blob: b40203919c846596f4d8bbd8f33a144e695c43c2 [file] [log] [blame]
This is an (almost) empty test, it serves as a prototype to create new UI
Automator tests that can be compiled inside the Android build tree. The single
test case included performs a key press, and send out some information about
the test device.
Steps to run this test:
* have a fully built Android source tree
* build the test:
mmm frameworks/testing/uiautomator/samples/SkeletonTest
* deploy the test:
adb push ${OUT}/data/local/tmp/uiautomator.skeletontest.jar /data/local/tmp/
* run the test:
adb shell uiautomator runtest uiautomator.skeletontest.jar \
-e class
Steps to create new tests off it:
* cp -r frameworks/testing/uiautomator/samples/SkeletonTest /new/location
* modify, replace LOCAL_MODULE_NAME, change LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS if
necessary, add new dependecies if needed