display: fix up TTM dependency by setting ov# to 0

this is to fix TTM dependency which back video use case
investigations have been done to prove the innocence,
1. Overlay plane is only capable for video data format
2. watch HwcLayer::attachPlane, there is no overlay plane used
3. watch TTM apis in kernel, there is no use case besides video

Change-Id: I8263cb0a2f53db1b38081fb3d1193819fad92e71
Tracked-On: https://jira01.devtools.intel.com/browse/AW-3488
Signed-off-by: wentaoli <kevin.liu@intel.com>
(cherry picked from commit 0682b313abefa21fa5155593945c4d20be378c17)
1 file changed
tree: 344f4b61428107ee9e023d2eeebcb86dc57191e0
  1. merrifield/
  2. moorefield_hdmi/