IPA HAL: Input Checks

Check input args for v4/v6 address and ifaces.

Test: as follows
    - built
    - flashed
    - booted
    - manually ran these VTS tests with setenforce 0
Bug: 38220415
Bug: 64479437
CRs-fixed: 2083182
Change-Id: Ife548b0bbfd1854dbcd2500ccb6477e85c6291b7
Signed-off-by: Tyler Wear <twear@codeaurora.org>
Signed-off-by: Niranjan Pendharkar <npendhar@codeaurora.org>
(cherry picked from commit dd34999536cfe0f512e0347de8f37f038bde12af)
2 files changed
tree: a11d50dc7e61b7d646712fc1166f2c91a2bee52c
  1. msm8998/
  2. Android.mk