blob: a6247a70b7b8110f74c4eb505580d33728fa4c9c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "FakeVehicleHardware"
#include "FakeVehicleHardware.h"
#include <FakeObd2Frame.h>
#include <JsonFakeValueGenerator.h>
#include <LinearFakeValueGenerator.h>
#include <PropertyUtils.h>
#include <VehicleHalTypes.h>
#include <VehicleUtils.h>
#include <android-base/file.h>
#include <android-base/parsedouble.h>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <android/hardware/automotive/vehicle/TestVendorProperty.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/SystemClock.h>
#include <utils/Trace.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <regex>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace automotive {
namespace vehicle {
namespace fake {
namespace {
#define PROP_ID_TO_CSTR(A) (propIdToString(A).c_str())
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::CruiseControlCommand;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::CruiseControlType;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::DriverDistractionState;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::DriverDistractionWarning;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::DriverDrowsinessAttentionState;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::DriverDrowsinessAttentionWarning;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::ErrorState;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::GetValueRequest;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::GetValueResult;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::RawPropValues;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::SetValueRequest;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::SetValueResult;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::StatusCode;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::SubscribeOptions;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::toString;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::VehicleApPowerStateReport;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::VehicleApPowerStateReq;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::VehicleArea;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::VehicleHwKeyInputAction;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::VehiclePropConfig;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::VehicleProperty;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::VehiclePropertyAccess;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::VehiclePropertyChangeMode;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::VehiclePropertyGroup;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::VehiclePropertyStatus;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::VehiclePropertyType;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::VehiclePropValue;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::vehicle::VehicleUnit;
using ::android::hardware::automotive::remoteaccess::GetApPowerBootupReasonRequest;
using ::android::hardware::automotive::remoteaccess::GetApPowerBootupReasonResponse;
using ::android::hardware::automotive::remoteaccess::IsVehicleInUseRequest;
using ::android::hardware::automotive::remoteaccess::IsVehicleInUseResponse;
using ::android::hardware::automotive::remoteaccess::PowerController;
using ::android::base::EqualsIgnoreCase;
using ::android::base::Error;
using ::android::base::GetIntProperty;
using ::android::base::ParseFloat;
using ::android::base::Result;
using ::android::base::ScopedLockAssertion;
using ::android::base::StartsWith;
using ::android::base::StringPrintf;
// In order to test large number of vehicle property configs, we might generate additional fake
// property config start from this ID. These fake properties are for getPropertyList,
// getPropertiesAsync, and setPropertiesAsync.
// 0x21403000
0x3000 | toInt(VehiclePropertyGroup::VENDOR) | toInt(VehicleArea::GLOBAL) |
// 0x21405000
0x5000 | toInt(VehiclePropertyGroup::VENDOR) | toInt(VehicleArea::GLOBAL) |
// The directory for default property configuration file.
// For config file format, see impl/default_config/config/
constexpr char DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR[] = "/vendor/etc/automotive/vhalconfig/";
// The directory for property configuration file that overrides the default configuration file.
// For config file format, see impl/default_config/config/
constexpr char OVERRIDE_CONFIG_DIR[] = "/vendor/etc/automotive/vhaloverride/";
// The optional config file for power controller grpc service that provides vehicleInUse and
// ApPowerBootupReason property.
constexpr char GRPC_SERVICE_CONFIG_FILE[] = "/vendor/etc/automotive/powercontroller/serverconfig";
// If OVERRIDE_PROPERTY is set, we will use the configuration files from OVERRIDE_CONFIG_DIR to
// overwrite the default configs.
constexpr char OVERRIDE_PROPERTY[] = "persist.vendor.vhal_init_value_override";
constexpr char POWER_STATE_REQ_CONFIG_PROPERTY[] = "ro.vendor.fake_vhal.ap_power_state_req.config";
// The value to be returned if VENDOR_PROPERTY_FOR_ERROR_CODE_TESTING is set as the property
constexpr int VENDOR_ERROR_CODE = 0x00ab0005;
// A list of supported options for "--set" command.
const std::unordered_set<std::string> SET_PROP_OPTIONS = {
// integer.
// 64bit integer.
// float.
// string.
// bytes in hex format, e.g. 0xDEADBEEF.
// Area id in integer.
// Timestamp in int64.
// ADAS _ENABLED property to list of ADAS state properties using ErrorState enum.
const std::unordered_map<int32_t, std::vector<int32_t>> mAdasEnabledPropToAdasPropWithErrorState = {
// AEB
// FCW
// BSW
// LDW
// LKA
// LCA
// CC
// HOD
// Driver Drowsiness and Attention
// Driver Drowsiness and Attention Warning
// Driver Distraction
// Driver Distraction Warning
// ESC
// The list of VHAL properties that might be handled by an external power controller.
const std::unordered_set<int32_t> mPowerPropIds = {toInt(VehicleProperty::VEHICLE_IN_USE),
void maybeGetGrpcServiceInfo(std::string* address) {
std::ifstream ifs(GRPC_SERVICE_CONFIG_FILE);
if (!ifs) {
ALOGI("Cannot open grpc service config file at: %s, assume no service is available",
ifs >> *address;
inline std::string vecToStringOfHexValues(const std::vector<int32_t>& vec) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "[";
for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
if (i != 0) {
ss << ",";
ss << std::showbase << std::hex << vec[i];
ss << "]";
return ss.str();
} // namespace
void FakeVehicleHardware::storePropInitialValue(const ConfigDeclaration& config) {
const VehiclePropConfig& vehiclePropConfig = config.config;
int propId = vehiclePropConfig.prop;
// A global property will have only a single area
bool globalProp = isGlobalProp(propId);
size_t numAreas = globalProp ? 1 : vehiclePropConfig.areaConfigs.size();
if (propId == toInt(VehicleProperty::HVAC_POWER_ON)) {
const auto& configArray = vehiclePropConfig.configArray;
hvacPowerDependentProps.insert(configArray.begin(), configArray.end());
for (size_t i = 0; i < numAreas; i++) {
int32_t curArea = globalProp ? 0 : vehiclePropConfig.areaConfigs[i].areaId;
// Create a separate instance for each individual zone
VehiclePropValue prop = {
.timestamp = elapsedRealtimeNano(),
.areaId = curArea,
.prop = propId,
.value = {},
if (config.initialAreaValues.empty()) {
if (config.initialValue == RawPropValues{}) {
// Skip empty initial values.
prop.value = config.initialValue;
} else if (auto valueForAreaIt = config.initialAreaValues.find(curArea);
valueForAreaIt != config.initialAreaValues.end()) {
prop.value = valueForAreaIt->second;
} else {
ALOGW("failed to get default value for prop 0x%x area 0x%x", propId, curArea);
auto result =
mServerSidePropStore->writeValue(mValuePool->obtain(prop), /*updateStatus=*/true);
if (!result.ok()) {
ALOGE("failed to write default config value, error: %s, status: %d",
getErrorMsg(result).c_str(), getIntErrorCode(result));
: FakeVehicleHardware(DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR, OVERRIDE_CONFIG_DIR, false) {}
FakeVehicleHardware::FakeVehicleHardware(std::string defaultConfigDir,
std::string overrideConfigDir, bool forceOverride)
: FakeVehicleHardware(defaultConfigDir, overrideConfigDir, forceOverride,
GetIntProperty(POWER_STATE_REQ_CONFIG_PROPERTY, /*default_value=*/0)) {}
FakeVehicleHardware::FakeVehicleHardware(std::string defaultConfigDir,
std::string overrideConfigDir, bool forceOverride,
int32_t s2rS2dConfig)
: mValuePool(std::make_unique<VehiclePropValuePool>()),
mServerSidePropStore(new VehiclePropertyStore(mValuePool)),
mFakeObd2Frame(new obd2frame::FakeObd2Frame(mServerSidePropStore)),
mFakeUserHal(new FakeUserHal(mValuePool)),
mRecurrentTimer(new RecurrentTimer()),
mGeneratorHub(new GeneratorHub(
[this](const VehiclePropValue& value) { eventFromVehicleBus(value); })),
mForceOverride(forceOverride) {
FakeVehicleHardware::~FakeVehicleHardware() {
bool FakeVehicleHardware::UseOverrideConfigDir() {
return mForceOverride ||
android::base::GetBoolProperty(OVERRIDE_PROPERTY, /*default_value=*/false);
std::unordered_map<int32_t, ConfigDeclaration> FakeVehicleHardware::loadConfigDeclarations() {
std::unordered_map<int32_t, ConfigDeclaration> configsByPropId;
bool defaultConfigLoaded = loadPropConfigsFromDir(mDefaultConfigDir, &configsByPropId);
if (!defaultConfigLoaded) {
// This cannot work without a valid default config.
ALOGE("Failed to load default config, exiting");
if (UseOverrideConfigDir()) {
loadPropConfigsFromDir(mOverrideConfigDir, &configsByPropId);
return configsByPropId;
void FakeVehicleHardware::init(int32_t s2rS2dConfig) {
for (auto& [_, configDeclaration] : loadConfigDeclarations()) {
VehiclePropConfig cfg = configDeclaration.config;
VehiclePropertyStore::TokenFunction tokenFunction = nullptr;
if (cfg.prop == toInt(VehicleProperty::AP_POWER_STATE_REQ)) {
cfg.configArray[0] = s2rS2dConfig;
} else if (cfg.prop == OBD2_FREEZE_FRAME) {
tokenFunction = [](const VehiclePropValue& propValue) { return propValue.timestamp; };
mServerSidePropStore->registerProperty(cfg, tokenFunction);
if (obd2frame::FakeObd2Frame::isDiagnosticProperty(cfg)) {
// Ignore storing default value for diagnostic property. They have special get/set
// logic.
// OBD2_LIVE_FRAME and OBD2_FREEZE_FRAME must be configured in default configs.
auto maybeObd2LiveFrame = mServerSidePropStore->getPropConfig(OBD2_LIVE_FRAME);
if (maybeObd2LiveFrame.has_value()) {
auto maybeObd2FreezeFrame = mServerSidePropStore->getPropConfig(OBD2_FREEZE_FRAME);
if (maybeObd2FreezeFrame.has_value()) {
mServerSidePropStore->setOnValuesChangeCallback([this](std::vector<VehiclePropValue> values) {
return onValuesChangeCallback(std::move(values));
std::vector<VehiclePropConfig> FakeVehicleHardware::getAllPropertyConfigs() const {
std::vector<VehiclePropConfig> allConfigs = mServerSidePropStore->getAllConfigs();
if (mAddExtraTestVendorConfigs) {
generateVendorConfigs(/* outAllConfigs= */ allConfigs);
return allConfigs;
VehiclePropValuePool::RecyclableType FakeVehicleHardware::createApPowerStateReq(
VehicleApPowerStateReq state) {
auto req = mValuePool->obtain(VehiclePropertyType::INT32_VEC, 2);
req->prop = toInt(VehicleProperty::AP_POWER_STATE_REQ);
req->areaId = 0;
req->timestamp = elapsedRealtimeNano();
req->status = VehiclePropertyStatus::AVAILABLE;
req->value.int32Values[0] = toInt(state);
// Param = 0.
req->value.int32Values[1] = 0;
return req;
VehiclePropValuePool::RecyclableType FakeVehicleHardware::createAdasStateReq(int32_t propertyId,
int32_t areaId,
int32_t state) {
auto req = mValuePool->obtain(VehiclePropertyType::INT32);
req->prop = propertyId;
req->areaId = areaId;
req->timestamp = elapsedRealtimeNano();
req->status = VehiclePropertyStatus::AVAILABLE;
req->value.int32Values[0] = state;
return req;
VhalResult<void> FakeVehicleHardware::setApPowerStateReqShutdown(const VehiclePropValue& value) {
if (value.value.int32Values.size() != 1) {
return StatusError(StatusCode::INVALID_ARG)
<< "Failed to set SHUTDOWN_REQUEST, expect 1 int value: "
<< "VehicleApPowerStateShutdownParam";
int powerStateShutdownParam = value.value.int32Values[0];
auto prop = createApPowerStateReq(VehicleApPowerStateReq::SHUTDOWN_PREPARE);
prop->value.int32Values[1] = powerStateShutdownParam;
if (auto writeResult = mServerSidePropStore->writeValue(
std::move(prop), /*updateStatus=*/true, VehiclePropertyStore::EventMode::ALWAYS);
!writeResult.ok()) {
return StatusError(getErrorCode(writeResult))
<< "failed to write AP_POWER_STATE_REQ into property store, error: "
<< getErrorMsg(writeResult);
return {};
VhalResult<void> FakeVehicleHardware::setApPowerStateReport(const VehiclePropValue& value) {
auto updatedValue = mValuePool->obtain(value);
updatedValue->timestamp = elapsedRealtimeNano();
if (auto writeResult = mServerSidePropStore->writeValue(std::move(updatedValue));
!writeResult.ok()) {
return StatusError(getErrorCode(writeResult))
<< "failed to write value into property store, error: " << getErrorMsg(writeResult);
VehiclePropValuePool::RecyclableType prop;
int32_t state = value.value.int32Values[0];
switch (state) {
case toInt(VehicleApPowerStateReport::DEEP_SLEEP_EXIT):
case toInt(VehicleApPowerStateReport::HIBERNATION_EXIT):
case toInt(VehicleApPowerStateReport::SHUTDOWN_CANCELLED):
case toInt(VehicleApPowerStateReport::WAIT_FOR_VHAL):
// CPMS is in WAIT_FOR_VHAL state, simply move to ON and send back to HAL.
prop = createApPowerStateReq(VehicleApPowerStateReq::ON);
// ALWAYS update status for generated property value, and force a property update event
// because in the case when Car Service crashes, the power state would already be ON
// when we receive WAIT_FOR_VHAL and thus new property change event would be generated.
// However, Car Service always expect a property change event even though there is no
// actual state change.
if (auto writeResult =
mServerSidePropStore->writeValue(std::move(prop), /*updateStatus=*/true,
!writeResult.ok()) {
return StatusError(getErrorCode(writeResult))
<< "failed to write AP_POWER_STATE_REQ into property store, error: "
<< getErrorMsg(writeResult);
case toInt(VehicleApPowerStateReport::DEEP_SLEEP_ENTRY):
case toInt(VehicleApPowerStateReport::HIBERNATION_ENTRY):
case toInt(VehicleApPowerStateReport::SHUTDOWN_START):
// CPMS is in WAIT_FOR_FINISH state, send the FINISHED command
// Send back to HAL
// ALWAYS update status for generated property value
prop = createApPowerStateReq(VehicleApPowerStateReq::FINISHED);
if (auto writeResult =
mServerSidePropStore->writeValue(std::move(prop), /*updateStatus=*/true);
!writeResult.ok()) {
return StatusError(getErrorCode(writeResult))
<< "failed to write AP_POWER_STATE_REQ into property store, error: "
<< getErrorMsg(writeResult);
case toInt(VehicleApPowerStateReport::ON):
ALOGI("Received VehicleApPowerStateReport::ON, entering normal operating state");
ALOGE("Unknown VehicleApPowerStateReport: %d", state);
return {};
int FakeVehicleHardware::getHvacTempNumIncrements(int requestedTemp, int minTemp, int maxTemp,
int increment) {
requestedTemp = std::max(requestedTemp, minTemp);
requestedTemp = std::min(requestedTemp, maxTemp);
int numIncrements = std::round((requestedTemp - minTemp) / static_cast<float>(increment));
return numIncrements;
void FakeVehicleHardware::updateHvacTemperatureValueSuggestionInput(
const std::vector<int>& hvacTemperatureSetConfigArray,
std::vector<float>* hvacTemperatureValueSuggestionInput) {
int minTempInCelsius = hvacTemperatureSetConfigArray[0];
int maxTempInCelsius = hvacTemperatureSetConfigArray[1];
int incrementInCelsius = hvacTemperatureSetConfigArray[2];
int minTempInFahrenheit = hvacTemperatureSetConfigArray[3];
int maxTempInFahrenheit = hvacTemperatureSetConfigArray[4];
int incrementInFahrenheit = hvacTemperatureSetConfigArray[5];
// The HVAC_TEMPERATURE_SET config array values are temperature values that have been multiplied
// by 10 and converted to integers. Therefore, requestedTemp must also be multiplied by 10 and
// converted to an integer in order for them to be the same units.
int requestedTemp = static_cast<int>((*hvacTemperatureValueSuggestionInput)[0] * 10.0f);
int numIncrements =
(*hvacTemperatureValueSuggestionInput)[1] == toInt(VehicleUnit::CELSIUS)
? getHvacTempNumIncrements(requestedTemp, minTempInCelsius, maxTempInCelsius,
: getHvacTempNumIncrements(requestedTemp, minTempInFahrenheit,
maxTempInFahrenheit, incrementInFahrenheit);
int suggestedTempInCelsius = minTempInCelsius + incrementInCelsius * numIncrements;
int suggestedTempInFahrenheit = minTempInFahrenheit + incrementInFahrenheit * numIncrements;
// HVAC_TEMPERATURE_VALUE_SUGGESTION specifies the temperature values to be in the original
// floating point form so we divide by 10 and convert to float.
(*hvacTemperatureValueSuggestionInput)[2] = static_cast<float>(suggestedTempInCelsius) / 10.0f;
(*hvacTemperatureValueSuggestionInput)[3] =
static_cast<float>(suggestedTempInFahrenheit) / 10.0f;
VhalResult<void> FakeVehicleHardware::setHvacTemperatureValueSuggestion(
const VehiclePropValue& hvacTemperatureValueSuggestion) {
auto hvacTemperatureSetConfigResult =
if (!hvacTemperatureSetConfigResult.ok()) {
return StatusError(getErrorCode(hvacTemperatureSetConfigResult)) << StringPrintf(
" HVAC_TEMPERATURE_SET could not be retrieved. Error: %s",
const auto& originalInput = hvacTemperatureValueSuggestion.value.floatValues;
if (originalInput.size() != 4) {
return StatusError(StatusCode::INVALID_ARG) << StringPrintf(
"Failed to set HVAC_TEMPERATURE_VALUE_SUGGESTION because float"
" array value is not size 4.");
bool isTemperatureUnitSpecified = originalInput[1] == toInt(VehicleUnit::CELSIUS) ||
originalInput[1] == toInt(VehicleUnit::FAHRENHEIT);
if (!isTemperatureUnitSpecified) {
return StatusError(StatusCode::INVALID_ARG) << StringPrintf(
"Failed to set HVAC_TEMPERATURE_VALUE_SUGGESTION because float"
" value at index 1 is not any of %d or %d, which corresponds to"
" VehicleUnit#CELSIUS and VehicleUnit#FAHRENHEIT respectively.",
toInt(VehicleUnit::CELSIUS), toInt(VehicleUnit::FAHRENHEIT));
auto updatedValue = mValuePool->obtain(hvacTemperatureValueSuggestion);
const auto& hvacTemperatureSetConfigArray = hvacTemperatureSetConfigResult.value().configArray;
auto& hvacTemperatureValueSuggestionInput = updatedValue->value.floatValues;
updatedValue->timestamp = elapsedRealtimeNano();
auto writeResult = mServerSidePropStore->writeValue(std::move(updatedValue),
/* updateStatus = */ true,
if (!writeResult.ok()) {
return StatusError(getErrorCode(writeResult))
<< StringPrintf("failed to write value into property store, error: %s",
return {};
bool FakeVehicleHardware::isHvacPropAndHvacNotAvailable(int32_t propId, int32_t areaId) const {
if (hvacPowerDependentProps.count(propId)) {
auto hvacPowerOnResults =
if (!hvacPowerOnResults.ok()) {
ALOGW("failed to get HVAC_POWER_ON 0x%x, error: %s",
toInt(VehicleProperty::HVAC_POWER_ON), getErrorMsg(hvacPowerOnResults).c_str());
return false;
auto& hvacPowerOnValues = hvacPowerOnResults.value();
for (size_t j = 0; j < hvacPowerOnValues.size(); j++) {
auto hvacPowerOnValue = std::move(hvacPowerOnValues[j]);
if ((hvacPowerOnValue->areaId & areaId) == areaId) {
if (hvacPowerOnValue->value.int32Values.size() == 1 &&
hvacPowerOnValue->value.int32Values[0] == 0) {
return true;
return false;
VhalResult<void> FakeVehicleHardware::isAdasPropertyAvailable(int32_t adasStatePropertyId) const {
auto adasStateResult = mServerSidePropStore->readValue(adasStatePropertyId);
if (!adasStateResult.ok()) {
ALOGW("Failed to get ADAS ENABLED property 0x%x, error: %s", adasStatePropertyId,
return {};
if (adasStateResult.value()->value.int32Values.size() == 1 &&
adasStateResult.value()->value.int32Values[0] < 0) {
auto errorState = adasStateResult.value()->value.int32Values[0];
switch (errorState) {
case toInt(ErrorState::NOT_AVAILABLE_DISABLED):
return StatusError(StatusCode::NOT_AVAILABLE_DISABLED)
<< "ADAS feature is disabled.";
case toInt(ErrorState::NOT_AVAILABLE_SPEED_LOW):
return StatusError(StatusCode::NOT_AVAILABLE_SPEED_LOW)
<< "ADAS feature is disabled because the vehicle speed is too low.";
case toInt(ErrorState::NOT_AVAILABLE_SPEED_HIGH):
return StatusError(StatusCode::NOT_AVAILABLE_SPEED_HIGH)
<< "ADAS feature is disabled because the vehicle speed is too high.";
return StatusError(StatusCode::NOT_AVAILABLE_POOR_VISIBILITY)
<< "ADAS feature is disabled because the visibility is too poor.";
case toInt(ErrorState::NOT_AVAILABLE_SAFETY):
return StatusError(StatusCode::NOT_AVAILABLE_SAFETY)
<< "ADAS feature is disabled because of safety reasons.";
return StatusError(StatusCode::NOT_AVAILABLE) << "ADAS feature is not available.";
return {};
VhalResult<void> FakeVehicleHardware::setUserHalProp(const VehiclePropValue& value) {
auto result = mFakeUserHal->onSetProperty(value);
if (!result.ok()) {
return StatusError(getErrorCode(result))
<< "onSetProperty(): HAL returned error: " << getErrorMsg(result);
auto& updatedValue = result.value();
if (updatedValue != nullptr) {
ALOGI("onSetProperty(): updating property returned by HAL: %s",
// Update timestamp otherwise writeValue might fail because the timestamp is outdated.
updatedValue->timestamp = elapsedRealtimeNano();
if (auto writeResult = mServerSidePropStore->writeValue(
/*updateStatus=*/true, VehiclePropertyStore::EventMode::ALWAYS);
!writeResult.ok()) {
return StatusError(getErrorCode(writeResult))
<< "failed to write value into property store, error: "
<< getErrorMsg(writeResult);
return {};
VhalResult<void> FakeVehicleHardware::synchronizeHvacTemp(int32_t hvacDualOnAreaId,
std::optional<float> newTempC) const {
auto hvacTemperatureSetResults = mServerSidePropStore->readValuesForProperty(
if (!hvacTemperatureSetResults.ok()) {
return StatusError(StatusCode::NOT_AVAILABLE)
<< "Failed to get HVAC_TEMPERATURE_SET, error: "
<< getErrorMsg(hvacTemperatureSetResults);
auto& hvacTemperatureSetValues = hvacTemperatureSetResults.value();
std::optional<float> tempCToSynchronize = newTempC;
for (size_t i = 0; i < hvacTemperatureSetValues.size(); i++) {
int32_t areaId = hvacTemperatureSetValues[i]->areaId;
if ((hvacDualOnAreaId & areaId) != areaId) {
if (hvacTemperatureSetValues[i]->status != VehiclePropertyStatus::AVAILABLE) {
// When HVAC_DUAL_ON is initially enabled, synchronize all area IDs
// to the temperature of the first area ID, which is the driver's.
if (!tempCToSynchronize.has_value()) {
tempCToSynchronize = hvacTemperatureSetValues[i]->value.floatValues[0];
auto updatedValue = std::move(hvacTemperatureSetValues[i]);
updatedValue->value.floatValues[0] = tempCToSynchronize.value();
updatedValue->timestamp = elapsedRealtimeNano();
// This will trigger a property change event for the current hvac property value.
auto writeResult =
mServerSidePropStore->writeValue(std::move(updatedValue), /*updateStatus=*/true,
if (!writeResult.ok()) {
return StatusError(getErrorCode(writeResult))
<< "Failed to write value into property store, error: "
<< getErrorMsg(writeResult);
return {};
std::optional<int32_t> FakeVehicleHardware::getSyncedAreaIdIfHvacDualOn(
int32_t hvacTemperatureSetAreaId) const {
auto hvacDualOnResults =
if (!hvacDualOnResults.ok()) {
return std::nullopt;
auto& hvacDualOnValues = hvacDualOnResults.value();
for (size_t i = 0; i < hvacDualOnValues.size(); i++) {
if ((hvacDualOnValues[i]->areaId & hvacTemperatureSetAreaId) == hvacTemperatureSetAreaId &&
hvacDualOnValues[i]->value.int32Values.size() == 1 &&
hvacDualOnValues[i]->value.int32Values[0] == 1) {
return hvacDualOnValues[i]->areaId;
return std::nullopt;
FakeVehicleHardware::ValueResultType FakeVehicleHardware::getUserHalProp(
const VehiclePropValue& value) const {
auto propId = value.prop;
ALOGI("get(): getting value for prop %s from User HAL", PROP_ID_TO_CSTR(propId));
auto result = mFakeUserHal->onGetProperty(value);
if (!result.ok()) {
return StatusError(getErrorCode(result))
<< "get(): User HAL returned error: " << getErrorMsg(result);
} else {
auto& gotValue = result.value();
if (gotValue != nullptr) {
ALOGI("get(): User HAL returned value: %s", gotValue->toString().c_str());
gotValue->timestamp = elapsedRealtimeNano();
return result;
} else {
return StatusError(StatusCode::INTERNAL_ERROR) << "get(): User HAL returned null value";
VhalResult<bool> FakeVehicleHardware::isCruiseControlTypeStandard() const {
auto isCruiseControlTypeAvailableResult =
if (!isCruiseControlTypeAvailableResult.ok()) {
return isCruiseControlTypeAvailableResult.error();
auto cruiseControlTypeValue =
return cruiseControlTypeValue.value()->value.int32Values[0] ==
FakeVehicleHardware::ValueResultType FakeVehicleHardware::maybeGetSpecialValue(
const VehiclePropValue& value, bool* isSpecialValue) const {
*isSpecialValue = false;
int32_t propId = value.prop;
ValueResultType result;
if (mPowerControllerServiceAddress != "") {
if (mPowerPropIds.find(propId) != mPowerPropIds.end()) {
*isSpecialValue = true;
return getPowerPropFromExternalService(propId);
*isSpecialValue = true;
result = mValuePool->obtainInt32(/* value= */ 5);
result.value()->prop = propId;
result.value()->areaId = 0;
result.value()->timestamp = elapsedRealtimeNano();
return result;
if (mFakeUserHal->isSupported(propId)) {
*isSpecialValue = true;
return getUserHalProp(value);
if (isHvacPropAndHvacNotAvailable(propId, value.areaId)) {
*isSpecialValue = true;
return StatusError(StatusCode::NOT_AVAILABLE_DISABLED) << "hvac not available";
VhalResult<void> isAdasPropertyAvailableResult;
switch (propId) {
*isSpecialValue = true;
result = mFakeObd2Frame->getObd2FreezeFrame(value);
if (result.ok()) {
result.value()->timestamp = elapsedRealtimeNano();
return result;
*isSpecialValue = true;
result = mFakeObd2Frame->getObd2DtcInfo();
if (result.ok()) {
result.value()->timestamp = elapsedRealtimeNano();
return result;
case toInt(TestVendorProperty::ECHO_REVERSE_BYTES):
*isSpecialValue = true;
return getEchoReverseBytes(value);
*isSpecialValue = true;
return StatusError((StatusCode)VENDOR_ERROR_CODE);
case toInt(VehicleProperty::CRUISE_CONTROL_TARGET_SPEED):
isAdasPropertyAvailableResult =
if (!isAdasPropertyAvailableResult.ok()) {
*isSpecialValue = true;
return isAdasPropertyAvailableResult.error();
return nullptr;
isAdasPropertyAvailableResult =
if (!isAdasPropertyAvailableResult.ok()) {
*isSpecialValue = true;
return isAdasPropertyAvailableResult.error();
auto isCruiseControlTypeStandardResult = isCruiseControlTypeStandard();
if (!isCruiseControlTypeStandardResult.ok()) {
*isSpecialValue = true;
return isCruiseControlTypeStandardResult.error();
if (isCruiseControlTypeStandardResult.value()) {
*isSpecialValue = true;
return StatusError(StatusCode::NOT_AVAILABLE_DISABLED)
<< "tried to get target time gap or lead vehicle measured distance value "
<< "while on a standard CC setting";
return nullptr;
// Do nothing.
return nullptr;
FakeVehicleHardware::ValueResultType FakeVehicleHardware::getPowerPropFromExternalService(
int32_t propId) const {
auto channel =
grpc::CreateChannel(mPowerControllerServiceAddress, grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials());
auto clientStub = PowerController::NewStub(channel);
switch (propId) {
case toInt(VehicleProperty::VEHICLE_IN_USE):
return getVehicleInUse(clientStub.get());
case toInt(VehicleProperty::AP_POWER_BOOTUP_REASON):
return getApPowerBootupReason(clientStub.get());
return StatusError(StatusCode::INTERNAL_ERROR)
<< "Unsupported power property ID: " << propId;
FakeVehicleHardware::ValueResultType FakeVehicleHardware::getVehicleInUse(
PowerController::Stub* clientStub) const {
IsVehicleInUseRequest request = {};
IsVehicleInUseResponse response = {};
grpc::ClientContext context;
auto status = clientStub->IsVehicleInUse(&context, request, &response);
if (!status.ok()) {
return StatusError(StatusCode::TRY_AGAIN) << "Cannot connect to GRPC service "
<< ", error: " << status.error_message();
auto result = mValuePool->obtainBoolean(response.isvehicleinuse());
result->prop = toInt(VehicleProperty::VEHICLE_IN_USE);
result->areaId = 0;
result->status = VehiclePropertyStatus::AVAILABLE;
result->timestamp = elapsedRealtimeNano();
return result;
FakeVehicleHardware::ValueResultType FakeVehicleHardware::getApPowerBootupReason(
PowerController::Stub* clientStub) const {
GetApPowerBootupReasonRequest request = {};
GetApPowerBootupReasonResponse response = {};
grpc::ClientContext context;
auto status = clientStub->GetApPowerBootupReason(&context, request, &response);
if (!status.ok()) {
return StatusError(StatusCode::TRY_AGAIN) << "Cannot connect to GRPC service "
<< ", error: " << status.error_message();
auto result = mValuePool->obtainInt32(response.bootupreason());
result->prop = toInt(VehicleProperty::AP_POWER_BOOTUP_REASON);
result->areaId = 0;
result->status = VehiclePropertyStatus::AVAILABLE;
result->timestamp = elapsedRealtimeNano();
return result;
FakeVehicleHardware::ValueResultType FakeVehicleHardware::getEchoReverseBytes(
const VehiclePropValue& value) const {
auto readResult = mServerSidePropStore->readValue(value);
if (!readResult.ok()) {
return readResult;
auto& gotValue = readResult.value();
gotValue->timestamp = elapsedRealtimeNano();
std::vector<uint8_t> byteValues = gotValue->value.byteValues;
size_t byteSize = byteValues.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < byteSize; i++) {
gotValue->value.byteValues[i] = byteValues[byteSize - 1 - i];
return std::move(gotValue);
void FakeVehicleHardware::sendHvacPropertiesCurrentValues(int32_t areaId, int32_t hvacPowerOnVal) {
for (auto& powerPropId : hvacPowerDependentProps) {
auto powerPropResults = mServerSidePropStore->readValuesForProperty(powerPropId);
if (!powerPropResults.ok()) {
ALOGW("failed to get power prop 0x%x, error: %s", powerPropId,
auto& powerPropValues = powerPropResults.value();
for (size_t j = 0; j < powerPropValues.size(); j++) {
auto powerPropValue = std::move(powerPropValues[j]);
if ((powerPropValue->areaId & areaId) == powerPropValue->areaId) {
powerPropValue->status = hvacPowerOnVal ? VehiclePropertyStatus::AVAILABLE
: VehiclePropertyStatus::UNAVAILABLE;
powerPropValue->timestamp = elapsedRealtimeNano();
// This will trigger a property change event for the current hvac property value.
mServerSidePropStore->writeValue(std::move(powerPropValue), /*updateStatus=*/true,
void FakeVehicleHardware::sendAdasPropertiesState(int32_t propertyId, int32_t state) {
auto& adasDependentPropIds = mAdasEnabledPropToAdasPropWithErrorState.find(propertyId)->second;
for (auto dependentPropId : adasDependentPropIds) {
auto dependentPropConfigResult = mServerSidePropStore->getPropConfig(dependentPropId);
if (!dependentPropConfigResult.ok()) {
ALOGW("Failed to get config for ADAS property 0x%x, error: %s", dependentPropId,
auto& dependentPropConfig = dependentPropConfigResult.value();
for (auto& areaConfig : dependentPropConfig.areaConfigs) {
int32_t hardcoded_state = state;
// TODO: restore old/initial values here instead of hardcoded value (b/295542701)
if (state == 1 && dependentPropId == toInt(VehicleProperty::CRUISE_CONTROL_TYPE)) {
hardcoded_state = toInt(CruiseControlType::ADAPTIVE);
auto propValue =
createAdasStateReq(dependentPropId, areaConfig.areaId, hardcoded_state);
// This will trigger a property change event for the current ADAS property value.
mServerSidePropStore->writeValue(std::move(propValue), /*updateStatus=*/true,
VhalResult<void> FakeVehicleHardware::maybeSetSpecialValue(const VehiclePropValue& value,
bool* isSpecialValue) {
*isSpecialValue = false;
VehiclePropValuePool::RecyclableType updatedValue;
int32_t propId = value.prop;
*isSpecialValue = true;
return {};
if (mFakeUserHal->isSupported(propId)) {
*isSpecialValue = true;
return setUserHalProp(value);
if (isHvacPropAndHvacNotAvailable(propId, value.areaId)) {
*isSpecialValue = true;
return StatusError(StatusCode::NOT_AVAILABLE_DISABLED) << "hvac not available";
if (mAdasEnabledPropToAdasPropWithErrorState.count(propId) &&
value.value.int32Values.size() == 1) {
if (value.value.int32Values[0] == 1) {
// Set default state to 1 when ADAS feature is enabled.
sendAdasPropertiesState(propId, /* state = */ 1);
} else {
sendAdasPropertiesState(propId, toInt(ErrorState::NOT_AVAILABLE_DISABLED));
VhalResult<void> isAdasPropertyAvailableResult;
VhalResult<bool> isCruiseControlTypeStandardResult;
switch (propId) {
case toInt(VehicleProperty::DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS):
case toInt(VehicleProperty::PER_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS):
ALOGD("DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS: %s", value.toString().c_str());
return {};
case toInt(VehicleProperty::AP_POWER_STATE_REPORT):
*isSpecialValue = true;
return setApPowerStateReport(value);
case toInt(VehicleProperty::SHUTDOWN_REQUEST):
// If we receive SHUTDOWN_REQUEST, we should send this to an external component which
// should shutdown Android system via sending an AP_POWER_STATE_REQ event. Here we have
// no external components to notify, so we just send the event.
*isSpecialValue = true;
return setApPowerStateReqShutdown(value);
case toInt(VehicleProperty::VEHICLE_MAP_SERVICE):
// Placeholder for future implementation of VMS property in the default hal. For
// now, just returns OK; otherwise, hal clients crash with property not supported.
*isSpecialValue = true;
return {};
*isSpecialValue = true;
return mFakeObd2Frame->clearObd2FreezeFrames(value);
*isSpecialValue = true;
return StatusError((StatusCode)VENDOR_ERROR_CODE);
case toInt(VehicleProperty::HVAC_POWER_ON):
if (value.value.int32Values.size() != 1) {
*isSpecialValue = true;
return StatusError(StatusCode::INVALID_ARG)
<< "HVAC_POWER_ON requires only one int32 value";
// When changing HVAC power state, send current hvac property values
// through on change event.
sendHvacPropertiesCurrentValues(value.areaId, value.value.int32Values[0]);
return {};
*isSpecialValue = true;
return setHvacTemperatureValueSuggestion(value);
case toInt(VehicleProperty::HVAC_TEMPERATURE_SET):
if (value.value.floatValues.size() != 1) {
*isSpecialValue = true;
return StatusError(StatusCode::INVALID_ARG)
<< "HVAC_DUAL_ON requires only one float value";
if (auto hvacDualOnAreaId = getSyncedAreaIdIfHvacDualOn(value.areaId);
hvacDualOnAreaId.has_value()) {
*isSpecialValue = true;
return synchronizeHvacTemp(hvacDualOnAreaId.value(), value.value.floatValues[0]);
return {};
case toInt(VehicleProperty::HVAC_DUAL_ON):
if (value.value.int32Values.size() != 1) {
*isSpecialValue = true;
return StatusError(StatusCode::INVALID_ARG)
<< "HVAC_DUAL_ON requires only one int32 value";
if (value.value.int32Values[0] == 1) {
synchronizeHvacTemp(value.areaId, std::nullopt);
return {};
case toInt(VehicleProperty::LANE_CENTERING_ASSIST_COMMAND): {
isAdasPropertyAvailableResult =
if (!isAdasPropertyAvailableResult.ok()) {
*isSpecialValue = true;
return isAdasPropertyAvailableResult;
case toInt(VehicleProperty::CRUISE_CONTROL_COMMAND):
isAdasPropertyAvailableResult =
if (!isAdasPropertyAvailableResult.ok()) {
*isSpecialValue = true;
return isAdasPropertyAvailableResult;
isCruiseControlTypeStandardResult = isCruiseControlTypeStandard();
if (!isCruiseControlTypeStandardResult.ok()) {
*isSpecialValue = true;
return isCruiseControlTypeStandardResult.error();
if (isCruiseControlTypeStandardResult.value() &&
(value.value.int32Values[0] ==
toInt(CruiseControlCommand::INCREASE_TARGET_TIME_GAP) ||
value.value.int32Values[0] ==
toInt(CruiseControlCommand::DECREASE_TARGET_TIME_GAP))) {
*isSpecialValue = true;
return StatusError(StatusCode::NOT_AVAILABLE_DISABLED)
<< "tried to use a change target time gap command while on a standard CC "
<< "setting";
return {};
isAdasPropertyAvailableResult =
if (!isAdasPropertyAvailableResult.ok()) {
*isSpecialValue = true;
return isAdasPropertyAvailableResult;
isCruiseControlTypeStandardResult = isCruiseControlTypeStandard();
if (!isCruiseControlTypeStandardResult.ok()) {
*isSpecialValue = true;
return isCruiseControlTypeStandardResult.error();
if (isCruiseControlTypeStandardResult.value()) {
*isSpecialValue = true;
return StatusError(StatusCode::NOT_AVAILABLE_DISABLED)
<< "tried to set target time gap or lead vehicle measured distance value "
<< "while on a standard CC setting";
return {};
case toInt(VehicleProperty::CLUSTER_REPORT_STATE):
case toInt(VehicleProperty::CLUSTER_REQUEST_DISPLAY):
case toInt(VehicleProperty::CLUSTER_NAVIGATION_STATE):
case toInt(TestVendorProperty::VENDOR_CLUSTER_SWITCH_UI):
case toInt(TestVendorProperty::VENDOR_CLUSTER_DISPLAY_STATE):
*isSpecialValue = true;
updatedValue = mValuePool->obtain(getPropType(value.prop));
updatedValue->prop = value.prop & ~toInt(VehiclePropertyGroup::MASK);
if (getPropGroup(value.prop) == VehiclePropertyGroup::SYSTEM) {
updatedValue->prop |= toInt(VehiclePropertyGroup::VENDOR);
} else {
updatedValue->prop |= toInt(VehiclePropertyGroup::SYSTEM);
updatedValue->value = value.value;
updatedValue->timestamp = elapsedRealtimeNano();
updatedValue->areaId = value.areaId;
if (auto writeResult = mServerSidePropStore->writeValue(std::move(updatedValue));
!writeResult.ok()) {
return StatusError(getErrorCode(writeResult))
<< "failed to write value into property store, error: "
<< getErrorMsg(writeResult);
return {};
return {};
StatusCode FakeVehicleHardware::setValues(std::shared_ptr<const SetValuesCallback> callback,
const std::vector<SetValueRequest>& requests) {
for (auto& request : requests) {
ALOGD("Set value for property ID: %s", PROP_ID_TO_CSTR(request.value.prop));
// In a real VHAL implementation, you could either send the setValue request to vehicle bus
// here in the binder thread, or you could send the request in setValue which runs in
// the handler thread. If you decide to send the setValue request here, you should not
// wait for the response here and the handler thread should handle the setValue response.
mPendingSetValueRequests.addRequest(request, callback);
return StatusCode::OK;
VhalResult<void> FakeVehicleHardware::setValue(const VehiclePropValue& value) {
// In a real VHAL implementation, this will send the request to vehicle bus if not already
// sent in setValues, and wait for the response from vehicle bus.
// Here we are just updating mValuePool.
bool isSpecialValue = false;
auto setSpecialValueResult = maybeSetSpecialValue(value, &isSpecialValue);
if (isSpecialValue) {
if (!setSpecialValueResult.ok()) {
return StatusError(getErrorCode(setSpecialValueResult)) << StringPrintf(
"failed to set special value for property ID: %s, error: %s",
PROP_ID_TO_CSTR(value.prop), getErrorMsg(setSpecialValueResult).c_str());
return {};
auto updatedValue = mValuePool->obtain(value);
auto writeResult = mServerSidePropStore->writeValue(
/*updateStatus=*/false, /*mode=*/VehiclePropertyStore::EventMode::ON_VALUE_CHANGE,
if (!writeResult.ok()) {
return StatusError(getErrorCode(writeResult))
<< StringPrintf("failed to write value into property store, error: %s",
return {};
SetValueResult FakeVehicleHardware::handleSetValueRequest(const SetValueRequest& request) {
SetValueResult setValueResult;
setValueResult.requestId = request.requestId;
if (auto result = setValue(request.value); !result.ok()) {
ALOGE("failed to set value, error: %s, code: %d", getErrorMsg(result).c_str(),
setValueResult.status = getErrorCode(result);
} else {
setValueResult.status = StatusCode::OK;
return setValueResult;
StatusCode FakeVehicleHardware::getValues(std::shared_ptr<const GetValuesCallback> callback,
const std::vector<GetValueRequest>& requests) const {
for (auto& request : requests) {
ALOGD("getValues(%s)", PROP_ID_TO_CSTR(request.prop.prop));
// In a real VHAL implementation, you could either send the getValue request to vehicle bus
// here in the binder thread, or you could send the request in getValue which runs in
// the handler thread. If you decide to send the getValue request here, you should not
// wait for the response here and the handler thread should handle the getValue response.
mPendingGetValueRequests.addRequest(request, callback);
return StatusCode::OK;
GetValueResult FakeVehicleHardware::handleGetValueRequest(const GetValueRequest& request) {
GetValueResult getValueResult;
getValueResult.requestId = request.requestId;
auto result = getValue(request.prop);
if (!result.ok()) {
ALOGE("failed to get value, error: %s, code: %d", getErrorMsg(result).c_str(),
getValueResult.status = getErrorCode(result);
} else {
getValueResult.status = StatusCode::OK;
getValueResult.prop = *result.value();
return getValueResult;
FakeVehicleHardware::ValueResultType FakeVehicleHardware::getValue(
const VehiclePropValue& value) const {
// In a real VHAL implementation, this will send the request to vehicle bus if not already
// sent in getValues, and wait for the response from vehicle bus.
// Here we are just reading value from mValuePool.
bool isSpecialValue = false;
auto result = maybeGetSpecialValue(value, &isSpecialValue);
if (isSpecialValue) {
if (!result.ok()) {
return StatusError(getErrorCode(result))
<< StringPrintf("failed to get special value: %s, error: %s",
PROP_ID_TO_CSTR(value.prop), getErrorMsg(result).c_str());
} else {
return result;
auto readResult = mServerSidePropStore->readValue(value);
if (!readResult.ok()) {
StatusCode errorCode = getErrorCode(readResult);
if (errorCode == StatusCode::NOT_AVAILABLE) {
return StatusError(errorCode) << "value has not been set yet";
} else {
return StatusError(errorCode)
<< "failed to get value, error: " << getErrorMsg(readResult);
return readResult;
DumpResult FakeVehicleHardware::dump(const std::vector<std::string>& options) {
DumpResult result;
result.callerShouldDumpState = false;
if (options.size() == 0) {
// We only want caller to dump default state when there is no options.
result.callerShouldDumpState = true;
result.buffer = dumpAllProperties();
return result;
std::string option = options[0];
if (EqualsIgnoreCase(option, "--help")) {
result.buffer = dumpHelp();
return result;
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(option, "--list")) {
result.buffer = dumpListProperties();
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(option, "--get")) {
result.buffer = dumpSpecificProperty(options);
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(option, "--getWithArg")) {
result.buffer = dumpGetPropertyWithArg(options);
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(option, "--set")) {
result.buffer = dumpSetProperties(options);
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(option, "--save-prop")) {
result.buffer = dumpSaveProperty(options);
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(option, "--restore-prop")) {
result.buffer = dumpRestoreProperty(options);
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(option, "--inject-event")) {
result.buffer = dumpInjectEvent(options);
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(option, kUserHalDumpOption)) {
result.buffer = mFakeUserHal->dump();
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(option, "--genfakedata")) {
result.buffer = genFakeDataCommand(options);
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(option, "--genTestVendorConfigs")) {
mAddExtraTestVendorConfigs = true;
result.refreshPropertyConfigs = true;
result.buffer = "successfully generated vendor configs";
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(option, "--restoreVendorConfigs")) {
mAddExtraTestVendorConfigs = false;
result.refreshPropertyConfigs = true;
result.buffer = "successfully restored vendor configs";
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(option, "--dumpSub")) {
result.buffer = dumpSubscriptions();
} else {
result.buffer = StringPrintf("Invalid option: %s\n", option.c_str());
return result;
std::string FakeVehicleHardware::genFakeDataHelp() {
return R"(
Generate Fake Data Usage:
--genfakedata --startlinear [propID] [mValue] [cValue] [dispersion] [increment] [interval]: "
Start a linear generator that generates event with floatValue within range:
[mValue - disperson, mValue + dispersion].
propID(int32): ID for the property to generate event for.
mValue(float): The middle of the possible values for the property.
cValue(float): The start value for the property, must be within the range.
dispersion(float): The range the value can change.
increment(float): The step the value would increase by for each generated event,
if exceed the range, the value would loop back.
interval(int64): The interval in nanoseconds the event would generate by.
--genfakedata --stoplinear [propID(int32)]: Stop a linear generator
--genfakedata --startjson --path [jsonFilePath] [repetition]:
Start a JSON generator that would generate events according to a JSON file.
jsonFilePath(string): The path to a JSON file. The JSON content must be in the format of
"timestamp": 1000000,
"areaId": 0,
"value": 8,
"prop": 289408000
}, {...}]
Each event in the JSON file would be generated by the same interval their timestamp is relative to
the first event's timestamp.
repetition(int32, optional): how many iterations the events would be generated. If it is not
provided, it would iterate indefinitely.
--genfakedata --startjson --content [jsonContent]: Start a JSON generator using the content.
--genfakedata --stopjson [generatorID(string)]: Stop a JSON generator.
--genfakedata --keypress [keyCode(int32)] [display[int32]]: Generate key press.
--genfakedata --keyinputv2 [area(int32)] [display(int32)] [keyCode[int32]] [action[int32]]
--genfakedata --motioninput [area(int32)] [display(int32)] [inputType[int32]] [action[int32]]
[buttonState(int32)] --pointer [pointerId(int32)] [toolType(int32)] [xData(float)] [yData(float)]
[pressure(float)] [size(float)]
Generate a motion input event. --pointer option can be specified multiple times.
--genTestVendorConfigs: Generates fake VehiclePropConfig ranging from 0x5000 to 0x8000 all with
vendor property group, global vehicle area, and int32 vehicle property type. This is mainly used
for testing
--restoreVendorConfigs: Restores to to the default state if genTestVendorConfigs was used.
Otherwise this will do nothing.
std::string FakeVehicleHardware::parseErrMsg(std::string fieldName, std::string value,
std::string type) {
return StringPrintf("failed to parse %s as %s: \"%s\"\n%s", fieldName.c_str(), type.c_str(),
value.c_str(), genFakeDataHelp().c_str());
void FakeVehicleHardware::generateVendorConfigs(
std::vector<VehiclePropConfig>& outAllConfigs) const {
VehiclePropConfig config;
config.prop = i;
config.access = VehiclePropertyAccess::READ_WRITE;
std::string FakeVehicleHardware::genFakeDataCommand(const std::vector<std::string>& options) {
if (options.size() < 2) {
return "No subcommand specified for genfakedata\n" + genFakeDataHelp();
std::string command = options[1];
if (command == "--startlinear") {
// --genfakedata --startlinear [propID(int32)] [middleValue(float)]
// [currentValue(float)] [dispersion(float)] [increment(float)] [interval(int64)]
if (options.size() != 8) {
return "incorrect argument count, need 8 arguments for --genfakedata --startlinear\n" +
int32_t propId;
float middleValue;
float currentValue;
float dispersion;
float increment;
int64_t interval;
if (!android::base::ParseInt(options[2], &propId)) {
return parseErrMsg("propId", options[2], "int");
if (!android::base::ParseFloat(options[3], &middleValue)) {
return parseErrMsg("middleValue", options[3], "float");
if (!android::base::ParseFloat(options[4], &currentValue)) {
return parseErrMsg("currentValue", options[4], "float");
if (!android::base::ParseFloat(options[5], &dispersion)) {
return parseErrMsg("dispersion", options[5], "float");
if (!android::base::ParseFloat(options[6], &increment)) {
return parseErrMsg("increment", options[6], "float");
if (!android::base::ParseInt(options[7], &interval)) {
return parseErrMsg("interval", options[7], "int");
auto generator = std::make_unique<LinearFakeValueGenerator>(
propId, middleValue, currentValue, dispersion, increment, interval);
mGeneratorHub->registerGenerator(propId, std::move(generator));
return "Linear event generator started successfully";
} else if (command == "--stoplinear") {
// --genfakedata --stoplinear [propID(int32)]
if (options.size() != 3) {
return "incorrect argument count, need 3 arguments for --genfakedata --stoplinear\n" +
int32_t propId;
if (!android::base::ParseInt(options[2], &propId)) {
return parseErrMsg("propId", options[2], "int");
if (mGeneratorHub->unregisterGenerator(propId)) {
return "Linear event generator stopped successfully";
return StringPrintf("No linear event generator found for property: %s",
} else if (command == "--startjson") {
// --genfakedata --startjson --path path repetition
// or
// --genfakedata --startjson --content content repetition.
if (options.size() != 4 && options.size() != 5) {
return "incorrect argument count, need 4 or 5 arguments for --genfakedata "
// Iterate infinitely if repetition number is not provided
int32_t repetition = -1;
if (options.size() == 5) {
if (!android::base::ParseInt(options[4], &repetition)) {
return parseErrMsg("repetition", options[4], "int");
std::unique_ptr<JsonFakeValueGenerator> generator;
if (options[2] == "--path") {
const std::string& fileName = options[3];
generator = std::make_unique<JsonFakeValueGenerator>(fileName, repetition);
if (!generator->hasNext()) {
return "invalid JSON file, no events";
} else if (options[2] == "--content") {
const std::string& content = options[3];
generator =
std::make_unique<JsonFakeValueGenerator>(/*unused=*/true, content, repetition);
if (!generator->hasNext()) {
return "invalid JSON content, no events";
int32_t cookie = std::hash<std::string>()(options[3]);
mGeneratorHub->registerGenerator(cookie, std::move(generator));
return StringPrintf("JSON event generator started successfully, ID: %" PRId32, cookie);
} else if (command == "--stopjson") {
// --genfakedata --stopjson [generatorID(string)]
if (options.size() != 3) {
return "incorrect argument count, need 3 arguments for --genfakedata --stopjson\n";
int32_t cookie;
if (!android::base::ParseInt(options[2], &cookie)) {
return parseErrMsg("cookie", options[2], "int");
if (mGeneratorHub->unregisterGenerator(cookie)) {
return "JSON event generator stopped successfully";
} else {
return StringPrintf("No JSON event generator found for ID: %s", options[2].c_str());
} else if (command == "--keypress") {
int32_t keyCode;
int32_t display;
// --genfakedata --keypress [keyCode(int32)] [display[int32]]
if (options.size() != 4) {
return "incorrect argument count, need 4 arguments for --genfakedata --keypress\n";
if (!android::base::ParseInt(options[2], &keyCode)) {
return parseErrMsg("keyCode", options[2], "int");
if (!android::base::ParseInt(options[3], &display)) {
return parseErrMsg("display", options[3], "int");
// Send back to HAL
createHwInputKeyProp(VehicleHwKeyInputAction::ACTION_DOWN, keyCode, display));
createHwInputKeyProp(VehicleHwKeyInputAction::ACTION_UP, keyCode, display));
return "keypress event generated successfully";
} else if (command == "--keyinputv2") {
int32_t area;
int32_t display;
int32_t keyCode;
int32_t action;
int32_t repeatCount;
// --genfakedata --keyinputv2 [area(int32)] [display(int32)] [keyCode[int32]]
// [action[int32]] [repeatCount(int32)]
if (options.size() != 7) {
return "incorrect argument count, need 7 arguments for --genfakedata --keyinputv2\n";
if (!android::base::ParseInt(options[2], &area)) {
return parseErrMsg("area", options[2], "int");
if (!android::base::ParseInt(options[3], &display)) {
return parseErrMsg("display", options[3], "int");
if (!android::base::ParseInt(options[4], &keyCode)) {
return parseErrMsg("keyCode", options[4], "int");
if (!android::base::ParseInt(options[5], &action)) {
return parseErrMsg("action", options[5], "int");
if (!android::base::ParseInt(options[6], &repeatCount)) {
return parseErrMsg("repeatCount", options[6], "int");
// Send back to HAL
onValueChangeCallback(createHwKeyInputV2Prop(area, display, keyCode, action, repeatCount));
return StringPrintf(
"keyinputv2 event generated successfully with area:%d, display:%d,"
" keyCode:%d, action:%d, repeatCount:%d",
area, display, keyCode, action, repeatCount);
} else if (command == "--motioninput") {
int32_t area;
int32_t display;
int32_t inputType;
int32_t action;
int32_t buttonState;
int32_t pointerCount;
// --genfakedata --motioninput [area(int32)] [display(int32)] [inputType[int32]]
// [action[int32]] [buttonState(int32)] [pointerCount(int32)]
// --pointer [pointerId(int32)] [toolType(int32)] [xData(float)] [yData(float)]
// [pressure(float)] [size(float)]
int optionsSize = (int)options.size();
if (optionsSize / 7 < 2) {
return "incorrect argument count, need at least 14 arguments for --genfakedata "
"--motioninput including at least 1 --pointer\n";
if (optionsSize % 7 != 0) {
return "incorrect argument count, need 6 arguments for every --pointer\n";
pointerCount = (int)optionsSize / 7 - 1;
if (!android::base::ParseInt(options[2], &area)) {
return parseErrMsg("area", options[2], "int");
if (!android::base::ParseInt(options[3], &display)) {
return parseErrMsg("display", options[3], "int");
if (!android::base::ParseInt(options[4], &inputType)) {
return parseErrMsg("inputType", options[4], "int");
if (!android::base::ParseInt(options[5], &action)) {
return parseErrMsg("action", options[5], "int");
if (!android::base::ParseInt(options[6], &buttonState)) {
return parseErrMsg("buttonState", options[6], "int");
int32_t pointerId[pointerCount];
int32_t toolType[pointerCount];
float xData[pointerCount];
float yData[pointerCount];
float pressure[pointerCount];
float size[pointerCount];
for (int i = 7, pc = 0; i < optionsSize; i += 7, pc += 1) {
int offset = i;
if (options[offset] != "--pointer") {
return "--pointer is needed for the motion input\n";
offset += 1;
if (!android::base::ParseInt(options[offset], &pointerId[pc])) {
return parseErrMsg("pointerId", options[offset], "int");
offset += 1;
if (!android::base::ParseInt(options[offset], &toolType[pc])) {
return parseErrMsg("toolType", options[offset], "int");
offset += 1;
if (!android::base::ParseFloat(options[offset], &xData[pc])) {
return parseErrMsg("xData", options[offset], "float");
offset += 1;
if (!android::base::ParseFloat(options[offset], &yData[pc])) {
return parseErrMsg("yData", options[offset], "float");
offset += 1;
if (!android::base::ParseFloat(options[offset], &pressure[pc])) {
return parseErrMsg("pressure", options[offset], "float");
offset += 1;
if (!android::base::ParseFloat(options[offset], &size[pc])) {
return parseErrMsg("size", options[offset], "float");
// Send back to HAL
onValueChangeCallback(createHwMotionInputProp(area, display, inputType, action, buttonState,
pointerCount, pointerId, toolType, xData,
yData, pressure, size));
std::string successMessage = StringPrintf(
"motion event generated successfully with area:%d, display:%d,"
" inputType:%d, action:%d, buttonState:%d, pointerCount:%d\n",
area, display, inputType, action, buttonState, pointerCount);
for (int i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) {
successMessage += StringPrintf(
"Pointer #%d {\n"
" id:%d , tooltype:%d \n"
" x:%f , y:%f\n"
" pressure: %f, data: %f\n"
i, pointerId[i], toolType[i], xData[i], yData[i], pressure[i], size[i]);
return successMessage;
return StringPrintf("Unknown command: \"%s\"\n%s", command.c_str(), genFakeDataHelp().c_str());
VehiclePropValue FakeVehicleHardware::createHwInputKeyProp(VehicleHwKeyInputAction action,
int32_t keyCode, int32_t targetDisplay) {
VehiclePropValue value = {
.timestamp = elapsedRealtimeNano(),
.areaId = 0,
.prop = toInt(VehicleProperty::HW_KEY_INPUT),
.status = VehiclePropertyStatus::AVAILABLE,
.value.int32Values = {toInt(action), keyCode, targetDisplay},
return value;
VehiclePropValue FakeVehicleHardware::createHwKeyInputV2Prop(int32_t area, int32_t targetDisplay,
int32_t keyCode, int32_t action,
int32_t repeatCount) {
VehiclePropValue value = {.timestamp = elapsedRealtimeNano(),
.areaId = area,
.prop = toInt(VehicleProperty::HW_KEY_INPUT_V2),
.status = VehiclePropertyStatus::AVAILABLE,
.value.int32Values = {targetDisplay, keyCode, action, repeatCount},
.value.int64Values = {elapsedRealtimeNano()}};
return value;
VehiclePropValue FakeVehicleHardware::createHwMotionInputProp(
int32_t area, int32_t display, int32_t inputType, int32_t action, int32_t buttonState,
int32_t pointerCount, int32_t pointerId[], int32_t toolType[], float xData[], float yData[],
float pressure[], float size[]) {
std::vector<int> intValues;
for (int i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) {
std::vector<float> floatValues;
for (int i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) {
VehiclePropValue value = {.timestamp = elapsedRealtimeNano(),
.areaId = area,
.prop = toInt(VehicleProperty::HW_MOTION_INPUT),
.status = VehiclePropertyStatus::AVAILABLE,
.value.int32Values = intValues,
.value.floatValues = floatValues,
.value.int64Values = {elapsedRealtimeNano()}};
return value;
void FakeVehicleHardware::eventFromVehicleBus(const VehiclePropValue& value) {
std::string FakeVehicleHardware::dumpSubscriptions() {
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lockGuard(mLock);
std::string result = "Subscriptions: \n";
for (const auto& [interval, actionForInterval] : mActionByIntervalInNanos) {
for (const auto& propIdAreaId : actionForInterval.propIdAreaIdsToRefresh) {
const auto& refreshInfo = mRefreshInfoByPropIdAreaId[propIdAreaId];
bool vur = (refreshInfo.eventMode == VehiclePropertyStore::EventMode::ON_VALUE_CHANGE);
float sampleRateHz = 1'000'000'000. / refreshInfo.intervalInNanos;
result += StringPrintf("Continuous{property: %s, areaId: %d, rate: %lf hz, vur: %b}\n",
PROP_ID_TO_CSTR(propIdAreaId.propId), propIdAreaId.areaId,
sampleRateHz, vur);
for (const auto& propIdAreaId : mSubOnChangePropIdAreaIds) {
result += StringPrintf("OnChange{property: %s, areaId: %d}\n",
PROP_ID_TO_CSTR(propIdAreaId.propId), propIdAreaId.areaId);
return result;
std::string FakeVehicleHardware::dumpHelp() {
return "Usage: \n\n"
"[no args]: dumps (id and value) all supported properties \n"
"--help: shows this help\n"
"--list: lists the property IDs and their supported area IDs for all supported "
"--get <PROP_ID_1> [PROP_ID_2] [PROP_ID_N]: dumps the value of specific properties. \n"
"--getWithArg <PROP_ID> [ValueArguments]: gets the value for a specific property. "
"The value arguments constructs a VehiclePropValue used in the getValue request. \n"
"--set <PROP_ID> [ValueArguments]: sets the value of property PROP_ID, the value "
"arguments constructs a VehiclePropValue used in the setValue request. \n"
"--save-prop <PROP_ID> [-a AREA_ID]: saves the current value for PROP_ID, integration "
"tests that modify prop value must call this before test and restore-prop after test. \n"
"--restore-prop <PROP_ID> [-a AREA_ID]: restores a previously saved property value. \n"
"--inject-event <PROP_ID> [ValueArguments]: inject a property update event from car\n\n"
"ValueArguments are in the format of [-a OPTIONAL_AREA_ID] "
"[-i INT_VALUE_1 [INT_VALUE_2 ...]] "
"[-i64 INT64_VALUE_1 [INT64_VALUE_2 ...]] "
"[-f FLOAT_VALUE_1 [FLOAT_VALUE_2 ...]] "
"[-s STR_VALUE] "
"[-b BYTES_VALUE].\n"
"For example: to set property ID 0x1234, areaId 0x1 to int32 values: [1, 2, 3], "
"use \"--set 0x1234 -a 0x1 -i 1 2 3\"\n"
"Note that the string, bytes and area value can be set just once, while the other can"
" have multiple values (so they're used in the respective array), "
"BYTES_VALUE is in the form of 0xXXXX, e.g. 0xdeadbeef.\n" +
genFakeDataHelp() + "Fake user HAL usage: \n" + mFakeUserHal->showDumpHelp();
std::string FakeVehicleHardware::dumpAllProperties() {
auto configs = mServerSidePropStore->getAllConfigs();
if (configs.size() == 0) {
return "no properties to dump\n";
std::string msg = StringPrintf("dumping %zu properties\n", configs.size());
int rowNumber = 1;
for (const VehiclePropConfig& config : configs) {
msg += dumpOnePropertyByConfig(rowNumber++, config);
return msg;
std::string FakeVehicleHardware::dumpOnePropertyByConfig(int rowNumber,
const VehiclePropConfig& config) {
size_t numberAreas = config.areaConfigs.size();
std::string msg = "";
if (numberAreas == 0) {
msg += StringPrintf("%d: ", rowNumber);
msg += dumpOnePropertyById(config.prop, /* areaId= */ 0);
return msg;
for (size_t j = 0; j < numberAreas; ++j) {
if (numberAreas > 1) {
msg += StringPrintf("%d-%zu: ", rowNumber, j);
} else {
msg += StringPrintf("%d: ", rowNumber);
msg += dumpOnePropertyById(config.prop, config.areaConfigs[j].areaId);
return msg;
std::string FakeVehicleHardware::dumpOnePropertyById(int32_t propId, int32_t areaId) {
VehiclePropValue value = {
.areaId = areaId,
.prop = propId,
.value = {},
bool isSpecialValue = false;
auto result = maybeGetSpecialValue(value, &isSpecialValue);
if (!isSpecialValue) {
result = mServerSidePropStore->readValue(value);
if (!result.ok()) {
return StringPrintf("failed to read property value: %s, error: %s, code: %d\n",
PROP_ID_TO_CSTR(propId), getErrorMsg(result).c_str(),
} else {
return result.value()->toString() + "\n";
std::string FakeVehicleHardware::dumpListProperties() {
auto configs = mServerSidePropStore->getAllConfigs();
if (configs.size() == 0) {
return "no properties to list\n";
int rowNumber = 1;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "listing " << configs.size() << " properties" << std::endl;
for (const auto& config : configs) {
std::vector<int32_t> areaIds;
for (const auto& areaConfig : config.areaConfigs) {
ss << rowNumber++ << ": " << PROP_ID_TO_CSTR(config.prop) << ", propID: " << std::showbase
<< std::hex << config.prop << std::noshowbase << std::dec
<< ", areaIDs: " << vecToStringOfHexValues(areaIds) << std::endl;
return ss.str();
Result<void> FakeVehicleHardware::checkArgumentsSize(const std::vector<std::string>& options,
size_t minSize) {
size_t size = options.size();
if (size >= minSize) {
return {};
return Error() << StringPrintf("Invalid number of arguments: required at least %zu, got %zu\n",
minSize, size);
Result<int32_t> FakeVehicleHardware::parsePropId(const std::vector<std::string>& options,
size_t index) {
const std::string& propIdStr = options[index];
auto result = stringToPropId(propIdStr);
if (result.ok()) {
return result;
return safelyParseInt<int32_t>(index, propIdStr);
// Parses areaId option ("-a"). It can be an Integer or a string in the form of "AREA_1" or
// "AREA_1 | AREA_2 | ..."
Result<int32_t> FakeVehicleHardware::parseAreaId(const std::vector<std::string>& options,
size_t index, int32_t propId) {
const std::string& areaIdStr = options[index];
auto result = safelyParseInt<int32_t>(index, areaIdStr);
if (result.ok()) {
return result;
// Check for pattern matching "AREA_1 | AREA_2 | AREA_3".
std::regex pattern(R"(^\w+(?:( )?\|( )?\w+)*$)");
std::smatch match;
int32_t areaId = 0;
if (!std::regex_match(areaIdStr, match, pattern)) {
return result;
pattern = R"(\w+)";
std::sregex_iterator end;
for (std::sregex_iterator it(areaIdStr.begin(), areaIdStr.end(), pattern); it != end; it++) {
// Parse each areas contained in this areaId.
auto result = stringToArea(it->str(), propId);
if (!result.ok()) {
return result;
areaId |= result.value();
return areaId;
std::string FakeVehicleHardware::dumpSpecificProperty(const std::vector<std::string>& options) {
if (auto result = checkArgumentsSize(options, /*minSize=*/2); !result.ok()) {
return getErrorMsg(result);
// options[0] is the command itself...
int rowNumber = 1;
size_t size = options.size();
std::string msg = "";
for (size_t i = 1; i < size; ++i) {
auto propResult = parsePropId(options, i);
if (!propResult.ok()) {
msg += getErrorMsg(propResult);
int32_t prop = propResult.value();
auto result = mServerSidePropStore->getPropConfig(prop);
if (!result.ok()) {
msg += StringPrintf("No property %s\n", PROP_ID_TO_CSTR(prop));
msg += dumpOnePropertyByConfig(rowNumber++, result.value());
return msg;
std::vector<std::string> FakeVehicleHardware::getOptionValues(
const std::vector<std::string>& options, size_t* index) {
std::vector<std::string> values;
while (*index < options.size()) {
std::string option = options[*index];
if (SET_PROP_OPTIONS.find(option) != SET_PROP_OPTIONS.end()) {
return values;
return values;
Result<VehiclePropValue> FakeVehicleHardware::parsePropOptions(
const std::vector<std::string>& options) {
// Options format:
// --set/get/inject-event PROP [-f f1 f2...] [-i i1 i2...] [-i64 i1 i2...] [-s s1 s2...]
// [-b b1 b2...] [-a a] [-t timestamp]
size_t optionIndex = 1;
auto result = parsePropId(options, optionIndex);
if (!result.ok()) {
return Error() << StringPrintf("Property ID/Name: \"%s\" is not valid: %s\n",
options[optionIndex].c_str(), getErrorMsg(result).c_str());
VehiclePropValue prop = {};
prop.prop = result.value();
prop.status = VehiclePropertyStatus::AVAILABLE;
std::unordered_set<std::string> parsedOptions;
int32_t areaIdIndex = -1;
while (optionIndex < options.size()) {
std::string argType = options[optionIndex];
size_t currentIndex = optionIndex;
std::vector<std::string> argValues = getOptionValues(options, &optionIndex);
if (parsedOptions.find(argType) != parsedOptions.end()) {
return Error() << StringPrintf("Duplicate \"%s\" options\n", argType.c_str());
size_t argValuesSize = argValues.size();
if (EqualsIgnoreCase(argType, "-i")) {
if (argValuesSize == 0) {
return Error() << "No values specified when using \"-i\"\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < argValuesSize; i++) {
auto int32Result = safelyParseInt<int32_t>(currentIndex + i, argValues[i]);
if (!int32Result.ok()) {
return Error()
<< StringPrintf("Value: \"%s\" is not a valid int: %s\n",
argValues[i].c_str(), getErrorMsg(int32Result).c_str());
prop.value.int32Values[i] = int32Result.value();
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(argType, "-i64")) {
if (argValuesSize == 0) {
return Error() << "No values specified when using \"-i64\"\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < argValuesSize; i++) {
auto int64Result = safelyParseInt<int64_t>(currentIndex + i, argValues[i]);
if (!int64Result.ok()) {
return Error()
<< StringPrintf("Value: \"%s\" is not a valid int64: %s\n",
argValues[i].c_str(), getErrorMsg(int64Result).c_str());
prop.value.int64Values[i] = int64Result.value();
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(argType, "-f")) {
if (argValuesSize == 0) {
return Error() << "No values specified when using \"-f\"\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < argValuesSize; i++) {
auto floatResult = safelyParseFloat(currentIndex + i, argValues[i]);
if (!floatResult.ok()) {
return Error()
<< StringPrintf("Value: \"%s\" is not a valid float: %s\n",
argValues[i].c_str(), getErrorMsg(floatResult).c_str());
prop.value.floatValues[i] = floatResult.value();
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(argType, "-s")) {
if (argValuesSize != 1) {
return Error() << "Expect exact one value when using \"-s\"\n";
prop.value.stringValue = argValues[0];
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(argType, "-b")) {
if (argValuesSize != 1) {
return Error() << "Expect exact one value when using \"-b\"\n";
auto bytesResult = parseHexString(argValues[0]);
if (!bytesResult.ok()) {
return Error() << StringPrintf("value: \"%s\" is not a valid hex string: %s\n",
prop.value.byteValues = std::move(bytesResult.value());
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(argType, "-a")) {
if (argValuesSize != 1) {
return Error() << "Expect exact one value when using \"-a\"\n";
areaIdIndex = currentIndex;
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(argType, "-t")) {
if (argValuesSize != 1) {
return Error() << "Expect exact one value when using \"-t\"\n";
auto int64Result = safelyParseInt<int64_t>(currentIndex, argValues[0]);
if (!int64Result.ok()) {
return Error() << StringPrintf("Timestamp: \"%s\" is not a valid int64: %s\n",
prop.timestamp = int64Result.value();
} else {
return Error() << StringPrintf("Unknown option: %s\n", argType.c_str());
if (areaIdIndex != -1) {
auto int32Result = parseAreaId(options, areaIdIndex, prop.prop);
if (!int32Result.ok()) {
return Error() << StringPrintf(
"Area ID: \"%s\" is not a valid int or "
"one or more area names: %s\n",
options[areaIdIndex].c_str(), getErrorMsg(int32Result).c_str());
prop.areaId = int32Result.value();
return prop;
std::string FakeVehicleHardware::dumpSetProperties(const std::vector<std::string>& options) {
if (auto result = checkArgumentsSize(options, 3); !result.ok()) {
return getErrorMsg(result);
auto parseResult = parsePropOptions(options);
if (!parseResult.ok()) {
return getErrorMsg(parseResult);
VehiclePropValue prop = std::move(parseResult.value());
ALOGD("Dump: Setting property: %s", prop.toString().c_str());
bool isSpecialValue = false;
auto setResult = maybeSetSpecialValue(prop, &isSpecialValue);
if (!isSpecialValue) {
auto updatedValue = mValuePool->obtain(prop);
updatedValue->timestamp = elapsedRealtimeNano();
setResult = mServerSidePropStore->writeValue(std::move(updatedValue));
if (setResult.ok()) {
return StringPrintf("Set property: %s\n", prop.toString().c_str());
return StringPrintf("failed to set property: %s, error: %s\n", prop.toString().c_str(),
std::string FakeVehicleHardware::dumpGetPropertyWithArg(const std::vector<std::string>& options) {
if (auto result = checkArgumentsSize(options, 3); !result.ok()) {
return getErrorMsg(result);
auto parseResult = parsePropOptions(options);
if (!parseResult.ok()) {
return getErrorMsg(parseResult);
VehiclePropValue prop = std::move(parseResult.value());
ALOGD("Dump: Getting property: %s", prop.toString().c_str());
bool isSpecialValue = false;
auto result = maybeGetSpecialValue(prop, &isSpecialValue);
if (!isSpecialValue) {
result = mServerSidePropStore->readValue(prop);
if (!result.ok()) {
return StringPrintf("failed to read property value: %s, error: %s, code: %d\n",
PROP_ID_TO_CSTR(prop.prop), getErrorMsg(result).c_str(),
return StringPrintf("Get property result: %s\n", result.value()->toString().c_str());
std::string FakeVehicleHardware::dumpSaveProperty(const std::vector<std::string>& options) {
// Format: --save-prop PROP [-a areaID]
if (auto result = checkArgumentsSize(options, 2); !result.ok()) {
return getErrorMsg(result);
auto parseResult = parsePropOptions(options);
if (!parseResult.ok()) {
return getErrorMsg(parseResult);
// We are only using the prop and areaId option.
VehiclePropValue value = std::move(parseResult.value());
int32_t propId = value.prop;
int32_t areaId = value.areaId;
auto readResult = mServerSidePropStore->readValue(value);
if (!readResult.ok()) {
return StringPrintf("Failed to save current property value, error: %s",
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lockGuard(mLock);
.propId = propId,
.areaId = areaId,
}] = std::move(readResult.value());
return StringPrintf("Property: %" PRId32 ", areaID: %" PRId32 " saved", propId, areaId);
std::string FakeVehicleHardware::dumpRestoreProperty(const std::vector<std::string>& options) {
// Format: --restore-prop PROP [-a areaID]
if (auto result = checkArgumentsSize(options, 2); !result.ok()) {
return getErrorMsg(result);
auto parseResult = parsePropOptions(options);
if (!parseResult.ok()) {
return getErrorMsg(parseResult);
// We are only using the prop and areaId option.
VehiclePropValue value = std::move(parseResult.value());
int32_t propId = value.prop;
int32_t areaId = value.areaId;
VehiclePropValuePool::RecyclableType savedValue;
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lockGuard(mLock);
auto it = mSavedProps.find(PropIdAreaId{
.propId = propId,
.areaId = areaId,
if (it == mSavedProps.end()) {
return StringPrintf("No saved property for property: %" PRId32 ", areaID: %" PRId32,
propId, areaId);
savedValue = std::move(it->second);
// Remove the saved property after restoring it.
// Update timestamp.
savedValue->timestamp = elapsedRealtimeNano();
auto writeResult = mServerSidePropStore->writeValue(std::move(savedValue));
if (!writeResult.ok()) {
return StringPrintf("Failed to restore property value, error: %s",
return StringPrintf("Property: %" PRId32 ", areaID: %" PRId32 " restored", propId, areaId);
std::string FakeVehicleHardware::dumpInjectEvent(const std::vector<std::string>& options) {
if (auto result = checkArgumentsSize(options, 3); !result.ok()) {
return getErrorMsg(result);
auto parseResult = parsePropOptions(options);
if (!parseResult.ok()) {
return getErrorMsg(parseResult);
VehiclePropValue prop = std::move(parseResult.value());
ALOGD("Dump: Injecting event from vehicle bus: %s", prop.toString().c_str());
return StringPrintf("Event for property: %s injected", PROP_ID_TO_CSTR(prop.prop));
StatusCode FakeVehicleHardware::checkHealth() {
// Always return OK for checkHealth.
return StatusCode::OK;
void FakeVehicleHardware::registerOnPropertyChangeEvent(
std::unique_ptr<const PropertyChangeCallback> callback) {
if (mOnPropertyChangeCallback != nullptr) {
ALOGE("registerOnPropertyChangeEvent must only be called once");
mOnPropertyChangeCallback = std::move(callback);
void FakeVehicleHardware::registerOnPropertySetErrorEvent(
std::unique_ptr<const PropertySetErrorCallback> callback) {
// In FakeVehicleHardware, we will never use mOnPropertySetErrorCallback.
if (mOnPropertySetErrorCallback != nullptr) {
ALOGE("registerOnPropertySetErrorEvent must only be called once");
mOnPropertySetErrorCallback = std::move(callback);
StatusCode FakeVehicleHardware::subscribe(SubscribeOptions options) {
int32_t propId = options.propId;
auto configResult = mServerSidePropStore->getPropConfig(propId);
if (!configResult.ok()) {
ALOGE("subscribe: property: %" PRId32 " is not supported", propId);
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lockGuard(mLock);
for (int areaId : options.areaIds) {
if (StatusCode status = subscribePropIdAreaIdLocked(propId, areaId, options.sampleRate,
status != StatusCode::OK) {
return status;
return StatusCode::OK;
bool FakeVehicleHardware::isVariableUpdateRateSupported(const VehiclePropConfig& vehiclePropConfig,
int32_t areaId) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < vehiclePropConfig.areaConfigs.size(); i++) {
const auto& areaConfig = vehiclePropConfig.areaConfigs[i];
if (areaConfig.areaId != areaId) {
if (areaConfig.supportVariableUpdateRate) {
return true;
return false;
void FakeVehicleHardware::refreshTimestampForInterval(int64_t intervalInNanos) {
std::unordered_map<PropIdAreaId, VehiclePropertyStore::EventMode, PropIdAreaIdHash>
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lockGuard(mLock);
if (mActionByIntervalInNanos.find(intervalInNanos) == mActionByIntervalInNanos.end()) {
ALOGE("No actions scheduled for the interval: %" PRId64 ", ignore the refresh request",
ActionForInterval actionForInterval = mActionByIntervalInNanos[intervalInNanos];
// Make a copy so that we don't hold the lock while trying to refresh the timestamp.
// Refreshing the timestamp will inovke onValueChangeCallback which also requires lock, so
// we must not hold lock.
for (const PropIdAreaId& propIdAreaId : actionForInterval.propIdAreaIdsToRefresh) {
const RefreshInfo& refreshInfo = mRefreshInfoByPropIdAreaId[propIdAreaId];
eventModeByPropIdAreaId[propIdAreaId] = refreshInfo.eventMode;
void FakeVehicleHardware::registerRefreshLocked(PropIdAreaId propIdAreaId,
VehiclePropertyStore::EventMode eventMode,
float sampleRateHz) {
if (mRefreshInfoByPropIdAreaId.find(propIdAreaId) != mRefreshInfoByPropIdAreaId.end()) {
int64_t intervalInNanos = static_cast<int64_t>(1'000'000'000. / sampleRateHz);
RefreshInfo refreshInfo = {
.eventMode = eventMode,
.intervalInNanos = intervalInNanos,
mRefreshInfoByPropIdAreaId[propIdAreaId] = refreshInfo;
if (mActionByIntervalInNanos.find(intervalInNanos) != mActionByIntervalInNanos.end()) {
// If we have already registered for this interval, then add the action info to the
// actions list.
// This is the first action for the interval, register a timer callback for that interval.
auto action = std::make_shared<RecurrentTimer::Callback>(
[this, intervalInNanos] { refreshTimestampForInterval(intervalInNanos); });
mActionByIntervalInNanos[intervalInNanos] = ActionForInterval{
.propIdAreaIdsToRefresh = {propIdAreaId},
.recurrentAction = action,
mRecurrentTimer->registerTimerCallback(intervalInNanos, action);
void FakeVehicleHardware::unregisterRefreshLocked(PropIdAreaId propIdAreaId) {
if (mRefreshInfoByPropIdAreaId.find(propIdAreaId) == mRefreshInfoByPropIdAreaId.end()) {
ALOGW("PropId: %" PRId32 ", areaId: %" PRId32 " was not registered for refresh, ignore",
propIdAreaId.propId, propIdAreaId.areaId);
int64_t intervalInNanos = mRefreshInfoByPropIdAreaId[propIdAreaId].intervalInNanos;
auto& actionForInterval = mActionByIntervalInNanos[intervalInNanos];
if (actionForInterval.propIdAreaIdsToRefresh.empty()) {
StatusCode FakeVehicleHardware::subscribePropIdAreaIdLocked(
int32_t propId, int32_t areaId, float sampleRateHz, bool enableVariableUpdateRate,
const VehiclePropConfig& vehiclePropConfig) {
PropIdAreaId propIdAreaId{
.propId = propId,
.areaId = areaId,
switch (vehiclePropConfig.changeMode) {
case VehiclePropertyChangeMode::STATIC:
ALOGW("subscribe to a static property, do nothing.");
return StatusCode::OK;
case VehiclePropertyChangeMode::ON_CHANGE:
return StatusCode::OK;
case VehiclePropertyChangeMode::CONTINUOUS:
if (sampleRateHz == 0.f) {
ALOGE("Must not use sample rate 0 for a continuous property");
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
// For continuous properties, we must generate a new onPropertyChange event
// periodically according to the sample rate.
auto eventMode = VehiclePropertyStore::EventMode::ALWAYS;
if (isVariableUpdateRateSupported(vehiclePropConfig, areaId) &&
enableVariableUpdateRate) {
eventMode = VehiclePropertyStore::EventMode::ON_VALUE_CHANGE;
registerRefreshLocked(propIdAreaId, eventMode, sampleRateHz);
return StatusCode::OK;
StatusCode FakeVehicleHardware::unsubscribe(int32_t propId, int32_t areaId) {
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lockGuard(mLock);
PropIdAreaId propIdAreaId{
.propId = propId,
.areaId = areaId,
if (mRefreshInfoByPropIdAreaId.find(propIdAreaId) != mRefreshInfoByPropIdAreaId.end()) {
return StatusCode::OK;
void FakeVehicleHardware::onValueChangeCallback(const VehiclePropValue& value) {
void FakeVehicleHardware::onValuesChangeCallback(std::vector<VehiclePropValue> values) {
std::vector<VehiclePropValue> subscribedUpdatedValues;
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lockGuard(mLock);
if (mOnPropertyChangeCallback == nullptr) {
for (const auto& value : values) {
PropIdAreaId propIdAreaId{
.propId = value.prop,
.areaId = value.areaId,
if (mRefreshInfoByPropIdAreaId.find(propIdAreaId) == mRefreshInfoByPropIdAreaId.end() &&
mSubOnChangePropIdAreaIds.find(propIdAreaId) == mSubOnChangePropIdAreaIds.end()) {
ALOGD("The updated property value: %s is not subscribed, ignore",
bool FakeVehicleHardware::loadPropConfigsFromDir(
const std::string& dirPath,
std::unordered_map<int32_t, ConfigDeclaration>* configsByPropId) {
ALOGI("loading properties from %s", dirPath.c_str());
auto dir = opendir(dirPath.c_str());
if (dir == nullptr) {
ALOGE("Failed to open config directory: %s", dirPath.c_str());
return false;
std::regex regJson(".*[.]json", std::regex::icase);
while (auto f = readdir(dir)) {
if (!std::regex_match(f->d_name, regJson)) {
std::string filePath = dirPath + "/" + std::string(f->d_name);
ALOGI("loading properties from %s", filePath.c_str());
auto result = mLoader.loadPropConfig(filePath);
if (!result.ok()) {
ALOGE("failed to load config file: %s, error: %s", filePath.c_str(),
for (auto& [propId, configDeclaration] : result.value()) {
(*configsByPropId)[propId] = std::move(configDeclaration);
return true;
Result<float> FakeVehicleHardware::safelyParseFloat(int index, const std::string& s) {
float out;
if (!ParseFloat(s, &out)) {
return Error() << StringPrintf("non-float argument at index %d: %s\n", index, s.c_str());
return out;
Result<std::vector<uint8_t>> FakeVehicleHardware::parseHexString(const std::string& s) {
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes;
if (s.size() % 2 != 0) {
return Error() << StringPrintf("invalid hex string: %s, should have even size\n",
if (!StartsWith(s, "0x")) {
return Error() << StringPrintf("hex string should start with \"0x\", got %s\n", s.c_str());
std::string subs = s.substr(2);
std::transform(subs.begin(), subs.end(), subs.begin(),
[](unsigned char c) { return std::tolower(c); });
bool highDigit = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < subs.size(); i++) {
char c = subs[i];
uint8_t v;
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
v = c - '0';
} else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
v = c - 'a' + 10;
} else {
return Error() << StringPrintf("invalid character %c in hex string %s\n", c,
if (highDigit) {
bytes.push_back(v * 16);
} else {
bytes[bytes.size() - 1] += v;
highDigit = !highDigit;
return bytes;
template <class CallbackType, class RequestType>
FakeVehicleHardware::PendingRequestHandler<CallbackType, RequestType>::PendingRequestHandler(
FakeVehicleHardware* hardware)
: mHardware(hardware) {
// Don't initialize mThread in initialization list because mThread depends on mRequests and we
// want mRequests to be initialized first.
mThread = std::thread([this] {
while (mRequests.waitForItems()) {
template <class CallbackType, class RequestType>
void FakeVehicleHardware::PendingRequestHandler<CallbackType, RequestType>::addRequest(
RequestType request, std::shared_ptr<const CallbackType> callback) {
template <class CallbackType, class RequestType>
void FakeVehicleHardware::PendingRequestHandler<CallbackType, RequestType>::stop() {
if (mThread.joinable()) {
template <>
void FakeVehicleHardware::PendingRequestHandler<FakeVehicleHardware::GetValuesCallback,
GetValueRequest>::handleRequestsOnce() {
std::unordered_map<std::shared_ptr<const GetValuesCallback>, std::vector<GetValueResult>>
for (const auto& rwc : mRequests.flush()) {
auto result = mHardware->handleGetValueRequest(rwc.request);
for (const auto& [callback, results] : callbackToResults) {
ATRACE_BEGIN("FakeVehicleHardware:call get value result callback");
template <>
void FakeVehicleHardware::PendingRequestHandler<FakeVehicleHardware::SetValuesCallback,
SetValueRequest>::handleRequestsOnce() {
std::unordered_map<std::shared_ptr<const SetValuesCallback>, std::vector<SetValueResult>>
for (const auto& rwc : mRequests.flush()) {
auto result = mHardware->handleSetValueRequest(rwc.request);
for (const auto& [callback, results] : callbackToResults) {
ATRACE_BEGIN("FakeVehicleHardware:call set value result callback");
} // namespace fake
} // namespace vehicle
} // namespace automotive