WiFi-HAL: Populate stats of previous AMPDU if first MPDU misses

Per packet stats module collects below stats from first MPDU of
the AMPDU.
1. RxMCS
2. last_transmit_rate
3. rssi
4. tid

But the first MPDU may not be received by
hardware/corrupted sometimes. Populate the cached stats
from first MPDU of the previous AMPDU in such cases.

Don't parse Rx packets if the REORDER flag is set as parsing of
these packets may show duplicate entries in the stats.

Change-Id: I8cf78f42e055b0c22d123f21c91f2c204087afe0
2 files changed
tree: a9e9590a133df02f8321c384cd58cdd67f3ea76e
  1. qcwcn/