blob: 768cf265855ed3261d07f81b4421d75954201414 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <android/hardware/graphics/mapper/2.0/IMapper.h>
#include <android/hardware/graphics/mapper/3.0/IMapper.h>
#include <android/hardware/graphics/mapper/4.0/IMapper.h>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <vector>
#include "camera_buffer_allocator_hwl.h"
#include "camera_device_session_hwl.h"
#include "capture_session.h"
#include "capture_session_utils.h"
#include "hal_camera_metadata.h"
#include "hal_types.h"
#include "hwl_types.h"
#include "pending_requests_tracker.h"
#include "stream_buffer_cache_manager.h"
#include "thermal_types.h"
#include "zoom_ratio_mapper.h"
namespace android {
namespace google_camera_hal {
// Defines callbacks to be invoked by a CameraDeviceSession.
struct CameraDeviceSessionCallback {
// Callback to notify when a camera device produces a capture result.
ProcessCaptureResultFunc process_capture_result;
// Callback to notify shutters or errors.
NotifyFunc notify;
// Callback to request stream buffers.
RequestStreamBuffersFunc request_stream_buffers;
// Callback to return stream buffers.
ReturnStreamBuffersFunc return_stream_buffers;
// Defines callbacks to get thermal information.
struct ThermalCallback {
// Register a thermal changed callback.
RegisterThermalChangedCallbackFunc register_thermal_changed_callback;
// Unregister the thermal changed callback.
UnregisterThermalChangedCallbackFunc unregister_thermal_changed_callback;
// Entry point for getting an external capture session.
using GetCaptureSessionFactoryFunc = ExternalCaptureSessionFactory* (*)();
// CameraDeviceSession implements functions needed for the HIDL camera device
// session interface, ICameraDeviceSession. It contains the methods to configure
// and request captures from an active camera device.
class CameraDeviceSession {
// Create a CameraDeviceSession.
// device_session_hwl is a CameraDeviceSessionHwl that will be managed by this
// class.
// If device_session_hwl is nullptr, this method will return nullptr.
// camera_allocator_hwl is owned by the caller and must be valid during the
// lifetime of CameraDeviceSession
static std::unique_ptr<CameraDeviceSession> Create(
std::unique_ptr<CameraDeviceSessionHwl> device_session_hwl,
std::vector<GetCaptureSessionFactoryFunc> external_session_factory_entries,
CameraBufferAllocatorHwl* camera_allocator_hwl = nullptr);
virtual ~CameraDeviceSession();
// Set session callbacks
// Must be called before ConfigureStreams().
// session_callback will be invoked for capture results and messages.
// thermal_callback will be invoked for getting thermal information.
void SetSessionCallback(const CameraDeviceSessionCallback& session_callback,
const ThermalCallback& thermal_callback);
// Construct the default request settings for a request template type.
status_t ConstructDefaultRequestSettings(
RequestTemplate type,
std::unique_ptr<HalCameraMetadata>* default_settings);
// Configure streams.
// stream_config is the requested stream configuration.
// hal_configured_streams is filled by this method with configured stream.
status_t ConfigureStreams(const StreamConfiguration& stream_config,
std::vector<HalStream>* hal_configured_streams);
// Process a capture request.
// num_processed_requests is filled by this method with the number of
// processed requests.
status_t ProcessCaptureRequest(const std::vector<CaptureRequest>& requests,
uint32_t* num_processed_requests);
// Remove the buffer caches kept in the camera device session.
void RemoveBufferCache(const std::vector<BufferCache>& buffer_caches);
// Flush all pending requests.
status_t Flush();
// Check reconfiguration is required or not
// old_session is old session parameter
// new_session is new session parameter
// If reconfiguration is required, set reconfiguration_required to true
// If reconfiguration is not required, set reconfiguration_required to false
status_t IsReconfigurationRequired(const HalCameraMetadata* old_session,
const HalCameraMetadata* new_session,
bool* reconfiguration_required);
std::unique_ptr<google::camera_common::Profiler> GetProfiler(uint32_t camere_id,
int option);
CameraDeviceSession() = default;
// Define buffer cache hashing in order to use BufferCache as a key of an
// unordered map.
struct BufferCacheHashing {
unsigned long operator()(const BufferCache& buffer_cache) const {
std::string s = "s" + std::to_string(buffer_cache.stream_id) + "b" +
return std::hash<std::string>{}(s);
status_t Initialize(
std::unique_ptr<CameraDeviceSessionHwl> device_session_hwl,
CameraBufferAllocatorHwl* camera_allocator_hwl,
std::vector<GetCaptureSessionFactoryFunc> external_session_factory_entries);
// Initialize the latest available gralloc buffer mapper.
status_t InitializeBufferMapper();
// Initialize callbacks from HWL and callbacks to the client.
void InitializeCallbacks();
// Initialize buffer management support.
status_t InitializeBufferManagement(HalCameraMetadata* characteristics);
// Update all buffer handles in buffers with the imported buffer handles.
// Must be protected by imported_buffer_handle_map_lock_.
status_t UpdateBufferHandlesLocked(std::vector<StreamBuffer>* buffers);
// Import the buffer handles in the request.
status_t ImportRequestBufferHandles(const CaptureRequest& request);
// Import the buffer handles of buffers.
status_t ImportBufferHandles(const std::vector<StreamBuffer>& buffers);
// Import the buffer handle of a buffer.
// Must be protected by imported_buffer_handle_map_lock_.
template <class T, class U>
status_t ImportBufferHandleLocked(const sp<T> buffer_mapper,
const StreamBuffer& buffer);
// Create a request with updated buffer handles and modified settings.
// Must be protected by session_lock_.
status_t CreateCaptureRequestLocked(const CaptureRequest& request,
CaptureRequest* updated_request);
// Add a buffer handle to the imported buffer handle map. If the buffer cache
// is already in the map but the buffer handle doesn't match, it will
// return BAD_VALUE.
// Must be protected by imported_buffer_handle_map_lock_.
status_t AddImportedBufferHandlesLocked(const BufferCache& buffer_cache,
buffer_handle_t buffer_handle);
// Return if the buffer handle for a certain buffer ID is imported.
// Must be protected by imported_buffer_handle_map_lock_.
bool IsBufferImportedLocked(int32_t stream_id, uint32_t buffer_id);
// Free all imported buffer handles belonging to the stream id.
// Must be protected by imported_buffer_handle_map_lock_.
template <class T>
void FreeBufferHandlesLocked(const sp<T> buffer_mapper, int32_t stream_id);
template <class T>
void FreeImportedBufferHandles(const sp<T> buffer_mapper);
// Clean up stale streams with new stream configuration.
// Must be protected by session_lock_.
void CleanupStaleStreamsLocked(const std::vector<Stream>& new_streams);
// Append output intent to request settings.
// Must be protected by session_lock_.
void AppendOutputIntentToSettingsLocked(const CaptureRequest& request,
CaptureRequest* updated_request);
// Invoked by HWL to request stream buffers when buffer management is
// supported.
status_t RequestStreamBuffers(int32_t stream_id, uint32_t num_buffers,
std::vector<StreamBuffer>* buffers,
StreamBufferRequestError* request_status);
// Invoked by HWL to return stream buffers when buffer management is
// supported.
void ReturnStreamBuffers(const std::vector<StreamBuffer>& buffers);
// Update imported buffer handle map for the requested buffers and update
// the buffer handle in requested buffers.
status_t UpdateRequestedBufferHandles(std::vector<StreamBuffer>* buffers);
// Request buffers from stream buffer cache manager
status_t RequestBuffersFromStreamBufferCacheManager(
int32_t stream_id, uint32_t num_buffers,
std::vector<StreamBuffer>* buffers, uint32_t frame_number);
// Register configured streams into stream buffer cache manager
status_t RegisterStreamsIntoCacheManagerLocked(
const StreamConfiguration& stream_config,
const std::vector<HalStream>& hal_stream);
// Update the inflight requests/streams and notify SBC for flushing if the
// inflight requests/streams map is empty.
status_t UpdatePendingRequest(CaptureResult* result);
// Process the notification returned from the HWL
void Notify(const NotifyMessage& result);
// Process the capture result returned from the HWL
void ProcessCaptureResult(std::unique_ptr<CaptureResult> result);
// Notify error message with error code for stream of frame[frame_number].
// Caller is responsible to make sure this function is called only once for any frame.
void NotifyErrorMessage(uint32_t frame_number, int32_t stream_id,
ErrorCode error_code);
// Notify buffer error for all output streams in request
void NotifyBufferError(const CaptureRequest& request);
// Notify buffer error for stream_id in frame_number
void NotifyBufferError(uint32_t frame_number, int32_t stream_id,
uint64_t buffer_id);
// Try to check if result contains dummy buffer or dummy buffer from this
// result has been observed. If so, handle this result specifically. Set
// result_handled as true.
status_t TryHandleDummyResult(CaptureResult* result, bool* result_handled);
// Check if all streams in the current session are active in SBC manager
status_t HandleInactiveStreams(const CaptureRequest& request,
bool* all_active);
// Check the capture request before sending it to HWL. Only needed when HAL
// Buffer Management is supported. The SBC manager determines if it is
// necessasry to process the request still by checking if all streams are
// still active for buffer requests.
void CheckRequestForStreamBufferCacheManager(const CaptureRequest& request,
bool* need_to_process);
// Return true if a request is valid. Must be exclusively protected by
// session_lock_.
status_t ValidateRequestLocked(const CaptureRequest& request);
// Invoked when thermal status changes.
void NotifyThrottling(const Temperature& temperature);
// Unregister thermal callback.
void UnregisterThermalCallback();
// Load HAL external capture session libraries.
status_t LoadExternalCaptureSession(
std::vector<GetCaptureSessionFactoryFunc> external_session_factory_entries);
void InitializeZoomRatioMapper(HalCameraMetadata* characteristics);
// For all the stream ID groups, derive the mapping between all stream IDs
// within that group to one single stream ID for easier tracking.
void DeriveGroupedStreamIdMap();
uint32_t camera_id_ = 0;
std::unique_ptr<CameraDeviceSessionHwl> device_session_hwl_;
// Graphics buffer mapper used to import and free buffers.
sp<android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V2_0::IMapper> buffer_mapper_v2_;
sp<android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::IMapper> buffer_mapper_v3_;
sp<android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V4_0::IMapper> buffer_mapper_v4_;
// Assuming callbacks to framework is thread-safe, the shared mutex is only
// used to protect member variable writing and reading.
std::shared_mutex session_callback_lock_;
// Session callback to the client. Protected by session_callback_lock_
CameraDeviceSessionCallback session_callback_;
// Camera Device Session callback to the camera device session. Protected by
// session_callback_lock_
CameraDeviceSessionCallback camera_device_session_callback_;
// Callback to get thermal information. Protected by session_callback_lock_.
ThermalCallback thermal_callback_;
// Session callback from HWL session. Protected by session_callback_lock_
HwlSessionCallback hwl_session_callback_;
// imported_buffer_handle_map_lock_ protects the following variables as noted.
std::mutex imported_buffer_handle_map_lock_;
// Store the imported buffer handles from camera framework. Protected by
// imported_buffer_handle_map_lock.
std::unordered_map<BufferCache, buffer_handle_t, BufferCacheHashing>
// session_lock_ protects the following variables as noted.
std::mutex session_lock_;
// capture_session_lock_ protects the following variables as noted.
std::shared_mutex capture_session_lock_;
capture_session_; // Protected by capture_session_lock_.
// Map from a stream ID to the configured stream received from frameworks.
// Protected by session_lock_.
std::unordered_map<int32_t, Stream> configured_streams_map_;
// Map from all stream IDs within a stream group to one single stream ID for
// easier request/buffer tracking. For example, if a stream group contains 3
// streams: {1, 2, 3}, The mapping could be {2->1, 3->1}. All requests and
// buffers for stream 2 and stream 3 will be mapped to stream 1 for tracking.
std::unordered_map<int32_t, int32_t> grouped_stream_id_map_;
// Last valid settings in capture request. Must be protected by session_lock_.
std::unique_ptr<HalCameraMetadata> last_request_settings_;
// If thermal status has become >= ThrottlingSeverity::Severe since stream
// configuration.
// Must be protected by session_lock_.
uint8_t thermal_throttling_ = false;
// If device session has notified capture session about thermal throttling.
// Must be protected by session_lock_.
bool thermal_throttling_notified_ = false;
// Predefined wrapper capture session entry points
static std::vector<WrapperCaptureSessionEntryFuncs> kWrapperCaptureSessionEntries;
// Predefined capture session entry points
static std::vector<CaptureSessionEntryFuncs> kCaptureSessionEntries;
// External capture session entry points
std::vector<ExternalCaptureSessionFactory*> external_capture_session_entries_;
// Opened library handles that should be closed on destruction
std::vector<void*> external_capture_session_lib_handles_;
// hwl allocator
CameraBufferAllocatorHwl* camera_allocator_hwl_ = nullptr;
// If buffer management API support.
bool buffer_management_supported_ = false;
// Pending requests tracker used when buffer management API is enabled.
// Protected by session_lock_.
std::unique_ptr<PendingRequestsTracker> pending_requests_tracker_;
// Stream buffer cache manager supports the HAL Buffer Management by caching
// buffers acquired from framework
std::unique_ptr<StreamBufferCacheManager> stream_buffer_cache_manager_;
// If we receives valid settings since stream configuration.
// Protected by session_lock_.
bool has_valid_settings_ = false;
// If the previous output intent had a stream with video encoder usage.
bool prev_output_intent_has_video_ = false;
// request_record_lock_ protects the following variables as noted
std::mutex request_record_lock_;
// Map from frame number to a set of stream ids, which exist in
// request[frame number]
// Protected by request_record_lock_;
std::map<uint32_t, std::set<int32_t>> pending_request_streams_;
// Set of requests that have been notified for ERROR_REQUEST during buffer
// request stage.
// Protected by request_record_lock_;
std::set<uint32_t> error_notified_requests_;
// Set of dummy buffer observed
std::set<buffer_handle_t> dummy_buffer_observed_;
// The last shutter timestamp in nanoseconds if systrace is enabled. Reset
// after stream configuration.
int64_t last_timestamp_ns_for_trace_ = 0;
// Operation mode of stream configuration
StreamConfigurationMode operation_mode_ = StreamConfigurationMode::kNormal;
// Whether this stream configuration is a multi-res reprocessing configuration
bool multi_res_reprocess_ = false;
// Flush is running or not
std::atomic<bool> is_flushing_ = false;
// Zoom ratio mapper
ZoomRatioMapper zoom_ratio_mapper_;
// Record the result metadata of pending request
// Protected by request_record_lock_;
std::set<uint32_t> pending_results_;
// Record the shutters need to ignore for error result case
// Protected by request_record_lock_;
std::set<uint32_t> ignore_shutters_;
// Stream use cases supported by this camera device
std::set<int64_t> stream_use_cases_;
static constexpr int32_t kInvalidStreamId = -1;
// Whether measure the time of buffer allocation
bool measure_buffer_allocation_time_ = false;
} // namespace google_camera_hal
} // namespace android