blob: 31ce042e29a077e410e96b110a8b8dffcd5d751c [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <va/va.h>
#include <va/va_android.h>
#include <va/va_tpi.h>
#include <va/va_enc_jpeg.h>
#ifndef VA_FOURCC_YV16
#define VA_FOURCC_YV16 0x36315659
#define SURFACE_TYPE_USER_PTR 0x00000004
#define SURFACE_TYPE_GRALLOC 0x00100000
class IntelImageEncoder {
~IntelImageEncoder(void) {};
* initializeEncoder initializes Intel JPEG HW encoder,
* only needs to be called once at booting unless errors happen.
* Return zero for success and non-zero for failure.
int initializeEncoder(void);
* createSourceSurface creates a surface for encoding.
* based on the input buffer taking source image data.
* This can be called after the encoder is initialized.
* Parameters:
* source_type: the type of source buffer:
* SURFACE_TYPE_USER_PTR for malloced buffer;
* SURFACE_TYPE_GRALLOC for gralloced buffer.
* source_buffer: the input source buffer address, which
* must be aligned to page-size
* width: the width of source image data
* height: the height of source image data
* stride: the stride of source image data
* fourcc: the fourcc value of source, VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420
* and VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV422 are supported.
* image_seqp: the pointer to a returned image sequential
* number to identity an image and its surface.
* Return zero for success and non-zero for failure.
int createSourceSurface(int source_type, void *source_buffer,
unsigned int width,unsigned int height,
unsigned int stride, unsigned int fourcc,
int *image_seqp);
* createContext creates the encoding context,
* based on the parameters of a existing surface.
* This can be called after the encoder is initialized
* and at least one surface is created.
* Parameters:
* first_image_seq: the sequential number of image/surface
* to be based to create context,
* the created context will be set to its
* parameters: width, height, stride & fourcc.
* max_coded_sizep: the returned pointer to the max coded buffer.
* size for references, given the current context.
* Return zero for success and non-zero for failure.
int createContext(int first_image_seq, unsigned int *max_coded_sizep);
int createContext(unsigned int *max_coded_sizep)
return this->createContext(0, max_coded_sizep);
* setQuality changes the current quality value,
* whose default value is 90.
* This can be called after the encoder is initialized.
* Parameters:
* new_quality: the new quality value to be set.
* Return zero for success and non-zero for failure.
int setQuality(unsigned int new_quality);
* encode triggers an image/surface's JPEG encoding.
* This can be called after the encoder is initialize
* and context is created.
* Parameters:
* image_seq: the sequential number of an image/surface
* to be encoded. This has not to be the same
* as the one used to create context, but it
* has to be of the same parameters.
* If a surface with different paras needs to
* be encoded, another context based on its
* parameters is needed.
* new_quality: the new quality value to be set.
* Return zero for success and non-zero for failure.
int encode(int image_seq, unsigned int new_quality);
int encode(int image_seq)
return this->encode(image_seq, quality);
int encode(void)
return this->encode(0, quality);
* getCoded waits for the current encoding task's completion.
* Only one encoding task can be triggered under an instance
* of IntelImageEncoder at any minute.
* This has not be called right after encode is called,
* instead, this can be called any minutes after the encoding
* is triggered to support both synced/asynced encoding usage.
* Parameters:
* user_coded_buf: the input buffer to take coded data.
* After getCoded is returned with no errors,
* this buffer will have the coded JPEG in it.
* user_coded_buf_size: the size of input buffer.
* If too small, an error'll be returned.
* coded_data_sizep: the returned pointer to the actual size
* value of coded JPEG.
* Return zero for success and non-zero for failure.
int getCoded(void *user_coded_buf,
unsigned int user_coded_buf_size,
unsigned int *coded_data_sizep);
int destroySourceSurface(int image_seq);
int destroyContext(void);
int deinitializeEncoder(void);
typedef enum {
IntelImageEncoderStatus encoder_status;
unsigned int quality;
VADisplay va_dpy;
VAConfigAttrib va_configattrib;
/* Valid if a surface is created */
unsigned int images_count;
unsigned int surface_width[INTEL_IMAGE_ENCODER_MAX_BUFFERS];
unsigned int surface_height[INTEL_IMAGE_ENCODER_MAX_BUFFERS];
unsigned int surface_fourcc[INTEL_IMAGE_ENCODER_MAX_BUFFERS];
VAConfigID va_configid;
VAContextID va_contextid;
unsigned int context_width;
unsigned int context_height;
unsigned int context_fourcc;
VABufferID va_codedbufferid;
unsigned int coded_buf_size;
/* Valid since LIBVA_ENCODING */
int reserved_image_seq;