blob: d1b693b9a1185526e3cbbc829e0c4e2e77a9d667 [file] [log] [blame]
* \file: h264_dpb_ctl.c
#include "viddec_fw_debug.h"
#include "viddec_parser_ops.h"
#include "viddec_fw_workload.h"
#include "viddec_pm.h"
#include "viddec_h264_parse.h"
//#include <limits.h>
#include "h264parse.h"
#include "h264parse_dpb.h"
//#include "h264_debug.h"
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
//#ifndef USER_MODE
//#define NULL 0
////////////////////////// Declare Globals///////////////////////////////
frame_store *active_fs;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
///////////////////////// DPB init //////////////////////////////////////////
// Init DPB
// Description: init dpb, which should be called while open
void h264_init_dpb(h264_DecodedPictureBuffer * p_dpb)
int32_t i;
//// Init DPB to zero
//h264_memset(p_dpb, 0x0, sizeof(h264_DecodedPictureBuffer) );
p_dpb->fs[i].fs_idc = MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC;
p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[i] = MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC;
p_dpb->used_size = 0;
p_dpb->fs_dec_idc = MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC;
p_dpb->fs_non_exist_idc = MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC;
///////////////////////// Reference list management //////////////////////////
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_add_ref_list ()
// Adds an idc to the long term reference list
void h264_dpb_add_ref_list(h264_DecodedPictureBuffer * p_dpb, int32_t ref_idc)
p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer] = ref_idc;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_add_ltref_list ()
// Adds an idc to the long term reference list
void h264_dpb_add_ltref_list(h264_DecodedPictureBuffer * p_dpb, int32_t ref_idc)
p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[p_dpb->ltref_frames_in_buffer] = ref_idc;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_update_all_ref_lists (h264_DecodedPictureBuffer * p_dpb,int32_t NonExisting)
// Decide whether the current picture needs to be added to the reference lists
// active_fs should be set-up prior to calling this function
// Check if we need to search the lists here
// or can we go straight to adding to ref lists..
void h264_dpb_insert_ref_lists(h264_DecodedPictureBuffer * p_dpb, int32_t NonExisting)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dec_idc);
if(viddec_h264_get_dec_structure(active_fs) == FRAME)
h264_dpb_add_ltref_list(p_dpb, active_fs->fs_idc);
uint32_t found_in_list = 0, i = 0;
for (i = 0; (i < p_dpb->ltref_frames_in_buffer) && (found_in_list == 0); i++) {
if(p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[i] == active_fs->fs_idc) found_in_list = 1;
if(found_in_list == 0) h264_dpb_add_ltref_list(p_dpb, active_fs->fs_idc);
if(viddec_h264_get_dec_structure(active_fs) == FRAME) {
h264_dpb_add_ref_list(p_dpb, active_fs->fs_idc);
} else
uint32_t found_in_list = 0, i = 0;
for (i = 0; (i < p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer) && (found_in_list == 0); i++)
if(p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[i] == active_fs->fs_idc) found_in_list = 1;
if(found_in_list == 0) h264_dpb_add_ref_list(p_dpb, active_fs->fs_idc);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// Set active fs
void h264_dpb_set_active_fs(h264_DecodedPictureBuffer * p_dpb, int32_t index)
active_fs = &p_dpb->fs[index];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// Sort reference list
void h264_list_sort(uint8_t *list, int32_t *sort_indices, int32_t size, int32_t desc)
int32_t j, k, temp, idc;
// Dodgy looking for embedded code here...
if(size > 1)
for (j = 0; j < size-1; j = j + 1) {
for (k = j + 1; k < size; k = k + 1) {
if ((desc & (sort_indices[j] < sort_indices[k]))|
(~desc & (sort_indices[j] > sort_indices[k])) )
temp = sort_indices[k];
sort_indices[k] = sort_indices[j];
sort_indices[j] = temp;
idc = list[k];
list[k] = list[j];
list[j] = idc;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_pic_is_bottom_field_ref ()
// Used to sort a list based on a corresponding sort indices
int32_t h264_dpb_pic_is_bottom_field_ref(int32_t long_term)
int32_t temp;
if(long_term) temp = ((active_fs->bottom_field.used_for_reference) && (active_fs->bottom_field.is_long_term)) ? 1 : 0;
else temp = ((active_fs->bottom_field.used_for_reference) && !(active_fs->bottom_field.is_long_term)) ? 1 : 0;
return temp;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_pic_is_top_field_ref ()
// Used to sort a list based on a corresponding sort indices
int32_t h264_dpb_pic_is_top_field_ref(int32_t long_term)
int32_t temp;
temp = ((active_fs->top_field.used_for_reference) && (active_fs->top_field.is_long_term)) ? 1 : 0;
temp = ((active_fs->top_field.used_for_reference) && !(active_fs->top_field.is_long_term)) ? 1 : 0;
return temp;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_gen_pic_list_from_frame_list ()
// Used to sort a list based on a corresponding sort indices
int32_t h264_dpb_gen_pic_list_from_frame_list(h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb, uint8_t *pic_list, uint8_t *frame_list, int32_t currPicStructure, int32_t list_size, int32_t long_term)
int32_t top_idx, bot_idx, got_pic, list_idx;
int32_t lterm;
list_idx = 0;
lterm = (long_term)? 1:0;
top_idx = 0;
bot_idx = 0;
if (currPicStructure == TOP_FIELD) {
while ((top_idx < list_size)||(bot_idx < list_size))
/////////////////////////////////////////// ref Top Field
got_pic = 0;
while ((top_idx < list_size) & ~got_pic)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, frame_list[top_idx]);
if ((viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs))&0x1)
pic_list[list_idx] = PUT_LIST_LONG_TERM_BITS(lterm) + frame_list[top_idx] + PUT_LIST_INDEX_FIELD_BIT(0); // top_field
got_pic = 1;
/////////////////////////////////////////// ref Bottom Field
got_pic = 0;
while ((bot_idx < list_size) & ~got_pic)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, frame_list[bot_idx]);
if ((viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs))&0x2)
pic_list[list_idx] = PUT_LIST_LONG_TERM_BITS(lterm) + frame_list[bot_idx] + PUT_LIST_INDEX_FIELD_BIT(1); // bottom_field
got_pic = 1;
/////////////////////////////////////////////// current Bottom Field
if (currPicStructure == BOTTOM_FIELD) {
while ((top_idx < list_size)||(bot_idx < list_size))
/////////////////////////////////////////// ref Top Field
got_pic = 0;
while ((bot_idx < list_size) && (!(got_pic)))
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, frame_list[bot_idx]);
if ((viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs))&0x2) {
if(h264_dpb_pic_is_bottom_field_ref(long_term)) {
// short term ref pic
pic_list[list_idx] = PUT_LIST_LONG_TERM_BITS(lterm) + frame_list[bot_idx] + PUT_LIST_INDEX_FIELD_BIT(1); // bottom_field
got_pic = 1;
/////////////////////////////////////////// ref Bottom Field
got_pic = 0;
while ((top_idx < list_size) && (!(got_pic)))
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, frame_list[top_idx]);
if ((viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs))&0x1) {
// short term ref pic
pic_list[list_idx] = PUT_LIST_LONG_TERM_BITS(lterm) + frame_list[top_idx] + PUT_LIST_INDEX_FIELD_BIT(0); // top_field
got_pic = 1;
return list_idx;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_remove_ref_list ()
// Removes an idc from the refernce list and updates list after
void h264_dpb_remove_ref_list(h264_DecodedPictureBuffer * p_dpb, int32_t ref_idc)
uint8_t idx = 0;
int32_t Found = 0;
while ((idx < p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer) && (!(Found)))
if (p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx] == ref_idc)
Found = 1;
if (Found)
// Move the remainder of the list up one
while(idx < p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer - 1) {
p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx] = p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx + 1];
idx ++;
p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx] = MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC; // Clear the last one
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_remove_ltref_list ()
// Removes an idc from the long term reference list and updates list after
void h264_dpb_remove_ltref_list(h264_DecodedPictureBuffer * p_dpb,int32_t ref_idc)
uint8_t idx = 0;
int32_t Found = 0;
while ((idx < p_dpb->ltref_frames_in_buffer) && (!(Found)))
if (p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx] == ref_idc) Found = 1;
else idx++;
if (Found)
// Move the remainder of the list up one
while(idx <(uint8_t)(p_dpb->ltref_frames_in_buffer - 1))
p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx] = p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx + 1];
idx ++;
p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx] = MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC; // Clear the last one
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_init_lists ()
// Used to initialise the reference lists
// Also assigns picture numbers and long term picture numbers if P OR B slice
void h264_dpb_update_ref_lists(h264_Info * pInfo)
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer * p_dpb = &pInfo->dpb;
int32_t MaxFrameNum = 1 << (pInfo->active_SPS.log2_max_frame_num_minus4 + 4);
uint8_t list0idx, list0idx_1, listltidx;
uint8_t idx;
uint8_t add_top, add_bottom, diff;
uint8_t list_idc;
uint8_t check_non_existing, skip_picture;
uint8_t gen_pic_fs_list0[16];
uint8_t gen_pic_fs_list1[16];
uint8_t gen_pic_fs_listlt[16];
uint8_t gen_pic_pic_list[32]; // check out these sizes...
uint8_t sort_fs_idc[16];
int32_t list_sort_number[16];
static int cc1 = 0;
//OS_INFO("-------------cc1= %d\n",cc1); /////// DEBUG info
if(cc1 == 255)
idx = 0;
list0idx = list0idx_1 = listltidx = 0;
if (pInfo->SliceHeader.structure == FRAME)
////////////////////////////////////////////////// short term handling
for (idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer; idx++)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx]);
if((viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs) == 3)&&(active_fs->frame.used_for_reference == 3))
if (active_fs->frame_num > pInfo->img.frame_num)
active_fs->frame_num_wrap = active_fs->frame_num - MaxFrameNum;
active_fs->frame_num_wrap = active_fs->frame_num;
active_fs->frame.pic_num = active_fs->frame_num_wrap;
// Use this opportunity to sort list for a p-frame
if(pInfo->SliceHeader.slice_type == h264_PtypeP)
sort_fs_idc[list0idx] = p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx];
list_sort_number[list0idx] = active_fs->frame.pic_num;
if(pInfo->SliceHeader.slice_type == h264_PtypeP)
h264_list_sort(sort_fs_idc, list_sort_number, list0idx, 1);
for (idx = 0; idx < list0idx; idx++)
p_dpb->listX_0[idx] = (sort_fs_idc[idx]); // frame
p_dpb->listXsize[0] = list0idx;
////////////////////////////////////////////////// long term handling
for (idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->ltref_frames_in_buffer; idx++)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx]);
if ((viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs) == 3) && (viddec_h264_get_is_long_term(active_fs) == 3) && (active_fs->frame.used_for_reference == 3))
active_fs->frame.long_term_pic_num = active_fs->frame.long_term_frame_idx;
if(pInfo->SliceHeader.slice_type == h264_PtypeP)
sort_fs_idc[list0idx-p_dpb->listXsize[0]] = p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx];
list_sort_number[list0idx-p_dpb->listXsize[0]] = active_fs->frame.long_term_pic_num;
if(pInfo->SliceHeader.slice_type == h264_PtypeP)
h264_list_sort(sort_fs_idc, list_sort_number, list0idx-p_dpb->listXsize[0], 0);
for (idx = p_dpb->listXsize[0]; idx < list0idx; idx++) {
p_dpb->listX_0[idx] = (1<<6) + sort_fs_idc[idx-p_dpb->listXsize[0]];
p_dpb->listXsize[0] = list0idx;
else /// Field base
if (pInfo->SliceHeader.structure == TOP_FIELD)
add_top = 1;
add_bottom = 0;
add_top = 0;
add_bottom = 1;
////////////////////////////////////////////P0: Short term handling
for (idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer; idx++)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx]);
if (active_fs->frame.used_for_reference)
if(active_fs->frame_num > pInfo->SliceHeader.frame_num) {
active_fs->frame_num_wrap = active_fs->frame_num - MaxFrameNum;
} else {
active_fs->frame_num_wrap = active_fs->frame_num;
if ((active_fs->frame.used_for_reference)&0x1) {
active_fs->top_field.pic_num = (active_fs->frame_num_wrap << 1) + add_top;
if ((active_fs->frame.used_for_reference)&0x2) {
active_fs->bottom_field.pic_num = (active_fs->frame_num_wrap << 1) + add_bottom;
if(pInfo->SliceHeader.slice_type == h264_PtypeP) {
sort_fs_idc[list0idx] = p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx];
list_sort_number[list0idx] = active_fs->frame_num_wrap;
if(pInfo->SliceHeader.slice_type == h264_PtypeP)
h264_list_sort(sort_fs_idc, list_sort_number, list0idx, 1);
for (idx = 0; idx < list0idx; idx++) {
gen_pic_fs_list0[idx] = sort_fs_idc[idx];
p_dpb->listXsize[0] = 0;
p_dpb->listXsize[0] = h264_dpb_gen_pic_list_from_frame_list(p_dpb, gen_pic_pic_list, gen_pic_fs_list0, pInfo->img.structure, list0idx, 0);
for (idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->listXsize[0]; idx++)
p_dpb->listX_0[idx] = gen_pic_pic_list[idx];
////////////////////////////////////////////P0: long term handling
for (idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->ltref_frames_in_buffer; idx++)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx]);
if (viddec_h264_get_is_long_term(active_fs)&0x1) {
active_fs->top_field.long_term_pic_num = (active_fs->top_field.long_term_frame_idx << 1) + add_top;
if (viddec_h264_get_is_long_term(active_fs)&0x2) {
active_fs->bottom_field.long_term_pic_num = (active_fs->bottom_field.long_term_frame_idx << 1) + add_bottom;
if(pInfo->SliceHeader.slice_type == h264_PtypeP)
sort_fs_idc[listltidx] = p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx];
list_sort_number[listltidx] = active_fs->long_term_frame_idx;
if(pInfo->SliceHeader.slice_type == h264_PtypeP)
h264_list_sort(sort_fs_idc, list_sort_number, listltidx, 0);
for (idx = 0; idx < listltidx; idx++) {
gen_pic_fs_listlt[idx] = sort_fs_idc[idx];
list0idx_1 = h264_dpb_gen_pic_list_from_frame_list(p_dpb, gen_pic_pic_list, gen_pic_fs_listlt, pInfo->img.structure, listltidx, 1);
for (idx = 0; idx < list0idx_1; idx++) {
p_dpb->listX_0[p_dpb->listXsize[0]+idx] = gen_pic_pic_list[idx];
p_dpb->listXsize[0] += list0idx_1;
if (pInfo->SliceHeader.slice_type == h264_PtypeI)
p_dpb->listXsize[0] = 0;
p_dpb->listXsize[1] = 0;
if(pInfo->SliceHeader.slice_type == h264_PtypeP)
//// Forward done above
p_dpb->listXsize[1] = 0;
// B-Slice
// Do not include non-existing frames for B-pictures when cnt_type is zero
if(pInfo->SliceHeader.slice_type == h264_PtypeB)
list0idx = list0idx_1 = listltidx = 0;
skip_picture = 0;
if(pInfo->active_SPS.pic_order_cnt_type == 0)
check_non_existing = 1;
check_non_existing = 0;
if (pInfo->SliceHeader.structure == FRAME)
for (idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer; idx++)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx]);
if (viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs) == 3)
if(viddec_h264_get_is_non_existent(active_fs)) skip_picture = 1;
else skip_picture = 0;
if(skip_picture == 0)
if ((active_fs->frame.used_for_reference==3) && (!(active_fs->frame.is_long_term)))
if (pInfo->img.framepoc >= active_fs->frame.poc)
sort_fs_idc[list0idx] = p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx];
list_sort_number[list0idx] = active_fs->frame.poc;
h264_list_sort(sort_fs_idc, list_sort_number, list0idx, 1);
for (idx = 0; idx < list0idx; idx++) {
p_dpb->listX_0[idx] = sort_fs_idc[idx];
list0idx_1 = list0idx;
/////////////////////////////////////////B0: Short term handling
for (idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer; idx++)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx]);
if (viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs) == 3)
if(viddec_h264_get_is_non_existent(active_fs)) skip_picture = 1;
else skip_picture = 0;
if(skip_picture == 0)
if ((active_fs->frame.used_for_reference) && (!(active_fs->frame.is_long_term)))
if (pInfo->img.framepoc < active_fs->frame.poc)
sort_fs_idc[list0idx-list0idx_1] = p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx];
list_sort_number[list0idx-list0idx_1] = active_fs->frame.poc;
h264_list_sort(sort_fs_idc, list_sort_number, list0idx-list0idx_1, 0);
for (idx = list0idx_1; idx < list0idx; idx++) {
p_dpb->listX_0[idx] = sort_fs_idc[idx-list0idx_1];
for (idx = 0; idx < list0idx_1; idx++) {
p_dpb->listX_1[list0idx-list0idx_1+idx] = p_dpb->listX_0[idx];
for (idx = list0idx_1; idx < list0idx; idx++) {
p_dpb->listX_1[idx-list0idx_1] = p_dpb->listX_0[idx];
p_dpb->listXsize[0] = list0idx;
p_dpb->listXsize[1] = list0idx;
/////////////////////////////////////////B0: long term handling
list0idx = 0;
// Can non-existent pics be set as long term??
for (idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->ltref_frames_in_buffer; idx++)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx]);
if ((viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs) == 3) && (viddec_h264_get_is_long_term(active_fs) == 3))
// if we have two fields, both must be long-term
sort_fs_idc[list0idx] = p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx];
list_sort_number[list0idx] = active_fs->frame.long_term_pic_num;
h264_list_sort(sort_fs_idc, list_sort_number, list0idx, 0);
for (idx = p_dpb->listXsize[0]; idx < (p_dpb->listXsize[0]+list0idx); idx = idx + 1)
p_dpb->listX_0[idx] = (1<<6) + sort_fs_idc[idx-p_dpb->listXsize[0]];
p_dpb->listX_1[idx] = (1<<6) + sort_fs_idc[idx-p_dpb->listXsize[0]];
p_dpb->listXsize[0] += list0idx;
p_dpb->listXsize[1] += list0idx;
else // Field
for (idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer; idx++)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx]);
if (viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs)) {
if(check_non_existing) {
skip_picture = 1;
skip_picture = 0;
if(skip_picture == 0) {
if (pInfo->img.ThisPOC >= active_fs->frame.poc) {
sort_fs_idc[list0idx] = p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx];
list_sort_number[list0idx] = active_fs->frame.poc;
h264_list_sort(sort_fs_idc, list_sort_number, list0idx, 1);
for (idx = 0; idx < list0idx; idx = idx + 1) {
gen_pic_fs_list0[idx] = sort_fs_idc[idx];
list0idx_1 = list0idx;
///////////////////////////////////////////// B1: Short term handling
for (idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer; idx++)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx]);
if (viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs))
if(check_non_existing) {
skip_picture = 1;
skip_picture = 0;
if(skip_picture == 0) {
if (pInfo->img.ThisPOC < active_fs->frame.poc) {
sort_fs_idc[list0idx-list0idx_1] = p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx];
list_sort_number[list0idx-list0idx_1] = active_fs->frame.poc;
///// Generate frame list from sorted fs
h264_list_sort(sort_fs_idc, list_sort_number, list0idx-list0idx_1, 0);
for (idx = list0idx_1; idx < list0idx; idx++)
gen_pic_fs_list0[idx] = sort_fs_idc[idx-list0idx_1];
for (idx = 0; idx < list0idx_1; idx++)
gen_pic_fs_list1[list0idx-list0idx_1+idx] = gen_pic_fs_list0[idx];
for (idx = list0idx_1; idx < list0idx; idx++)
gen_pic_fs_list1[idx-list0idx_1] = gen_pic_fs_list0[idx];
///// Generate List_X0
p_dpb->listXsize[0] = h264_dpb_gen_pic_list_from_frame_list(p_dpb, gen_pic_pic_list, gen_pic_fs_list0, pInfo->img.structure, list0idx, 0);
for (idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->listXsize[0]; idx++)
p_dpb->listX_0[idx] = gen_pic_pic_list[idx];
//// Generate List X1
p_dpb->listXsize[1] = h264_dpb_gen_pic_list_from_frame_list(p_dpb, gen_pic_pic_list, gen_pic_fs_list1, pInfo->img.structure, list0idx, 0);
for (idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->listXsize[1]; idx++)
p_dpb->listX_1[idx] = gen_pic_pic_list[idx];
///////////////////////////////////////////// B1: long term handling
for (idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->ltref_frames_in_buffer; idx++)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx]);
sort_fs_idc[listltidx] = p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx];
list_sort_number[listltidx] = active_fs->long_term_frame_idx;
h264_list_sort(sort_fs_idc, list_sort_number, listltidx, 0);
for (idx = 0; idx < listltidx; idx++)
gen_pic_fs_listlt[idx] = sort_fs_idc[idx];
list0idx_1 = h264_dpb_gen_pic_list_from_frame_list(p_dpb, gen_pic_pic_list, gen_pic_fs_listlt, pInfo->img.structure, listltidx, 1);
for (idx = 0; idx < list0idx_1; idx++)
p_dpb->listX_0[p_dpb->listXsize[0]+idx] = gen_pic_pic_list[idx];
p_dpb->listX_1[p_dpb->listXsize[1]+idx] = gen_pic_pic_list[idx];
p_dpb->listXsize[0] += list0idx_1;
p_dpb->listXsize[1] += list0idx_1;
// Setup initial list sizes at this point
p_dpb->nInitListSize[0] = p_dpb->listXsize[0];
p_dpb->nInitListSize[1] = p_dpb->listXsize[1];
if(pInfo->SliceHeader.slice_type != h264_PtypeI)
if ((p_dpb->listXsize[0]==p_dpb->listXsize[1]) && (p_dpb->listXsize[0] > 1))
// check if lists are identical, if yes swap first two elements of listX[1]
diff = 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->listXsize[0]; idx = idx + 1)
if (p_dpb->listX_0[idx] != p_dpb->listX_1[idx]) diff = 1;
if (!(diff))
list_idc = p_dpb->listX_1[0];
p_dpb->listX_1[0] = p_dpb->listX_1[1];
p_dpb->listX_1[1] = list_idc;
// set max size
if (p_dpb->listXsize[0] > pInfo->SliceHeader.num_ref_idx_l0_active)
p_dpb->listXsize[0] = pInfo->SliceHeader.num_ref_idx_l0_active;
if (p_dpb->listXsize[1] > pInfo->SliceHeader.num_ref_idx_l1_active)
p_dpb->listXsize[1] = pInfo->SliceHeader.num_ref_idx_l1_active;
/// DPB reorder list
} //// End of init_dpb_list
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_get_short_term_pic ()
// Sets active_fs to point to frame store containing picture with given picNum
// Sets field_flag, bottom_field and err_flag based on the picture and whether
// it is available or not...
static frame_param_ptr h264_dpb_get_short_term_pic(h264_Info * pInfo,int32_t pic_num, int32_t *bottom_field_bit)
register uint32_t idx;
register frame_param_ptr temp_fs;
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb = &pInfo->dpb;
*bottom_field_bit = 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer; idx++)
temp_fs = &p_dpb->fs[p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx]];
if (pInfo->SliceHeader.structure == FRAME)
if(temp_fs->frame.used_for_reference == 3)
if (!(temp_fs->frame.is_long_term))
if (temp_fs->frame.pic_num == pic_num) return temp_fs;
else // current picture is a field
if (temp_fs->frame.used_for_reference&0x1)
if (!(temp_fs->top_field.is_long_term))
if (temp_fs->top_field.pic_num == pic_num)
return temp_fs;
if (temp_fs->frame.used_for_reference&0x2)
if (!(temp_fs->bottom_field.is_long_term))
if (temp_fs->bottom_field.pic_num == pic_num)
*bottom_field_bit = PUT_LIST_INDEX_FIELD_BIT(1);
return temp_fs;
return NULL;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_get_long_term_pic ()
// Sets active_fs to point to frame store containing picture with given picNum
static frame_param_ptr h264_dpb_get_long_term_pic(h264_Info * pInfo,int32_t long_term_pic_num, int32_t *bottom_field_bit)
register uint32_t idx;
register frame_param_ptr temp_fs;
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb = &pInfo->dpb;
*bottom_field_bit = 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->ltref_frames_in_buffer; idx++)
temp_fs = &p_dpb->fs[p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx]];
if (pInfo->SliceHeader.structure == FRAME)
if (temp_fs->frame.used_for_reference == 3)
if (temp_fs->frame.is_long_term)
if (temp_fs->frame.long_term_pic_num == long_term_pic_num)
return temp_fs;
if (temp_fs->frame.used_for_reference&0x1)
if (temp_fs->top_field.is_long_term)
if (temp_fs->top_field.long_term_pic_num == long_term_pic_num)
return temp_fs;
if (temp_fs->frame.used_for_reference&0x2)
if (temp_fs->bottom_field.is_long_term)
if (temp_fs->bottom_field.long_term_pic_num == long_term_pic_num)
*bottom_field_bit = PUT_LIST_INDEX_FIELD_BIT(1);
return temp_fs;
return NULL;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_reorder_ref_pic_list ()
// Used to sort a list based on a corresponding sort indices
struct list_value_t
int32_t value;
struct list_value_t *next;
struct linked_list_t
struct list_value_t *begin;
struct list_value_t *end;
struct list_value_t *entry;
struct list_value_t *prev_entry;
struct list_value_t list[32];
static void linked_list_initialize (struct linked_list_t *lp, uint8_t *vp, int32_t size)
struct list_value_t *lvp;
lvp = lp->list;
lp->begin = lvp;
lp->entry = lvp;
lp->end = lvp + (size-1);
lp->prev_entry = NULL;
while (lvp <= lp->end)
lvp->value = *(vp++);
lvp->next = lvp + 1;
lp->end->next = NULL;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static void linked_list_reorder (struct linked_list_t *lp, int32_t list_value)
register struct list_value_t *lvp = lp->entry;
register struct list_value_t *lvp_prev;
if (lvp == NULL) {
lp->end->value = list_value; // replace the end entry
} else if ((lp->begin==lp->end)||(lvp==lp->end)) // replece the begin/end entry and set the entry to NULL
lp->entry->value = list_value;
lp->prev_entry = lp->entry;
lp->entry = NULL;
else if (lvp->value==list_value) // the entry point matches
lp->prev_entry = lvp;
lp->entry = lvp->next;
else if (lvp->next == lp->end) // the entry is just before the end
// replace the end and swap the end and entry points
// lvp
// prev_entry => entry => old_end
// old_end & new_prev_entry => new_end & entry
lp->end->value = list_value;
if (lp->prev_entry)
lp->prev_entry->next = lp->end;
lp->begin = lp->end;
lp->prev_entry = lp->end;
lp->end->next = lvp;
lp->end = lvp;
lvp->next = NULL;
lvp_prev = NULL;
while (lvp->next) // do not check the end but we'll be in the loop at least once
if (lvp->value == list_value) break;
lvp_prev = lvp;
lvp = lvp->next;
lvp->value = list_value; // force end matches
// remove lvp from the list
lvp_prev->next = lvp->next;
if (lvp==lp->end) lp->end = lvp_prev;
// insert lvp in front of lp->entry
if (lp->entry==lp->begin)
lvp->next = lp->begin;
lp->begin = lvp;
lvp->next = lp->entry;
lp->prev_entry->next = lvp;
lp->prev_entry = lvp;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static void linked_list_output (struct linked_list_t *lp, int32_t *vp)
register int32_t *ip1;
register struct list_value_t *lvp;
lvp = lp->begin;
ip1 = vp;
while (lvp)
*(ip1++) = lvp->value;
lvp = lvp->next;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
int32_t h264_dpb_reorder_ref_pic_list(h264_Info * pInfo,int32_t list_num, int32_t num_ref_idx_active)
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb = &pInfo->dpb;
uint8_t *remapping_of_pic_nums_idc;
list_reordering_num_t *list_reordering_num;
int32_t bottom_field_bit;
int32_t maxPicNum, currPicNum, picNumLXNoWrap, picNumLXPred, pic_num;
int32_t refIdxLX;
int32_t i;
int32_t PicList[32] = {0};
struct linked_list_t ll;
struct linked_list_t *lp = &ll; // should consider use the scratch space
// declare these below as registers gave me 23 cy/MB for the worst frames in Allegro_Combined_CABAC_07_HD, YHu
register frame_param_ptr temp_fs;
register int32_t temp;
register uint8_t *ip1;
maxPicNum = 1 << (pInfo->active_SPS.log2_max_frame_num_minus4 + 4);
if (list_num == 0) // i.e list 0
ip1 = p_dpb->listX_0;
remapping_of_pic_nums_idc = pInfo->SliceHeader.sh_refpic_l0.reordering_of_pic_nums_idc;
list_reordering_num = pInfo->SliceHeader.sh_refpic_l0.list_reordering_num;
ip1 = p_dpb->listX_1;
remapping_of_pic_nums_idc = pInfo->SliceHeader.sh_refpic_l1.reordering_of_pic_nums_idc;
list_reordering_num = pInfo->SliceHeader.sh_refpic_l1.list_reordering_num;
linked_list_initialize (lp, ip1, num_ref_idx_active);
currPicNum = pInfo->SliceHeader.frame_num;
if (pInfo->SliceHeader.structure != FRAME)
/* The reason it is + 1 I think, is because the list is based on polarity
expand later...
maxPicNum <<= 1;
currPicNum <<= 1;
picNumLXPred = currPicNum;
refIdxLX = 0;
for (i = 0; remapping_of_pic_nums_idc[i] != 3; i++)
if (remapping_of_pic_nums_idc[i] < 2) // - short-term re-ordering
temp = (list_reordering_num[i].abs_diff_pic_num_minus1 + 1);
if (remapping_of_pic_nums_idc[i] == 0)
temp = picNumLXPred - temp;
if (temp < 0 ) picNumLXNoWrap = temp + maxPicNum;
else picNumLXNoWrap = temp;
else // (remapping_of_pic_nums_idc[i] == 1)
temp += picNumLXPred;
if (temp >= maxPicNum) picNumLXNoWrap = temp - maxPicNum;
else picNumLXNoWrap = temp;
// Updates for next iteration of the loop
picNumLXPred = picNumLXNoWrap;
if (picNumLXNoWrap > currPicNum ) pic_num = picNumLXNoWrap - maxPicNum;
else pic_num = picNumLXNoWrap;
temp_fs = h264_dpb_get_short_term_pic(pInfo, pic_num, &bottom_field_bit);
if (temp_fs)
temp = bottom_field_bit + PUT_FS_IDC_BITS(temp_fs->fs_idc);
linked_list_reorder (lp, temp);
else //(remapping_of_pic_nums_idc[i] == 2) long-term re-ordering
pic_num = list_reordering_num[i].long_term_pic_num;
temp_fs = h264_dpb_get_long_term_pic(pInfo, pic_num, &bottom_field_bit);
if (temp_fs)
temp = PUT_LIST_LONG_TERM_BITS(1) + bottom_field_bit + PUT_FS_IDC_BITS(temp_fs->fs_idc);
linked_list_reorder (lp, temp);
linked_list_output (lp, PicList);
if(0 == list_num )
for(i=0; i<num_ref_idx_active; i++)
for(i=0; i<num_ref_idx_active; i++)
// Instead of updating the now reordered list here, just write it down...
// This way, we can continue to hold the initialised list in p_dpb->listX_0
// and therefore not need to update it every slice
//h264_dpb_write_list(list_num, PicList, num_ref_idx_active);
return num_ref_idx_active;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
void h264_dpb_RP_check_list (h264_Info * pInfo)
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb = &pInfo->dpb;
uint8_t *p_list = pInfo->slice_ref_list0;
// If the decoding start from RP and without exact point, all B frames belong to previous GOP should be throw away!
if((pInfo->SliceHeader.slice_type == h264_PtypeB)&&(pInfo->sei_b_state_ready ==0) && pInfo->sei_rp_received) {
pInfo->wl_err_curr |= (FRAME << FIELD_ERR_OFFSET);
// Repare Ref list if it damaged with RP recovery only
if((pInfo->SliceHeader.slice_type == h264_PtypeP) && pInfo->sei_rp_received)
int32_t idx, rp_found = 0;
if(pInfo->SliceHeader.num_ref_idx_l0_active == 1)
p_list = pInfo->slice_ref_list0;
p_list = pInfo->dpb.listX_0;
//pInfo->sei_rp_received = 0;
for(idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->used_size; idx++) {
if(p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx] == pInfo->last_I_frame_idc) {
rp_found = 1;
if(rp_found) {
#if 0
int32_t poc;
///// Clear long-term ref list
for (idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->ltref_frames_in_buffer; idx++)
h264_dpb_unmark_for_reference(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[0]);
h264_dpb_remove_ltref_list(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[0]);
///// Clear short-term ref list
for(idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->used_size; idx++)
int32_t idx_pos;
//// find smallest non-output POC
h264_dpb_get_smallest_poc(p_dpb, &poc, &idx_pos);
//// Remove all frames in previous GOP
if ((idx_pos != MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC) && (p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx_pos] != pInfo->last_I_frame_idc))
// Remove from ref-list
h264_dpb_unmark_for_reference(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx_pos]);
h264_dpb_remove_ref_list(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx_pos]);
// Output from DPB
//h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx]);
//if((active_fs->is_output == 0) && (active_fs->is_non_existent == 0))
//int32_t existing;
//h264_dpb_frame_output(pInfo, p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx], 0, &existing);
//p_dpb->last_output_poc = poc;
//h264_dpb_remove_frame_from_dpb(p_dpb, idx); // Remove dpb.fs_dpb_idc[pos]
///// Set the reference to last I frame
if( (pInfo->last_I_frame_idc!=255)&&(pInfo->last_I_frame_idc!=p_list[0]))
/// Repaire the reference list now
h264_dpb_unmark_for_reference(p_dpb, p_list[0]);
h264_dpb_remove_ref_list(p_dpb, p_list[0]);
p_list[0] = pInfo->last_I_frame_idc;
pInfo->sei_rp_received = 0;
pInfo->sei_b_state_ready = 1;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_reorder_lists ()
// Used to sort a list based on a corresponding sort indices
void h264_dpb_reorder_lists(h264_Info * pInfo)
int32_t currSliceType = pInfo->SliceHeader.slice_type;
if (currSliceType == h264_PtypeP )
/////////////////////////////////////////////// Reordering reference list for P slice
/// Forward reordering
if (pInfo->SliceHeader.sh_refpic_l0.ref_pic_list_reordering_flag)
h264_dpb_reorder_ref_pic_list(pInfo, 0, pInfo->SliceHeader.num_ref_idx_l0_active);
} else if (currSliceType == h264_PtypeB)
/////////////////////////////////////////////// Reordering reference list for B slice
/// Forward reordering
if (pInfo->SliceHeader.sh_refpic_l0.ref_pic_list_reordering_flag)
h264_dpb_reorder_ref_pic_list(pInfo, 0, pInfo->SliceHeader.num_ref_idx_l0_active);
/// Backward reordering
if (pInfo->SliceHeader.sh_refpic_l1.ref_pic_list_reordering_flag)
h264_dpb_reorder_ref_pic_list(pInfo, 1, pInfo->SliceHeader.num_ref_idx_l1_active);
//// Check if need recover reference list with previous recovery point
////////////////////////////////////////// DPB management //////////////////////
// avc_dpb_get_non_output_frame_number ()
// get total non output frame number in the DPB.
static int32_t avc_dpb_get_non_output_frame_number(h264_Info * pInfo)
int32_t idx;
int32_t number=0;
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb = &pInfo->dpb;
for (idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->used_size; idx++)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx]);
if (viddec_h264_get_is_output(active_fs) == 0)
return number;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
//// Store previous picture in DPB, and then update DPB queue, remove unused frames from DPB
void h264_dpb_store_previous_picture_in_dpb(h264_Info * pInfo,int32_t NonExisting, int32_t use_old)
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb = &pInfo->dpb;
int32_t used_for_reference;
int32_t is_direct_output;
int32_t second_field_stored = 0;
int32_t poc;
int32_t pos;
int32_t flag;
int32_t first_field_non_ref = 0;
int32_t idr_flag;
if(NonExisting) {
if(p_dpb->fs_non_exist_idc == MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_non_exist_idc);
} else {
if(p_dpb->fs_dec_idc == MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dec_idc);
if(NonExisting == 0)
//active_fs->sps_disp_index = (next_sps_disp_entry == 0)? 7 : next_sps_disp_entry - 1;
pInfo->img.last_has_mmco_5 = 0;
pInfo->img.last_pic_bottom_field = pInfo->img.bottom_field_flag;
//used_for_reference = (use_old) ? !(old_pInfo->img.old_disposable_flag) : !(pInfo->img.disposable_flag);
used_for_reference = (use_old) ? !(pInfo->old_slice.nal_ref_idc==0) : !(pInfo->SliceHeader.nal_ref_idc==0);
switch (viddec_h264_get_dec_structure(active_fs))
case(TOP_FIELD) : {
active_fs->top_field.used_for_reference = used_for_reference;
viddec_h264_set_is_top_used(active_fs, 1);
//active_fs->crc_field_coded = 1;
active_fs->bottom_field.used_for_reference = used_for_reference << 1;
viddec_h264_set_is_bottom_used(active_fs, 1);
//active_fs->crc_field_coded = 1;
default: {
active_fs->frame.used_for_reference = used_for_reference?3:0;
viddec_h264_set_is_frame_used(active_fs, 3);
//if(pInfo->img.MbaffFrameFlag) active_fs->crc_field_coded = 1;
//freeze_assert = use_old ? old_pInfo->img.sei_freeze_this_image : pInfo->img.sei_freeze_this_image;
//if (freeze_assert) sei_information.disp_frozen = 1;
idr_flag = use_old ? pInfo->old_slice.idr_flag : pInfo->SliceHeader.idr_flag;
if (idr_flag) {
h264_dpb_idr_memory_management (pInfo, &pInfo->active_SPS, pInfo->img.no_output_of_prior_pics_flag);
} else {
// adaptive memory management
if (used_for_reference & pInfo->SliceHeader.sh_dec_refpic.adaptive_ref_pic_marking_mode_flag) {
// Reset the active frame store - could have changed in mem management ftns
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dec_idc);
if ((viddec_h264_get_dec_structure(active_fs) == TOP_FIELD)||(viddec_h264_get_dec_structure(active_fs) == BOTTOM_FIELD))
// check for frame store with same pic_number -- always true in my case, YH
// when we allocate frame store for the second field, we make sure the frame store for the second
// field is the one that contains the first field of the frame- see h264_dpb_init_frame_store()
// This is different from JM model.
// In this way we don't need to move image data around and can reduce memory bandwidth.
// simply check if the check if the other field has been decoded or not
if (viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs) != 0)
h264_dpb_insert_picture_in_dpb(pInfo, used_for_reference, 0, NonExisting, use_old);
second_field_stored = 1;
{ // Set up locals for non-existing frames
used_for_reference = 1;
active_fs->frame.used_for_reference = used_for_reference?3:0;
viddec_h264_set_is_frame_used(active_fs, 3);
viddec_h264_set_dec_structure(active_fs, FRAME);
pInfo->img.structure = FRAME;
is_direct_output = 0;
if (NonExisting == 0)
if(p_dpb->used_size >= p_dpb->BumpLevel)
// non-reference frames may be output directly
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dec_idc);
if ((used_for_reference == 0) && (viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs) == 3))
h264_dpb_get_smallest_poc (p_dpb, &poc, &pos);
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dec_idc);
if ((pos == MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC) || (pInfo->img.ThisPOC < poc))
is_direct_output = 1;
if (NonExisting) {
h264_dpb_sliding_window_memory_management(p_dpb, NonExisting, pInfo->active_SPS.num_ref_frames);
} else if(pInfo->SliceHeader.idr_flag == 0) {
if(pInfo->img.second_field == 0) {
if (pInfo->SliceHeader.sh_dec_refpic.adaptive_ref_pic_marking_mode_flag == 0) {
h264_dpb_sliding_window_memory_management(p_dpb, NonExisting, pInfo->active_SPS.num_ref_frames);
h264_dpb_remove_unused_frame_from_dpb(p_dpb, &flag);
//if (is_direct_output == 0)
if ((pInfo->img.second_field == 0) || (NonExisting))
h264_dpb_insert_picture_in_dpb(pInfo, used_for_reference, 1, NonExisting, use_old);
// In an errored stream we saw a condition where
// p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer + p_dpb->ltref_frames_in_buffer > p_dpb->BumpLevel,
// which in itself is an error, but this means first_field_non_ref will
// not get set and causes problems for h264_dpb_queue_update()
if((pInfo->img.structure != FRAME) && (pInfo->img.second_field == 0)) {
if(used_for_reference == 0)
if(p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer + p_dpb->ltref_frames_in_buffer == p_dpb->BumpLevel)
first_field_non_ref = 1;
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_non_exist_idc);
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dec_idc);
if(NonExisting == 0)
if((pInfo->img.second_field == 1) || (pInfo->img.structure == FRAME))
if((p_dpb->OutputCtrl) && (is_direct_output == 0))
h264_dpb_output_one_frame_from_dpb(pInfo, 0, 0,pInfo->active_SPS.num_ref_frames);
// Pictures inserted by this point - check if we have reached the specified output
// level (if one has been specified) so we can begin on next call
Fixed HSD 212625---------------should compare OutputLevel with non-output frame number in dpb, not the used number in dpb
if((p_dpb->OutputLevelValid)&&(p_dpb->OutputCtrl == 0))
if(p_dpb->used_size == p_dpb->OutputLevel)
p_dpb->OutputCtrl = 1;
int32_t non_output_frame_number=0;
non_output_frame_number = avc_dpb_get_non_output_frame_number(pInfo);
if(non_output_frame_number == p_dpb->OutputLevel)
p_dpb->OutputCtrl = 1;
p_dpb->OutputCtrl = 0;
else {
p_dpb->OutputCtrl = 0;
while(p_dpb->used_size > (p_dpb->BumpLevel + first_field_non_ref))
//while(p_dpb->used_size > p_dpb->BumpLevel)
h264_dpb_queue_update(pInfo, 1, 0, 0,pInfo->active_SPS.num_ref_frames); // flush a frame
//h264_dpb_remove_unused_frame_from_dpb(p_dpb, &flag);
// Do not output "direct output" pictures until the sempahore has been set that the pic is
// decoded!!
if(is_direct_output) {
h264_dpb_queue_update(pInfo, 1, 1, 0,pInfo->active_SPS.num_ref_frames);
//h264_dpb_remove_unused_frame_from_dpb(p_dpb, &flag);
// Add reference pictures into Reference list
if(used_for_reference) {
h264_dpb_insert_ref_lists(&pInfo->dpb, NonExisting);
h264_dpb_remove_unused_frame_from_dpb(p_dpb, &flag);
} ////////////// End of DPB store pic
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_insert_picture_in_dpb ()
// Insert the decoded picture into the DPB. A free DPB position is necessary
// for frames, .
// This ftn tends to fill out the framestore's top level parameters from the
// storable picture's parameters within it. It is called from h264_dpb_store_picture_in_dpb()
// This function finishes by updating the reference lists - this means it must be called after
// h264_dpb_sliding_window_memory_management()
// In the case of a frame it will call h264_dpb_split_field()
// In the case of the second field of a complementary field pair it calls h264_dpb_combine_field()
void h264_dpb_insert_picture_in_dpb(h264_Info * pInfo,int32_t used_for_reference, int32_t add2dpb, int32_t NonExisting, int32_t use_old)
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb = &pInfo->dpb;
if(NonExisting == 0) {
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dec_idc);
active_fs->frame_num = (use_old) ? pInfo->old_slice.frame_num : pInfo->SliceHeader.frame_num;
else {
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_non_exist_idc);
active_fs->frame_num = active_fs->frame.pic_num;
if (add2dpb) {
p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[p_dpb->used_size] = active_fs->fs_idc;
switch (viddec_h264_get_dec_structure(active_fs))
case FRAME :{
viddec_h264_set_is_frame_used(active_fs, 3);
active_fs->frame.used_for_reference = used_for_reference?3:0;
if (used_for_reference)
active_fs->frame.used_for_reference = 3;
if (active_fs->frame.is_long_term)
viddec_h264_set_is_frame_long_term(active_fs, 3);
// Split frame to 2 fields for prediction
case TOP_FIELD :{
viddec_h264_set_is_top_used(active_fs, 1);
active_fs->top_field.used_for_reference = used_for_reference;
if (used_for_reference)
active_fs->frame.used_for_reference |= 0x1;
if (active_fs->top_field.is_long_term)
viddec_h264_set_is_top_long_term(active_fs, 1);
active_fs->long_term_frame_idx = active_fs->top_field.long_term_frame_idx;
if (viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs) == 3) {
h264_dpb_combine_field(use_old); // generate frame view
active_fs->frame.poc = active_fs->top_field.poc;
viddec_h264_set_is_bottom_used(active_fs, 1);
active_fs->bottom_field.used_for_reference = (used_for_reference<<1);
if (used_for_reference)
active_fs->frame.used_for_reference |= 0x2;
if (active_fs->bottom_field.is_long_term)
viddec_h264_set_is_bottom_long_term(active_fs, 1);
active_fs->long_term_frame_idx = active_fs->bottom_field.long_term_frame_idx;
if (viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs) == 3) {
h264_dpb_combine_field(use_old); // generate frame view
active_fs->frame.poc = active_fs->bottom_field.poc;
if ( gRestartMode.LastRestartType == RESTART_SEI )
if ( active_fs->open_gop_entry ) dpb.WaitSeiRecovery = 1;
gRestartMode.LastRestartType = 0xFFFF;
} ////// End of insert picture in DPB
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_mm_unmark_short_term_for_reference ()
// Adaptive Memory Management: Mark short term picture unused
void h264_dpb_mm_unmark_short_term_for_reference(h264_Info * pInfo, int32_t difference_of_pic_nums_minus1)
int32_t picNumX;
int32_t currPicNum;
uint32_t idx;
int32_t unmark_done;
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb = &pInfo->dpb;
if (pInfo->img.structure == FRAME)
currPicNum = pInfo->img.frame_num;
currPicNum = (pInfo->img.frame_num << 1) + 1;
picNumX = currPicNum - (difference_of_pic_nums_minus1 + 1);
unmark_done = 0;
for (idx =0; (idx < p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer) && (!(unmark_done)); idx++)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx]);
if (pInfo->img.structure == FRAME)
/* If all pic numbers in the list are different (and they should be)
we should terminate the for loop the moment we match pic numbers,
no need to continue to check - hence set unmark_done
if ((active_fs->frame.used_for_reference == 3) && (viddec_h264_get_is_long_term(active_fs) == 0) &&
(active_fs->frame.pic_num == picNumX))
h264_dpb_unmark_for_reference(p_dpb, active_fs->fs_idc);
h264_dpb_remove_ref_list(p_dpb, active_fs->fs_idc);
unmark_done = 1;
If we wish to unmark a short-term picture by picture number when the current picture
is a field, we have to unmark the corresponding field as unused for reference,
and also if it was part of a frame or complementary reference field pair, the
frame is to be marked as unused. However the opposite field may still be used as a
reference for future fields
How will this affect the reference list update ftn coming after??
if ((active_fs->frame.used_for_reference&0x1) && (!(viddec_h264_get_is_long_term(active_fs)&0x01))&&
(active_fs->top_field.pic_num == picNumX) )
active_fs->top_field.used_for_reference = 0;
active_fs->frame.used_for_reference &= 2;
unmark_done = 1;
//Check if other field is used for short-term reference, if not remove from list...
if(active_fs->bottom_field.used_for_reference == 0)
h264_dpb_remove_ref_list(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx]);
if ((active_fs->frame.used_for_reference&0x2) && (!(viddec_h264_get_is_long_term(active_fs)&0x2)) &&
(active_fs->bottom_field.pic_num == picNumX) )
active_fs->bottom_field.used_for_reference = 0;
active_fs->frame.used_for_reference &= 1;
unmark_done = 1;
//Check if other field is used for reference, if not remove from list...
if(active_fs->top_field.used_for_reference == 0)
h264_dpb_remove_ref_list(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx]);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_mm_unmark_long_term_for_reference ()
// Adaptive Memory Management: Mark long term picture unused
// In a frame situation the long_term_pic_num will refer to another frame.
// Thus we can call h264_dpb_unmark_for_long_term_reference() and then remove the picture
// from the list
// If the current picture is a field, long_term_pic_num will refer to another field
// It is also the case that each individual field should have a unique picture number
// suggests that when curr pic is a field, an mmco == 2 operation
// should be accompanied by a second op to unmark the other field as being unused
void h264_dpb_mm_unmark_long_term_for_reference (h264_Info * pInfo, int32_t long_term_pic_num)
uint32_t idx;
int32_t unmark_done;
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb = &pInfo->dpb;
unmark_done = 0;
for (idx = 0; (idx < p_dpb->ltref_frames_in_buffer) && (!(unmark_done)); idx++)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx]);
if (pInfo->img.structure == FRAME)
if ((active_fs->frame.used_for_reference==3) && (viddec_h264_get_is_long_term(active_fs)==3) &&
(active_fs->frame.long_term_pic_num == long_term_pic_num))
h264_dpb_unmark_for_long_term_reference(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx]);
h264_dpb_remove_ltref_list(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx]);
unmark_done = 1;
/// Check top field
if ((active_fs->frame.used_for_reference&0x1) && (viddec_h264_get_is_long_term(active_fs)&0x1) &&
(active_fs->top_field.long_term_pic_num == long_term_pic_num) )
active_fs->top_field.used_for_reference = 0;
active_fs->top_field.is_long_term = 0;
active_fs->frame.used_for_reference &= 2;
viddec_h264_set_is_frame_long_term(active_fs, 2);
unmark_done = 1;
//Check if other field is used for long term reference, if not remove from list...
if ((active_fs->bottom_field.used_for_reference == 0) || (active_fs->bottom_field.is_long_term == 0))
h264_dpb_remove_ltref_list(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx]);
/// Check Bottom field
if ((active_fs->frame.used_for_reference&0x2) && (viddec_h264_get_is_long_term(active_fs)&0x2) &&
(active_fs->bottom_field.long_term_pic_num == long_term_pic_num) )
active_fs->bottom_field.used_for_reference = 0;
active_fs->bottom_field.is_long_term = 0;
active_fs->frame.used_for_reference &= 1;
viddec_h264_set_is_frame_long_term(active_fs, 1);
unmark_done = 1;
//Check if other field is used for long term reference, if not remove from list...
if ((active_fs->top_field.used_for_reference == 0) || (active_fs->top_field.is_long_term == 0))
h264_dpb_remove_ltref_list(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx]);
} // field structure
} //for(idx)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_get_pic_struct_by_pic_num
// Searches the fields appearing in short term reference list
// Returns the polarity of the field with pic_num = picNumX
int32_t h264_dpb_get_pic_struct_by_pic_num(h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb, int32_t picNumX)
uint32_t idx;
int32_t pic_struct = INVALID;
int32_t found = 0;
for (idx =0; (idx < p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer) && (!(found)); idx++)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx]);
if ((active_fs->frame.used_for_reference&0x1) && (!(viddec_h264_get_is_long_term(active_fs)&0x01))&&
(active_fs->top_field.pic_num == picNumX) )
found = 1;
pic_struct = TOP_FIELD;
if ((active_fs->frame.used_for_reference&0x2) && (!(viddec_h264_get_is_long_term(active_fs)&0x2)) &&
(active_fs->bottom_field.pic_num == picNumX) )
found = 1;
pic_struct = BOTTOM_FIELD;
return pic_struct;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_mm_assign_long_term_frame_idx ()
// Assign a long term frame index to a short term picture
// Both lists must be updated as part of this process...
void h264_dpb_mm_assign_long_term_frame_idx(h264_Info * pInfo, int32_t difference_of_pic_nums_minus1, int32_t long_term_frame_idx)
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb = &pInfo->dpb;
int32_t picNumX;
int32_t currPicNum;
int32_t polarity = 0;
if (pInfo->img.structure == FRAME) {
currPicNum = pInfo->img.frame_num;
} else {
currPicNum = (pInfo->img.frame_num << 1) + 1;
picNumX = currPicNum - (difference_of_pic_nums_minus1 + 1);
// remove frames / fields with same long_term_frame_idx
if (pInfo->img.structure == FRAME) {
h264_dpb_unmark_long_term_frame_for_reference_by_frame_idx(p_dpb, long_term_frame_idx);
} else {
polarity = h264_dpb_get_pic_struct_by_pic_num(p_dpb, picNumX);
if(polarity != INVALID)
h264_dpb_unmark_long_term_field_for_reference_by_frame_idx(p_dpb, long_term_frame_idx, active_fs->fs_idc, polarity);
h264_dpb_mark_pic_long_term(pInfo, long_term_frame_idx, picNumX);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_mm_update_max_long_term_frame_idx ()
// Set new max long_term_frame_idx
void h264_dpb_mm_update_max_long_term_frame_idx(h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb,int32_t max_long_term_frame_idx_plus1)
//h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb = &pInfo->dpb;
int32_t idx;
int32_t temp;
int32_t removed_count;
int32_t idx2 = 0;
p_dpb->max_long_term_pic_idx = max_long_term_frame_idx_plus1 - 1;
temp = p_dpb->ltref_frames_in_buffer;
removed_count = 0;
// check for invalid frames
for (idx = 0; idx < temp; idx++)
idx2 = idx - removed_count;
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx2]);
if (active_fs->long_term_frame_idx > p_dpb->max_long_term_pic_idx)
h264_dpb_unmark_for_long_term_reference(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx2]);
h264_dpb_remove_ltref_list(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx2]);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_mm_unmark_all_short_term_for_reference ()
// Unmark all short term refernce pictures
void h264_dpb_mm_unmark_all_short_term_for_reference (h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb)
int32_t idx;
int32_t temp = p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer;
for (idx = 0; idx < temp; idx++)
h264_dpb_unmark_for_reference(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[0]);
h264_dpb_remove_ref_list(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[0]);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_mm_mark_current_picture_long_term ()
// Marks the current picture as long term after unmarking any long term picture
// already assigned with the same long term frame index
void h264_dpb_mm_mark_current_picture_long_term(h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb, int32_t long_term_frame_idx)
int32_t picNumX;
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dec_idc);
if (viddec_h264_get_dec_structure(active_fs) == FRAME)
h264_dpb_unmark_long_term_frame_for_reference_by_frame_idx(p_dpb, long_term_frame_idx);
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dec_idc);
active_fs->frame.is_long_term = 1;
active_fs->frame.long_term_frame_idx = long_term_frame_idx;
active_fs->frame.long_term_pic_num = long_term_frame_idx;
if(viddec_h264_get_dec_structure(active_fs) == TOP_FIELD)
picNumX = (active_fs->top_field.pic_num << 1) + 1;
active_fs->top_field.is_long_term = 1;
active_fs->top_field.long_term_frame_idx = long_term_frame_idx;
// Assign long-term pic num
active_fs->top_field.long_term_pic_num = (long_term_frame_idx << 1) + 1;
picNumX = (active_fs->bottom_field.pic_num << 1) + 1;
active_fs->bottom_field.is_long_term = 1;
active_fs->bottom_field.long_term_frame_idx = long_term_frame_idx;
// Assign long-term pic num
active_fs->bottom_field.long_term_pic_num = (long_term_frame_idx << 1) + 1;
h264_dpb_unmark_long_term_field_for_reference_by_frame_idx(p_dpb, long_term_frame_idx, p_dpb->fs_dec_idc, viddec_h264_get_dec_structure(active_fs));
// Add to long term list
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_unmark_long_term_frame_for_reference_by_frame_idx ()
// Mark a long-term reference frame or complementary field pair unused for referemce
// NOTE: Obviously this ftn cannot be used to unmark individual fields...
void h264_dpb_unmark_long_term_frame_for_reference_by_frame_idx(h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb, int32_t long_term_frame_idx)
uint32_t idx;
for(idx =0; idx < p_dpb->ltref_frames_in_buffer; idx++)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx]);
if (active_fs->long_term_frame_idx == long_term_frame_idx)
h264_dpb_unmark_for_long_term_reference(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx]);
h264_dpb_remove_ltref_list(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx]);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_unmark_long_term_field_for_reference_by_frame_idx ()
// Mark a long-term reference field unused for reference. However if it is the
// complementary field (opposite polarity) of the picture stored in fs_idc,
// we do not unmark it
void h264_dpb_unmark_long_term_field_for_reference_by_frame_idx(h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb, int32_t long_term_frame_idx, int32_t fs_idc, int32_t polarity)
uint32_t idx;
int32_t found = 0;
int32_t is_complement = 0;
for (idx = 0; (idx < p_dpb->ltref_frames_in_buffer) && (found == 0); idx++)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx]);
if (active_fs->long_term_frame_idx == long_term_frame_idx)
if(active_fs->fs_idc == fs_idc)
// Again these seem like redundant checks but for safety while until JM is updated
if (polarity == TOP_FIELD)
is_complement = (active_fs->bottom_field.is_long_term)? 1:0;
else if(polarity == BOTTOM_FIELD)
is_complement = (active_fs->top_field.is_long_term) ? 1:0;
found = 1;
if(found) {
if(is_complement == 0)
h264_dpb_unmark_for_long_term_reference(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx-1]);
h264_dpb_remove_ltref_list(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[idx-1]);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_mark_pic_long_term ()
// This is used on a picture already in the dpb - i.e. not for the current picture
// dpb_split / dpb_combine field will perform ftnality in that case
// Marks a picture as used for long-term reference. Adds it to the long-term
// reference list. Also removes it from the short term reference list if required
// Note: if the current picture is a frame, the picture to be marked will be a
// short-term reference frame or short-term complemenetary reference field pair
// We use the pic_num assigned to the frame part of the structure to locate it
// Both its fields will have their long_term_frame_idx and long_term_pic_num
// assigned to be equal to long_term_frame_idx
// If the current picture is a field, the picture to be marked will be a
// short-term reference field. We use the pic_nums assigned to the field parts of
// the structure to identify the appropriate field. We assign the long_term_frame_idx
// of the field equal to long_term_frame_idx.
// We also check to see if this marking has resulted in both fields of the frame
// becoming long_term. If it has, we update the frame part of the structure by
// setting its long_term_frame_idx
void h264_dpb_mark_pic_long_term(h264_Info * pInfo, int32_t long_term_frame_idx, int32_t picNumX)
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb = &pInfo->dpb;
uint32_t idx;
int32_t mark_done;
int32_t polarity = 0;
mark_done = 0;
if (pInfo->img.structure == FRAME)
for (idx = 0; (idx < p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer) && (!(mark_done)); idx++)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx]);
if (active_fs->frame.used_for_reference == 3)
if ((!(active_fs->frame.is_long_term))&&(active_fs->frame.pic_num == picNumX))
active_fs->long_term_frame_idx = long_term_frame_idx;
active_fs->frame.long_term_frame_idx = long_term_frame_idx;
active_fs->top_field.long_term_frame_idx = long_term_frame_idx;
active_fs->bottom_field.long_term_frame_idx = long_term_frame_idx;
active_fs->frame.is_long_term = 1;
active_fs->top_field.is_long_term = 1;
active_fs->bottom_field.is_long_term = 1;
viddec_h264_set_is_frame_long_term(active_fs, 3);
mark_done = 1;
// Assign long-term pic num
active_fs->frame.long_term_pic_num = long_term_frame_idx;
active_fs->top_field.long_term_pic_num = long_term_frame_idx;
active_fs->bottom_field.long_term_pic_num = long_term_frame_idx;
// Add to long term list
h264_dpb_add_ltref_list(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx]);
// Remove from short-term list
h264_dpb_remove_ref_list(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[idx]);
polarity = h264_dpb_get_pic_struct_by_pic_num(p_dpb, picNumX);
active_fs->long_term_frame_idx = long_term_frame_idx; /////BUG
if(polarity == TOP_FIELD)
active_fs->top_field.long_term_frame_idx = long_term_frame_idx;
active_fs->top_field.is_long_term = 1;
viddec_h264_set_is_top_long_term(active_fs, 1);
// Assign long-term pic num
active_fs->top_field.long_term_pic_num = (long_term_frame_idx << 1) + ((pInfo->img.structure == TOP_FIELD) ? 1 : 0);
else if (polarity == BOTTOM_FIELD)
active_fs->bottom_field.long_term_frame_idx = long_term_frame_idx;
active_fs->bottom_field.is_long_term = 1;
viddec_h264_set_is_bottom_long_term(active_fs, 1);
// Assign long-term pic num
active_fs->bottom_field.long_term_pic_num = (long_term_frame_idx << 1) + ((pInfo->img.structure == BOTTOM_FIELD) ? 1 : 0);
if (viddec_h264_get_is_long_term(active_fs) == 3)
active_fs->frame.is_long_term = 1;
active_fs->frame.long_term_frame_idx = long_term_frame_idx;
h264_dpb_remove_ref_list(p_dpb, active_fs->fs_idc);
// We need to add this idc to the long term ref list...
h264_dpb_add_ltref_list(p_dpb, active_fs->fs_idc);
// If the opposite field is not a short term reference, remove it from the
// short term list. Since we know top field is a reference but both are not long term
// we can simply check that both fields are not references...
if(active_fs->frame.used_for_reference != 3)
h264_dpb_remove_ref_list(p_dpb, active_fs->fs_idc);
} ///// End of mark pic long term
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_adaptive_memory_management ()
// Perform Adaptive memory control decoded reference picture marking process
void h264_dpb_adaptive_memory_management (h264_Info * pInfo)
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb = &pInfo->dpb;
int32_t idx;
idx = 0;
while (idx < pInfo->SliceHeader.sh_dec_refpic.dec_ref_pic_marking_count)
case 1:{ //Mark a short-term reference picture as �unused for reference?
} break;
case 2:{ //Mark a long-term reference picture as �unused for reference?
case 3:{ //Mark a short-term reference picture as "used for long-term reference" and assign a long-term frame index to it
case 4:{ //Specify the maximum long-term frame index and
//mark all long-term reference pictureshaving long-term frame indices greater than
//the maximum value as "unused for reference"
h264_dpb_mm_update_max_long_term_frame_idx (&pInfo->dpb,
case 5:{ //Mark all reference pictures as "unused for reference" and set the MaxLongTermFrameIdx variable to
// "no long-term frame indices"
h264_dpb_mm_update_max_long_term_frame_idx(&pInfo->dpb, 0);
pInfo->img.last_has_mmco_5 = 1;
case 6:{ //Mark the current picture as "used for long-term reference" and assign a long-term frame index to it
if (pInfo->img.last_has_mmco_5)
pInfo->img.frame_num = 0;
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dec_idc);
if (viddec_h264_get_dec_structure(active_fs) == FRAME)
pInfo->img.bottompoc -= active_fs->frame.poc;
pInfo->img.toppoc -= active_fs->frame.poc;
active_fs->frame.poc = 0;
active_fs->frame.pic_num = 0;
active_fs->frame_num = 0;
else if (viddec_h264_get_dec_structure(active_fs) == TOP_FIELD)
active_fs->top_field.poc = active_fs->top_field.pic_num = 0;
pInfo->img.toppoc = active_fs->top_field.poc;
else if (viddec_h264_get_dec_structure(active_fs) == BOTTOM_FIELD)
active_fs->bottom_field.poc = active_fs->bottom_field.pic_num = 0;
pInfo->img.bottompoc = 0;
h264_dpb_flush_dpb(pInfo, 1, pInfo->img.second_field,pInfo->active_SPS.num_ref_frames);
// Reset the marking count operations for the current picture...
pInfo->SliceHeader.sh_dec_refpic.dec_ref_pic_marking_count = 0;
} ////// End of adaptive memory management
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_gaps_in_frame_num_mem_management ()
// Produces a set of frame_nums pertaining to "non-existing" pictures
// Calls h264_dpb_store_picture_in_dpb
void h264_dpb_gaps_in_frame_num_mem_management(h264_Info * pInfo)
int32_t temp_frame_num = 0;
int32_t idx, prev_idc;
int32_t prev_frame_num_plus1_wrap;
uint32_t temp;
int32_t MaxFrameNum = 1 << (pInfo->active_SPS.log2_max_frame_num_minus4 + 4);
seq_param_set_used_ptr active_sps = &pInfo->active_SPS;
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb = &pInfo->dpb;
pInfo->img.gaps_in_frame_num = 0;
// pInfo->img.last_has_mmco_5 set thru store_picture_in_dpb
if (pInfo->img.last_has_mmco_5)
// If the previous picture was an unpaired field, mark it as a dangler
idx = p_dpb->used_size-1;
prev_idc = p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx];
if (prev_idc != MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx]);
active_fs->frame_num =0;
pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNumOffset = 0;
pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNum = 0;
// Check for gaps in frame_num
if(pInfo->SliceHeader.idr_flag) {
pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNum = pInfo->img.frame_num;
// Have we re-started following a recovery point message?
else if(got_sei_recovery || aud_got_restart){
pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNum = pInfo->img.frame_num;
//got_sei_recovery = 0;
//aud_got_restart = 0;
else if(pInfo->img.frame_num != pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNum)
if (MaxFrameNum)
ldiv_mod_u((uint32_t)(pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNum + 1), (uint32_t)MaxFrameNum, &temp);
prev_frame_num_plus1_wrap = temp;
if(pInfo->img.frame_num != prev_frame_num_plus1_wrap)
pInfo->img.gaps_in_frame_num = (pInfo->img.frame_num < pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNum)? ((MaxFrameNum + pInfo->img.frame_num -1) - pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNum): (pInfo->img.frame_num - pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNum - 1);
// We should test for an error here - should infer an unintentional loss of pictures
//if(active_sps->gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag == 0) {
if(pInfo->img.gaps_in_frame_num && (active_sps->gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag == 0)) {
// infer an unintentional loss of pictures
// only invoke following process for a conforming bitstream
// when gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag is equal to 1
pInfo->img.gaps_in_frame_num = 0;
//mfd_printf("ERROR STREAM??\n");
////// Error handling here----
/////// Removed following OLO source (Sodaville H.D)
//else if (pInfo->img.gaps_in_frame_num > active_sps->num_ref_frames) {
// // No need to produce any more non-existent frames than the amount required to flush the dpb
// pInfo->img.gaps_in_frame_num = active_sps->num_ref_frames;
//mfd_printf("gaps in frame: %d\n", gaps_in_frame_num);
// If the previous picture was an unpaired field, mark it as a dangler
idx = p_dpb->used_size-1;
prev_idc = p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx];
if (prev_idc != MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx]);
if(viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs) != 3) {
h264_dpb_mark_dangling_field(p_dpb, active_fs->fs_idc); //, DANGLING_TYPE_GAP_IN_FRAME
while(temp_frame_num < pInfo->img.gaps_in_frame_num)
h264_dpb_assign_frame_store(pInfo, 1);
// Set up initial markings - not sure if all are needed
viddec_h264_set_dec_structure(active_fs, FRAME);
ldiv_mod_u((uint32_t)(pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNum + 1), (uint32_t)MaxFrameNum, &temp);
active_fs->frame.pic_num = temp;
active_fs->long_term_frame_idx = 0;
active_fs->frame.long_term_pic_num = 0;
viddec_h264_set_is_frame_long_term(active_fs, 0);
// Note the call below will overwrite some aspects of the img structure with info relating to the
// non-existent picture
// However, since this is called before h264_hdr_decoding_poc() for the current existing picture
// it should be o.k.
h264_hdr_decoding_poc(pInfo, 1, temp);
pInfo->img.structure = FRAME;
active_fs->frame.poc = pInfo->img.framepoc;
// call store_picture_in_dpb
h264_dpb_store_previous_picture_in_dpb(pInfo, 1, 0);
h264_hdr_post_poc(pInfo, 1, temp, 0);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_unmark_for_reference ()
// Mark FrameStore unused for reference. Removes it from the short term reference list
void h264_dpb_unmark_for_reference(h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb, int32_t fs_idc)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, fs_idc);
if (viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs)&0x1) active_fs->top_field.used_for_reference = 0;
if (viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs)&0x2) active_fs->bottom_field.used_for_reference = 0;
if (viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs) == 3) active_fs->frame.used_for_reference = 0;
active_fs->frame.used_for_reference = 0;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_unmark_for_long_term_reference ()
// mark FrameStore unused for reference and reset long term flags
// This function does not remove it form the long term list
void h264_dpb_unmark_for_long_term_reference(h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb, int32_t fs_idc)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, fs_idc);
if (viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs)&0x1)
active_fs->top_field.used_for_reference = 0;
active_fs->top_field.is_long_term = 0;
if (viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs)&0x2)
active_fs->bottom_field.used_for_reference = 0;
active_fs->bottom_field.is_long_term = 0;
if (viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs) == 3)
active_fs->frame.used_for_reference = 0;
active_fs->frame.is_long_term = 0;
active_fs->frame.used_for_reference = 0;
viddec_h264_set_is_frame_long_term(active_fs, 0);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_mark_dangling_field
// Tells HW previous field was dangling
// Marks it in SW as so
// Takes appropriate actions. - sys_data needs thought through...
void h264_dpb_mark_dangling_field(h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb, int32_t fs_idc)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, fs_idc);
//PRINTF(MFD_NONE, " fs_idc = %d DANGLING_TYPE = %d \n", fs_idc, reason);
Make the check that it has not already been marked
This covers the situation of a dangling field followed by a
frame which is direct output (i.e. never entered into the dpb).
In this case we could attempt to mark the prev unpaired field
as a dangler twice which would upset the HW dpb_disp_q count
if(viddec_h264_get_is_dangling(active_fs) == 0)
viddec_h264_set_is_dangling(active_fs, 1);
//PRINTF(MFD_NONE, "FN:%d fs_idc=%d FRAME_FLAG_DANGLING_TOP_FIELD\n ", (h264_frame_number+1), active_fs->fs_idc);
//PRINTF(MFD_NONE, " FN:%d fs_idc=%d FRAME_FLAG_DANGLING_BOTTOM_FIELD \n ", (h264_frame_number+1), active_fs->fs_idc);
viddec_h264_set_is_dangling(active_fs, 1);
//PRINTF(MFD_NONE, "FN:%d fs_idc=%d DANGLING: FATAL_ERROR\n ", (h264_frame_number+1), active_fs->fs_idc);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_is_used_for_reference ()
// Check if one of the frames/fields in active_fs is used for reference
void h264_dpb_is_used_for_reference(int32_t * flag)
/* Check out below for embedded */
*flag = 0;
if (active_fs->frame.used_for_reference)
*flag = 1;
else if (viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs) ==3) // frame
*flag = active_fs->frame.used_for_reference;
if (viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs)&0x1) // top field
*flag = active_fs->top_field.used_for_reference;
if (viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs)&0x2) // bottom field
*flag = *flag || active_fs->bottom_field.used_for_reference;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_idr_memory_management ()
// Perform Memory management for idr pictures
void h264_dpb_idr_memory_management (h264_Info * pInfo,seq_param_set_used_ptr active_sps, int32_t no_output_of_prior_pics_flag)
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb = &pInfo->dpb;
uint32_t idx;
uint32_t i;
int32_t DPB_size;
int32_t FrameSizeInBytes, FrameSizeInMbs;
uint32_t data;
int32_t num_ref_frames = active_sps->num_ref_frames;
int32_t level_idc = active_sps->level_idc;
uint32_t temp_bump_level=0;
/// H.D-----
/// There are 2 kinds of dpb flush defined, one is with display, the other is without display
/// The function name dpb_flush actually is just the first, and the 2nd one is for error case or no_prior_output
/// We will rewrite the code below to make it clean and clear
if (no_output_of_prior_pics_flag)
// free all stored pictures
for (idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->used_size; idx = idx + 1)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx]);
//mfd_printf(" directly freeing fs_idc = %d DSN = 0x%x \n",active_fs->fs_idc, active_fs->first_dsn);
viddec_h264_set_is_frame_used(active_fs, 0);
//if( (active_fs->frame_sent == 0x01) && (active_fs->is_output == 0x0))
h264_dpb_unmark_for_reference(p_dpb, active_fs->fs_idc);
h264_dpb_remove_ref_list(p_dpb, active_fs->fs_idc);
//h264_send_new_display_frame(0x01); //send ignore_frame signal to Host
/// Add into drop-out list for all frms in dpb without display
if(!(viddec_h264_get_is_non_existent(active_fs))) {
if( viddec_h264_get_is_output(&(p_dpb->fs[p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx]])) ) { //// This frame has been displayed but not released
p_dpb->frame_id_need_to_be_removed[p_dpb->frame_numbers_need_to_be_removed] = p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx];
p_dpb->frame_numbers_need_to_be_removed ++;
} else { //// This frame will be removed without display
p_dpb->frame_id_need_to_be_dropped[p_dpb->frame_numbers_need_to_be_dropped] = p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx];
p_dpb->frame_numbers_need_to_be_dropped ++;
////////////////////////////////////////// Reset Reference list
for (i = 0; i < p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer; i++)
p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[i] = MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC;
for (i = 0; i < p_dpb->ltref_frames_in_buffer; i++)
p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[i] = MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC;
////////////////////////////////////////// Reset DPB and dpb list
for (i = 0; i < p_dpb->used_size; i++) {
p_dpb->fs[p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[i]].fs_idc = MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC;
p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[i] = MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC;
p_dpb->used_size = 0;
p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer = 0;
p_dpb->ltref_frames_in_buffer = 0;
p_dpb->last_output_poc = 0x80000000;
else {
h264_dpb_flush_dpb(pInfo, 1, pInfo->img.second_field, num_ref_frames);
if (p_dpb->fs_dec_idc != MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC) // added condition for use of DPB initialization
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dec_idc);
if (pInfo->img.long_term_reference_flag)
p_dpb->max_long_term_pic_idx = 0;
switch (viddec_h264_get_dec_structure(active_fs))
case FRAME : active_fs->frame.is_long_term = 1;
case TOP_FIELD : active_fs->top_field.is_long_term = 1;
case BOTTOM_FIELD : active_fs->bottom_field.is_long_term = 1;
active_fs->long_term_frame_idx = 0;
p_dpb->max_long_term_pic_idx = MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC;
viddec_h264_set_is_frame_long_term(active_fs, 0);
p_dpb->OutputLevel = 0;
p_dpb->OutputLevelValid = 0;
p_dpb->OutputCtrl = 0;
// Set up bumping level - do this every time a parameters set is activated...
//p_dpb->OutputLevel = active_sps->sps_disp.vui_seq_parameters.num_reorder_frames;
//p_dpb->OutputLevelValid = 1;
// Set up bumping level - do this every time a parameters set is activated...
case h264_Level1b:
case h264_Level1:
if ((active_sps->profile_idc < 100) && ((active_sps->constraint_set_flags & 0x1) == 0)) {
DPB_size = 338;
else {
DPB_size = 149;
case h264_Level11:
DPB_size = 338;
case h264_Level12:
case h264_Level13:
case h264_Level2:
DPB_size = 891;
case h264_Level21:
DPB_size = 1782;
case h264_Level22:
case h264_Level3:
DPB_size = 3038;
case h264_Level31:
DPB_size = 6750;
case h264_Level32:
DPB_size = 7680;
case h264_Level4:
case h264_Level41:
DPB_size = 12288;
case h264_Level42:
DPB_size = 13056;
case h264_Level5:
DPB_size = 41400;
case h264_Level51:
DPB_size = 69120;
default : DPB_size = 69120; break;
FrameSizeInMbs = pInfo->img.PicWidthInMbs * pInfo->img.FrameHeightInMbs;
FrameSizeInBytes = (FrameSizeInMbs << 8) + (FrameSizeInMbs << 7);
temp_bump_level = ldiv_mod_u((DPB_size << 10), FrameSizeInBytes, &data);
if(temp_bump_level > 255)
p_dpb->BumpLevel = 255;
p_dpb->BumpLevel = (uint8_t)temp_bump_level;
if (p_dpb->BumpLevel == 0)
p_dpb->BumpLevel = active_sps->num_ref_frames + 1;
if (p_dpb->BumpLevel > 16)
p_dpb->BumpLevel = 16;
if(active_sps->sps_disp.vui_parameters_present_flag && active_sps->sps_disp.vui_seq_parameters.bitstream_restriction_flag) {
if (active_sps->sps_disp.vui_seq_parameters.max_dec_frame_buffering > p_dpb->BumpLevel) {
//// err handling here
else {
p_dpb->BumpLevel = (active_sps->sps_disp.vui_seq_parameters.max_dec_frame_buffering > 1) ?
(active_sps->sps_disp.vui_seq_parameters.max_dec_frame_buffering) : 1;
// A new sequence means automatic frame release
//sei_information.disp_frozen = 0;
} //// End --- dpb_idr_memory_management
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_remove_frame_from_dpb ()
// remove one frame from DPB
// The parameter index, is the location of the frame to be removed in the
// fs_dpb_idc list. The used size is decremented by one
void h264_dpb_remove_frame_from_dpb(h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb, int32_t idx)
int32_t fs_idc;
uint32_t i;
fs_idc = p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx];
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, fs_idc);
viddec_h264_set_is_frame_used(active_fs, 0);
//add to support frame relocation interface to host
p_dpb->frame_id_need_to_be_removed[p_dpb->frame_numbers_need_to_be_removed] = p_dpb->fs[fs_idc].fs_idc;
p_dpb->frame_numbers_need_to_be_removed ++;
///////////////////////////////////////// Reset FS
p_dpb->fs[fs_idc].fs_idc = MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC;
/////Remove unused frame from dpb-list
i = idx;
while( (i + 1)< p_dpb->used_size)
p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[i] = p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[i + 1];
i ++;
p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[i] = MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_remove_unused_frame_from_dpb ()
// Remove a picture from DPB which is no longer needed.
// Search for a frame which is not used for reference and has previously been placed
// in the output queue - if find one call h264_dpb_remove_frame_from_dpb() and
// set flag 1
void h264_dpb_remove_unused_frame_from_dpb(h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb, int32_t * flag)
uint32_t idx;
int32_t first_non_exist_valid, non_exist_idx;
int32_t used_for_reference = 0;
*flag = 0;
first_non_exist_valid = 0x0;
non_exist_idx = 0x0;
for (idx = 0; (idx < p_dpb->used_size) && (*flag == 0); idx++)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx]);
//if( (used_for_reference == 0x0 ) && active_fs->is_output && active_fs->is_non_existent == 0x0)
//PRINTF(MFD_NONE, " requesting to send FREE: fs_idc = %d fb_id = %d \n", active_fs->fs_idc, active_fs->fb_id);
//dpb_release_fb(&h264_dpb, active_fs->fb_id, 1);
if (viddec_h264_get_is_output(active_fs) && (used_for_reference == 0))
h264_dpb_remove_frame_from_dpb(p_dpb, idx);
*flag = 1;
/////// Removed following OLO source (Sodaville H.D)
else if ( (first_non_exist_valid == 0x0) && active_fs->is_non_existent )
first_non_exist_valid = 0x01;
non_exist_idx = idx;
/////// Removed following OLO source (Sodaville H.D)
if ( *flag == 0x0 && first_non_exist_valid) {
*flag = 1;
} //// End of h264_dpb_remove_unused_frame_from_dpb
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_get_smallest_poc ()
// find smallest POC in the DPB which has not as yet been output
// This function only checks for frames and dangling fields...
// unless the dpb used size is one, in which case it will accept an unpaired field
void h264_dpb_get_smallest_poc(h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb, int32_t *poc, int32_t *pos)
int32_t poc_int;
uint32_t idx;
int32_t first_non_output = 1;
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[0]);
poc_int = active_fs->frame.poc;
for (idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->used_size; idx++)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx]);
if (viddec_h264_get_is_output(active_fs) == 0)
//PRINTF(MFD_NONE, " active_fs->fs_idc = %d active_fs->is_used = %d, active_fs->is_dangling = %d , active_fs->poc = %d \n", active_fs->fs_idc, active_fs->is_used, active_fs->is_dangling, active_fs->poc);
if ((viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs) == 3) || (viddec_h264_get_is_dangling(active_fs)))
if (first_non_output)
*pos = idx;
first_non_output = 0;
poc_int = active_fs->frame.poc;
else if (poc_int > active_fs->frame.poc)
poc_int = active_fs->frame.poc;
*pos = idx;
else if (p_dpb->used_size == 1)
poc_int = active_fs->frame.poc;
*pos = idx;
*poc = poc_int;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_split_field ()
// Extract field information from a frame
void h264_dpb_split_field (h264_Info * pInfo)
//active_fs->frame.poc = active_fs->frame.poc;
// active_fs->top_field.poc = active_fs->frame.poc;
// This line changed on 11/05/05 KMc
active_fs->top_field.poc = pInfo->img.toppoc;
active_fs->bottom_field.poc = pInfo->img.bottompoc;
active_fs->top_field.used_for_reference = active_fs->frame.used_for_reference & 1;
active_fs->bottom_field.used_for_reference = active_fs->frame.used_for_reference >> 1;
active_fs->top_field.is_long_term = active_fs->frame.is_long_term;
active_fs->bottom_field.is_long_term = active_fs->frame.is_long_term;
active_fs->long_term_frame_idx = active_fs->frame.long_term_frame_idx;
active_fs->top_field.long_term_frame_idx = active_fs->frame.long_term_frame_idx;
active_fs->bottom_field.long_term_frame_idx = active_fs->frame.long_term_frame_idx;
// Assign field mvs attached to MB-Frame buffer to the proper buffer
//! Generate field MVs from Frame MVs
// ...
// these will be done in RTL through using proper memory mapping
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_combine_field (int32_t use_old)
// Generate a frame from top and bottom fields
void h264_dpb_combine_field(int32_t use_old)
//remove warning
use_old = use_old;
active_fs->frame.poc = (active_fs->top_field.poc < active_fs->bottom_field.poc)?
active_fs->top_field.poc: active_fs->bottom_field.poc;
//active_fs->frame.poc = active_fs->poc;
active_fs->frame.used_for_reference = active_fs->top_field.used_for_reference |(active_fs->bottom_field.used_for_reference);
active_fs->frame.is_long_term = active_fs->top_field.is_long_term |(active_fs->bottom_field.is_long_term <<1);
if (active_fs->frame.is_long_term)
active_fs->frame.long_term_frame_idx = active_fs->long_term_frame_idx;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_sliding_window_memory_management ()
// Perform Sliding window decoded reference picture marking process
// It must be the reference frame, complementary reference field pair
// or non-paired reference field that has the smallest value of
// FrameNumWrap which is marked as unused for reference. Note : We CANNOT
// simply use frame_num!!!!
// Although we hold frame_num_wrap in SW, currently, this is not
// being updated for every picture (the b-picture parameter non-update
// phenomenon of the reference software)
void h264_dpb_sliding_window_memory_management(h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb, int32_t NonExisting, int32_t num_ref_frames)
// if this is a reference pic with sliding window, unmark first ref frame
// should this be (p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer + p_dpb->ltref_frames_in_buffer)
// Rem: adaptive marking can be on a slice by slice basis so we
// could have pictures merked as long term reference in adaptive marking and then
// the marking mode changed back to sliding_window_memory_management
if (p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer >= (num_ref_frames - p_dpb->ltref_frames_in_buffer))
h264_dpb_unmark_for_reference(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[0]);
h264_dpb_remove_ref_list(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[0]);
if(NonExisting == 0)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dec_idc);
viddec_h264_set_is_frame_long_term(active_fs, 0);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_store_picture_in_dpb ()
// First we run the marking procedure.
// Then, before we add the current frame_store to the list of refernce stores we run some checks
// These include checking the number of existing reference frames
// in DPB and if necessary, flushing frames.
// \param NonExisting
// If non-zero this is called to store a non-existing frame resulting from gaps_in_frame_num
// h264_dpb_frame_output ()
// If direct == 1, Directly output a frame without storing it in the p_dpb->
// Therefore we must set is_used to 0, which I guess means it will not appear
// in the fs_dpb_idc list and is_output to 1 which means it should be in the
// fs_output_idc list.
// If it is a non-existing pcture we do not actually place it in the output queue
void h264_dpb_frame_output(h264_Info * pInfo,int32_t fs_idc, int32_t direct, int32_t * existing)
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb = &pInfo->dpb;
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, fs_idc);
// check pocs
if(active_fs->top_field.poc >= pInfo->sei_information.freeze_POC)
if(active_fs->top_field.poc < pInfo->sei_information.release_POC)
viddec_h264_set_is_top_skipped(active_fs, 1);
pInfo->sei_information.disp_frozen = 0;
if(active_fs->bottom_field.poc >= pInfo->sei_information.freeze_POC)
if(active_fs->bottom_field.poc < pInfo->sei_information.release_POC)
viddec_h264_set_is_bottom_skipped(active_fs, 1);
pInfo->sei_information.disp_frozen = 0;
if ( viddec_h264_get_broken_link_picture(active_fs) )
pInfo->sei_information.broken_link = 1;
if( pInfo->sei_information.broken_link)
// Check if this was the recovery point picture - going to have recovery point on
// a frame basis
pInfo->sei_information.broken_link = 0;
// Also reset wait on sei recovery point picture
p_dpb->WaitSeiRecovery = 0;
viddec_h264_set_is_frame_skipped(active_fs, 3);
// even if this is not a broken - link, we need to follow SEI recovery point rules
// Did we use SEI recovery point for th elast restart?
if ( p_dpb->WaitSeiRecovery )
if ( viddec_h264_get_recovery_pt_picture(active_fs) ) {
p_dpb->WaitSeiRecovery = 0;
} else {
viddec_h264_set_is_frame_skipped(active_fs, 3);
if ( p_dpb->SuspendOutput )
if ( viddec_h264_get_open_gop_entry(active_fs) ) {
p_dpb->SuspendOutput = 0;
} else{
viddec_h264_set_is_frame_skipped(active_fs, 3);
viddec_h264_set_is_output(active_fs, 1);
if(viddec_h264_get_is_non_existent(active_fs) == 0)
*existing = 1;
//h264_dpb_remove_frame_from_dpb(p_dpb, active_fs->fs_idc); // Remove dpb.fs_dpb_idc[pos]
*existing = 0;
if(direct) {
viddec_h264_set_is_frame_used(active_fs, 0);
active_fs->frame.used_for_reference = 0;
active_fs->top_field.used_for_reference = 0;
active_fs->bottom_field.used_for_reference = 0;
active_fs->fs_idc = MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC;
} ///////// End of dpb frame output
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_output_one_frame_from_dpb ()
// Output one frame stored in the DPB. Basiclly this results in its placment
// in the fs_output_idc list.
// Placement in the output queue should cause an automatic removal from the dpb
// if the frame store is not being used as a reference
// This may need another param for a frame request so that it definitely outputs one non-exiosting frame
int32_t h264_dpb_output_one_frame_from_dpb(h264_Info* pInfo,int32_t direct, int32_t request, int32_t num_ref_frames)
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb = &pInfo->dpb;
int32_t poc;
int32_t pos;
int32_t used_for_reference;
int32_t existing = 0;
int32_t is_refused = 0;
int32_t is_pushed = 0;
//remove warning
request = request;
h264_dpb_frame_output(pInfo, p_dpb->fs_dec_idc, 1, &existing);
if(p_dpb->used_size != 0)
// Should this be dpb.not_as_yet_output_num > 0 ??
// There should maybe be a is_refused == 0 condition instead...
while ((p_dpb->used_size > 0) && (existing == 0) && (is_refused == 0))
// find smallest non-output POC
h264_dpb_get_smallest_poc(p_dpb, &poc, &pos);
if (pos != MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC)
// put it into the output queue
h264_dpb_frame_output(pInfo, p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[pos], 0, &existing);
p_dpb->last_output_poc = poc;
if (existing) is_pushed = 1;
// If non-reference, free frame store and move empty store to end of buffer
if (!(used_for_reference))
h264_dpb_remove_frame_from_dpb(p_dpb, pos); // Remove dpb.fs_dpb_idc[pos]
int32_t flag;
uint32_t idx;
// This is basically an error condition caused by too many reference frames in the DPB.
// It should only happen in errored streams, and can happen if this picture had an MMCO,
// thus disabling h264_dpb_sliding_window_memory_management(), which would normally have
// unmarked the oldest reference frame.
h264_dpb_sliding_window_memory_management(p_dpb, 0,num_ref_frames);
h264_dpb_remove_unused_frame_from_dpb(p_dpb, &flag);
if (flag == 0) {
for (idx = 0; idx < p_dpb->used_size; idx++)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx]);
if (used_for_reference) {
if (idx < p_dpb->used_size) {
// Short term
h264_dpb_unmark_for_reference(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx]);
h264_dpb_remove_ref_list(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx]);
// Long term
h264_dpb_unmark_for_long_term_reference(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx]);
h264_dpb_remove_ltref_list(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx]);
// Remove from DPB
h264_dpb_remove_unused_frame_from_dpb(p_dpb, &flag);
return 1;
return is_pushed;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_queue_update
// This should be called anytime the output queue might be changed
int32_t h264_dpb_queue_update(h264_Info* pInfo,int32_t push, int32_t direct, int32_t frame_request, int32_t num_ref_frames)
int32_t frame_output = 0;
frame_output = h264_dpb_output_one_frame_from_dpb(pInfo, direct, 0, num_ref_frames);
else if(frame_request)
frame_output = h264_dpb_output_one_frame_from_dpb(pInfo, 0, 1,num_ref_frames);
return frame_output;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_flush_dpb ()
// Unmarks all reference pictures in the short-term and long term lists and
// in doing so resets the lists.
// Flushing the dpb, adds all the current frames in the dpb, not already on the output list
// to the output list and removes them from the dpb (they will all be marked as unused for
// reference first)
void h264_dpb_flush_dpb (h264_Info* pInfo,int32_t output_all, int32_t keep_complement, int32_t num_ref_frames)
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb = &pInfo->dpb;
int32_t idx, flag;
int32_t ref_frames_in_buffer;
ref_frames_in_buffer = p_dpb->ref_frames_in_buffer;
for (idx = 0; idx < ref_frames_in_buffer; idx++){
h264_dpb_unmark_for_reference(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[0]);
h264_dpb_remove_ref_list(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ref_idc[0]);
ref_frames_in_buffer = p_dpb->ltref_frames_in_buffer;
for (idx = 0; idx < ref_frames_in_buffer; idx++)
h264_dpb_unmark_for_long_term_reference(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[0]);
h264_dpb_remove_ltref_list(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_ltref_idc[0]);
// output frames in POC order
if (output_all) {
while (p_dpb->used_size - keep_complement) {
h264_dpb_queue_update(pInfo, 1, 0, 0,num_ref_frames);
flag = 1;
while (flag) {
h264_dpb_remove_unused_frame_from_dpb(p_dpb, &flag);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_reset_dpb ()
// Used to reset the contents of dpb
// Must calculate memory (aligned) pointers for each of the possible frame stores
// Also want to calculate possible max dpb size in terms of frames
// We should have an active SPS when we call this ftn to calc bumping level
void h264_dpb_reset_dpb(h264_Info * pInfo,int32_t PicWidthInMbs, int32_t FrameHeightInMbs, int32_t SizeChange, int32_t no_output_of_prior_pics_flag)
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb = &pInfo->dpb;
int32_t num_ref_frames = pInfo->active_SPS.num_ref_frames;
// If half way through a frame then Frame in progress will still be high,
// so mark the previous field as a dangling field. This is also needed to
// keep cs7050_sif_dpb_disp_numb_ptr correct. Better to reset instead?
int32_t idx;
idx = p_dpb->used_size-1;
if (p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx] != MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[idx]);
if(viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs) != 3)
h264_dpb_mark_dangling_field(p_dpb, active_fs->fs_idc); //, DANGLING_TYPE_DPB_RESET
// initialize software DPB
if(active_fs) {
viddec_h264_set_dec_structure(active_fs, INVALID);
h264_dpb_idr_memory_management(pInfo, &pInfo->active_SPS, no_output_of_prior_pics_flag); // implied no_output_of_prior_pics_flag==1
// May always be a size change which calls this function now...
// could eliminate below branch
Note : 21/03/2005 14:16
Danger asociated with resetting curr_alloc_mem as it would allow the FW top reallocate
frame stores from 0 -> NUM_FRAME_STORES again - could lead to queue overflow and corruption
Placed in size change condition in the hope that this will only ensure dpb is empty
and thus this behaviour is valid before continuing again
p_dpb->PicWidthInMbs = PicWidthInMbs;
p_dpb->FrameHeightInMbs = FrameHeightInMbs;
p_dpb->fs_dec_idc = MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC;
//Flush the current DPB.
h264_dpb_flush_dpb(pInfo, 1,0,num_ref_frames);
} ///// End of reset DPB
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Note that if an 'missing_pip_fb' condition exists, the message will
// sent to the host each time setup_free_fb is called. However, since this
// condition is not expected to happen if pre-defined steps are followed, we let
// it be for now and will change it if required. Basically, as long as host
// enables PiP after adding PiP buffers and disables PiP before removing buffers
// and matches PiP fb_id's with normal decode fb_id's this condition should
// not occur.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
int32_t dpb_setup_free_fb( h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb, uint8_t* fb_id, pip_setting_t* pip_setting )
uint8_t idx;
//remove warning
pip_setting = pip_setting;
for (idx = 0; idx < NUM_DPB_FRAME_STORES; idx++)
if (p_dpb->fs[idx].fs_idc == MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC)
*fb_id = idx;
return 1;
p_dpb->fs[idx].fs_idc = idx;
return 0;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_assign_frame_store ()
// may need a non-existing option parameter
int32_t h264_dpb_assign_frame_store(h264_Info * pInfo, int32_t NonExisting)
uint8_t idc = MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC;
pip_setting_t pip_setting;
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *p_dpb = &pInfo->dpb;
while( dpb_setup_free_fb(p_dpb, &idc, &pip_setting) != 0 ) {
/// Generally this is triggered a error case, no more frame buffer avaliable for next
/// What we do here is just remove one with min-POC before get more info
int32_t pos = 0, poc = 0, existing = 1;
// find smallest non-output POC
h264_dpb_get_smallest_poc(p_dpb, &poc, &pos);
if (pos != MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC)
// put it into the output queue
h264_dpb_frame_output(pInfo, p_dpb->fs_dpb_idc[pos], 0, &existing);
p_dpb->last_output_poc = poc;
h264_dpb_remove_frame_from_dpb(p_dpb, pos); // Remove dpb.fs_dpb_idc[pos]
if(NonExisting) {
p_dpb->fs_non_exist_idc = idc;
}else {
p_dpb->fs_dec_idc = idc;
//add to support frame relocation interface to host
p_dpb->frame_numbers_need_to_be_allocated = 1;
p_dpb->frame_id_need_to_be_allocated = p_dpb->fs_dec_idc;
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(p_dpb, idc);
active_fs->fs_flag_1 = 0;
active_fs->fs_flag_2 = 0;
viddec_h264_set_is_non_existent(active_fs, NonExisting);
viddec_h264_set_is_output(active_fs, (NonExisting?1:0));
// Only put members in here which will not be reset somewhere else
// and which could be used before they are overwritten again with
// new valid values
// eg ->is_used is reset on removal from dpb, no need for it here
// ->poc would only be changed when we overwrite on insert_Picture_in_dpb()
// but would be used by get_smallest_poc()
// ->top.poc would also not be overwritten until a new valid value comes along,
// but I don't think it is used before then so no need to reset
//active_fs->is_long_term = 0;
active_fs->frame.used_for_reference = 0;
active_fs->frame.poc = 0;
return 1;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_update_queue_dangling_field (h264_Info * pInfo)
// Update DPB for Dangling field special case
void h264_dpb_update_queue_dangling_field(h264_Info * pInfo)
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *dpb_ptr = &pInfo->dpb;
int32_t prev_pic_unpaired_field = 0;
if(dpb_ptr->used_size > dpb_ptr->BumpLevel)
if (dpb_ptr->fs_dpb_idc[dpb_ptr->used_size-1] != MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(dpb_ptr, dpb_ptr->fs_dpb_idc[dpb_ptr->used_size-1]);
if(viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs) != 3)
prev_pic_unpaired_field = 1;
if (pInfo->img.structure != FRAME)
// To prove this is the second field,
// 1) The previous picture is an (as yet) unpaired field
// If we establish the previous pic was an unpaired field and this picture is not
// its complement, the previous picture was a dangling field
if(pInfo->img.second_field == 0) {
while(dpb_ptr->used_size > dpb_ptr->BumpLevel)
h264_dpb_queue_update(pInfo, 1, 0, 0,pInfo->active_SPS.num_ref_frames); // flush a frame
else if (prev_pic_unpaired_field) {
while(dpb_ptr->used_size > dpb_ptr->BumpLevel)
h264_dpb_queue_update(pInfo, 1, 0, 0,pInfo->active_SPS.num_ref_frames); // flush a frame
} ///// End of init Frame Store
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_dpb_init_frame_store (h264_Info * pInfo)
// Set the frame store to be used in decoding the picture
void h264_dpb_init_frame_store(h264_Info * pInfo)
h264_DecodedPictureBuffer *dpb_ptr = &pInfo->dpb;
int32_t free_fs_found;
int32_t idx = 0;
int32_t prev_pic_unpaired_field = 0;
int32_t prev_idc = MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC;
int32_t structure = pInfo->img.structure;
idx = dpb_ptr->used_size-1;
prev_idc = dpb_ptr->fs_dpb_idc[idx];
if (prev_idc != MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC)
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(dpb_ptr, dpb_ptr->fs_dpb_idc[dpb_ptr->used_size-1]);
if(viddec_h264_get_is_used(active_fs) != 3)
//PRINTF(MFD_NONE, " FN: %d active_fs->is_used = %d \n", (h264_frame_number+1), active_fs->is_used);
prev_pic_unpaired_field = 1;
//if ((pInfo->img.curr_has_mmco_5) || (pInfo->img.idr_flag)) curr_fld_not_prev_comp = 1;
if (structure != FRAME)
// To prove this is the second field,
// 1) The previous picture is an (as yet) unpaired field
// If we establish the previous pic was an unpaired field and this picture is not
// its complement, the previous picture was a dangling field
if(pInfo->img.second_field == 0)
h264_dpb_mark_dangling_field(dpb_ptr, active_fs->fs_idc); //, DANGLING_TYPE_FIELD
else if (prev_pic_unpaired_field) {
h264_dpb_mark_dangling_field(dpb_ptr, active_fs->fs_idc); //, DANGLING_TYPE_FRAME
free_fs_found = 0;
// If this is not a second field, we must find a free space for the current picture
if (!(pInfo->img.second_field))
dpb_ptr->fs_dec_idc = MPD_DPB_FS_NULL_IDC;
free_fs_found = h264_dpb_assign_frame_store(pInfo, 0);
//PRINTF(MFD_NONE, " FN: %d (inc) fs_idc = %d \n", (h264_frame_number+1), dpb.fs_dec_idc);
h264_dpb_set_active_fs(dpb_ptr, dpb_ptr->fs_dec_idc);
////////////// TODO: THe following init
#if 1
if( pInfo->img.second_field) {
//active_fs->second_dsn = pInfo->img.dsn;
//active_fs->prev_dsn = pInfo->img.prev_dsn;
if (active_fs->pic_type == FRAME_TYPE_IDR ||
active_fs->pic_type == FRAME_TYPE_I) {
viddec_h264_set_first_field_intra(active_fs, 1);
} else {
viddec_h264_set_first_field_intra(active_fs, 0);
else {
//active_fs->first_dsn = pInfo->img.dsn;
//active_fs->prev_dsn = pInfo->img.prev_dsn;
viddec_h264_set_first_field_intra(active_fs, 0);
if (pInfo->img.structure == FRAME) {
//active_fs->second_dsn = 0x0;
if ( pInfo->sei_information.broken_link_pic )
viddec_h264_set_broken_link_picture(active_fs, 1);
pInfo->sei_information.broken_link_pic = 0;
if ((pInfo->img.frame_num == pInfo->sei_information.recovery_frame_num)&&(pInfo->SliceHeader.nal_ref_idc != 0))
viddec_h264_set_recovery_pt_picture(active_fs, 1);
//if ((( gRestartMode.aud ) || ( gRestartMode.sei )) && ( !gRestartMode.idr))
if(pInfo->img.recovery_point_found == 6)
viddec_h264_set_open_gop_entry(active_fs, 1);
pInfo->dpb.SuspendOutput = 1;
if ((pInfo->img.second_field) || (free_fs_found))
viddec_h264_set_dec_structure(active_fs, pInfo->img.structure);
viddec_h264_set_is_output(active_fs, 0);
case (FRAME) :{
active_fs->frame.pic_num = pInfo->img.frame_num;
active_fs->frame.long_term_frame_idx = 0;
active_fs->frame.long_term_pic_num = 0;
active_fs->frame.used_for_reference = 0;
active_fs->frame.is_long_term = 0;
//active_fs->frame.structure = pInfo->img.structure;
active_fs->frame.poc = pInfo->img.framepoc;
case (TOP_FIELD) :{
active_fs->top_field.pic_num = pInfo->img.frame_num;
active_fs->top_field.long_term_frame_idx = 0;
active_fs->top_field.long_term_pic_num = 0;
active_fs->top_field.used_for_reference = 0;
active_fs->top_field.is_long_term = 0;
//active_fs->top_field.structure = pInfo->img.structure;
active_fs->top_field.poc = pInfo->img.toppoc;
active_fs->bottom_field.pic_num = pInfo->img.frame_num;
active_fs->bottom_field.long_term_frame_idx = 0;
active_fs->bottom_field.long_term_pic_num = 0;
active_fs->bottom_field.used_for_reference = 0;
active_fs->bottom_field.is_long_term = 0;
//active_fs->bottom_field.structure = pInfo->img.structure;
active_fs->bottom_field.poc = pInfo->img.bottompoc;
// Need to drop a frame or something here
} ///// End of init Frame Store
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// Decoding POC for current Picture
// 1) pic_order_cnt_type (0, 1, 2)
void h264_hdr_decoding_poc (h264_Info * pInfo,int32_t NonExisting, int32_t frame_num)
int32_t MaxPicOrderCntLsb = (1<<(pInfo->active_SPS.log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4+4));
int32_t delta_pic_order_count[2];
int32_t MaxFrameNum = 1 << (pInfo->active_SPS.log2_max_frame_num_minus4 + 4);
int32_t AbsFrameNum =0;
int32_t ExpectedDeltaPerPicOrderCntCycle =0;
int32_t PicOrderCntCycleCnt = 0;
int32_t FrameNumInPicOrderCntCycle =0;
int32_t ExpectedPicOrderCnt =0;
int32_t actual_frame_num =0;
if(NonExisting) actual_frame_num = frame_num;
else actual_frame_num = pInfo->img.frame_num;
switch (pInfo->active_SPS.pic_order_cnt_type)
case 0:
if(NonExisting != 0) break;
if (pInfo->SliceHeader.idr_flag)
pInfo->img.PicOrderCntMsb = 0;
pInfo->img.PrevPicOrderCntLsb = 0;
else if (pInfo->img.last_has_mmco_5)
if (pInfo->img.last_pic_bottom_field)
pInfo->img.PicOrderCntMsb = 0;
pInfo->img.PrevPicOrderCntLsb = 0;
pInfo->img.PicOrderCntMsb = 0;
pInfo->img.PrevPicOrderCntLsb = pInfo->img.toppoc;
// Calculate the MSBs of current picture
if((pInfo->img.pic_order_cnt_lsb < pInfo->img.PrevPicOrderCntLsb) &&
((pInfo->img.PrevPicOrderCntLsb - pInfo->img.pic_order_cnt_lsb )>=(MaxPicOrderCntLsb>>1)) )
pInfo->img.CurrPicOrderCntMsb = pInfo->img.PicOrderCntMsb + MaxPicOrderCntLsb;
} else if ((pInfo->img.pic_order_cnt_lsb > pInfo->img.PrevPicOrderCntLsb) &&
((pInfo->img.pic_order_cnt_lsb - pInfo->img.PrevPicOrderCntLsb ) > (MaxPicOrderCntLsb>>1)) )
pInfo->img.CurrPicOrderCntMsb = pInfo->img.PicOrderCntMsb - MaxPicOrderCntLsb;
} else
pInfo->img.CurrPicOrderCntMsb = pInfo->img.PicOrderCntMsb;
// 2nd
//frame pix
pInfo->img.toppoc = pInfo->img.CurrPicOrderCntMsb + pInfo->img.pic_order_cnt_lsb;
pInfo->img.bottompoc = pInfo->img.toppoc + pInfo->img.delta_pic_order_cnt_bottom;
pInfo->img.ThisPOC = pInfo->img.framepoc = (pInfo->img.toppoc < pInfo->img.bottompoc)? pInfo->img.toppoc : pInfo->img.bottompoc; // POC200301
else if (pInfo->img.bottom_field_flag==0)
{ //top field
pInfo->img.ThisPOC= pInfo->img.toppoc = pInfo->img.CurrPicOrderCntMsb + pInfo->img.pic_order_cnt_lsb;
{ //bottom field
pInfo->img.ThisPOC= pInfo->img.bottompoc = pInfo->img.CurrPicOrderCntMsb + pInfo->img.pic_order_cnt_lsb;
if ( pInfo->img.frame_num != pInfo->old_slice.frame_num)
pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNum = pInfo->img.frame_num;
pInfo->img.PrevPicOrderCntLsb = pInfo->img.pic_order_cnt_lsb;
pInfo->img.PicOrderCntMsb = pInfo->img.CurrPicOrderCntMsb;
case 1: {
delta_pic_order_count[0] = 0;
delta_pic_order_count[1] = 0;
delta_pic_order_count[0] = ( pInfo->img.delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag ) ? 0 : pInfo->img.delta_pic_order_cnt[0];
delta_pic_order_count[1] = ( pInfo->img.delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag ) ? 0 :
( (!pInfo->active_PPS.pic_order_present_flag) && (!(pInfo->img.field_pic_flag))) ? 0 :
// this if branch should not be taken during processing of a gap_in_frame_num pic since
// an IDR picture cannot produce non-existent frames...
pInfo->img.FrameNumOffset = 0;
if (actual_frame_num < pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNum)
pInfo->img.FrameNumOffset = pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNumOffset + MaxFrameNum;
pInfo->img.FrameNumOffset = pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNumOffset;
// pInfo->img.num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle set from SPS
// so constant between existent and non-existent frames
if (pInfo->img.num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle)
AbsFrameNum = pInfo->img.FrameNumOffset + actual_frame_num;
AbsFrameNum = 0;
// pInfo->img.disposable_flag should never be true for a non-existent frame since these are always
// references...
if ((pInfo->SliceHeader.nal_ref_idc == 0) && (AbsFrameNum > 0)) AbsFrameNum = AbsFrameNum - 1;
// 3rd
ExpectedDeltaPerPicOrderCntCycle = pInfo->active_SPS.expectedDeltaPerPOCCycle;
if (AbsFrameNum)
// Rem: pInfo->img.num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle takes max value of 255 (8 bit)
// Frame NUm may be 2^16 (17 bits)
// I guess we really have to treat AbsFrameNum as a 32 bit number
uint32_t temp = 0;
int32_t i=0;
int32_t offset_for_ref_frame[MAX_NUM_REF_FRAMES_IN_PIC_ORDER_CNT_CYCLE];
if (pInfo->img.num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle)
PicOrderCntCycleCnt = ldiv_mod_u((uint32_t)(AbsFrameNum-1), (uint32_t)pInfo->img.num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle, &temp);
ExpectedPicOrderCnt = mult_u((uint32_t)PicOrderCntCycleCnt, (uint32_t)ExpectedDeltaPerPicOrderCntCycle);
FrameNumInPicOrderCntCycle = temp;
//ExpectedPicOrderCnt +=pInfo->active_SPS.expectedDeltaPerPOCCycle;
#ifndef USER_MODE
h264_Parse_Copy_Offset_Ref_Frames_From_DDR(pInfo, offset_for_ref_frame, pInfo->active_SPS.seq_parameter_set_id);
for (i = 0; i <= FrameNumInPicOrderCntCycle; i++)
ExpectedPicOrderCnt += offset_for_ref_frame[i];
for (i = 0; i <= FrameNumInPicOrderCntCycle; i++)
ExpectedPicOrderCnt += pInfo->active_SPS.offset_for_ref_frame[i];
else {
ExpectedPicOrderCnt = 0;
if (pInfo->SliceHeader.nal_ref_idc == 0)
ExpectedPicOrderCnt += pInfo->img.offset_for_non_ref_pic;
if (!(pInfo->img.field_pic_flag))
pInfo->img.toppoc = ExpectedPicOrderCnt + delta_pic_order_count[0];
pInfo->img.bottompoc = pInfo->img.toppoc + pInfo->img.offset_for_top_to_bottom_field + delta_pic_order_count[1];
pInfo->img.framepoc = (pInfo->img.toppoc < pInfo->img.bottompoc)? pInfo->img.toppoc : pInfo->img.bottompoc;
pInfo->img.ThisPOC = pInfo->img.framepoc;
else if (!(pInfo->img.bottom_field_flag))
//top field
pInfo->img.toppoc = ExpectedPicOrderCnt + delta_pic_order_count[0];
pInfo->img.ThisPOC = pInfo->img.toppoc;
pInfo->img.bottompoc = 0;
//bottom field
pInfo->img.toppoc = 0;
pInfo->img.bottompoc = ExpectedPicOrderCnt + pInfo->img.offset_for_top_to_bottom_field + delta_pic_order_count[0];
pInfo->img.ThisPOC = pInfo->img.bottompoc;
case 2: { // POC MODE 2
if (pInfo->SliceHeader.idr_flag)
pInfo->img.FrameNumOffset = 0;
pInfo->img.framepoc = 0;
pInfo->img.toppoc = 0;
pInfo->img.bottompoc = 0;
pInfo->img.ThisPOC = 0;
if (pInfo->img.last_has_mmco_5)
pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNum = 0;
pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNumOffset = 0;
if (actual_frame_num < pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNum)
pInfo->img.FrameNumOffset = pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNumOffset + MaxFrameNum;
pInfo->img.FrameNumOffset = pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNumOffset;
AbsFrameNum = pInfo->img.FrameNumOffset + actual_frame_num;
if (pInfo->SliceHeader.nal_ref_idc == 0) pInfo->img.ThisPOC = (AbsFrameNum<<1) - 1;
else pInfo->img.ThisPOC = (AbsFrameNum<<1);
if (!(pInfo->img.field_pic_flag))
pInfo->img.toppoc = pInfo->img.ThisPOC;
pInfo->img.bottompoc = pInfo->img.ThisPOC;
pInfo->img.framepoc = pInfo->img.ThisPOC;
else if (!(pInfo->img.bottom_field_flag))
pInfo->img.toppoc = pInfo->img.ThisPOC;
pInfo->img.framepoc = pInfo->img.ThisPOC;
pInfo->img.bottompoc = pInfo->img.ThisPOC;
pInfo->img.framepoc = pInfo->img.ThisPOC;
pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNum = pInfo->img.frame_num;
pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNumOffset = pInfo->img.FrameNumOffset;
} //// End of decoding_POC
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// h264_hdr_post_poc ()
void h264_hdr_post_poc(h264_Info* pInfo, int32_t NonExisting, int32_t frame_num, int32_t use_old)
int32_t actual_frame_num = (NonExisting)? frame_num :
(use_old)? pInfo->old_slice.frame_num :
int32_t disposable_flag = (use_old)?(pInfo->old_slice.nal_ref_idc == 0) :
(pInfo->SliceHeader.nal_ref_idc == 0);
case 0: {
pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNum = actual_frame_num;
if ((disposable_flag == 0) && (NonExisting == 0))
pInfo->img.PrevPicOrderCntLsb = (use_old)? pInfo->old_slice.pic_order_cnt_lsb :
pInfo->img.PicOrderCntMsb = pInfo->img.CurrPicOrderCntMsb;
case 1: {
pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNum = actual_frame_num;
pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNumOffset = pInfo->img.FrameNumOffset;
case 2: {
pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNum = actual_frame_num;
pInfo->img.PreviousFrameNumOffset = pInfo->img.FrameNumOffset;
default: {
} ///// End of h264_hdr_post_poc