Wifi-hal: RX and Per packet fate stats for new pkt log version V2

Current RX stats parsing structure differs with the recent
architectures. Hence , the firmware / host indicates this need to parse
the data with the updated structures through the version ( V2) and the
parser is expected to adapt to the same.

This commit introduces to parse pktlog stats based on PKT_LOG_V2
parsing structure and the rx rate calculation also differs based on this
Version 2.

Change-Id: Id0997296e93be15158cb9fd27b25067010227666
CRs-Fixed: 2402099
Bug: 130226017
Test: Manual Test, turn verbose logging and check pkt log
1 file changed
tree: ee4fcdcfe1a6c897e7ad84e7301b160d29e118cd
  1. cld80211-lib/
  2. qcwcn/
  3. Android.mk