sdm: Implement composer hidl directly.

- Implement the hidl .hal interfaces directly instead of
  using the default shims.
- This is required since new additions to .hal will no
  longer be added to the legacy hwcomposer C header.
- Create new composer process in INIT_RC
- Implement CommandQueue Reader and Writer
    -Reader is used to parse the commands from
     i/p CMQ of client
    -Writer is used to write the outputs if any,
     for parsed commands then o/p CMQ passed to client.
- Add IMapper support to clone buffer handles for HWComposer
    -In IComposer, any buffer_handle_t is owned by the caller
     and we need to make a clone for HWComposer.
- Implement composer 2.1 and 2.2 API's as well.

CRs-Fixed: 2466333
Change-Id: Ife311443efdc067399d928221478d84677c17191
15 files changed