QCamera3: Rename property to disable HDR+

Use a new property to disable HDR+ so that the old property is
not effective anymore. This makes sure that we can enable Easel
HDR+ by default no matter what the old property was set to.

Test: CTS
Bug: 68223991
Merged-In: Ie774e21cd634a7e43f4286a4554e56422ac2b5b6
Change-Id: Ie774e21cd634a7e43f4286a4554e56422ac2b5b6
(cherry picked from commit 7e344b023903246c7e151bee19383ce940c981c2)
1 file changed
tree: 19f491136da82654dff0b78aeb7b8cecacce2825
  1. msm8998/
  2. Android.mk
  3. CleanSpec.mk