am 39781a2a: (-s ours) Reset the state of lmp-mr1-dev-plus-aosp to match lmp-dev-plus-aosp
am: 977fa9efe1

* commit '977fa9efe1fb36dfb389f21211d483a4d40e1e7c':
  Webview: Remove dexpreopt flag
  Remove WebView DRP Setting from Developer Settings
  Suport initializing DRP from cmd line switches.
  Wrap all of the WebView Contexts
  WebView does not require a touch screen.
  Update WebView manifest to target/minSDK 21.
  Fix resource rewriting in apps with other shared libs.
  Use drawables instead of mipmap for WebView icon.
  WebViewChromiumFactoryProvider should import ResourceExtractor fromorg.chromium.base
  Update some content classes to content_public
  Don't declare WebView as a library.
tree: 71699c7e54d90a119df4039851804ffc096bf570
  1. chromium/
  2. nullwebview/