsmBroadcastActivationResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                     int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                     size_t responselen);
-int getCdmaBroadcastConfigResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                  int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                  size_t responselen);
-int setCdmaBroadcastConfigResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                  int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                  size_t responselen);
-int setCdmaBroadcastActivationResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                      int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                      void *response, size_t responselen);
-int getCDMASubscriptionResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                               int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                               size_t responselen);
-int writeSmsToRuimResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                          size_t responselen);
-int deleteSmsOnRuimResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                           int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                           size_t responselen);
-int getDeviceIdentityResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                             int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                             size_t responselen);
-int exitEmergencyCallbackModeResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                     int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                     size_t responselen);
-int getSmscAddressResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                          size_t responselen);
-int setCdmaBroadcastActivationResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                      int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                      void *response, size_t responselen);
-int setSmscAddressResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                          void *response, size_t responselen);
-int reportSmsMemoryStatusResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                 int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                 void *response, size_t responselen);
-int getCdmaSubscriptionSourceResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                     int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                     size_t responselen);
-int requestIsimAuthenticationResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                     int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                     size_t responselen);
-int acknowledgeIncomingGsmSmsWithPduResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                            int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                            void *response, size_t responselen);
-int sendEnvelopeWithStatusResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                  int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                  size_t responselen);
-int getVoiceRadioTechnologyResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                   int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                   void *response, size_t responselen);
-int setCellInfoListRateResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                               int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                               void *response, size_t responselen);
-int setInitialAttachApnResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                               int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                               void *response, size_t responselen);
-int getImsRegistrationStateResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                   int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                   void *response, size_t responselen);
-int sendImsSmsResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber, int responseType,
-                      int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
-int iccTransmitApduBasicChannelResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                       int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                       void *response, size_t responselen);
-int iccOpenLogicalChannelResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                  int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response,
-                                  size_t responselen);
-int iccCloseLogicalChannelResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                  int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                  void *response, size_t responselen);
-int iccTransmitApduLogicalChannelResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                         int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                         void *response, size_t responselen);
-int nvReadItemResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                      int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                      void *response, size_t responselen);
-int nvWriteItemResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                       int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                       void *response, size_t responselen);
-int nvWriteCdmaPrlResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                          void *response, size_t responselen);
-int nvResetConfigResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                         int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                         void *response, size_t responselen);
-int setUiccSubscriptionResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                               int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                               void *response, size_t responselen);
-int setDataAllowedResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                          void *response, size_t responselen);
-int requestIccSimAuthenticationResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                       int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                       void *response, size_t responselen);
-int setDataProfileResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                          void *response, size_t responselen);
-int requestShutdownResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                           int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                           void *response, size_t responselen);
-int startLceServiceResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                           int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                           void *response, size_t responselen);
-int stopLceServiceResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                          int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                          void *response, size_t responselen);
-int getModemActivityInfoResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                                int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                                void *response, size_t responselen);
-int setAllowedCarriersResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                              int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                              void *response, size_t responselen);
-int getAllowedCarriersResponse(android::Parcel &p, int slotId, int requestNumber,
-                              int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e,
-                              void *response, size_t responselen);
+        int responseType, int serial, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen);
 void acknowledgeRequest(int slotId, int serial);
 void radioStateChangedInd(int slotId, int indicationType, RIL_RadioState radioState);