blob: f49d91b30c8c4e82d061ba5af229cb08cb082c95 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef android_hardware_automotive_vehicle_aidl_impl_hardware_include_IVehicleHardware_H_
#define android_hardware_automotive_vehicle_aidl_impl_hardware_include_IVehicleHardware_H_
#include <VehicleHalTypes.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace automotive {
namespace vehicle {
// A structure used to return dumped information.
struct DumpResult {
// If callerShouldDumpState is true, caller would print the information in buffer and
// continue to dump its state, otherwise would just dump the buffer and skip its own
// dumping logic.
bool callerShouldDumpState;
// The dumped information for the caller to print.
std::string buffer;
// To pass if DefaultVehicleHal should refresh the property configs
bool refreshPropertyConfigs = false;
// A structure to represent a set value error event reported from vehicle.
struct SetValueErrorEvent {
aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::StatusCode errorCode;
int32_t propId;
int32_t areaId;
// An abstract interface to access vehicle hardware.
// For virtualized VHAL, GrpcVehicleHardware would communicate with a VehicleHardware
// implementation in another VM through GRPC. For non-virtualzied VHAL, VHAL directly communicates
// with a VehicleHardware through this interface.
class IVehicleHardware {
using SetValuesCallback = std::function<void(
using GetValuesCallback = std::function<void(
using PropertyChangeCallback = std::function<void(
using PropertySetErrorCallback = std::function<void(std::vector<SetValueErrorEvent>)>;
virtual ~IVehicleHardware() = default;
// Get all the property configs.
virtual std::vector<aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::VehiclePropConfig>
getAllPropertyConfigs() const = 0;
// Set property values asynchronously. Server could return before the property set requests
// are sent to vehicle bus or before property set confirmation is received. The callback is
// safe to be called after the function returns and is safe to be called in a different thread.
virtual aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::StatusCode setValues(
std::shared_ptr<const SetValuesCallback> callback,
const std::vector<aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::SetValueRequest>&
requests) = 0;
// Get property values asynchronously. Server could return before the property values are ready.
// The callback is safe to be called after the function returns and is safe to be called in a
// different thread.
virtual aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::StatusCode getValues(
std::shared_ptr<const GetValuesCallback> callback,
const std::vector<aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::GetValueRequest>&
requests) const = 0;
// Dump debug information in the server.
virtual DumpResult dump(const std::vector<std::string>& options) = 0;
// Check whether the system is healthy, return {@code StatusCode::OK} for healthy.
virtual aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::StatusCode checkHealth() = 0;
// Register a callback that would be called when there is a property change event from vehicle.
// This function must only be called once during initialization.
virtual void registerOnPropertyChangeEvent(
std::unique_ptr<const PropertyChangeCallback> callback) = 0;
// Register a callback that would be called when there is a property set error event from
// vehicle. Must only be called once during initialization.
virtual void registerOnPropertySetErrorEvent(
std::unique_ptr<const PropertySetErrorCallback> callback) = 0;
// Gets the batching window used by DefaultVehicleHal for property change events.
// In DefaultVehicleHal, all the property change events generated within the batching window
// will be delivered through one callback to the VHAL client. This affects the maximum supported
// subscription rate. For example, if this returns 10ms, then only one callback for property
// change events will be called per 10ms, meaining that the max subscription rate for all
// continuous properties would be 100hz.
// A higher batching window means less callbacks to the VHAL client, causing a better
// performance. However, it also means a longer average latency for every property change
// events.
// 0 means no batching should be enabled in DefaultVehicleHal. In this case, batching can
// be optionally implemented in IVehicleHardware layer.
virtual std::chrono::nanoseconds getPropertyOnChangeEventBatchingWindow() {
// By default batching is disabled.
return std::chrono::nanoseconds(0);
// A [propId, areaId] is newly subscribed or the subscribe options are changed.
// The subscribe options contain sample rate in Hz or enable/disable variable update rate.
// For continuous properties:
// The sample rate is never 0 and indicates the desired polling rate for this property. The
// sample rate is guaranteed to be within supported {@code minSampleRate} and
// {@code maxSampleRate} as specified in {@code VehiclePropConfig}.
// If the specified sample rate is not supported, e.g. vehicle bus only supports 5hz and 10hz
// polling rate but the sample rate is 8hz, impl must choose the higher polling rate (10hz).
// Whether variable update rate is enabled is specified by {@code enableVariableUpdateRate} in
// {@code SubscribeOptions}. If variable update rate is not supported for the
// [propId, areaId], impl must ignore this option and always treat it as disabled.
// If variable update rate is disabled/not supported, impl must report all the property events
// for this [propId, areaId] through {@code propertyChangeCallback} according to the sample
// rate. E.g. a sample rate of 10hz must generate at least 10 property change events per second.
// If variable update rate is enabled AND supported, impl must only report property events
// when the [propId, areaId]'s value or status changes (a.k.a same as on-change property).
// The sample rate still guides the polling rate, but duplicate property events must be dropped
// and not reported via {@code propertyChangeCallback}.
// Async property set error events are not affected by variable update rate and must always
// be reported.
// If the impl is always polling at {@code maxSampleRate} for all continuous [propId, areaId]s,
// and do not support variable update rate for any [propId, areaId], then this function can be a
// no-op.
// For on-change properties:
// The sample rate is always 0 and must be ignored. If the impl is always subscribing to all
// on-change properties, then this function can be no-op.
// For all properties:
// It is recommended to only deliver the subscribed property events to DefaultVehicleHal to
// improve performance. However, even if unsubscribed property events are delivered, they
// will be filtered out by DefaultVehicleHal.
// A subscription from VHAL client might not necessarily trigger this function.
// DefaultVehicleHal will aggregate all the subscriptions from all the clients and notify
// IVehicleHardware if new subscriptions are required or subscribe options are updated.
// For example:
// 1. VHAL initially have no subscriber for speed.
// 2. A new subscriber is subscribing speed for 10 times/s, 'subscribe' is called
// with sampleRate as 10. The impl is now polling vehicle speed from bus 10 times/s.
// 3. A new subscriber is subscribing speed for 5 times/s, because it is less than 10
// times/sec, 'subscribe' is not called.
// 4. The initial subscriber is removed, 'subscribe' is called with sampleRate as
// 5, because now it only needs to report event 5times/sec. The impl can now poll vehicle
// speed 5 times/s. If the impl is still polling at 10 times/s, that is okay as long as
// the polling rate is larger than 5times/s. DefaultVehicleHal would ignore the additional
// events.
// 5. The second subscriber is removed, 'unsubscribe' is called.
// The impl can optionally disable the polling for vehicle speed.
virtual aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::StatusCode subscribe(
[[maybe_unused]] aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::SubscribeOptions
options) {
return aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::StatusCode::OK;
// A [propId, areaId] is unsubscribed. This applies for both continuous or on-change property.
virtual aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::StatusCode unsubscribe(
[[maybe_unused]] int32_t propId, [[maybe_unused]] int32_t areaId) {
return aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::StatusCode::OK;
// This function is deprecated, subscribe/unsubscribe should be used instead.
// Update the sampling rate for the specified property and the specified areaId (0 for global
// property) if server supports it. The property must be a continuous property.
// {@code sampleRate} means that for this specific property, the server must generate at least
// this many OnPropertyChange events per seconds.
// A sampleRate of 0 means the property is no longer subscribed and server does not need to
// generate any onPropertyEvent for this property.
// This would be called if sample rate is updated for a subscriber, a new subscriber is added
// or an existing subscriber is removed. For example:
// 1. We have no subscriber for speed.
// 2. A new subscriber is subscribing speed for 10 times/s, updateSampleRate would be called
// with sampleRate as 10. The impl is now polling vehicle speed from bus 10 times/s.
// 3. A new subscriber is subscribing speed for 5 times/s, because it is less than 10
// times/sec, updateSampleRate would not be called.
// 4. The initial subscriber is removed, updateSampleRate would be called with sampleRate as
// 5, because now it only needs to report event 5times/sec. The impl can now poll vehicle
// speed 5 times/s. If the impl is still polling at 10 times/s, that is okay as long as
// the polling rate is larger than 5times/s. DefaultVehicleHal would ignore the additional
// events.
// 5. The second subscriber is removed, updateSampleRate would be called with sampleRate as 0.
// The impl can optionally disable the polling for vehicle speed.
// If the impl is always polling at {@code maxSampleRate} as specified in config, then this
// function can be a no-op.
virtual aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::StatusCode updateSampleRate(
[[maybe_unused]] int32_t propId, [[maybe_unused]] int32_t areaId,
[[maybe_unused]] float sampleRate) {
return aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::StatusCode::OK;
} // namespace vehicle
} // namespace automotive
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android
#endif // android_hardware_automotive_vehicle_aidl_impl_hardware_include_IVehicleHardware_H_