BT: Moving chipset version parameters' initialization out of ALOG

This change is for devices based on msm8998 hardware only. This
only impacts standalone VR devices based o that are using oc-dev:
this commit is already merged in master.

Initializing chipset version parameters separately, outside of ALOG.

Original author: Manu Viswanadhan <>
Change-Id: I9beb396cd33593b0c2a90726126606f17a058ced
Crs-Fixed: 1107759
Bug: 38055350
Test: Build passes, bluetooth functions.
1 file changed
tree: d0231bc37cc8c07c65b79d0543685af015b81dc2
  1. libbt-vendor/
  2. msm8909/
  3. msm8960/
  4. msm8992/
  5. msm8996/
  6. msm8998/