blob: 25195430fecbb39696b9f66b24685d8477120573 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.hardware.wifi;
import android.hardware.wifi.StaLinkLayerIfaceContentionTimeStats;
import android.hardware.wifi.StaLinkLayerIfacePacketStats;
import android.hardware.wifi.StaPeerInfo;
* Per Link statistics for the current connection. For MLO, this is
* the statistics for one link in the connection.
parcelable StaLinkLayerLinkStats {
* Identifier for the link within MLO. For single link operation this field
* is not relevant and can be set to 0.
int linkId;
* Radio identifier on which the link is currently operating. Refer
* |StaLinkLayerRadioStats.radioId|.
int radioId;
* Frequency of the link in Mhz.
int frequencyMhz;
* Number of beacons received from the connected AP on the link.
int beaconRx;
* Access Point Beacon and Management frames RSSI (averaged) on the link.
int avgRssiMgmt;
* WME Best Effort Access Category packet counters on the link.
StaLinkLayerIfacePacketStats wmeBePktStats;
* WME Background Access Category packet counters on the link.
StaLinkLayerIfacePacketStats wmeBkPktStats;
* WME Video Access Category packet counters on the link.
StaLinkLayerIfacePacketStats wmeViPktStats;
* WME Voice Access Category packet counters on the link.
StaLinkLayerIfacePacketStats wmeVoPktStats;
* Duty cycle for the link.
* If this link is being served using time slicing on a radio with one or
* more links then the duty cycle assigned to this link in %. If not using
* time slicing, set to 100.
byte timeSliceDutyCycleInPercent;
* WME Best Effort (BE) Access Category (AC) contention time statistics on
* the link.
StaLinkLayerIfaceContentionTimeStats wmeBeContentionTimeStats;
* WME Background (BK) Access Category (AC) contention time statistics on
* the link.
StaLinkLayerIfaceContentionTimeStats wmeBkContentionTimeStats;
* WME Video (VI) Access Category (AC) contention time statistics on the
* link.
StaLinkLayerIfaceContentionTimeStats wmeViContentionTimeStats;
* WME Voice (VO) Access Category (AC) contention time statistics on the
* link.
StaLinkLayerIfaceContentionTimeStats wmeVoContentionTimeStats;
* Per peer statistics for the link.
StaPeerInfo[] peers;
* Various states of the link.
enum StaLinkState {
* Chip does not support reporting the state of the link.
* Link has not been in use since last report. It is placed in power save. All management,
* control and data frames for the MLO connection are carried over other links. In this
* state the link will not listen to beacons even in DTIM period and does not perform any
* GTK/IGTK/BIGTK updates but remains associated.
NOT_IN_USE = 1 << 0,
* Link is in use. In presence of traffic, it is set to be power active. When the traffic
* stops, the link will go into power save mode and will listen for beacons every DTIM
* period.
IN_USE = 1 << 1,
* State of the link. Refer |StaLinkState|.
StaLinkState state;