Enable VSP driver

1. builds VSP vpp files.
2. remove dependency on libvpp
3. Remove the limitation of va surface can't be NULL when vaCreateContext
4. Fix a multiple thread issue when vaCreateSurfaces
   When try to invoke gralloc_lock for the same native handle from different
      thread, will return lock err.
   Add a interface lock to protect the access to native handle.
5. Remove the compiling warning for VPP/VP8.
   Update the data structure for parameters
   Add "unused" attribute for unused function parameter.
7. Add flag in vaCreateSurfaces2 to explicit set NOT initialized share info
      when creating surfaces.
8. Copy VPP input share info to output

Bug: 17383204
BZ: 227971

Change-Id: I6cfe01494d12f8704145294d391f4241801b05f6
Signed-off-by: Xigui Wang <xigui.wang@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: pingshix <pingx.shi@intel.com>
9 files changed