blob: 0c235c9d55a5f5becab607993ba87c408305b66b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.0;
import ISoundTriggerHwCallback;
interface ISoundTriggerHw {
* Sound trigger implementation descriptor read by the framework via
* getProperties(). Used by SoundTrigger service to report to applications
* and manage concurrency and policy.
struct Properties {
/** Implementor name */
string implementor;
/** Implementation description */
string description;
/** Implementation version */
uint32_t version;
* Unique implementation ID. The UUID must change with each version of
the engine implementation */
Uuid uuid;
/** Maximum number of concurrent sound models loaded */
uint32_t maxSoundModels;
/** Maximum number of key phrases */
uint32_t maxKeyPhrases;
/** Maximum number of concurrent users detected */
uint32_t maxUsers;
/** All supported modes. e.g RecognitionMode.VOICE_TRIGGER */
uint32_t recognitionModes;
/** Supports seamless transition from detection to capture */
bool captureTransition;
/** Maximum buffering capacity in ms if captureTransition is true */
uint32_t maxBufferMs;
/** Supports capture by other use cases while detection is active */
bool concurrentCapture;
/** Returns the trigger capture in event */
bool triggerInEvent;
* Rated power consumption when detection is active with TDB
* silence/sound/speech ratio */
uint32_t powerConsumptionMw;
* Base sound model descriptor. This struct is the header of a larger block
* passed to loadSoundModel() and contains the binary data of the
* sound model.
struct SoundModel {
/** Model type. e.g. SoundModelType.KEYPHRASE */
SoundModelType type;
/** Unique sound model ID. */
Uuid uuid;
* Unique vendor ID. Identifies the engine the sound model
* was build for */
Uuid vendorUuid;
/** Opaque data transparent to Android framework */
vec<uint8_t> data;
/** Key phrase descriptor */
struct Phrase {
/** Unique keyphrase ID assigned at enrollment time */
uint32_t id;
/** Recognition modes supported by this key phrase */
uint32_t recognitionModes;
/** List of users IDs associated with this key phrase */
vec<uint32_t> users;
/** Locale - Java Locale style (e.g. en_US) */
string locale;
/** Phrase text in UTF-8 format. */
string text;
* Specialized sound model for key phrase detection.
* Proprietary representation of key phrases in binary data must match
* information indicated by phrases field
struct PhraseSoundModel {
/** Common part of sound model descriptor */
SoundModel common;
/** List of descriptors for key phrases supported by this sound model */
vec<Phrase> phrases;
* Configuration for sound trigger capture session passed to
* startRecognition() method
struct RecognitionConfig {
* IO handle that will be used for capture. N/A if captureRequested
* is false */
AudioIoHandle captureHandle;
/** Input device requested for detection capture */
AudioDevice captureDevice;
/** Capture and buffer audio for this recognition instance */
bool captureRequested;
/** Configuration for each key phrase */
vec<PhraseRecognitionExtra> phrases;
/** Opaque capture configuration data transparent to the framework */
vec<uint8_t> data;
* Retrieve implementation properties.
* @return retval Operation completion status: 0 in case of success,
* -ENODEV in case of initialization error.
* @return properties A Properties structure containing implementation
* description and capabilities.
getProperties() generates (int32_t retval, Properties properties);
* Load a sound model. Once loaded, recognition of this model can be
* started and stopped. Only one active recognition per model at a time.
* The SoundTrigger service must handle concurrent recognition requests by
* different users/applications on the same model.
* The implementation returns a unique handle used by other functions
* (unloadSoundModel(), startRecognition(), etc...
* @param soundModel A SoundModel structure describing the sound model to
* load.
* @param callback The callback interface on which the soundmodelCallback()
* method will be called upon completion.
* @param cookie The value of the cookie argument passed to the completion
* callback. This unique context information is assigned and
* used only by the framework.
* @return retval Operation completion status: 0 in case of success,
* -EINVAL in case of invalid sound model (e.g 0 data size),
* -ENOSYS in case of invalid operation (e.g max number of
* models exceeded),
* -ENOMEM in case of memory allocation failure,
* -ENODEV in case of initialization error.
* @return modelHandle A unique handle assigned by the HAL for use by the
* framework when controlling activity for this sound model.
loadSoundModel(SoundModel soundModel,
ISoundTriggerHwCallback callback,
CallbackCookie cookie)
generates (int32_t retval, SoundModelHandle modelHandle);
* Load a key phrase sound model. Once loaded, recognition of this model can
* be started and stopped. Only one active recognition per model at a time.
* The SoundTrigger service must handle concurrent recognition requests by
* different users/applications on the same model.
* The implementation returns a unique handle used by other functions
* (unloadSoundModel(), startRecognition(), etc...
* @param soundModel A PhraseSoundModel structure describing the sound model
* to load.
* @param callback The callback interface on which the soundmodelCallback()
* method will be called upon completion.
* @param cookie The value of the cookie argument passed to the completion
* callback. This unique context information is assigned and
* used only by the framework.
* @return retval Operation completion status: 0 in case of success,
* -EINVAL in case of invalid sound model (e.g 0 data size),
* -ENOSYS in case of invalid operation (e.g max number of
* models exceeded),
* -ENOMEM in case of memory allocation failure,
* -ENODEV in case of initialization error.
* @return modelHandle A unique handle assigned by the HAL for use by the
* framework when controlling activity for this sound model.
loadPhraseSoundModel(PhraseSoundModel soundModel,
ISoundTriggerHwCallback callback,
CallbackCookie cookie)
generates (int32_t retval, SoundModelHandle modelHandle);
* Unload a sound model. A sound model may be unloaded to make room for a
* new one to overcome implementation limitations.
* @param modelHandle the handle of the sound model to unload
* @return retval Operation completion status: 0 in case of success,
* -ENOSYS if the model is not loaded,
* -ENODEV in case of initialization error.
unloadSoundModel(SoundModelHandle modelHandle)
generates (int32_t retval);
* Start recognition on a given model. Only one recognition active
* at a time per model. Once recognition succeeds of fails, the callback
* is called.
* @param modelHandle the handle of the sound model to use for recognition
* @param config A RecognitionConfig structure containing attributes of the
* recognition to perform
* @param callback The callback interface on which the recognitionCallback()
* method must be called upon recognition.
* @param cookie The value of the cookie argument passed to the recognition
* callback. This unique context information is assigned and
* used only by the framework.
* @return retval Operation completion status: 0 in case of success,
* -EINVAL in case of invalid recognition attributes,
* -ENOSYS in case of invalid model handle,
* -ENOMEM in case of memory allocation failure,
* -ENODEV in case of initialization error.
startRecognition(SoundModelHandle modelHandle,
RecognitionConfig config,
ISoundTriggerHwCallback callback,
CallbackCookie cookie)
generates (int32_t retval);
* Stop recognition on a given model.
* The implementation must not call the recognition callback when stopped
* via this method.
* @param modelHandle The handle of the sound model to use for recognition
* @return retval Operation completion status: 0 in case of success,
* -ENOSYS in case of invalid model handle,
* -ENODEV in case of initialization error.
stopRecognition(SoundModelHandle modelHandle)
generates (int32_t retval);
* Stop recognition on all models.
* @return retval Operation completion status: 0 in case of success,
* -ENODEV in case of initialization error.
generates (int32_t retval);